Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 177 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die [2 in 1]

Chapter 177 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die (13) [-in-]

The next day, as the government office opened for business, Ma Daopo quickly entered the interrogation process. After all, the unknown knight's confession and physical evidence had been prepared for them, and the other party was not a guy with a background.

Of course there is no need to be polite.

The verdict is finalized quickly and thrown into jail...

At the same time, out of consideration, she has been doing dirty work for some women in wealthy families, or providing the tools to do dirty work. And those women who live in the back house, whether they are from their mother's family or husband's family, have a high status. Even if some concubines have a lower status, it would be a disgrace to the family if the relevant news breaks out. Some families value their own reputation more than their lives, and they don't like to be offended too much, so they keep a low profile throughout the matter.

In the end, I just informed the Jia family, who had the closest relationship with Ma Daopo and was also one of the victims.

In case the Jia family doesn't know about it, they will come to fish for people again.

Rather than explaining at the time, it is better to simply inform in advance to avoid any subsequent troubles, and at the same time, it is also a good thing to sell the Jia family. After all, the Jia family still has a virtuous concubine in the harem. It is at the height of the sun and when the fire is cooking, of course it is If you can avoid offending, then don’t offend.

When Mrs. Jia of Rongguo Mansion and others had just learned that Ma Daopo had been arrested, they were still a little dissatisfied. After all, she was Jia Baoyu's godmother, and she had a close relationship with the Jia Mansion. As the saying goes, you don't look at the monk. Looking in front of the Buddha, beating a dog depends on the owner and the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister. Suddenly he arrested Ma Daopo and specially sent someone to tell them. It will inevitably make people think that he is showing off his power.

Until the clerk who came to inform them mentioned that Ma Daopo had harmed Jia Baoyu and Wang Xifeng before.

Mrs. Jia, Mrs. Wang, Wang Xifeng and others changed their expressions and attitudes. After giving some money, they sent the yamen clerk away in a gentle tone, then closed the door and scolded the Taoist Ma.

Especially the two illiterate Wang daughters, Mrs. Wang and Wang Xifeng, are no better than shrews.

It was Mrs. Jia who couldn't stand it and stopped her.

However, this does not prevent the two of them from finding someone to have a relationship with after they leave, so that they can torment Ma Daopo in the prison to vent their inner anger.

The only pity is that although Ma Daopo has committed many crimes and killed many people, it is not a heinous crime after all, so it is not her turn to be beheaded immediately. She can only suppress her first and wait for the queen to be beheaded.

The spring equinox has just passed.

Netizens who want to see her ask questions can only wait a little longer.

At the same time, Liu Xianglian also changed his strategy and began to concentrate on searching for immortals and Taoists, because he had realized that neither he nor the court was a match for the other world. Anyway, the official mission issued to him by the other world was to find traces of practitioners. , it would be better to simply go with their wishes, and maybe those practitioners can find a way to deal with the possible invasion of another world!

Although the police fantasy fairy doesn't look good, Master Mangmang and Master Miaomiao don't seem to be very effective either.

But aren’t there the Shenying attendants who were born in the Chixia Palace and the stone that is suspected to be Nuwa’s Heaven-Mending Stone? They seem to have some origins. Even if their own abilities may not be good, they should have the ability to be more powerful than them. The higher-ups of the Immortals and Gods, please ask for help and report something.

After all, it is related to the affairs of another world and the safety of this world. As a god, it is impossible to ignore death!

Compared with Liu Xianglian's busyness, Bai Sheng was actually quite comfortable. After handing over the things that should be given to the Zhen family through Mrs. Zhen, he completely became the hands-off shopkeeper.

Next, it’s all up to the Zhen family to save themselves!
Very worry-free.

The only pity is that with the death of the Supreme Emperor, she does have a sense of letting people go. Although her food and drink are not short of food and drink for the time being, in many aspects, it is much more perfunctory than in the past.

For example, the Queen Mother has not visited her for months.

The monthly orders are obviously not as refined and fresh as in the past, and the grade of tributes such as tea is also not as good as in the past, only one or two grades better than the ordinary old dowager.

It is incomparable to the current Queen Mother's status, but it turned out to be even better than the current Queen Mother's status.

Fortunately, Bai Sheng didn't care about this, and he knew very well that without a backer, even if she could get a better reputation by making a fuss, it would be difficult to continue forever.

She has no real power, no backing, and no blood relationship.

It was a bit embarrassing after all.

So she can only endure it for the time being. Besides, the things in the palace are not as good as the things she has stored and grown in her personal plane. Now she has lychees to eat in spring, and there are not even frozen lychees in the palace.

So she really has nothing to worry about.

Time passed so slowly, and within a few months, the Zhen family handed over the three technologies of refined salt manufacturing, cement firing, and secret recipes for increasing grain production as gifts to the emperor on the occasion of the Qianqiu Festival.

Next, of course, is Long Yan Dayue.

And gave many rewards to the Zhen family.

For example, when it comes to promotions and imperial orders, even the three girls of the Zhen family who were previously unwanted by Emperor Yuan Xi, he personally decreed that they be admitted into the palace and given the title of concubine because he vaguely knew that the Zhen family might have good things, or that they had not yet developed good skills.

Of course, Bai Sheng's treatment has also gotten better.

Once again comparable to the Queen Mother.

As expected, everything in the world is about profit, and everything in the world is about profit. Even the emperor is no exception. There is not much true love in the harem. Most of them are just mutual interests, or even exchange of interests, or the benefits of being favored by your mother's family. , or the mother's family is strong enough and can bring benefits to the emperor, so she will naturally be favored.

If you are not favored and your mother's family has no strength, then you can only die alone and waste your life in the harem.

After receiving the benefits, the Zhen family urged their daughter who entered the palace to give birth to a son and a half as soon as possible, and at the same time continued to ponder the skills provided by Bai Sheng to increase the bargaining chip for their own daughter. If the daughter can give birth to a son in the future, it will also be a bargaining chip for the prince with the blood of their Zhen family to seize the throne. Thinking of this, many Zhen family members became more excited and became much more active in their work.

Although Bai Sheng didn't want them to rely on their daughter to maintain their dignity and status, after all, the will of the concubine was given by Emperor Yuanxi, and she couldn't refuse, so she had no choice but to accept it and take more care of her great-nieces and grandnieces.

The current head of the Zhen family is her grand-nephew, and his daughter is naturally her great-nephew. Going further, I don't know how to calculate the specific relationship.

I guess I can only call her ancestor, old concubine!
With Bai Sheng's help, especially with Bai Sheng's help in regulating the body and calculating the days, the third girl of the Zhen family got pregnant successfully within two months of entering the palace. At the same time, because of Bai Sheng's protection, it was basically stable. .

Of course, this was what Emperor Yuan Xi agreed to implicitly.

Emperor Yuan Xi knew very well that the best way to stabilize the Zhen family and make them work harder for him and provide benefits was to give the Zhen family a hope, an irresistible hope, to make the third daughter of the Zhen family pregnant and give birth to a child. The next prince is undoubtedly the best choice.

Anyway, he has many sons, and it doesn't matter if he has one more or one less. If the Zhen family can really provide him with benefits that he cannot refuse, as long as a prince with their bloodline is not too stupid, it is not impossible for him to become the prince. In addition, he also wanted to take the opportunity to test whether and how powerful Mrs. Zhen was in the palace.

Without some power or ability, even if the concubine Shu of the Zhen family becomes pregnant, it will be difficult for her to give birth, or even if she can give birth, she may not be able to grow up smoothly.

The whole process didn't require him to do anything.

Just stay on the sidelines and don't interfere.

All in all, there are no simple people or simple things in this palace. Those who are careless will be dead long ago.

When Concubine Zhen Shu was found to be pregnant and began to be plotted through various channels, the prescription that the Zhen family had previously handed over during the Qianqiu Festival of Emperor Yuanxi was finally mass-produced and began to be applied and promoted in many places.

Even Liu Xianglian, who went to Wudang and other famous caves and blessed places to search for immortals, knew about it through cameras placed in the residences of Jia's family, Wang's family and other major figures.

And once again aroused his deep thinking and heated discussions among netizens.

[If only one of the things like deep plowing, composting, purification and making of refined salt and firing of cement appeared, it could be considered that the Zhen family was lucky. But now that three or four of them appear together, it is really hard not to make people suspicious of their family. 】

[Not to mention there are soaps, perfumes, glass mirrors and other things. Although they are not sold on a large scale yet, I have given some to my relatives and the Jia family for use. 】

[Is there a time traveler? 】

[And there are also plug-ins for time travellers. Anyway, if I travel directly, I definitely won’t be able to get these things. I only know a rough idea at most, and it’s difficult to copy. 】

[The case has been solved. The key to Mrs. Zhen’s survival should lie with the Zhen family. We just don’t know where the Zhen family’s technology came from, and whether there is a time traveler or another force from another world behind it. 】

[What do you think the other party’s cheat is? 】

[I don’t know. I feel like it might be the system, or it might be the library, or it might be something like a mall. However, these technologies are also available in our mall, and the price is very low. Brother Liu can also exchange them directly, and even It can be redeemed for technologies more advanced than these and can directly crush the Zhen family. 】

[It’s really not necessarily true. We can only send some small things at the moment. Even if those technologies are exchanged, someone will need to monetize them. Brother Liu is almost alone. Although he has a few loyal servants, the available manpower is the same as that of the Zhen family. There's really no way to compare.

Moreover, even if some technologies are too advanced, even if they are redeemed, the technical level there is simply not achievable.

So it is very difficult to crush the Zhen family! 】

[Please, Brother Liu, he has neither the idea of ​​striving for fame or fortune nor the idea of ​​dominating the world. He is very Buddhist and there is no need to fight for it. 】

[I think if you really can’t find the monk, it would be good to find a way to find the suspected time traveler. After all, the other party may have good things that are not inferior to our technological level. In recent times, Brother Liu has gained nothing. I found a lot of Buddhist scriptures and Taoist scriptures, but they were basically useless, or at most they could barely be regarded as philosophy and had nothing to do with practice at all. 】

[I always feel that Brother Liu is not very active.

If you were to replace the protagonist in a male comic book with an adventure like his, he would have already begun to prepare for rebellion, or he would have already been divided into kings. Unlike him, he has basically accomplished nothing so far. Even time-travelers like Xiangzao Liulijing Everything that must be created has been built by others first. Alas, only one face can be seen...]

[The pace is too slow. If you ask me, if you really can't think of a way to beat Jia Baoyu, or steal Jia Baoyu's piece of jade, or try to kill Jia Baoyu, I don't believe that Master Mang Mang and Master Miao Miao will still be able to do it. If they appear, they should be regarded as guardians. It is certainly impossible to watch Jia Baoyu being killed! 】

[Wait a minute, are you talking about the possibility that the time traveler is Zhen Baoyu? I always feel that the time traveler should not be an ordinary Zhen family member. Otherwise, it would be difficult to just contact the head of the Zhen family, let alone try to send things. He entered the palace and helped Old Concubine Zhen survive.

It feels like only Zhen Baoyu’s level is possible. 】

[I am really anxious to death. I want to go directly to the past and start killing people. The natives are troublesome. They have no ambitions and are not very courageous. 】

[I always feel that Liu Xianglian is passive and sabotaging her work. 】

[Obviously you can use some advanced equipment to directly scan mountains such as Wudang, but he has to climb up by himself and search everywhere by himself. According to his search method, he has to find the monkey year, horse month, and he is dying. 】

[If I had known better, I would have chosen King Beijing. At least King Beijing has the ambition to rebel. In order to get more benefits, or gain the strength to rebel, I might have worked harder, and King Beijing is not bad in appearance. , apart from marrying young, there are no other shortcomings. 】


While some netizens were complaining, officials were also holding meetings to discuss whether to intervene forcefully.

Although the situation is not particularly urgent now, there are certainly some things that should be settled as soon as possible so that you can feel at ease. If it continues to be delayed like this, I feel a little impatient waiting.

They really don’t want to engage in soft policies anymore.

At nine o'clock that night, more than half of the people agreed to intervene forcibly, and finally made a formal plan to intervene Liu Xianglian. The specific operation was to secretly open the plane channel when Liu Xianglian turned off the camera and went to sleep at night, and sent an advanced artificial intelligence chip there to invade Liu Xianglian's brain.

Directly take over the opponent's body.

Then of course, he would control Liu Xianglian's body to grant more permissions, and purchase a large number of weapons to be prepared in advance to deal with unknown practitioners in this world.

Then the live broadcast will start normally the next day.

The official task was to deal with Jia Baoyu.

The advanced artificial intelligence chip then simulated an expression and attitude that was extremely embarrassing but had no choice but to accept Liu Xianglian's personality. After all, their operation is not very upright, and it is not easy for netizens to know, so naturally they can only make some appropriate disguises.

Let netizens think that Liu Xianglian is still Liu Xianglian.

To avoid disputes or complaints.

There is no way, they actually don't want to do anything illegal, but Liu Xianglian is really disobedient and wary. In addition, the number of impatient netizens is becoming more and more, and the viewing traffic is declining.

Whether it was to complete the task early, or to increase conflicts and attract traffic, they had to do something, but Liu Xianglian was not willing to do something that in his opinion was against the principles, so the other world official had no choice but to do something. We can get a biochip to temporarily take over.

Essentially speaking, it will not harm his body or cause problems to his soul. When the return mission is completed and the biochip leaves, he will be able to return to normal.

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