Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 174 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die [2 in 1]

Chapter 174 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die (10) [-in-]

Emperor Yuan Xi, who had made up his own mind, finally decided to postpone his actions against the Zhen family, Jia family and other nobles out of caution. Anyway, they had neither capable descendants nor much real power, nor could they threaten the stability of the imperial power. They just kept making small moves, were arrogant and arrogant, and were deeply involved with the Supreme Emperor and other princes with different surnames, which made him very unhappy. .

Of course, their families are rich and their treasury is empty.

It was also an important factor why Emperor Yuan Xi wanted to destroy them.

Generally speaking, the crimes committed by families like the Zhen family, Jia family and others are not serious. Even if they are punished strictly according to the law, most of them are not worthy of death, let alone having a title to offset the crime. This was proved by the fact that their homes were confiscated and their property confiscated, and the main responsible persons of each family were exiled.

It's not even close to a serious crime like genocide.

So there is no harm in holding off for a moment or two.

In the morning of the next day, Emperor Yuan Xi naturally followed Bai Sheng's advice yesterday, based on the principle that the son did not teach, the father's fault was the problem, and the crime of rebellion must not go unpunished, and decided to convict and behead in an appropriate amount, and not to carry out large-scale executions. :
"Of course, what I'm talking about is the general tone, and some details need to be carefully considered by you.

For example, the woman who was raped into the house.

Crimes such as robbing civilian girls and killing parents are also included. Local officials turn a deaf ear and do not fulfill their responsibilities. They must also be held accountable and must not pass them by in a perfunctory manner.

Also, if there is an act of pampering a concubine or killing a wife, and it has nothing to do with the mistress of the house, he can be pardoned.

The specific punishment will be based on what I said. "

It is precisely because they are afraid that in order to save trouble, some officials will be perfunctory and make one-size-fits-all decisions, or they will cover up those who deserve to die and implicate innocent people. Emperor Yuanxi specifically added a few more sentences, and also stated that the final penalty, the causes and consequences, and why the penalty was imposed must be written in a memorial and submitted. In addition, he will send embroidered guards to various places to carefully investigate the aftermath!
After all, this was the first major case he handled after taking full power, and he had to make it perfect no matter what.

In the past, those things or cases that were not done perfectly due to his father's obstruction and because he did not fully grasp all the power have been exposed.

Start all over, start over.

Jiangnan Mansion, the ancestral home of the Zhen family.

Except for a few people who were serving as local officials and could not come, the remaining elders of various clans were summoned by Zhen Yingjia, the current patriarch of the Zhen family, to gather in the left room of the ancestral hall to discuss important matters.

"The situation that our Zhen family is facing now, I don't need to go into details, you should be very clear about it, so I won't go into details. In fact, more than a month ago, the old concubine sent someone to send some things back. At the same time, I was given three choices, but I was too embarrassed at the time and was still a little entangled and couldn't decide.

As a result, it dragged on until the Supreme Emperor was assassinated.

To make matters worse, before the assassination of the Supreme Emperor, our family was trying to marry Prince Zhongyi, whose family had been confiscated, and we had even exchanged Geng Tie.

All that's left is the final engagement process.

Fortunately, with the blessing of God and the blessing of the ancestors, it would not cause a huge disaster, and at least the family could be saved. "

There are some things that the clan elders know very well, so there is no need to say more, but there are also some things that are not publicized too much before they happen, such as the marriage with Prince Zhongyi.

Now things are finally settled.

In addition, the things that need to be discussed next will determine the future of the Zhen family. It is naturally necessary to let the elders know more about the current situation of the Zhen family to avoid being too optimistic.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, the clan elders who had not known anything about it immediately exploded, and some even complained endlessly.

"Why didn't you tell us about such a big thing?"

"Oh my God, my Zhen family was almost brought into a trap by you, and was charged with rebellion and annihilation."

"What should we do? What should we do?"

"It shouldn't be a problem. After all, if His Majesty really wanted to pursue the case, shouldn't he have pursued it long ago? If nothing happens at the moment, I think this matter has been revealed."

"It's a good idea. At best, it can only be considered a temporary expose. But one day in the future, if my family doesn't like it, it won't be strange to settle the matter again and talk about it again. What will happen then? "

"I'm not afraid of being punished, but I'm afraid of settling old scores in the future!"

They are all old men. This matter seems to have been exposed, but everyone knows that there are still hidden dangers.

So naturally it is quite sad.

Zhen Yingjia didn't let them argue for long. He coughed twice quickly, knocked on the table again, and continued:
"Well, this matter is a foregone conclusion. There is no point in worrying more. No matter whether it will be liquidated by the current Holy Emperor in the future, it should be fine at least for the time being. Next, I will tell you, the old concubine will give us You will also think about the three options carefully later.

Discuss which path to choose.

The first way is to cut off the tail and survive. In summary, resign if you can. If you can't resign, try to find a way to transfer. Go to some Qingshui power-free yamen. Do not commit illegal crimes again. At the same time, strictly educate the next generation. Cultivate the next generation and try to change the direction of poetry and calligraphy.

In addition, most of the family's frivolous wealth must be taken out, and the old concubine will indirectly transfer it to the current emperor. Spending money can be regarded as buying safety, or spending money to buy protection...

Although absolute safety cannot be guaranteed, with the old concubine acting as a guarantor and us not playing any tricks, there should be no problem with a smooth transition and preserving the family heritage, and the probability of success is quite high. "

Speaking of this, Zhen Yingjia clearly saw that some clan elders were already restless and seemed to want to speak: "Don't be anxious, there are two other options, wait until I finish."

"The second way is to seek fame as a guarantee, guard the family with fame and merit, and do some good deeds that are absolutely beneficial to the country and even the people, or that can help the current saint be remembered in history and become a wise king for the ages.

Then he still manages the house strictly and manages the family strictly.

Strictly train the next generation.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about what will happen. If you work harder, it will not be impossible not only to be worry-free in this dynasty, but also to become the third thousand-year-old family.

The old lady has prepared the specific merits.

Those things sent involve part of it.

Some things that are difficult to verify in a short period of time cannot be verified for the time being, but those that can be verified have basically been verified and are definitely true. If the old lady is willing to hand over those technologies and things to us, and then pass them on to the current Holy Lord, it should be considered as a contribution to the country. "

"As for the third way, the old concubine knew that we were doing business overseas, so she suggested that we transfer some of our core personnel, go overseas to occupy some islands, and work hard to move the family assets overseas. Then everything will take its course, even if something happens. What happened.

At least the foundation is still there, and there is a chance for a comeback.

She can also provide us with some help! "

"However, the old concubine also made some demands that we must implement. Only if we strictly implement them will she be willing to help us. If not, then the most she can do is keep the incense and heirs of my Zhen family alive.

No matter how much, there is nothing she can do..."

Speaking of this, Zhen Yingjia paused for a moment before continuing:

"The old concubine's request is very simple, that is, let us conduct self-examination internally, escort all the bad apples in the family to the government office for punishment, expel them from the family, servants, servants, etc., including in-laws, etc., must be strictly investigated. In addition to In addition, the old lady also gave her some family rules.

Family members must abide by family rules. "

At this point, the clan elders present were undoubtedly once again in an uproar and dissatisfaction. Although they did not curse loudly, they were indeed in a very unhappy mood and their tone was not too polite.

"Her control is too lenient!"

"The married girl throws away the water. She has been married for many years. Although she has some status, she is not qualified and has no reason to interfere in her mother's family's affairs like this."

"It's too much, it's too much..."

"Does she think of herself as the head of the Zhen family?"

"Even though our Zhen family has been blessed by her and received a lot of benefits from her, hasn't she enjoyed the help our Zhen family has brought to her? During the years when she was a concubine, how many people did our Zhen family send to the palace? Jin Yin, in the end, was still a loser. He hurt his body and failed to give birth to a son and a half. Otherwise, how could our Zhen family be so embarrassed?

Now he actually wants to set rules for my Zhen family.

Not to mention that she is already married, even if she is the old lady of my Zhen family, she is not qualified. "

"I'm angry, I'm angry!"

"Who does she think she is? Is it possible that our Zhen family will be completely unable to live without her?"

"Are you overreacting? Although I don't like being controlled by a woman like this, but generally speaking, the requirements she made are indeed good for our family. Although I haven't read the content of the family rules yet, if it is written It’s not bad, so it should be okay to use.”

"Who doesn't know the benefits? Comprehensive eradication of corrupt officials in the world, strict investigation of corruption, and land annexation will also be beneficial to the world. Do you think the current emperor dares to do this? At most, he can occasionally catch some typical examples and deal with them."

"Everyone can understand that there is no dirty family that has been caught and had to cut off its arms to survive. But if our own family sends their juniors to the yamen, no matter what outsiders say, the spittle of the family can drown us."

"Have you seen a few Qingtian lords who killed relatives for justice, and their families were prosperous, or their families were at their peak."

"What's important now is to stay close to each other."

"If I really want to do this, I will have to die."

"If there are really some scum in the family, the most likely thing is to deal with it according to family rules. But if they are escorted to the Yamen and let the Yamen deal with it, it will not only be embarrassing and damage the family's face, but there will also be a lot of dissatisfaction within the family."

"The so-called three ways are even more ridiculous. Let's not mention the first and third ways for now. The second way alone is very unrealistic. It is very unrealistic. How can she, a woman in a deep palace, benefit the world? Common people, the things of the people and the country, even the patriarchs believe this kind of nonsense.

I think not only the old concubine is old and confused, but you, the patriarch, are also old and confused, and you can't tell the truth from lies. "

There is no doubt that most clan elders are dissatisfied with Bai Sheng's proposal, and are even less willing to listen to Bai Sheng's words. In their minds, Bai Sheng's move is Si Chen.

Zhen Yingjia did not stop them from venting their dissatisfaction, but just listened quietly. After half an hour, many people's mouths were dry and the voices of dissatisfaction became smaller and smaller. He then stood up and took out something to show:
"I said before that the old concubine sent some things over. Now I will let you see what the old concubine has sent over, and whether the old concubine is an old fool and whether she has benefited all the people in the world and the people. Sheji, let the Zhen family inherit the good things for thousands of years.”

Then of course comes the presentation process.

Refined salt, white sugar, and glass mirrors are worth a lot of money just by looking at them. I will explain a few words about aminesulfonate and allicin. Anyone with a clear mind knows that once they are popularized, it will not be possible for thousands of families to become Buddhas. Too much.

Not to mention the secret recipe for increasing production mentioned later.

Even the high-yielding seeds have not been given to them.

"Although I don't know where the old lady got these things, the secret recipe of refined salt, white sugar and glass mirror has been confirmed to be genuine. What I am showing you now are all made in my own workshop. It has also been confirmed to be true and can cure many terminal diseases.

But the formula is still in the hands of the old lady.

The secret recipe for increasing production is being tested on the farm. Although the time is still short, those who are proficient in farming have concluded after reading it that the production can be increased by at least 30% without any accident.

The previous things are all true. Thinking about the high-yielding grain seeds and the secret recipe for cross-breeding of improved seeds mentioned by the old concubine, they should also be true. And these things can indeed lay the foundation of a thousand-year-old family. In this case, you still have to firmly oppose it, even Falling out with the old lady? "

At this moment, the dissatisfied comments disappeared instantly.

There was silence!
Sometimes interests can overwhelm everything. Although many people say that businessmen are profit-seeking, and say that if they have 300% profit, they can even sell the rope to hang themselves, but this point also applies to other people. , The pursuit of profit is the nature of human beings.

Previously, they didn't know how much benefit the old concubine could bring to them. They just thought that the other party wanted to get past them, dictate to the entire Zhen family, and control everything.

But now, they had to admit it.

The sound just now was a bit loud.

Just taking out these things, not to mention how many political benefits it may bring, even if you only consider the economic benefits, it is quite terrifying. If the Supreme Emperor is still there and has the Supreme Emperor to rely on, not to mention the annual income of tens of millions of taels, seven There must be eight million taels of silver.

But now that there is no backer, let’s take it out again.

Their home may not be saved!

Later, increasing grain production, and even possessing the secret recipe for cultivating high-yielding grain seeds, will most likely make his family become the third thousand-year-old family, the Shennong family.

Even if this dynasty falls one day.

There is a high probability that they will remain standing.

Compared with these benefits, it seems that it is not so difficult to accept the words of a married woman, risking being cast aside by the clan, getting rid of the bad apples in the clan, and even complying with the new family rules set by the married woman.

"I am willing to sacrifice for the family!"

"If you want to become a thousand-year-old family, how can you not have good family traditions? I think you can give it a try."

"Now the clan members may complain about us clan elders, but in the future, especially the descendants who have enjoyed the benefits, they will definitely reverse the verdict for us!"

"If we can become a thousand-year-old family, even if we have to sacrifice, it will be worth it. I am willing to be this evil person."

"It seems that there is no need to discuss it. The future of the second path is obviously the brightest, and everyone prefers this path. Well, the old concubine is really powerful!"

"With merits and virtues, it may be difficult for the family to continue if there are merits but no virtues. Only with merits and virtues can a family be established!"

"Can I show you the old concubine's house rules?"


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