Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 238 Fu Hongxue, Mingyue Xin.

Chapter 238 Fu Hongxue, Mingyue Xin.

A tall building with a window upstairs, a moon in front of the window, and flowers under the moon.

The flower is a rose and the moon is a bright moon.

There was no light, but the moonlight shone in from the window and shone on the roses beside Yan Nanfei.

Not only were there roses beside him, but there was also a man who was stabbed by the roses.

What night is this?

The moon is like water, and people lean on each other.

How many endless lovesickness are there?

How many endless tender feelings are there?


It's late at night and people should be drunk.

Yan Nanfei was not drunk. His eyes were still as clear as the moon, but the expression on his face seemed to have been pricked by roses.

Roses have thorns, but what about the bright moon?

The bright moon has a heart, so the bright moon shines on people.

Her name is Mingyue Xin.

The night is deeper, the moon is clearer, and the people are more beautiful, but the expression on his face is more painful.

She stared at him for a long time, and finally couldn't help but ask softly: "What are you thinking about?"

Yan Nanfei was silent for a long time, and then replied in a low voice: "I'm thinking of people, three people."

Ming Yuexin's voice was gentler, "Among the three people in your life, is one of them me?"

Yan Nanfei said, "No."

His voice was cold as he continued: "None of the three are you!"

The beauty was stabbed again. But he didn't flinch and asked again, "If it's not me, who is it?"

Yan Nanfei said: "One is Fu Hongxue."

Ming Yuexin frowned slightly and said, "Is this the person waiting for you at the Phoenix Collection?"

Yan Nanfei nodded.

Ming Yuexin asked: "Is he your enemy?"

Yan Nanfei suddenly smiled, with an unspeakable sarcasm in his smile, and said, "You will never guess why he is waiting for me at the Phoenix Collection?"

Ming Yue thought: "Why?"

Yan Nanfei said: "He is waiting to kill me."

Ming Yuexin exhaled softly, as if she was also curious about the answer.

Yan Nanfei continued, "But he didn't kill me, and even saved me three times!"

Ming Yuexin sighed softly again and said, "We women will never understand what men like you do."

Yan Nanfei said, "You don't understand in the first place."

Ming Yuexin turned her head, stared at April outside the window, and immediately said: "Then who are the two people you are thinking of?"

The ridicule in Yan Nanfei's eyes turned into something complicated, and he said slowly: "The world only knows the names of Xia Shen Lang, Xiao Li Tanhua, and Ye Kai, but they don't know that there is a person whose martial arts has even surpassed them! "

"Could it be the Gusu Murong family who 'repays others with their own way'?"

Ming Yuexin's eyes lit up for a moment.

"There is no Murong clan from Gusu in the whole world!"

Yan Nanfei sighed.

Whether it's his ranking on the "Celebrity List" or his name as the so-called "Rose Sword", compared with that person, they are like dust in the world and not worth mentioning!

Ming Yuexin paused for a long time and said, "Is there another person?"

Yan Nanfei's eyes turned to show a hint of pain, and he said slowly: "That's the person I want to kill, but unfortunately I also know that I will never be able to kill him on my own!"

Seeing his pain, Ming Yuexin's eyes seemed to dim, and then the bright moon outside the window also became dim.


Outside the window, the sound of rain began to sound like strings, getting closer and louder, and getting denser.

The rain was so heavy and came so quickly that even the roses outside the window were shattered by the raindrops.

Under the opposite corner, there is a man who cannot be broken. No matter what, he cannot be broken. Not only cannot he be broken, but his determination cannot be broken.

Yan Nanfei seemed to have something in his mind and opened the window, and saw this person.

He's still in the rain!

The rain is getting heavier, but he still stands in the rain. His figure is like a mountain, a mountain peak that will never bow its head. No matter the thousands of raindrops, even if they turn into thousands of sharp knives, he will never bow his head. I won't back down even a step.

Yan Nantian smiled bitterly, he could only smile bitterly.

His body moved and he also appeared in the rain.

Feeling the coldness brought by the heavy rain, Yan Nantian stared closely at the figure not far away.

"I suddenly discovered something, you are not a human being, not at all!"

After a long time, Yan Nantian said in a complicated tone.

If a person is not a human being, what is he?

Is it a god, a fairy, or a demon?

Maybe neither.

But what he did happened to go beyond the limits of mortal abilities and the limits of mortal endurance.

But Yan Nanfei has a good explanation: "Even if you are a human being, at best you can only be regarded as a person who is not a human being."

Fu Hongxue smiled, actually laughed.

The fact that a person like him could actually smile was an incredible thing in itself, like a ray of sunshine that suddenly appeared in the dark clouds of the storm.

Yan Nantian looked at Fu Hongxue in front of him, but suddenly sighed and said, "What I didn't expect is that you, a non-human being, can actually laugh."

Fu Hongxue pursed her lips and did not answer directly.

Perhaps he had guessed this result, Yan Nantian said: "Please follow me!"

Fu Hongxue asked: "Where to go?"

Yan Nantian said: "Go to a place where there is no rain, go to a place where there is wine."

There is wine and lights in the small building. On this cold rainy night in spring, it seemed even warmer than Fu Hongxue's smile.

However, Fu Hongxue raised her head and glanced at it, then said coldly: "That's the place you went to, not mine!"

Yan Nantian said: "You don't want to go?"

Fu Hongxue said: "I will never go!"

His answer was extremely decisive, as if the wine in the small building was not to his liking, and even the warm light was like poison through the intestines to him.

Yan Nantian asked: "Why?"

Fu Hongxue said: "Because you are not me, and I am not you!"

——Just because you are not me, you will never know my sadness and pain.

He didn't say this and didn't need to say it.

But Yan Nanfei could already see his pain, and even his face was distorted by pain.

This was just a place for fun, so why did it cause him such intense pain?

Could it be that he also had a painful past in a place like this...

Yan Nantian said: "I know you never drink, and you never look at women."

He continued to stare at Fu Hongxue, and his next words were as sharp as a knife, saying, "Could it be that these two things have hurt your heart?"

Fu Hongxue didn't move or speak, but his right hand holding the long knife was already shaking a little.


The woman who was unforgettable in his heart from beginning to end!

He could never forget the scene when she fell into his arms, and he would never forget it!

Looking at this scene, Yan Nanfei already had the answer in his heart.

Then he shut his mouth.

He no longer wanted to ask anymore and couldn't bear to ask anymore.

At the same time, two figures suddenly flew out from behind the high wall. One fell to the ground with a "pop" and was no longer heard, while the other took the opportunity to use the extremely light skill of "Swallow Three Copies of Water" to fly up. into the other party's tall building.

When Yan Nanfei came out, the window was open and the lights were on.

Under the light, I saw a delicate and light figure flashing before entering through the window.

The person lying on the ground was an old man in black with a goatee.

As soon as he fell down, he was already dead...

When Yan Nanfei saw this, he immediately flew up, flew up the tall building at top speed, and entered through the window.

When he walked through the window and appeared in the small building, Fu Hongxue was already standing in the house.

People in the world only knew that Fu Hongxue was quick with his sword, but they didn't know that he was also very good at light kung fu. At least Yan Nanfei was riding a fast horse along the way, but he couldn't shake Fu Hongxue away.

A lame man has mastered swordsmanship and Qinggong. This is an extremely rare thing in the world.

There was no one in the house, except for a wet footprint. The footprints are also very delicate. The flying swallow-like figure just now was obviously a woman.

Yan Nanfei frowned when he saw this and murmured: "Is it her?" Fu Hongxue asked: "Who is she?"

Yan Nanfei said: "Mingyue Xin!"

Fu Hongxue said coldly: "There is no moon in the sky, and the bright moon has no heart. Where does the bright moon's heart come from?"

Yan Nanfei sighed: "No, you are wrong, and so am I!"

The unintentional one is Qiangwei.

Roses are at the end of the world.

Soon there was a knock on the door outside.

The door was ajar. A little girl with red cheeks and big eyes walked in, holding a food box in her left hand and a jar of unopened wine in her right hand. She stared at Fu Hongxue with her big, flexible eyes. After a long while, he suddenly said: "Are you the distinguished guest our girl mentioned?"

Yan Nanfei didn't understand.

Fu Hongxue doesn't understand either.

But she didn't seem to even bother to look at Fu Hongxue anymore. While she was talking, he turned around to clear the table and rearrange the cups and chopsticks.

The person just now was indeed Mingyue Xin.

The old man in black originally wanted to assassinate Yan Nanfei secretly. She killed the old man without showing up, perhaps because she wanted to lure Fu Hongxue to this small building.

"It seems that her method of treating guests is much better than mine!"

Yan Nanfei sighed.

Fu Hongxue said coldly: "It's a pity that I have never been an honored guest!"

Yan Nanfei said, "Since we're here, let's have a drink together!" '

After saying that, he walked over and patted open the complete sealing mud on the wine jar, and the aroma of old wine immediately hit his nostrils.

"Good wine!"

Yan Nanfei took a sip and immediately couldn't help but praise it.

The young mother-in-law was pouring wine from the jar into the jug, and then from the jug into the wine glass.

Yan Nanfei said: "It seems that not only does she recognize you, she also seems to know very well what kind of person you are."

When the wine glass was filled, he drank it all in one gulp, then turned to face Fu Hongxue and said slowly, "I told you before, the only reason my wish is unfulfilled is because someone is not dead yet."

Perhaps because of drinking, Yan Nanfei once again brought up the secret in his heart.

Fu Hongxue said: "Gong Ziyu?"

Yan Nanfei put down the wine glass with a strange expression. After a long time, he said, "He is a damned person. I want to kill him day and night."

Fu Hongxue was silent. After a long time, she said coldly: "Damn people will die sooner or later. Why do you have to do it yourself?"

Yan Nanfei suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, I heard him say: "Of course what I stand for is justice and fairness!"

Fairness and justice, these two words, would seem too hypocritical in other people's mouths.

But when applied to Yan Nanfei now, it is not out of the ordinary.

Along the way, Fu Hongxue escorted Yan Nanfei and witnessed his behavior and actions with his own eyes, and even vaguely gave him the illusion of meeting Ye Kai.

There are many hypocrites and careerists in the martial arts world, but people like him are also indispensable.

Suddenly he heard a "wave" sound, and the wine glass broke in his hand.

Yan Nanfei's face has turned pale...

Fu Hongxue only glanced at him, then stood up suddenly. A pair of silver chopsticks had been stuffed into his mouth, and at the same time, he tapped eight acupuncture points around his heart.

Yan Nanfei clenched his teeth, but he could not bite the pair of silver chopsticks, so there was still a thread between his teeth.

That's why Fu Hongxue poured a bottle of antidote into his mouth and held his fingers one after another.

When the silver chopsticks were pulled out, the medicine was already in the stomach.

As the adopted son of Hua Baifeng, the eldest princess of the Demon Cult, Fu Hongxue is also good at detoxifying.

He only needed one glance to tell that Yan Nanfei had been poisoned by a strange poison.

The little girl on the side seemed to be frightened and stood there blankly. Fu Hongxue's eyes couldn't help but fall on the wine table.

The wine pot and wine glasses are both made of sterling silver, and the mud seal on the wine jar shows absolutely no trace of being tampered with...

But Yan Nanfei was already poisoned by a strange poison. He was deeply poisoned after just three glasses of wine. So where did the poison in the wine come from?

Fu Hongxue's eyes moved, and the next moment he smashed the wine jar with all his strength. I found a miserable green poisonous nail.

The nail is three inches long, but the wine jar is only more than an inch thick. The sharp nails are driven in from the bottom of the jar. The poison on the nail tip will naturally dissolve in the wine.

Fu Hongxue's eyes were as cold as a knife as he stared at the little girl and said, "Did you bring this jar of wine?"

The little girl's voice was trembling as she said, "Our family's products are all hidden in the cellar downstairs."

Fu Hongxue asked: "Why did you choose this jar of wine?"

The little girl said: "Our girl said that we should use the best wine to entertain distinguished guests, and this jar is the best wine."

Fu Hongxue said: "Where is she?"

Before the little girl could answer, someone had already taken it for her: "Because when I came back just now, my clothes were soaked."

Her voice is nice, her smile is equally beautiful, her attitude is elegant, and her dress is light.

Maybe she can't be called a stunning beauty who has captivated the country, but when she walked in to help her, it was like a late spring night, with a faint moonlight shining through the window, making people feel an indescribable beauty in their hearts. Out of tranquility and happiness.

Her eyes were as gentle as the spring moon, but when she saw the poisonous nail standing in Fu Hongxue's hand, they became sharp.

"Since you can find this nail, you should be able to figure out its origin."

Her voice also became louder: "This is the unique hidden weapon of the Tang family in Sichuan. The old man who died outside was the only scum of the Tang family, Tang Xiang. He..."

However, Fu Hongxue didn't seem to hear what she said at all. He just looked at her dreamily, his pale face suddenly turned red, and his breathing became rapid.

The rain on my face had just dried, and the cold sweat was already rolling down.

Ming Yue's heart began to rise, and she noticed this strange change on his face, and couldn't help but wonder, "Are you also poisoned?"

Fu Hongxue held her hands tightly, but she couldn't help but tremble. Suddenly she turned over, and arrows shot out of the window.

The little girl on the side saw this and said in surprise: "This is really a weirdo!"

Ming Yuexin sighed softly and said: "No, because he is just a sad and pitiful man!"

She seemed to know Fu Hongxue's origins, and even more so the sadness he had experienced. Looking at Fu Hongxue's sudden retreat, her eyes revealed a hint of pity.


Only wind and rain, no lights.

The town in the dark is like a desert.

Fu Hongxue had collapsed and fell beside the gutter of a back alley. His body curled up and twitched, and he kept vomiting.

Maybe he didn't spit out anything, he just spit out the bitterness and sorrow in his heart.

He is indeed sick.

It's epilepsy.

For him, epilepsy is not only an inescapable pain, but also a humiliation.

Whenever his anger and sadness reach the extreme, his illness will attack, and he will hide alone and torture himself in the most cruel ways.

Because he hates himself and why he has this disease.

Sometimes he would rather die than suffer from this disease!

He is a cripple, but he has practiced unparalleled light kung fu, but this epilepsy has kept him from getting rid of it.

It was as if the nightmare from back then was still following him closely.

The cold rain hit him like whips.

His heart was bleeding and his hands were bleeding.

He grabbed a handful of sand, mixed with blood, and stuffed it into his mouth.

He was afraid that he would moan and howl like a wild animal. He would rather bleed than let others see his pain and humiliation.

But in this deserted alley, someone happened to come.

He is also very familiar with that person...

The color of her clothes is always light, as light as the spring moon.

But she looks exactly like a person, a woman who is deeply imprinted in his memory, Cui Nong...

She was supposed to die eighteen years ago, in his arms, but she happened to reappear in front of him under that lonely moonlight.

He would rather let everyone in the world see his ugliness and humiliation at this time, but he did not want to let this person see it.

He struggled to get up, but he was completely powerless and could only roll around in the gutter like a loach, like a gray mouse.

She was sighing, and bowing with her sigh.

He heard her sigh, and he felt a cold hand touch his face.

Suddenly all the pain and humiliation on his body disappeared instantly under the touch of this hand.

(End of this chapter)

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