Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 234: Plan for survival [2 in 1]

Chapter 234: Trying every means to make a living (4) [-in-]

However, Huang Juan's question stunned Bai Sheng. She really had not considered how to explain her recovery to people who knew about it. The simplest way was to say that she had misdiagnosed, and then prescribed the right medicine and cured her.

But later, I want to fulfill the original person’s second last wish.

There is no doubt that he wants to show that he knows internal strength.

So if you lie now, the probability of being exposed in the future is not just 100%, but 80 or 90%.

It will inevitably hurt this friend's heart a little.

After all, no one wants to be cheated by their friends.

So after hesitating for a few seconds, Bai Sheng pulled Huang Juan towards a place with few people, and whispered:

"I don't know the specific situation. Some time ago, my health was so bad that I could barely walk normally. Sometimes I felt like I was dying, as if I could be taken away at any time...

Then, maybe God bless you.

It's also possible that there really is a miracle between life and death.

My inner strength suddenly came into play.

There was a qi that kept circulating in my body. When it traveled to my stomach, it felt like a knife cutting me. No, it felt like I was being cut into pieces with a thousand knives. It was extremely painful. I didn’t know if I was possessed or something. Later, I vomited a lot of stuff that had a very fishy smell and smell of blood.

At that time, I thought those might be cancer cells in the body.

Although the process is painful, it should be a good thing.

So I endured the pain and continued to practice, and kept expelling all kinds of stinky and bloody things. My body became extremely thin, but I could feel that my condition was getting better, so I persisted. At the same time, I kept trying to eat more grains. After I stopped expelling the foul-smelling bloody things, my body began to gradually improve.

There is a feeling of being reborn and reborn. "

When Bai Sheng said that the inner strength seemed to have entered the door, Huang Juan's mouth could not help but open wide. Later, she was even more excited and excited. If she hadn't been worried about the people next to her, she would have jumped up and down with joy.

Whether Bai Sheng's body recovered or she condensed her inner strength, it was an extremely inspiring thing for her.

The former meant that her best friend could still live.

The latter means that internal strength exists, she has not been deceived, she has not been doing useless work these years, and she has friends with internal strength masters who have developed internal strength.

Is she still worried that she won't be able to develop her internal strength in the future?
Huang Juan feels excited just thinking about it:
"It's great, it's really great. You have finally come to the end of your hardships. By the way, I have never felt what inner strength is like. Can you let me feel it?"

Huang Juan was not embarrassed to directly ask Bai Sheng to guide her to develop her internal strength, nor was she embarrassed to ask Bai Sheng to help her treat chronic diseases, but she thought it would be okay to let her experience what internal strength felt like.

This request of mine is not too much.

After all, we have been friends for so many years, right?
Of course, Bai Sheng would not refuse. He even took a few strands of the vitality cultivated by the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique in his body, injected it into Huang Juan's body through the pores, and circulated in her body to nourish the internal organs.

In fact, she did not practice internal strength. To be precise, the Turtle Breath Nourishing Energy Technique cannot be regarded as internal strength. What is cultivated is not internal strength, but a kind of nourishing vitality, which is good for the body. However, now it is temporarily used as internal strength for Huang Juan to feel. There is still no problem, because this vitality is not much different from the legendary internal power in many aspects.

It can even be regarded as an internal force with better health effects.

It has the effect of prolonging life and curing diseases.

After all, when a person is sick, his body's vitality is actually damaged. If a person's vitality is extremely full, it means that he is in very good health and cannot get sick at all. Therefore, replenishing vitality will naturally extend life and cure various diseases. This is no problem.

Even if it was just a few strands of vitality nourishment, Huang Juan could clearly feel the benefits of this thing to the body, and she groaned in comfort, and then said with emotion:
"It's so comfortable. It really is true."

"Sister Bai, you don't know. Zhang Mazi went around promoting it a few days ago, telling us that he had developed Hunyuan internal energy and was now an internal energy master. He also let us feel the warmth of internal energy nourishing the Dantian.

It was him who touched our stomachs with his hands.

It can give us a warm feeling in our stomachs.

I always thought that it was not his internal power, it was just that his palms were warmer. However, I have not developed internal power, so I really couldn’t refute it. Until you just let me experience the internal power for myself, it turned out to be true. It cannot be faked. Ah, this feeling is definitely true inner strength!

It's completely different from the warmth that floats on the surface.

Oops, I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s really comfortable anyway. Sister Bai, have you cultivated a lot of internal energy? Do you want to buy some supplements? I heard people say that internal energy is also about science, and it’s about energy conservation, right? , You need to eat more internal energy to get more.

You haven't had lunch yet, right?

It's getting late, let's have breakfast and lunch.

I'm treating you to something good, and by the way, there's a new noodle shop over there. Their big meat noodles are really good, with a piece of pork belly as big as your palm, and you can still make more noodles! "

Huang Juan, who had realized the benefits of internal strength and thought about it after thinking about what Bai Sheng had just described, felt that internal strength might not be so easy to develop. After a few words of emotion, she pulled Bai Sheng eastwards and asked to treat her to a meal.

After all, if she can't develop her own internal strength in the future, she will definitely have to ask Bai Sheng to help her cure her chronic diseases. Although those diseases are basically not fatal, they are really uncomfortable. Sometimes they are even worse than death. If they can really be cured , who doesn’t want to be cured!

Things are getting better and better these days.

Who doesn’t want to live a few more years and enjoy a few more years of happiness!

Therefore, it would definitely not hurt to show kindness now and let the relationship between the two of them warm up again, and Bai Sheng did not refuse. After all, refusing at this time would inevitably be a bit unfair, and even made Huang Juan feel that she wanted to break up with her.

I don’t want to do anything to help her in the future.

So the two old best friends quickly went to the noodle restaurant Huang Juan mentioned, ordered two large bowls of meat noodles, and chatted while eating. But no matter how we talk, we will end up talking about internal strength, Bai Sheng's body and other related aspects. There is no way, compared to the common parents who are short-lived, which family's daughter-in-law cheated, which family's old man raised someone outside, and which family's child was not his biological child.

Huang Juan is still more concerned about internal strength.

In the end, the topic inevitably leads to internal strength.

Of course, Bai Sheng is just making up nonsense. After all, there is no real inner strength in this world. She is the first person to cultivate inner strength. The specific feelings of inner strength, inner strength and mental methods are not defined by her! After finishing the noodles, Bai Sheng didn't even wait for Huang Juan to ask him to help her treat her chronic disease. He knew that she was embarrassed to say it, or she didn't know what price to pay for Bai Sheng's help. After all, in recent years, there have been many reports in the news and newspapers about how much money a certain internal martial arts master received for treating so-and-so, and the units were always in the tens of thousands.

Although Huang Juan's family is not poor, they are not that rich either. It is inevitable that they are a little entangled or embarrassed at this time.

It’s probably too much, my family can’t afford it.

She paid less and was afraid of hurting her feelings. She still wanted to maintain this friendship, but she couldn't turn it into a one-time deal. Maintaining connections would be good for her children and grandchildren.

Although Bai Sheng didn't think that deeply, he was not a careless person. Seeing that Huang Juan didn't mention it, he could only say to himself:
"Sister Juan, I know you have been tortured by those diseases for many years. Please come back with me later and I will use my inner strength to help you cure the disease. But there is one requirement, that is, you must keep it secret for me first. After all, My inner strength has just been developed and is not deep enough. Moreover, my ability is limited and I cannot be the great compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva who saves all sentient beings. Therefore, please do not spread the word.

Even if you squeeze me dry, you won't be able to save a few people! ! "

"I understand, I will keep it secret. Thank you. What about that? Let's see how much it costs!"

Bai Sheng himself said that he wanted to help her, which really touched Huang Juan, but the more this happened, the more embarrassed she became to do it for nothing. After all, brothers have to settle accounts clearly, and the little friendship between them cannot be wasted like this. Lose.

So I immediately asked Bai Sheng how much money he wanted.

Seeing Bai Sheng wave his hands to refuse, he continued:

"Sister Bai, don't be embarrassed. My brothers have to settle accounts clearly. Moreover, my disease cannot be cured in the hospital, and it will cost a lot of money. You just cured it for me. It's natural for me to pay." things.

Even my family's conditions are well known to me. It's definitely not possible for me to be like those wealthy businessmen who just randomly take out tens or even millions. Well, how about ten thousand yuan? "

People have offered to treat her, and she can't be too picky about it, so Huang Juan gritted her teeth and decided to show her utmost sincerity. Ten thousand yuan is basically half of her family's savings. She also knows a little bit about the law and what community property is. The family has a deposit of 20,000 yuan. If she uses 10,000 yuan, it should be considered reasonable and legal. Any more would be inappropriate.

It is estimated that her old man is reluctant to part with it!
"No, if you are really embarrassed, just buy me more meat or something like that. After all, internal energy is actually refining gas, so you have to eat well.

Only then can more inner strength be condensed.

Okay, Sister Juan, don’t be polite to me. I already have this ability. If I want to make money in the future, will I still be unable to make money? Why do I have to make money from you?

Come on, come home with me first.

However, my internal strength is a bit low. I may not be able to heal you in one or two times. I have to take my time. You have to go to my place a few more times. This should be fine for you! "

Some people can be ruthless enough to kill an acquaintance, or even kill an acquaintance even more ruthlessly, but Bai Sheng is really not that shameless. He asked Huang Juan to buy more meat at this time, just because he was afraid that she would not want anything. Good riddance.

As for the saying that she has low internal strength and needs to be cured slowly, isn't that mainly because her character is not someone who has just developed internal strength? How much inner strength can there be after just practicing it? In addition, the internal strength is still lost after leaving the body. Slower treatment is in line with her status of insufficient internal strength, which has just been cultivated.

The next main thing is that Huang Juan and Bai Sheng exchanged polite words for each other, and then Bai Sheng said with a dark face that that's it, if you continue to be polite, I won't treat you.

After much tossing, the matter was settled.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Sheng took Huang Juan home as a matter of course, brought her into the house, closed the door and treated her.

Her daughter-in-law is really not curious at all.

I didn't ask anything.

Under the nourishment of the vitality condensed from the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique, Huang Juan could clearly feel that her body had improved immediately. Her body seemed to have returned to the quality it had ten years ago, and she could go to the fields and cut ten acres of rice.

“Oh my god, it feels so comfortable.

I feel that my body has completely healed. Sister Bai, are you sure you need a few more treatments in the future? "

Huang Juan's words were mainly a compliment.

I also wanted to find out to what extent my body had recovered, but asking directly would inevitably feel a bit presumptuous, so I asked indirectly while boasting.

"Today I'm just treating the symptoms for you, so that the parts of your body that would otherwise hurt won't hurt anymore. The root cause has to be treated slowly. From now on, you can come here every day. It should be completely cured in about a month, and the internal energy will be separated from the body. After all, there is some wear and tear, so I can’t treat myself quickly.”

What Bai Sheng said was basically the truth.

"Oh, we really need to cure the root cause, please."

Huang Juan nodded and said quickly:

"By the way, Miss Bai, how much meat can you eat every day now? If I buy meat for you, it's definitely not easy to just buy hundreds or even thousands of kilograms of pork or beef, and then buy them alive and send them over. I don't know if you can." slaughter.

So, how about I send some over every day.

You eat first, and at the end I will see if I can try to buy some more chickens and ducks for you. You can keep them and kill them if you want to eat them. That way you should be able to eat them for a little longer. "

"Don't be polite to me. Eat as much as you can. Eat as much as you can. After all, whether your internal energy is sufficient or not is related to my body, right?"

Of course, Bai Sheng couldn't really let go. If she really let go of eating, based on the super high efficiency of Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique, it would be no problem to eat one cow a day. If other similar techniques were added, ten cows would be enough. Cows can also digest it.

So after thinking about it, Bai Sheng said very restrainedly:
"Ten pounds, ten pounds is enough!"

"No problem, just wait. I will buy two chickens now. From now on, I will try to come over in the morning every day, and then I will treat you after you have eaten and digested."

The current pork has basically been sold out in the morning. At the same time, because they don’t raise cattle and sheep very much, it is difficult to buy beef and mutton. You have to happen to encounter a cow somewhere that has died or needs to be killed when it is old. It was already one or two o'clock in the afternoon. Huang Juan estimated that she could only buy chicken, so she said this.

After saying hello, she hurried away and came back more than an hour later carrying two old hens.

Then, without Bai Sheng's help, she killed the chickens and shed their feathers on her own, while Bai Sheng boiled water and the two of them quickly stewed the two chickens.

Only then did Zhou Ping make any move.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to go in and out of the kitchen next door while preparing dinner, I frequently peeked at Bai Sheng's side. It wasn't because I was greedy for chicken, but mainly because I didn't understand what kind of relationship Bai Sheng had with the other old lady who suddenly came here today.

Why did he bring two chickens over and stew them all? Normally, we don’t have such a luxury during the Chinese New Year!

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