Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 15 The Queen Mother is immortal

Chapter 15 The Queen Mother is immortal (15)

"Mother, have you... not recovered yet?"

"Businessmanship is a lowly business, why do you need to take care of it, and do it yourself, with relatives at home?"

Although after the restoration of Wenjing's rule, the development of private business is now booming, most people in the entire Daqian court still hold a disdainful attitude towards merchants. Merchants need to be registered in the city, and the law stipulates that those with city registration Merchants and their descendants, like criminal officials and son-in-laws, were among those who were banished and could be sent to the frontiers to serve or settle down at any time. At the same time, merchants were also required to pay double taxes and other taxes just like slaves.

Therefore, business is a standard low-end industry.

The income of the nobles mainly depends on the taxes on the products of the fiefdom and the gifts given by others. They basically do not run business personally, which will be ridiculed and ridiculed by others in private.

Because of this, Liu Piao was so surprised.

I even suspected that my mother was not recovering from her illness and had a bad brain, but she didn't dare to say it directly.

Bai Sheng actually understood this, but she still said: "You didn't understand the point. What the Ai family values ​​​​is to improve the level of skills, and doing business only provides research funds to improve skills, and at the same time, promotes the products after improving skills. Go out and benefit the people.

Doing business is just a means to this end.

Overall, it is for the sake of people's livelihood.

Even if there is criticism, the Ai family will bear it! "

In order to be able to do this in a more grandiose manner, Bai Sheng could only speak in a more pleasant way and cast himself a halo of serving the country and the people, in order to reduce other people's resistance and facilitate fund-raising!

Of course, in fact, Bai Sheng does not raise funds and is not short of money, because she has the right to use the money in the young mansion.

The income of the Shaofu is more than that of the national treasury.

It can't support her in doing research.

She just wanted to use raising funds as an excuse to attract some princes and princes to form a community of interests, making it easier for the chamber of commerce to develop and sell things across the country.

Even opening up the Silk Road in the Western Regions.

Although the power of the princes is now much smaller than before, they are still equivalent to a country within a country. The real weapon of attack, the grace order, has not yet appeared, so if they do not cooperate or even deliberately obstruct it, It will be very difficult to do business in their fiefdom. Even if Bai Sheng can rely on her status as the Queen Mother to intimidate most princes from causing trouble, if they don't dare to cause trouble, how can they make their cooperation efficient?

Moreover, many vassal states actually have their own team. This team not only includes officials, but also some craftsmen. The craftsmen in different vassal states may be good at different things due to different regional resources. For example, there is no one in a certain place at all. For iron ore, it is difficult to produce relatively skilled blacksmiths locally.

If people in a certain place don't like certain things, it will be difficult to develop superb skills in this direction.

Bai Sheng wanted to find more craftsmen, and then inspire them to improve their skills and increase productivity. Obviously, he couldn't rely solely on the craftsmen near Chang'an, so he had to cast a wide net.

In addition to these two core factors, there are actually many other factors, but generally speaking, the benefits of uniting many princes and princes and making them willing to cooperate and help are definitely far better than working alone.

However, Liu Piao still felt a little speechless after hearing this. She didn't understand that improving the so-called skills and doing business was for the sake of people's livelihood, but she was still sensible and did not dare to continue to question her own mother.

I can only express my mother's hard work in a perfunctory way.

And by the way, I promise that I will definitely pay for it:
  "Uh, okay, as long as you are happy, Queen Mother, how much money will it cost? I can go back and prepare it!" "There is no upper limit, and investment is not limited to money. Human, financial and material resources are all considered investments, especially those with superb skills. Craftsmen with flexible minds are a top priority. Each one of them is an extremely valuable talent. At the same time, you don’t need to use them all at once. As long as you cooperate and can be mobilized when needed.

Specifically, the Ai family has not yet made plans.

I’ll tell you when I’ve planned it later! "

In fact, Bai Sheng already has some plans, but she still wants to achieve a few results first, and then talk to her relatives about raising funds. Otherwise, she will get nothing. Just saying it directly, it always feels a bit like a wolf with empty hands.

It's like taking advantage of the prestige of one's own empress dowager.

It's like forcing them to join.

The corner of Liu Piao's mouth twitched, but he still didn't dare to express his opinion. In his heart, he just kept using it. Quan thought he was spending some money to play with the old lady and have fun:

"Okay, you can just notify me directly when the time comes."

In the end, the two chatted for a while, and Liu Piao said goodbye and left. Bai Sheng notified the young master to prepare some rouge gouache, and the coppersmiths, blacksmiths, and craftsmen who fired pottery and porcelain came over and began to arrange for them. Tasks, arrange respective skill advancement tasks.

It’s just starting out, so there’s no need to take too big a step, and there’s no need to make steel or do other big things.

So Bai Sheng planned to start from the direction he was in urgent need of, such as cosmetics and skin care products, daily dining utensils, and even iron cooking utensils.

In this era and with this technology, it is definitely not possible to directly produce various chemical skin care products. We can only produce some pure natural skin care products and cosmetics. And now it happens to be June, which is the day when all kinds of flowers are in bloom. Don’t take advantage of now. It’s hard to make skin care products out of season.

Anyway, the distillation technology is ready, so the coppersmith can easily make a copper still according to the distillation technology and Bai Sheng's guidance.

Then use this as a basis to create hydrosols and essential oils.

It may not be that pure, but it definitely works.

With hydrosols and essential oils, many natural skin care products are much easier to make. For example, adding some essential oils to a natural pressed base oil will make a certain essential oil. Adding some essential oils and beeswax will make an ointment, which can be used for both skin care and Lip care, plus some juice extracted from natural flowers, and various lipsticks and rouges.

The oil soaked in flowers can also be used for hair care and hair oil.

When making soap from plant ash, you can also add essential oils to make the soap smell better.

Or add essential oils to soap soap for hair care.

The most important thing is that, except for hydrosols, which may have a relatively short shelf life and are prone to spoilage, other products may not be spoilage-resistant for two to three years, but if stored well, they still have a shelf life of half a year to one year.

In addition, the technology of making iron pots and improving pottery and porcelain only needs a little improvement.

Bai Sheng only provided the basic principles of increasing the furnace fire temperature and several kinds of glazes. The craftsmen quickly completed the improvement of their skills. Although they are still far from perfect and mature, they are indeed qualitatively better than before. Progress, this is the benefit of skill improvement, a direct leap-forward, soaring transformation.

(End of this chapter)

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