Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 229 Qiu Chi, Gongsun Zhi.

Chapter 229 Qiu Qianchi, Gongsun Zhi.

"Little sister, are you okay?"

After arriving at Qiu Qianchi's side, Qiu Qianzhang became concerned about her safety.

"Brother, I'm fine!"

Seeing that the person actually let Qiu Qianzhang go, Qiu Qianchi showed doubts in his eyes, but he still patiently explained to Qiu Qianzhang.

"It's okay!"

Seeing Qiu Qianchi's calm tone, Qiu Qianzhang finally let go of his worries.

He was used to cheating and kidnapping, and secretly he colluded with the Jin people to betray their ancestors and become a traitor, but he was extremely caring towards his sister.

"Why did you come here today?"

And after Qiu Qianchi saw that the visitor took the initiative to release his eldest brother, his tone rarely softened.

It's true that she has a hot temper, but she understands that form is stronger than people.

The person who came just now was clearly superior to her in martial arts. If he really came with evil intentions, he could capture her alive as long as he continued to attack.

Murong Fu said calmly: "Miss Qiu, to be honest, I am here today for your brother Qiu Qianren!"

"For my second brother?"

Hearing this, Qiu Qianchi couldn't help but his expression changed slightly.

She was already smart and had nothing to do with these people, so she just made some assumptions in her mind.

Now Murong Fu's answer just verified her guess.

"Miss Qiu, if you are worried that I will use your two brothers and sisters as blackmail, you can rest assured now!"

Murong Fu could tell Qiu Qianchi's thoughts with just one glance.

When Qiu Qianchi heard this, he said coldly: "Yes or no, we don't know yet!"

His words were full of wariness and suspicion towards Murong Fu.

And there is indeed a reason for her suspicion...

At that time, the Iron Palm Gang was just an ordinary gang, and it was not even considered a top gang in the western Hunan area.

But since the old gang leader Shangguan Jiannan and his brothers joined in, he worked hard to rectify the situation and did more chivalrous things. The heroes and loyal people between the two lakes heard the news and returned.

However, in a few years, it has become more and more popular, and the gang leader Tie Zhang's floating reputation has shocked the world. In the world, it has become the largest gang in the south of the Yangtze River that competes with the beggar gang in the north.

However, Shangguan Jian was originally Han Shizhong's general. However, because Yue Fei was killed after Qin Hui came to power, Han Shizhong was stripped of his military power and resigned from his post.

Most of his officers and soldiers were also disarmed and returned to their fields. Shangguan Jiannan was resentful of the treacherous ministers in power, so he led a group of brothers to live in the Jingxiang area, and finally joined the Iron Palm Gang.

But Shangguan Jiannan always had loyalty in his heart. Although he was in the wilderness, he never forgot about defending his country, killing enemies and restoring his homeland. He often sent his subordinates to Lin'an, Bianliang and other places to find out information, waiting for the opportunity.

However, little did they know that the Southern Song Dynasty court was too afraid of the Jin people. Instead of rewarding the Iron Palm Gang's righteous men, they feared that they would offend the Jin people after hearing the news, so they sent troops to encircle and suppress them.

After all, the Iron Palm Gang had a small number of people and was weak, so the stronghold was finally broken. Shangguan Jiannan was seriously injured and died on Tiezhang Peak.

After that, the position of leader of the Iron Palm gang fell into the hands of Qiu Qianzhang. Not only did he have amazing martial arts skills, he was also extremely talented. In just a few years, he reorganized the gang that had been hit hard and prospered. Since the "Iron Palm Annihilated Hengshan" After defeating the Hengshan faction in one battle, the Iron Palm Gang became a powerful force in Hunan and Hunan.

After decades of development, the Iron Palm Gang has still become another behemoth in the southern martial arts world. It is vaguely known as the three major gangs in the world along with the Beggar Clan and the Quanzhen Sect in the north.

Knowing the power of the Iron Palm Gang and the past events of that year, it was not surprising that Qiu Qianchi was wary.

Although Murong Fu had released her brother, she still suspected that he wanted to use the two of them for unknown purposes.

"That's all, just take a look at this!"

Seeing that Qiu Qianchi was still so wary, Murong Fu just shook his head slightly, then opened his right hand and took a breath, and saw the love flower blooming on the branch suddenly flew into his palm.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Qianchi's brother and sister's expressions immediately changed.

Both of their brothers studied under famous families, and there is no doubt about their vision and knowledge.

But even for his second brother, whose palm strength could only reach ten feet, if he could grab Murong Fu from a distance like that, he could suck the love from ten feet away into his palm.

Even her second brother would have difficulty achieving such skill!

Before Qiu Qianchi's expression recovered, the love flower in Murong Fu's palm was suddenly covered with ice crystals. It was obviously summer, so how could the love flower suddenly freeze and become covered with frost.

The next moment, this love flower covered with ice crystals suddenly melted again in front of their brothers and sisters.

I could see its delicate petals, and there were even water droplets on the branches and leaves, as if they were dazzled by the scene just now.

Now this is an unbelievable scene. The two brothers and sisters Qiu Qianchi have not seen it in their lives, and they have never even heard of it.

Qiu Qianchi's eyes flashed with concentration. Her martial arts was far superior to Qiu Qianchi's, so she could naturally see how powerful Murong Fu's method was.

Qiu Qianzhang, the boss with a big mouth, had a look of disbelief on his face. He had seen Murong Fu and Huang Yaoshi fighting in Lujiazhuang, but he had never thought that his martial arts could reach such a high level. It was so outrageous that it was hard to believe. Believe it!

"Miss Qiu, should you believe what I say now?"

Seeing Qiu Qianchi suddenly become silent, Murong Fu asked with a slight smile.

Hearing this, Qiu Qianchi looked at Murong Fu carefully for a long time, and finally said slowly: "Your martial arts are so high, even if you look around the world, I'm afraid there is no one who can match you. I don't know why you came to us brothers and sisters today." Why do you ask?"

Murong Fu said: "I told you, I am here for your brother Qiu Qianren!"

"With your martial arts skills, you can go directly to find my second brother. I don't know why you are looking for our sisters instead of being close and looking far away?"

Staring at Murong Fu's expression, Qiu Qianchi said slowly.

Murong Fu said: "Without him, I just want your brother to be wise and help me!"

Qiu Qianren's martial arts skills are superb, but his own cultivation level is only a hair's breadth away from the five masters of the past.

But you can imagine how difficult it is to get him to be convinced and serve under him.

Although Murong Fu had the Talisman of Life and Death in his hand, even if Qiu Qianren was reluctant, he had to obey his orders once he was driven by the Talisman of Life and Death.

It's okay for Qiu Qianren to obey his orders, but soon he will open the Void Stone Gate, and leaving him in Murong Bo's hands may not be so honest.

In this way, it does not mean that Qiu Qianren's martial arts skills are so superb that no one can control him once Murong Fu leaves.

Murong Bo's martial arts alone could easily defeat him, but after all, Murong Bo was old and his energy was far less than before.

Moreover, due to his intense practice of various Shaolin stunts, his internal energy was disturbed and he was in danger of going crazy!
  Although Murong Fu personally helped him regulate his inner energy after returning from Shaolin Temple, he only roughly unblocked his meridians and inner energy.

It would be fine if Murong Bo did not use Shaolin's special skills in the future. As time goes by, this hidden danger will gradually dissipate.

But once it is used, the old disease will relapse.

This is of course not to say that Murong Fu was helpless, but considering that Murong Bo was already in great power, some methods to solve hidden dangers could not be used on him.

The reason why Murong Fu chose this more tortuous method was because of this. Otherwise, according to his temper, he would have killed the Iron Palm Gang and forced Qiu Qianren to use the Talisman of Life and Death.

Just because he couldn't stay here for a long time, Murong Fu wanted to conquer Qiu Qianren completely.

Although he had earlier rejected Hong Qigong's so-called help from the Beggar Gang, he now had urgent needs for the Iron Palm Gang.

As for why Murong Fu chose to cooperate with the Iron Palm Gang and rejected the Beggar Gang, it was because after Jianyan's southern migration, the Southern Song Dynasty lost the large granary in the Central Plains, and it was naturally unable to support the whole country solely in the south of the Yangtze River.

With the migration of the population, the already prosperous area of ​​the two lakes naturally became the granary of the small court of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Nowadays, the north is suffering from successive droughts, locust plagues, and the diversion of the Yellow River. Therefore, the food problem has become the biggest problem at the moment. If you want to purchase grain transportation from Lianghu Yidai, you must have the help of the Iron Palm Gang. Although Lu Chengfeng and his son have some influence in the Taihu Lake area, they are still far less powerful than the Iron Palm Gang.

Only then would Murong Fu use such a seemingly tortuous method...

Of course, why he came to Jueqing Valley was naturally related to Murong Fu’s desire to witness the wonders of love flowers!
  "Let my second brother be willing?"

Hearing this, Qiu Qianren's eyes looked strange.

Of course she knows her second brother's temper best.

Her second brother, whether he was headstrong or determined to have his own way, she had never seen him take the initiative to bow to anyone since she could remember.

"The Mongols defeated the Jin people, and the Jin Kingdom is in danger. The Lin'an court will soon face the Mongolian army. For this, I need your brother's help!"

Murong Fu didn't mind Qiu Qianchi's strange look at all and explained in a calm tone.

"Are you working for the imperial court?"

Upon hearing this, Qiu Qianchi's eyes became sharp.

"You guessed it wrong. I have nothing to do with the small imperial court in Lin'an. It was just to prepare for the Mongols to move south in the future that I unified the green forests in Shandong and established a righteous flag to prepare for the Mongols to move south in the future! "

Understanding Qiu Qianchi's hostility towards the Southern Song Dynasty court, Murong Fu slowly explained.

"Beware of Mongolia?"

Qiu Qianchi had a strange look in her eyes. She had been walking around in the world all year round, but she had never heard of anyone using this as an excuse.

"Yes, be prepared for Mongolia to go south!"

Murong Fu's tone was calm.

What he said did contain selfish motives, but it was also intended to prevent Mongolia from going south.

When Qiu Qianchi saw Murong Fu's sincere expression, he didn't seem to be faking it, and his expression changed for a moment.

When the old gang leader Shangguan Jiannan passed away, she was still young, so naturally she had never met him in person, but as far back as she could remember, she had heard her second brother talk about the past.

When talking about the character of the old gang leader, the second brother, who was rarely convinced by others, showed admiration many times.

Now that Qiu Qianchi thought of this matter, a complex look flashed in his eyes.

As Qiu Qianren's younger sister, she was accustomed to the intrigues and deceptions in the arena, fighting each other for fame and fortune. In the end, even her brother could not solve the problem.

Now, someone suddenly spoke loudly in front of her, talking about the so-called righteousness of family and country. She found it funny at first, but seeing that Murong Fu didn't look fake, her heart became complicated.


Just as Qiu Qianchi was feeling this, he suddenly heard a hurried male voice in the distance. The next moment, he saw a man in his twenties leading a group of men in Tsing Yi hurriedly towards the place.

He had a handsome face, a smart manner, and a slight mustache on his upper lip and chin. He had a good appearance. No wonder Qiu Qianchi fell in love with him.

"Is he Gongsun Zhi?"

Looking at the young man who had attracted the crowd, Murong Fu frowned slightly.

This Gongsun Zhi can be called the most sanctimonious, ruthless and cruel perverted villain in The Legend of the Condor Heroes. Compared with him, Ouyang Ke and Yang Kang are as pure as saints.

"Have you met Brother Zhi?"

Hearing this, Qiu Qianchi looked at Murong Fu with surprise, apparently not expecting that he actually knew Gongsun Zhi's name.

"Lianmei, are you okay?"

Seeing that Qiu Qianchi's face was slightly pale, Gongsun Zhi first looked at Qiu Qianchi with concern for a moment, and then looked at Murong Fu and his entourage with alert eyes.

Especially when he saw Murong Fu's outstanding appearance and even his appearance, he couldn't help but feel suspicious in his heart, and he subconsciously grabbed Qiu Qianchi's hand.

"I'm Gongsun Zhi, what would you call me?"

Gongsun Zhi just bowed like this, and he looked like he was holding a high position. It was obvious that he came from a famous family.

From a distance, this person appears to be an immortal, humble and courteous person, but it is hard to tell that he is actually a sinister, ruthless and ruthless hypocrite on the inside.

When Murong Fu heard this, he just looked at him lightly, and then said: "I heard that there are two swords in your valley, named 'Gentleman's Sword' and 'Lady's Sword'?"

When Gongsun Zhi heard this, he was startled for a moment. As a descendant of this generation of Jueqing Valley, he naturally understood the treasures in his valley.

This pair of "gentleman's sword" and "lady's sword" are one of the few precious treasures. For this reason, they are hidden in the sword room of Narcissus Villa in the valley.

Only he and Qiu Qianchi knew about this matter, and no one else in the valley knew about it. Now that he was called out to reveal the secrets in the valley, he was suddenly panicked and began to suspect others.

"How did you learn about the secrets in my valley?"

When Gongsun Zhi heard this, he said with caution.

He didn't know Murong Fu's origin at the moment, but he saw that his clothes were made of extraordinary materials, his appearance and temperament were of superior quality, and he was accompanied by a beautiful maid, so he subconsciously thought of him as a rich man.

Murong Fu did not answer, but asked instead: "The gentleman's sword and the lady's sword, these pair of swords are supposed to belong to the virtuous, how can they be left in your valley and continue to be covered in dust?"

Hearing Murong Fu's words, Gongsun Zhi instinctively felt angry, but for some reason, when he met Murong Fu's eyes, he suddenly felt in a trance.

"I wonder if Valley Master Gongsun is willing to give up his love and give these two swords to each other?"

Looking at Gongsun Zhi who was in a trance, Murong Fu smiled slightly.

"This is easy to say..."

He clearly regarded the pair of swords as treasures, but when he suddenly heard Murong Fu speak, Gongsun Zhi weirdly nodded in agreement, then looked at the servants beside him with dull eyes and ordered: "You guys go to the sword room of Narcissus Villa in the valley, and treasure it for me." Bring me the sword!"

When Qiu Qianchi saw this, he realized something was wrong and immediately grabbed Gongsun Zhi's arm and said hurriedly: "Brother Zhi, what's wrong with you?"

However, even in the face of the close reminder of concern, Gongsun Zhi was still in a trance, standing sluggishly aside, completely motionless.

Yes, just now Murong Fu used the Demon Cult's "Heart-Seducing Technique" on him, so he was easily captured.

Unless Murong Fu takes the initiative to untie it, it will take at least tomorrow until Gongsun Zhi wakes up.

"What on earth did you do?"

Supporting Gongsun Zhi who was in a daze, Qiu Qianchi's silver teeth bit secretly.

"Without him, I just want Gongsun Valley Master to take the initiative to cooperate. These sharp weapons should have fallen into the hands of useful people!"

Faced with Qiu Qianchi's question, Murong Fu's answer seemed unusually concise.

"Gentleman's Sword" and "Lady's Sword", the names of this pair of swords sound like they are destined to Murong Fu and his entourage.

As for Gongsun Zhi, who was a sanctimonious man with a poor fortune and few lives, he should not be the owner of these swords at first glance.


When Qiu Qianchi heard this, he couldn't help but feel extremely angry.

If she hadn't known that she was far from Murong Fu's opponent, she would have taken action long ago...

"Miss Qiu, this person looks well-dressed, but in fact he is a sanctimonious hypocrite. Since you have a close relationship with this person, I advise you to be careful to avoid any mishaps in the future!"

Seeing that Qiu Qianchi was extremely angry, Murong Fu changed his tone and started to persuade her.

As soon as these words came out, Qiu Qianchi was even more angry and trembled. Only Qiu Qianzhang looked thoughtfully at his "brother-in-law" beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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