Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 220 Don’t bully the old and the poor [2 in 1]

Chapter 220 Don’t bully the old and the poor (7) [-in-]

Under doubt, Bai Sheng simply did not leave here in a hurry. After turning Huaguang Alchemist's body into ashes with a wave of his hand, he sat on the spot and studied the black and gold elixir.

"Apart from the color and the high content of erysipelas inside, it is basically the same as the golden elixir in other aspects.

However, it feels a bit out of the norm.

It stands to reason that the core of the golden elixir lies in its purity. Why can't it contain a little erysipelas? How come the erysipelas content is as high as 70%, and the golden elixir can be refined. Although the color is different, it is indeed a first-turn golden elixir.

Did I understand it wrong before..."

After pondering for a while, Bai Sheng looked through Hua Guang's memories, mainly looking at the secret technique of the supreme golden elixir in his memory, wanting to see what this secret technique contained.

Is there any difference with your own understanding?

Then, Bai Sheng will probably understand why Hua Guang is so desperate for death, or is so poisonous. Before he obtained the Secret Technique of the Supreme Golden Pill, his character was actually pretty good. He neither recruited Jie Xiu to do dirty things for him, nor did he use the Waste Foundation Establishment Pill to deceive others and harm their lives.

Because at that time, he knew very well that it was impossible for him to break through the false elixir realm, so he just muddle along.

He is usually relatively kind and considered a good person.

No one can be offended!
In the workplace, he is probably the kind of person who knows he has no hope of promotion and just wants to live quietly until retirement, have fun with his grandchildren, and receive his pension honestly.

Until he obtained the secret technique of the supreme golden elixir.

He received this secret technique from a prodigal son who had an alchemy inheritance in his ancestors, but it gradually declined. By his generation, there were no foundation-building monks at all, and it was difficult to survive in the practice world.

The descendants of that family really didn't want to continue to be worried in the spiritual world, so they simply packed up and sold all their belongings, exchanged them for gold and silver, and lived in the mortal world as rich men.

Hua Guang bought everything in his house.

In fact, the harvest at the beginning was not much. I just found some low-level elixirs and some ancient elixirs whose raw materials had become extinct. They were useless and not of much use.

Until one time, he tried to improve the ancient elixir recipe in the ancestral house he bought. As a result, the furnace exploded due to a mistake in the mixing ratio, causing the ancestral house to be burned to death by the terrifying elixir fire. When cleaning up the ruins, he accidentally discovered that the family's In the ancestral temple, a gold page was found that had not been destroyed.

The secret technique of the supreme golden elixir is recorded in the golden pages.

Later, according to the analysis of the ruins site, the gold page should be sandwiched in the family tree abandoned by the prodigal son. He felt that if he moved to the mortal world to live the life of a rich man, there would be no need to miss his ancestors, and there was no need to take the family tree away. It's good to just be a human being. If you carry a genealogy tablet or something like that, it will clearly say that such and such a real person died at the age of 476, and that such and such lived at the age of 198. This will be known to mortals who are crazy about seeking immortality.

I thought his family hid some magical secrets!

Not to mention whether the secular court would covet him.

It’s hard to get rid of the charlatans alone.

Rather than leaving behind such hidden dangers, it would be better to simply abandon everything and start writing the family tree again from himself.

From then on, it was an ordinary mortal family.

As for why no one noticed it before, and why it was set on fire, Hua Guang didn't understand. However, after getting this thing and reading the contents, he was immediately overjoyed, because the supreme golden elixir The fake elixir mentioned in the Secret Art is not hopeless.

Just follow its description.

Fake elixir monks can also transform themselves into golden elixirs.

Master Huaguang Alchemy is not very old. When he got the secret technique, he was only in his nineties and less than a hundred years old. According to the life span of a fake alchemy monk is three hundred years, a true alchemy monk is four hundred years, and a golden elixir monk is five years old. With a lifespan of a hundred years, the lifespan of a Nine-turn Golden Pill monk is calculated over nearly a thousand years. He still has at least nearly two hundred years to live. If he can transform into a golden elixir, he will have nearly four hundred years to live. The probability of breaking through the Nascent Soul in four hundred years is quite high.

So he immediately changed from lying down to die.

Shift into drive-up mode.

If you want to transform the fake elixir into a real elixir, and then into a golden elixir, the cost will undoubtedly be huge. The external manifestation is that you need a lot of natural and earthly treasures. To put it more simply, you need to have the ability to make money.

No one can stop it with three to five million spirit stones.

And this is just a basic one-turn golden elixir. If you want to turn it into a two-turn, three-turn, or even nine-turn golden elixir, the numbers will be even more terrifying, and you will have to add a few zeros at the end.

At the same time, the secret technique also mentioned that it is best to perform this secret technique in one go. If the fake elixir is first transformed into a real elixir, and then into a golden elixir, the number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures required in the process will be doubled, and the subsequent golden elixir will The same goes for increasing the number of revolutions. The general meaning is that it is the most cost-effective way to invest once and get it right in one step.

Huaguang's goals are relatively big and it wants to be better in the future.

It's possible that he also wants to transform into the Nine Transformations Golden Elixir.

But he was also very ambitious. In order to have enough time to break through to the Nascent Soul realm, he set a hundred-year deadline for himself, that is, he must complete his transformation within a hundred years.

Then spend the remaining three hundred years practicing hard.

Break through the Nascent Soul and become a true great monk.

At first, he was very diligent and frugal, trying to earn enough spirit stones through his own efforts, but later he discovered that even if he did this alone, even if he had two or three hundred more years of life, it would be difficult to achieve his goal. Within, it is difficult to gather enough resources for a golden elixir.

He began to envy the sect and family's speed in making money, but after careful calculation, if he started to build the sect and family now, it would probably be a hundred or two hundred years before the sect and family could support him in return. The early construction is purely investment and loss.

Later, he gradually went dark and started to make crooked ideas.

Giving away the Foundation Establishment Pill to an older Qi Refining Perfection monk who had no background and specialized in bullying the elderly and poor was just a very inconspicuous thing among his actions.

According to incomplete statistics, in recent years, he has secretly sent his subordinates to rob cultivators, killing more than a thousand ordinary cultivators, and raided and wiped out more than ninety foundation-building families. Many of the murders nearby that were believed to be caused by demonic cultivators were What he did, to give away the Foundation Establishment Pill, was just the most inconspicuous of the evils done by Alchemist Huaguang.

Many demon cultivators are cleaner and purer than him.

Now that it is almost a hundred years old, he has almost collected all the transformation resources, so he started the cleanup work a year ago. The specific operation is to kill most of his subordinates, leaving only a few who know little. Those who are not deeply involved will continue to work.

His original plan was to find a safe place to avoid Changguan after a while, and after he transformed his fake elixir into a golden elixir, he would kill all his remaining men.

From then on, he flew away to other realms.

At that time, he will be an innocent Jin Dan Zhenren.

I believe any top sect would welcome him.

As for why he started the finishing work a year ago and returned the waste Foundation Establishment Pill to his original body more than a month ago, it is mainly because he is used to it. Habits become natural. He has been doing this for the past hundred years. It is not so easy to change!
Later, I was worried about being exposed and ran to a new city. The reason why I didn't rush to transform into a fake elixir was mainly because I wanted to gain a firm footing first and determine which side was safer for retreat before retreating.

It's a pity that he has worked hard for hundreds of years and killed countless lives and cultivating families, but in the end he only came to nothing. Doing dowry for others for nothing.

Those resources are all in his storage ring.

Bai Sheng didn't know how cruel this guy was until he read through all of Hua Guang's memories, and he truly felt that letting him die was too pleasant.

He was only allowed to experience being poisoned by erysipelas.

If I had known, the torture in the eighteen levels of hell should have been arranged.

"I have already formed the Nine Transformations Golden Elixir. There is no need for these resources at all. Let's go back and see if any suffering masters have survived. If there are survivors, these things will be distributed to them. It should be considered that the things can be returned to their original owners.

However, this supreme golden elixir secret technique is actually similar to what I imagined. It removes the erysipelas and various impurities from fake elixirs and real elixirs, transforming them into golden elixirs.

Why don't you try it yourself? "

After deciding how to deal with the stolen goods left by Hua Guang, Bai Sheng continued to study the black and gold elixir.

And suddenly I had the idea to try it myself.

Simply observing and researching it probably won't yield anything, just like some poisons. Simply looking and smelling them will most likely not produce any useful information. Only by eating them can you know how poisonous they are and how toxic they are.

Many toxicological studies on traditional Chinese medicines.

It really depends solely on the lives of our ancestors for continuous verification.

Of course, Bai Sheng would not swallow this black-gold golden elixir directly, or use the nine-turn golden elixir in his dantian to transplant and exchange this black-gold golden elixir.

She took out a piece of her heart's blood and used the plastic rebirth technique to create a clone for herself that was basically the same as herself. Then she used a ray of mental power to control the clone and transplanted the black-gold golden elixir into her dantian.

Final verification is performed while merging.

Verify what is the use of the black golden elixir?
The result was that Bai Sheng was poisoned to death half an hour later. Oh, no, to be precise, her clone was poisoned to death. Good guy, the spiritual energy absorbed from the outside world enters the Dantian. As soon as it passes through the black-gold golden elixir, countless erysipelas quickly sweep through the body.

If it weren't for the timely retreat of Bai Sheng's spiritual energy.

Maybe he was infected with erysipelas again.

When I looked up again, I saw that the clone had changed from white and red to pitch black, black and purple, and purple and black. It was obviously completely destroyed.

At the same time, Bai Sheng's face looked a little ugly:

"Good guy, what kind of golden elixir is this? It's simply a poison elixir, a source of mana and poison. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth turns into a poisonous elixir after being turned around in it."

Although he lost a clone, Bai Sheng also figured out what this black-gold elixir was?
It is truly a golden elixir.

The fake elixir is an energy aggregation, the real elixir is a high-quality energy aggregation, and the golden elixir should be regarded as a high-quality energy aggregation mixed with a ray of law.

For example, Bai Sheng's Nine Turns and Five Elements Golden Pill.

The Five Elements Law is contained within.

The deeper you understand the laws, the easier it will be to condense higher-quality golden elixirs. However, if you use some high-quality heavenly materials and earthly treasures that contain the laws themselves, you can naturally improve the quality of the golden elixirs to a certain extent.

Although the Sanhua Sanyuan Dan that Bai Sheng gave Huaguang was a useless elixir with 50% erysipelas, it still had 50% efficacy. In addition, Huaguang had already transformed the secret technique of the supreme golden elixir into his own. Instinct, so while his fake elixir was corroded by erysipelas, it also transformed into a real elixir.

Subsequently, the number of erysipelas continued to increase.

The normal process should be that the Dantian is broken, and the true elixir he formed will completely collapse due to the broken Dantian.

It's just that Bai Sheng used the Five Elements Forbidden Seal to seal his Dantian. Therefore, although his Dantian was broken, his true elixir was not broken because of the Five Elements Forbidden Seal. The Five Elements Forbidden Seal here not only It plays the role of Dantian, and also has the miraculous tempering effect of the birth of the five elements.

The result was 70% erysipelas, so a wisp of the law of poison was tempered. The true elixir in Huaguang Dantian became a golden elixir containing the law of poison.

It can be seen that the key to golden elixir lies in the rules.

Even if the energy is impure, it can become a golden elixir as long as there are laws. However, under normal circumstances, the energy of fake elixirs and real elixirs is not pure enough to carry the laws.

The law of poison in the black and golden elixir.

It was purely bred by Qicheng Erysipelas itself.

There may be more adaptability and a better match.

In addition, the White Saint's Five Elements Seal was used as a seal to suppress it, ensuring that it would not be broken, and it was able to take shape.

However, although this thing is a golden elixir, it is indeed quite useless. It is probably only useful to monks who have reached at least the first-level golden elixir realm and specialize in poison skills. However, the formation process of this golden elixir has given Bai Sheng a lot of inspiration:
"Since 70% of the erysipelas can cooperate with the Five Elements Seal to give birth to a wisp of the law of poison, there is no reason that 90% of the fire magic power cannot give birth to the law of fire.

I feel that this direction has great research potential.

If it succeeds, it might be possible to mass-produce Golden elixir monks relatively cheaply. Nine-turn Golden elixirs cannot be made, but one-turn golden elixirs will definitely be fine. Geniuses and people with abundant resources will not need them, but ordinary monks will definitely need them.

I can try more when I have time. "

Considering that continued in-depth research would definitely not produce results overnight, Bai Sheng immediately decided to put this matter aside for the time being and deal with Huaguang's matter first, and then completely settle Huaguang's matter.

Then slowly study the topic just now.

Some of the more ambitious last wishes of the original body are definitely not something that Bai Sheng can accomplish by himself. They will definitely require a large number of manpower. And if you train a large number of manpower from scratch, it will undoubtedly take an extremely long time.

At the same time, she doesn’t have that many resources.

Winning over other monks to help is the best option.

There are very few Yuan Ying deity-forming monks in this world, and the alchemy-forming monks are the real pillars. If we can unite a large number of ordinary alchemy-forming monks who are not in the golden elixir realm, it will definitely be a terrifying force. From Hua Guang's memory, we can clearly understand that the biggest obsession among ordinary alchemy monks who are not in the golden elixir realm is the golden elixir.

So as long as Bai Sheng can come up with a relatively cheap secret technique to help others transform fake elixirs or real elixirs into golden elixirs.

There will definitely be no need to worry about running out of manpower in the future.

Of course, these are still far away. Bai Sheng tidied up the battlefield a little, and then used the void movement technique again to quickly return to Xianyun City and meet Master Qingyun.

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