Chapter 320 Enemy Attack
The name Chi Meimei in "Huajian Sect" is well-known outside the territory. Together with the head of the "Huajian Sect", "Huaxian" Nian Liandan and Hongri Dharma King, they are known as the "Three Great Masters Outside the Territory".

It turns out that before the Yuan Dynasty was overthrown by Zhu Yuanzhang, there were eight masters under Emperor Meng who served as Emperor Meng's personal bodyguards. Among them, he was undoubtedly the first among the eight in terms of strength and wisdom.

In the twenty-eighth year of Emperor Yuan Shun's reign, Zhu Yuanzhang's generals Xu Da and Chang Yuchun gathered in Tongzhou and defeated the Yuan soldiers and attacked the capital. Emperor Yuan Shun was escorted by these eight masters and went north to the capital. Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the ghost king Xu Ruo Wuqin led 17 masters from the Central Plains to hunt down Emperor Shun. It was Yuli Chimei who led the eight masters from the Meng Yuan Dynasty to fight to the death. Three of them died in a bloody battle, but the remaining five were still able to allow Emperor Shun to escape safely. Returning to Mongolia, we can see how powerful Li Chimei is.

In this battle, eleven masters from the Central Plains died, and the rest, except Ghost King Xu Ruowu, were all injured. Talking about it today is still about a tiger's face. Unexpectedly, today I heard that Li Chimei has reappeared in the Central Plains. How can I not make people feel frightened?

In recent years, it is said that his strength has been catching up with the 'Magician' Pang Ban.

Li Chimei's master, Kuan Kuo, was the most powerful general in Mongolia at that time. After the Mongols withdrew from the Central Plains, he relied on him to defeat the Ming army repeatedly and support the overall situation. Even the famous general Xu Da was defeated by him in the battle of Lingbei. . After he retreated outside the fortress, he gathered his troops and invaded the border areas repeatedly. Zhu Yuanzhang sent envoys seven times to surrender, but he was rejected sternly. Even Zhu Yuanzhang admired this enemy very much. After his expansion, he was later called the "Ghost King's Mansion". The Lord "Ghost King" Xuruowu suffered a recurrence of his old injuries and died in Helin.

After Kuo Kuo's death, Li Chi Mei Yi was cold and disheartened, so he retired to practice Tian Mei Ning Yin.

But today, I didn't expect him to come back to the world. In this battle, he killed Shaolin Wuxiang monk's junior brother, and the 'Sword Monk' who was the master of dual cultivators.

When she heard that the unfaithful person was also dead, Gu Ningqing first trembled, and then involuntarily took a few steps back. Obviously, this sudden news caused a great shock to her heart.

Gu Zixian's beautiful face turned pale instantly. As a father and daughter who had never met before, they naturally did not have too many deep feelings for her father who had left Shuangxiu Mansion since she was born.

At the same time, the sound of clanging weapons was heard outside the hall.

Murong Fu frowned slightly and put down the tea cup in his hand. The next moment, the figure had disappeared from the living room.

So when he and Li Ruohai left Huangzhou Mansion and went south, they naturally became Fang Yeyu's target because of their reluctance to rush to the aid of Shuangxiu Mansion alone.

The person who moved with him was Li Ruohai who was holding a spear.

What is even more surprising is that the two men move in the same way regardless of dodge or attack. This shows that these two are best at combined attacks.

Outside the hall, Murong Fu's four sword slaves have stopped several figures. Three of them each stopped an opponent, but only the middle-aged man was one against two.

Moreover, Fang Yeyu specially invited Li Chimei this time. He was so cautious. How could the 'Sword Monk' not die if he was reluctant to give up?

"Well, a real person actually dares to attack?"

I saw that the green edge in his hand suddenly grew, the light flowed, and under the sword energy, he actually took the initiative to stop a pair of twin brothers.

But now that she heard the news of his death with her own ears, Gu Zixian couldn't help but be deeply touched in her heart.

Because Li Ruohai was seriously injured in the battle at Yingfeng Gorge and survived, he was forced to give up the pursuit of Feng Xinglie for the time being.

Among them, the person who made Fang Yeyu fear the most was the 'Swordsman' who was unwilling to give up. Pang Ban could evaluate him as the real number one among the eight sects, which showed his potential.

He had never thought highly of the 'sword monk' who had left his younger sister Gu Ningqing to raise a daughter without saying goodbye for more than twenty years.

The two men were between sixty and seventy years old, with gloomy faces, tall bodies, and high and curved noses. They did not look like Chinese people.

"Don't want to die?"


Upon hearing the news of reluctant death, Li Ruohai's eyes turned cold.

Facing him and Li Ruohai, Fang Yeyu gave up many plans for the time being, but he could still do it by cutting off the strong support of Shuangxiu Mansion in advance and standing by the Eight Factions Alliance.

When Murong Fu heard this, he was not surprised at all.

If it hadn't been for the fact that he had become the consort of Shuangxiu Mansion, according to his past temper, he would definitely have given him a taste of his two-foot-long red spear!
"It seems that Fang Yeyu is indeed ready to attack Shuangxiu Mansion!"

Since his intervention, Fang Yeyu's plan for the Central Plains martial arts has become much more conservative compared to the plot of the original work.

But the middle-aged man could still rely on the edge of his sword for the time being, forcing the two of them to retreat.

The opponents faced by the three sword slaves on the other side were not easy. The three of them had been taught swordsmanship by Murong Fu himself, but they were rarely at a disadvantage when facing the opponents holding swords in front of them.


Suddenly a cold snort came out, and all the enemies present who were fighting against the Four Sword Slaves were shocked. At this moment, all the energy and blood in their bodies seemed to be shaken.

"Stand back!"

Immediately afterwards, Murong Fu appeared outside the hall dressed in white. He looked at the sword slaves who had tried their best to stop the four people and gave instructions in a calm tone.

"Well, you are the two Montessori demons!"

Li Ruohai, holding a two-foot-long red gun, appeared outside the hall half a step later. His eyes immediately fell on the twin brothers, and he recognized their identities at a glance.

"Mongolian twin demons!"

The middle-aged man who had just stopped the two of them alone could not help but change his expression slightly. He had obviously heard of the names of the twin brothers.

It turns out that before the Yuan Dynasty was overthrown by Zhu Yuanzhang, there were eight masters under Emperor Meng's throne, who served as Emperor Meng's personal guards. These two Meng's demons were two of the masters. The two men were very similar in appearance and body shape, except that the elder had a small one at the corner of his mouth. No one knows the birthmark's real name, but they are only known as Meng Da and Meng Er.

The middle-aged man has the highest level of cultivation among the Four Sword Slaves. Just now he asked himself that he had tried his best, but could not gain any upper hand in a long battle, which already made him wary.

Now that I know the true identities of the two, I understand the danger just now.

Meng Da sneered and said lightly: "It's rare that Master Li has heard of the names of our two brothers!"

"The leader of the ten evil gods under the command of the Demon Master Palace, I would like to send my regards to Young Master Murong and Master Li!"

Seeing Murong Fu and Li Ruohai appear, the tall and short man holding a sword took the initiative to salute.

Li Ruohai said coldly: "Pang Ban has given you such a disrespectful and overbearing name. It seems that he has already expected that you will end up in a violent death in the future."

Juetian is between thirty-five and sixty years old, while Mie Di is at least fifty years old. There is more than ten years of age difference between the two, but Juetian usually attracts the most attention.

Sure enough, Jue Tian looked up to the sky and smiled, saying: "The magician once said that all things in the world regard obedience as low and disobedience as noble. Therefore, there is a saying in Taoist immortality: people are born in obedience and become immortals in adversity. Where there is obedience, there must be disobedience. This is the way of heaven, whether it is respectful or disrespectful, whether it is domineering or not, is just a matter of the human heart.”

Juetian was ranked higher than Mie Di, but his ordinary appearance made people not feel his fear at all, especially his long and thin body, which made people misunderstand that he was timid and timid. However, Murong Fu and Li

It seemed that Pang Ban was right. Fang Yeyu did have power in his hands that should not be underestimated. However, Ruohai and the others could see from the murderous aura oozing out of his blade that his skill was even worse than Mie Di's.

Li Ruohai roared loudly and said: "Okay! Let us use facts to prove what is good and what is wrong; what is life and what is death." The next moment, murderous intent surged towards everyone like a wave with Li Ruohai as the core. go.

The Mengshi twin demons appear calm and composed on the surface, but in fact they have pushed their skills to the limit. They came here today originally to target the Shuang Xiu Mansion.

They were already aware of Li Ruohai's existence, but Murong Fu's appearance was an accident.

Even before setting off, the little magician had already received a message from the Phantom Sword Sect, saying that Murong Fu might be in Shuangxiu Mansion.

But Meng Da and Meng Er were dubious about this, because Murong Fu was both good and evil. His behavior was similar to that of the magician in his early years, and he never completely gravitated towards either good or evil.

Moreover, Shuangxiu Mansion has always been closed, so in their opinion, it is naturally impossible for them to have any interaction with Murong Fu.

Seeing that today's battle was inevitable, the two Meng brothers had already made a decision in their hearts. As the saying goes, to capture the thief first, capture the king. If Murong Fu didn't take action, it would be a fatal move.

But they understand one thing, that is, top experts like Murong Fu and Li Ruohai will definitely not bother to join forces to deal with them, so they still have the only chance left.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Jue Tian Mie Di rushed forward from both sides, stabbing away with lightning strikes with one sword after another. He must kill Li Ruohai's momentum before it reaches its peak.

In this instant, the group of them quickly selected their opponent, and that was Li Ruohai.

After the battle at Yingfeng Gorge, the magician once said that Li Ruohai would not die from his serious injuries. Now, only about half a month has passed since that battle. It is expected that Li Ruohai's injuries have not recovered yet.

Li Ruohai's face turned cold. With his intelligence, he naturally understood that he was being underestimated by the group of people in front of him today. He immediately snorted and pointed out the Zhang Er spear in his hand, hitting the blade and the tip of the sword in no particular order.

"Huo! Huo!"

Jue Tian Mie Di both groaned in unison.

Juetian's body swayed, while Mie Di took a small step back, and actually blocked Li Ruohai's two blows.

The two people who thought they had blocked the fatal blow, but the joy on their faces had not faded, suddenly noticed another force as strong as thunder coming from the sword.

The expressions of the two men changed drastically in an instant. Unfortunately, they were still at the stage when their old strength had just retreated and new strength had not yet emerged. Moreover, even if they were prepared in advance, they could not block this attack with their unique skills.

I heard the two men groan again, and the next moment they saw their figures flying backwards. While they were still on the way, red blood was already gushing out.

But the two demons took the opportunity to attack Li Ruohai, and suddenly they were five feet away from Li Ruohai.

The fingers of Meng Da's hands were bent like hooks, and they grabbed Li Ruohai's spear. At the same time, Meng Er jumped on Meng Da's shoulders, used his strength to fly up into the air, and flew to Li Ruohai's head.

Meng Da's left and right hands respectively grasped Li Ruohai's Zhang Er spear.

But Meng Da's face had turned pale, as if his hands were grasping a red iron.

He wanted to let go, but there was a mysterious suction force on the spear, which made it difficult for him to break free for a while.

Meng Er, who was above his head, seemed to have noticed a clue, and immediately stopped hesitating. He struck up and down with his fists, and dust suddenly rolled up with a terrifying momentum.

But Li Ruohai still looked indifferent, and his left palm condensed into two fingers and struck Meng Er's fists at the same time like lightning.

Meng Da trembled all over, vomiting blood, and fell back. Meng Er was thrown up like a shuttlecock and fell into the flowers outside the hall in embarrassment.

Seeing that in just the blink of an eye, the two Meng clan demons and Jue Tian Di Mie had been defeated by Li Ruohai alone, Bald Man, who was watching from outside, was originally ready to take action according to the situation, but seeing this outcome, his fighting spirit had already faded, so he prepared Quietly retreat.

"Where do you want to go?"

But soon Murong Fu's voice came from the front. It turned out that Murong Fu, who was dressed in white at some point, had blocked his retreat.

Murong Fu looked at the bald figure in front of him with a chain belt around his waist, broad shoulders, and thick lips. The whole person looked like a square stone. He seemed to be smiling and said: "Since you are here, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Knowing that the figure in front of him was an unparalleled murderer recognized by the magician himself, the bald figure was so frightened that he had already lost all fighting spirit and just wanted to use all his strength to escape from this person's sight.

Immediately he lifted up his energy, lightened his body, and rushed to the left. However, his feet did not touch the ground. He was still circling in the air, and was a few feet out of thin air.

It turns out that this person is none other than one of the only five remaining masters who protected Emperor Yuan that day, Vulture Yu Chi Di, and the reason why Vulture Yu Chi Di is called the Eagle is all because of his superb lightness skills.

Today, in front of Murong Fu, his Qing Gong between life and death had made a faint breakthrough.

But a slender white palm has been printed on Youchidi's chest. Seeing the figure in white appearing strangely in front of him, Youchidi felt a slight pain in his heart. At this moment, he already knew that he was about to die today.

The opponent obviously only needs to exert a little energy in his palm, and he will be killed in an instant.

But at this moment, a long, slender, white palm slowly touched Murong Fu's heart. It looked extremely slow, but it felt like it was impossible to escape, completely blocking all evasive paths.

Just when this palm was about to hit the vital part of Murong Fu's heart, Murong Fu felt something in his heart. He suddenly swung his sleeve robe, exposed his right hand and struck it to the side with concentrated strength.

And strangely enough, when Murong Fu struck out with his right palm, the power of his right palm bypassed the right side and hit the figure behind him in a bizarre turn.


The two people's powerful energy intersected, and a cyclone centered on their figures suddenly spun away quickly. For a moment, the leaves fell and dust flew all over the garden.

And behind Murong Fu, a tall and thin figure appeared out of nowhere.

It was precisely because of his sudden action that he saved the life of the "Vulture" from his enemy!

"Boss Chi!"

Seeing the figure appear, Yu Chi's enemy's eyes showed a look of surprise.

"Let's go, today's battle has nothing to do with you!"

The tone of the figure under the flower tree seemed to be neither happy nor sad.

However, the faces of Chi Di and others couldn't help but turn red. They knew that they, who were seriously injured in today's battle, could not help but would be a drag.

At the same time, Murong Fu had turned around, looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him, and said in a calm tone: "Chi Mei in 'Shemale' is indeed well-deserved!"

(End of this chapter)

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