Chapter 249 Before Despair (Part )

At noon, the sky is full of sunshine.

Fu Hongxue appeared in a teahouse. He had left Zhuo Yuzhen in the care of his friend for the time being according to Yan Nanfei's previous instructions.

And he had rested for a whole day. In order to prepare for the upcoming bloody battle, he soaked in hot water for half an hour to wash away the fatigue and dirt from the past few days.

He had no worries now, it was time to save his friend.

Thinking of the word "friend", the blood in Fu Hongxue's whole body seemed to boil. The scene where Yan Nanfei fought to the death three days ago was still unforgettable to him.

In recent years, he has rarely used a knife because he found that using a knife to solve problems is not necessarily the best way.

But now his mind has changed. So he must regain his strength as soon as possible.

Because he had lost contact with Yan Nanfei for three days, he did not yet know the whereabouts of Yan Nanfei or those people, but he believed that there must be clues left behind.

A small town, a teahouse.

Although he is a woodcutter, his words are very organized.

As if thinking of that figure, the woodcutter's eyes seemed to light up.

Fu Hongxue only wants to know one thing: "What happened to the man with the red sword?"

The woodcutter wiped his sweat and said, "I saw a lot of things that day, but I didn't see them completely clearly."

He didn't say any more and didn't need to, because everyone already knew the ending.

What's more, that man's martial arts skills were extremely high. Yan Nanfei once lost a battle with him at Peacock Villa and lost his arm.

Even though he has told this story many times in the teahouse, people still like to hear him continue.

"The difference between cloud and mud."

He didn't lie about this, because any ordinary person would be frightened to death when they saw this scene...

Fu Hongxue said coldly.

The woodcutter's expression became stiff and he trembled: "What did you say?"

He had already guessed the identity of the person coming.

There is a person who is vividly describing what he saw three days ago.

"It's a pity that someone came here at this time..."

Only when you witness that scene with your own eyes will you understand how terrifying that knife is. The light of the knife just flashed and it split a tall horse into two halves.

As he spoke, a corresponding expression appeared on his face.

Fu Hongxue clenched her hands, her heart sank, and her whole body was cold. It took a long time before she could ask: "Who killed him?"

However, in the past three days, he talked a lot. He always told the same story, and even took the trouble to tell it at least thirty times.

The woodcutter in the teahouse is still talking.

He rarely spoke even after drinking, he was not a talkative person.

The woodcutter said: "He was not going to die. After you left, those people didn't dare to touch his sword, so he found an opportunity to leave. He walked so fast, like a gust of wind. "

He is a woodcutter, twenty-one years old, single. He lives in a small wooden house in the mountains and forests. He only goes down the mountain once a day to exchange dry firewood for salt, rice, fat, meat and wine. Occasionally he will go to the dark houses behind the city gate. Find a cheap woman in an alley.

Every time he spoke, he would start with: "This is absolutely true. I saw it with my own eyes, otherwise I wouldn't believe it."

It seemed that the words that followed were too convoluted and he couldn't remember them for a while.

"He also has a friend with a face that is so white and so proud that he seems to be transparent."

"This person is even more terrifying..."

The dark knife, the light of the knife, the rain of blood like random arrows... '

The woodcutter looked at the man in front of him and seemed to remember the previous scene. He subconsciously felt that his stomach was contracting and twitching again, and he could hardly help but vomit it out.

"I have never seen such a person. The young man who looks like a flower boy is already handsome enough, but compared with that person, he seems..."

The firewood he chopped was always sold to teahouses along the road. His firewood was dry and cheap, so the assistant shopkeeper in the teahouse would always let him have a bowl of tea before leaving. Sometimes he would also spend his own money to drink a pot of wine.

With only one arm left, Yan Nanfei was fighting another life-and-death battle, and he was inevitably exhausted both physically and mentally.

The story begins, naturally, with a knife.

"There was a young man who looked like a handsome young man. The sword he used was bright red, like blood. Anyone who touched his sword would immediately lie down."

Fu Hongxue said: "What happened after I left that day?"

He wanted to run away, but his legs became weak.

"Yes, yes, it's just the difference between clouds and mud. After that person showed up, he killed several people and finally forced the handsome young man to draw his sword..."

The woodcutter's answer made people instantly feel heavy.

Fu Hongxue suddenly stopped. He had already keenly noticed something.

But this time he stopped quickly because he suddenly found this pale man standing in front of him, his eyes staring at him like blades.

Fu Hongxue said coldly: "Go on."

"he died!"

Now that I met him again with only one arm left, the outcome was already doomed in that situation.

Fu Hongxue was silent. Although he looked calm on the outside, in his heart it felt like thousands of troops were charging and trampling him.

The bright moon is still there, but the swallow flies away and never comes back.

Fu Hongxue was silent for a long time before asking: "Where is his body?"

The woodcutter said: "After that man left, the remaining people handed his body to the monks of Tianlong Ancient Temple."

Fu Hongxue asked: "Where is Tianlong Ancient Temple?"

The woodcutter said, "I heard it's at the North Gate, but I've never been there. Very few people have been there."

He grimaced, as if he was about to vomit again, as if he thought of something terrible, and immediately said: "There is only one crazy monk in Tianlong Ancient Temple. It is said that he is not only crazy, but also likes to eat meat, human flesh."


Sunshine, smoke and flame. The road is like a furnace.

Fu Hongxue walked silently on the oven, without shedding a drop of sweat or a tear.

He had nothing but blood to shed.

——When I can ride in a car, I will never walk. I hate walking.

He happened to be the opposite of Yan Nanfei. When he could walk, he would never ride in a car.

He seemed to be deliberately torturing his legs, because these two legs gave him too much inconvenience and pain.

-Sometimes I can even fall asleep while walking.

He suddenly seemed to think of something, and seemed to notice something, and wanted to go back to find the woodcutter.

Because everything the woodcutter said was so smooth that it hardly seemed like a story that could be told by an illiterate person.

It was as if someone was secretly guiding him, guiding him to this place called Tianlong Ancient Temple.

He smelled the smell of conspiracy. He had smelled this smell too many times. He hated and hated this smell the most, so he had to go to the woodcutter to find out.

However, he had long since disappeared from the old teahouse on the street. Under the guidance of the teahouse owner, he came to a dark alley.

The dark, dirty narrow alleys and ditches exude a foul odor, and there are piles of garbage everywhere. Fu Hongxue seemed to have no feeling at all.

His eyes were shining, and the veins on the hand holding the knife were bulging, as if he was very excited, agitated, and in pain.

What seemed to come to mind?

A woman wearing jasmine flowers suddenly appeared from behind a broken vinyl door.

The fragrance of flowers, cheap makeup, and the stench of the alley mixed into a base and sinful temptation.

This smell was very familiar to him.

He once smelled this smell on a beloved woman. That woman's name was Cui Nong, and she died in his arms to protect him.

Perhaps thinking of these painful memories, his body suddenly convulsed, and he clenched the knife in his hand stiffly. He knew what was wrong with him.

"There's a bed inside, it's soft and comfortable, plus me and a basin of hot water, it only costs two cents."

The woman had deliberately approached Fu Hongxue with her thickly painted face. She quietly moved one hand over and deliberately put it close to the root of Fu Hongxue's thigh.

She smiled and said: "I am only seventeen years old, but my kung fu is good, even better than Xiao Taozi..."

She smiled brightly and thought the deal had gone through.

Because a certain part of this man has changed.

Fu Hongxue's pale face was already red. Not only did he want to vomit, he was also very angry. He was angry that he couldn't control himself at this time.

The woman wearing jasmine came closer and seemed to move faster.

Fu Hongxue's hand suddenly swung out and tied her face heavily. She also fell down, hit the wooden door, and fell to the ground on her back.

The strange thing is that her face did not show surprise or anger, but revealed a kind of indescribable tiredness, sadness and despair.

She had long been accustomed to this kind of regret and humiliation, and her anger had long been numb. What made her sad was that this transaction failed again.

Where is today's dinner?

A bunch of jasmine flowers alone cannot fill your stomach.

"Tell me where is Little Taozi?"

Fu Hongxue had turned around and couldn't bear to look at her anymore. At the same time, he took out all the money he had and threw it in front of her.

"It's the one at the very back on the right."

The woman leaned down, no longer looking at Fu Hongxue, and started to pick up the silver scattered on the ground.

Fu Hongxue strongly controlled her emotions, trying her best to let them recover and resist vomiting.

Soon he came to Xiao Taozi's place.

There was only one door in the alley that was the most polished and respectable, and even the paint wasn't peeling off.

It seems that Xiao Tiaozi is not only good at martial arts, but also has a good business.

There was silence inside the door, no sound.

And this in itself is abnormal!

A young and strong man and a woman with a good business, how could the room be so quiet?

Fu Hongxue quickly opened the door.

However, Xiao Tiaozi was dead, and he died together with the woodcutter on the wooden bed covered with red embroidery. The blood dyed the bed with red embroidery even redder.

The blood was flowing from the large blood vessels at the back of the neck, and a single stab would have been fatal.

The murderer not only has a sharp knife, but also has a lot of experience.

Fu Hongxue was not surprised by this. A woodcutter shouldn't have such a good eloquence. Besides, if he didn't go out to chop wood for three days in a row, how would he get the money to eat, drink, and gamble.

This in itself is an anomaly.

Moreover, he told the story so well and brilliantly that even the expression on his face matched it perfectly, as if he had practiced it for a long time.

It is obvious to draw conclusions from these clues.

- He deliberately stayed in the teahouse with the most people and kept telling stories, just to wait for him to show up.

Someone gave him money and asked him to tell lies to himself.

So now they killed him again to silence him.

Fu Hongxue has experienced all this too much, and he seems to have become accustomed to it, but why do they insist on leading him to the Tianlong Ancient Temple? Could it be that a trap has been set somewhere?

Fu Hongxue was not sure.

But he has made up his mind. Even if Tianlong Ancient Temple is a trap for killing people, he must go.

Suddenly the naked woman in the pool of blood suddenly flew up to face him, pulled out a knife from under the pillow, and stabbed him straight in the chest.

Someone also jumped out of the closet at the back, stabbing his back like a snake with a silver gun in his hand.

This is an absolutely unexpected move.

But Fu Hongxue still looked as normal, as if he had anticipated this move.

His half-life was full of twists and turns, and he had encountered countless ambushes and assassinations, so many that his memory was somewhat blurry.

Fu Hongxue didn't move or draw his sword. He didn't need to parry or dodge at all.

There was a flash of sword light, and the two figures who seemed to be cooperating with each other fell down at the same time. Both of them had incredible looks in their eyes before they died.

Because they all died in the same way, they were all beheaded at the same time.

But he only used one knife, but this knife took the lives of two people.

The two bodies fell at his feet, and the bright red blood soon stained the ground red, but Fu Hongxue felt inexplicably tired.

In just one month, what he experienced was more complicated than before.

Eighteen years ago, that man had worked side by side with Ye Kai to resist the Demon Sect's march southward. However, eighteen years later, when he returned to the world, what he did was strange to Fu Hongxue.

There was also the past between Yan Nanfei and Gong Ziyu. Although Fu Hongxue never took the initiative to talk about it, he understood that Yan Nanfei and Gong Ziyu must have had close contacts in their early years.

But why did the two later part ways, and even ended up facing each other with swords?

But all these questions were completely wiped out with Yan Nanfei's death.

Perhaps the stimulation of the past few days had kept Fu Hongxue's spirit tense. Now with the death of the assassin lurking in the dark, his body, which he had barely controlled just now, began to stiffen.

He understands.

His old habits started to happen again.

His body began to convulse, and his whole body began to twitch uncontrollably. He tried his best to control himself, and even bit his lips to draw blood.

But the next moment, his body was still curled and twitching, and he was vomiting uncontrollably.

Right now, he was as fragile as a young child, completely unable to protect himself.

Even a passing wild dog can easily tear his meal into pieces.

Just when he was foaming at the mouth uncontrollably, a figure slowly approached him.

Her body had the familiar smell of low-quality rouge and gouache, and Fu Hongxue could barely see clearly that there was a small white flower in her ear.

She slowly leaned down and reached out her hand to gently touch his face.

Fu Hongxue wanted to resist, but right now his whole body was twitching and he couldn't make any decent movements at all.

Soon he lost consciousness...

PS: Mr. Gu Long seemed to have given the character Fu Hongxue too many hardships and sufferings, but fortunately, he gave him a fairly satisfactory ending in the end.

Therefore, the description of Zhou Ting cannot be omitted.

(End of this chapter)

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