Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 222 Don’t bully the old and the poor [2 in 1]

Chapter 222 Don’t bully the old and the poor (9) [-in-]

Although the art of finding relatives by blood was created later.

But it is obviously easier to find the original person's blood relatives than to reorganize the entire spiritual world. Moreover, the older the original person is, the more she misses her childhood. Therefore, it is the original person's last wish to try to find her clan members and even rebuild her family.

Based on this, as soon as Bai Sheng left his personal plane, he immediately used the bloodline search technique to start looking for relatives.

First, the direct blood relatives.

Five generations, tracing back to father, mother, grandparents, and nephews and grandnephews, although Bai Sheng was prepared that the situation would not be good, and he was also prepared that he might not be able to find a few direct blood relatives.

But the lack of any response still made her heart sink.

Because if her secret technique of finding relatives by bloodline was correct, then there would be no reaction, which undoubtedly means that no one of her direct blood relatives from five generations up to and including her survived except herself.

At least her parents' line is suspected of being extinct.

For this reason, she hurriedly repeated the deduction several times, but every time the result was nothing: "How could this happen?"

Out of helplessness and disbelief that there would be problems with his secret skills, Bai Sheng hurriedly began to expand the scope of the deduction, from the original deduction to only five generations of direct relatives.

Become a relative within the fifth server.

The so-called people within the fifth server basically refer to the people within the nine tribes, but this time there was still no reaction.

Wu Wu sensed that Bai Sheng began to doubt.

Is there something wrong with the secret technique of finding relatives by my own bloodline?

After all, logically speaking, it shouldn't be the case. Although the original family was surrounded and divided by several other major Jiedan families due to the death of the ancestor of Jiedan, it should not have reached the level of annihilating the nine clans. Moreover, the original person survived, even the original person who pretended to be dead survived. How could it be possible that none of the other clan members survived.

this is unreasonable
In addition, not all members of their clan were at home at the beginning, waiting to be surrounded and killed by others.

Not to mention that there were clan members who were not at home. When they realized that something was wrong, several elders of his family specially arranged for many clan members to disguise themselves and disperse.

Not to mention that his family is prosperous, and some people even raise extramarital affairs, illegitimate children, or illegitimate daughters in private.

Those illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters.

The people next to them may not know it, let alone the families who are encircling and killing them.

No matter how you think about it, no one should survive.

"Is it possible that there is something wrong with the secret technique I developed? Forget it, let's go verify it!"

Bai Sheng, who had begun to doubt himself, quickly found a relatively large foundation-building family and took a drop of blood from a member of that family. Based on that drop of blood, he used the bloodline kinship search technique to deduce his relatives from the nine clans. , then, Bai Sheng's soul instantly received 999+ bloodline relative induction information.

The drop of blood in his hand extended out to almost countless blood threads. Each blood thread was connected to someone from the Foundation Establishment Family below. Obviously, judging from the current situation, there was nothing wrong with his secret technique!
“There’s nothing wrong with the secret technique!

Is it possible that all nine original tribes are dead? Isn't it so unlucky? Or is there something wrong with my blood? "

Since there was no problem with the secret technique, and Bai Sheng was unwilling to believe that all the nine original tribes were dead, she could not help but begin to suspect that there was something wrong with her blood.

Could it be the blood after reshaping the true body.

Is it different from before?
Is the DNA genetic information reorganized?
At this time, Bai Sheng remembered that he had previously extracted a tube of blood from the original body. He originally planned to use the tube of blood without erysipelas to try to cultivate a body for use, but later he found a new method and it was neither used nor destroyed.

So the next second, she found the tube of blood again and used it to continue the bloodline deduction.

Then, still nothing.

Now she really couldn't make excuses anymore.

She had thought of all the excuses she could make, and all the possible problems she could think of. No matter how reluctant she was to admit it, she probably had to admit that all the nine original clans were dead. For a moment, Bai Sheng couldn't help but feel sad.

Although the original person complained a little about her parents running away with her younger brother and abandoning her, she even imagined that one day she would become a great monk, find her parents and younger brother, and tell them in front of them that your original choice was wrong. , I am the hope of the family.

But this fantasy of hers.

Why don't we hope that our parents and younger brother are still alive?

In the end, Bai Sheng once again deduced the information about people outside the Nine Clans without giving up. The relationship between the people outside the Nine Clans has become so far apart that the original person doesn't know how to call them, and they don't know how to call the original person.

A person's nine tribes may be wiped out, but in terms of bloodline, if you trace it beyond the nine tribes, it may be a bit exaggerated to say that you are connected to everyone in the world, but you can be connected to one tenth or one percent of the people, absolutely It's no exaggeration. After all, going back further, it is inevitable that many different families have the same ancestors.

Unless there was a mass extinction in the early years.

Or come from other worlds themselves.

Then Bai Sheng was completely relieved, or it could be said that she gave up completely, because she could sense that the original body did have many blood relatives outside the nine races.

In other words, all nine original clans died.

What is certain can no longer be certain!

At the same time, Bai Sheng also understood that she must take revenge, because if there are survivors from the original nine tribes, or her parents and brothers are still alive, or even not all of them, but one or two are still there, there is a high probability that the original body will not take revenge. There is too much obsession, as long as it can revive the family.

But now that all nine clans are dead, if she doesn't want to take revenge, it is impossible from any aspect.

The original body is dead, not in a state of disintegration.

It’s not that the true spirit has been completely wiped out.

Therefore, her last wishes and obsessions can naturally change as she learns more and more truth.

Although Bai Sheng could only solve her initial obsession according to regulations, or even fulfill only the minimum standard last wish, she was obviously unwilling to do so at this time, so Bai Sheng immediately revised the original plan and included the plan to find her tribe and rebuild her family. , changed to a standard revenge plan.

Then I started to look through my memory and recall carefully.

Then fly back to my hometown based on my memory.

Generally speaking, the cultivating family will not move at will unless the spiritual energy of a certain place is exhausted, so if nothing happens, her enemies should still be there.

That is sixteen thousand miles southeast of Xianyun City.

Zhongsha Island is the largest among the Huansha Islands.

Yes, the Yuan family should actually be considered islanders. Cultivation families and sects on the mainland generally call them overseas casual cultivators, but they themselves do not consider themselves to be casual cultivators, and even form an overseas immortal alliance.

It is indeed inferior to the mainland in terms of top-level resources and top-level spiritual veins, but the middle and low-level resources, especially the number of monsters, are far more than the already over-exploited mainland. In addition, they also have a lot of ancestors who are transformed into gods.

So the force is not considered weak.

Of course, the disputes between the top forces have nothing to do with their original family. Their family is one of the five largest Zhongsha Island true elixir families in the Huansha Islands.

Zhongsha Island has no city or sect.

There is only a group of cultivating aristocratic families.

The five true elixir families occupy the five best spiritual veins, the foundation-building family occupies the secondary spiritual veins, the Qi-refining family survives in the middle, and the casual cultivators are even worse. At the same time, those foundation-building families and Qi-refining families, even if they are unwilling to get involved in the disputes between the five major true elixir families, must have a clear tendency to attach themselves to a certain true elixir family on the island.

Therefore, the five great true elixir families have great conflicts.

In particular, years of grievances and interest disputes have made them no worse than fighting to the death.

What is missing is that one party is weak and has flaws.

The Bai family, where their family originally lived, had only one ancestor who was in the true elixir realm, and the family had not been able to cultivate a new true elixir monk for nearly three hundred years. There were only three fake elixir monks who could barely maintain the family's dignity. The maximum lifespan of a true elixir monk is five hundred years. In addition, during the process, he may suffer some hidden injuries and there is erysipelas. Generally, he will not live for five hundred years. A life of four hundred and eighty is considered a long life.

The ancestor of the Bai family formed the true elixir when he was one hundred and eighty years old.

Later, due to the lack of foundation, it was difficult to obtain higher-level resources and higher-level exercises, so it wasted for many years until I finally tried my best to get the Nascent Soul Realm exercises that suited me.

Lifespan is already not very long, and having to worry about family affairs will even delay your practice.

The end result is that until the end of life, he barely reaches the perfection of the true elixir, and he is not sure of a breakthrough, let alone the elixir to assist in breaking through to the Nascent Soul realm. Of course, none of this is actually important. What worries the ancestors of the Bai family and the Bai family the most is that their family has not yet given birth to a new ancestor of the true elixir. The three fake elixir monks combined are not as good as one true elixir ancestor, and other families also have fake elixir monks. The true elixir ancestor is the Dinghai Shenzhen.

At this time, if you try hard and fail, you will die. If you don't try hard, you will die of old age in a few years. Therefore, the ancestor of the Bai family resolutely decided to retreat and prepare to break through the Nascent Soul.

As long as he can break through the Nascent Soul realm.

All worries will be swept away.

Unfortunately, he apparently failed to break through. Although the Bai family tried their best to conceal the news, the other four major Zhendan families actually knew how old their ancestors were, and they all knew that as long as their ancestors did not successfully break through to the Nascent Soul realm, they would die at about the same time. Just in these two years.

In addition, monks in the Dan Formation realm need to overcome tribulations to break through to the Nascent Soul realm. There is no way to hide this.

So soon someone started spreading the word.

News that the ancestor of the Bai family has passed away.

What follows is the continuous testing of the four families, and the final confirmation that the ancestor of the Bai family has died. They officially join forces to destroy the Bai family and divide all the assets of the Bai family.

The original person didn't know much about the relevant situation at first. After all, she was only six years old when their family was destroyed. She had no chance or interest in getting into contact with the grudges and resentments between her family and other families. This information helped her become After the Zhang family slaves, they inquired about it one after another.

Of course, compared to the original information circulating.

Her memory is somewhat embellished.

The original information spread on the island was that the other four major Zhendan families discovered that the Bai family had liaised with the Hai clan and became traitors to the human clan, so they joined forces and jointly destroyed the Bai family.

Whether you believe it or not.

Anyway, this is the information circulating on the surface.

Privately, many people feel that this is just a cover for the four major Zhendan families to find a high-sounding excuse, or to pour dirty water on the Bai family.

So that their family can be destroyed.

Because after the Bai family was destroyed, the four major families did not publicly release any evidence to prove that the Bai family had colluded with the Hai clan, so the whole matter was downplayed.

Bai Sheng, who reviewed the memories of his original body, soon returned to Zhongsha Island, and then he was a little confused, because let alone Zhongsha Island, the entire Huansha Islands were gone, and the original place was clearly a large area. sea ​​area.

"I remember correctly, this is it, and I have only been away for less than sixty years. Even the changes in the sea have not changed so fast. Is there a large-scale earthquake?"

How should I put it? At this moment, Bai Sheng felt like she was drawing her sword and looking around at a loss. She was already ready to find her enemies and kill them. But let alone the enemies, the ground under their feet was gone, so who could they put it on? Who is not confused? Nothing goes well these days.

Looking for direct blood relatives, there are no direct blood relatives.

Looking for the Nine Clans, the Nine Clans are gone.

Looking for enemies, now even the enemies are gone...

She has been doubting herself all day today. If this continues, she will almost doubt her life.

But after being confused, what needs to be done still needs to be done.

For example, use mental power to carefully check the nearby sea area, including what is happening hundreds of kilometers deep below the sea area. To be more precise, it is to verify whether you have found the wrong place. The original Huansha Islands are Shenyang Islands. Is it over or something happened?

After a while, the situation below the sea was constructed in her mind through mental perception.

It was a complete ruin.

Countless rock fragments and building debris are piling up less than 500 meters below the sea. In addition, some swimming fish can be seen swimming among the bones.

Although the whole thing is so dilapidated that it cannot be seen as it is.

But since this sea area is the hometown in the original memory, there are island ruins under the sea area.

Bai Sheng naturally felt that he was looking for the right place.

However, at this time, she obviously did not have the ability to go back in time, so she could only sense whether there was any area nearby that was full of life and had living creatures. Then use the void movement technique to move over, try to find a nearby island with a large number of monks, and try to find out the news.

After several moves like this.

Bai Sheng moved himself into the Hai Clan's nest.

Her technique was slightly flawed. It could only distinguish the concentration of life, but not the source of it, let alone whether the life originated from land or from under the ocean. And there happened to be a sea demon kingdom nearby.

It can be regarded as a gathering place for the sea tribe, at the bottom of the sea.

The void movement technique targets space, not the earth. The sea water obviously has no blocking ability, and those sea tribes have no defensive means, such as formations.

It really doesn't even bother to block it.

As a result, Bai Sheng moved himself directly into the nest of a group of sea tribesmen. The group of non-human sea tribes were feasting on people. Seeing Bai Sheng, he was stunned at first, and then shouted about enemy attack, and Get started.

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