Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 236: Plan for survival [2 in 1]

Chapter 236: Trying every means to make a living (6) [-in-]

Early the next morning, Huang Juan bought ten kilograms of good pork belly, as well as rock sugar and other materials needed to make braised pork, and continued to Bai Sheng's treatment.

This time it was still seen.

And made the villagers more curious.

They didn't dare to wonder if there was something wrong with Huang Juan's brain from Wan Yuan Hu, but they began to wonder if Bai Sheng had some leverage over Huang Juan, or if Bai Sheng used some means to deceive Huang Juan, that's why she was like this!
Others whispered their speculation to the village chief.

I hope the village chief will come forward to understand the situation.

Don't let Bai Sheng ruin their village's reputation.

Bai Sheng didn't know about this yet. She and Huang Juan worked together to blanch the pork belly, put it on the honeycomb briquette stove and simmered it over a slow fire, and then began to treat Huang Juan.

By the way, I also gave her a full body massage.

The next treatment is mainly a slow nourishing and repairing process, and the effect will not be as immediate as yesterday, so giving her a proper massage will undoubtedly make her feel more comfortable immediately.

It's just like a beauty salon applying a layer of makeup cream to a customer after a skin care routine. The whole person will immediately look radiant.

Don't use makeup cream, just rely on those skin care products.

How can it have such an immediate effect!

Bai Sheng gave her a full-body massage, which was actually based on the same principle. When the muscles and bones of the whole body were unblocked, it was strange that Huang Juan felt uncomfortable.

Not only comfortable, I even fell asleep comfortably.

After about two hours of sleep, Bai Shengdu had already distributed four kilograms of cooked braised pork to the eldest daughter-in-law and second daughter-in-law's family. After coming back and eating all the remaining braised pork, Huang Juan opened her eyes and slowly He stretched and then sat up energetically:
"Sister Bai, it's really comfortable.

I have never felt so comfortable in my life. I haven't had a good night's sleep in at least several years. In the past, not only was my sleep quality not good, but I also always had pain here and there. I often woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back to sleep.

No wonder so many people admire the master of internal energy.

Oops, it's getting late. In order to keep it secret, I didn't even tell the old man that I have to leave first. By the way, what do you want to eat tomorrow? Do you want to eat chicken, duck, or beef and mutton? I'll try my best to buy it for you. …”

"Eat fish, buy some fish tomorrow."

The diet must be balanced. She is not afraid of imbalance, but her grandchildren and two daughters-in-law still need a balanced diet. If there is too much oil and water, the body may not be able to sustain it.

Eating braised pork every day is too harmful to the body.

Still need to get more fish and chicken for a change.

Huang Juan didn't ask any more questions. After expressing her understanding, she said hello, said goodbye and left. Less than half an hour after she left, the village chief Liu Aimin came to the door.

First, he looked around to make sure Huang Juan had left.

Then he entered the room and stared at Bai Sheng for a long time. Then he said with some disbelief: "Daughter-in-law Da Fei, you... why do you seem to be a different person?"

Their village is only that big in total, with less than 300 households. As the village leader, Liu Aimin, not only knows every household well, but he must have a general understanding of the situation. Moreover, a month ago, everyone held a meeting on the issue of village collective land use. The original body went there on behalf of their family. Liu Aimin noticed that something was wrong with the original body's face and body, and asked about it with concern, suggesting that she go to the hospital when she had time. Check it out, it feels like she's not feeling well.

Don't turn a minor illness into a major one.

It had only been a month since they last met, and Bai Sheng not only looked healthy, but he also seemed to be rejuvenated.

Much younger than before.

How could he not be surprised!

Of course, becoming younger is not Bai Sheng's intention to become younger. The reason why the original body looked so old before was mainly because she was very ill. How could a terminally ill person look younger? She would definitely look younger than she originally was. The state it should be in is much older. Now Bai Sheng is just curing all her illnesses and returning her to the state that a healthy body should be at her current age.

It's just that the time between before and after is shorter.

So the contrast seems a bit unimaginable.

In fact, her two daughters-in-law and grandchildren were very surprised when they saw her, but they didn't ask.

"I was ill some time ago, but I have recovered recently."

Bai Sheng didn't explain too much because she still didn't know what the village chief wanted to do when he came over.

Village chief Liu Aimin thought it was reasonable to say this, because a month ago the other party's face, including his physical condition, did not look healthy no matter how he looked. However, in order to prevent him from being borrowed money, he just gave a little reminder and said Didn't delve too deeply into the situation.

"It will be fine as soon as the illness is cured. I came here this time to ask you on behalf of some people in the village, what is Huang Juan's situation? How did you meet her? Your two families should not be related, and she has been there for the past two days. Why do I see you with chicken and meat every day?

Could it be that she came here to visit a doctor?

But it doesn’t matter to you! "

We all belong to the same village, and the village chief is also responsible for helping with household registration, issuing death certificates, etc. Therefore, Liu Aimin thinks that he basically knows everything about the relatives of the people in the village. He can be sure that there is no relationship between Huang Juan and Bai Sheng. There is no kinship at all.

Even if there is, it will definitely be out of five servers.

"We are not related. We are just friends who practice internal skills together. I have gone a long way on the road of internal skills. She hopes that I can help her and then we can all make progress together. What, is there any problem?"

There was nothing wrong with Bai Sheng's answer.

Tell the truth 100%.

Hearing this, Liu Aimin couldn't help but start to have a headache. Of course he also knew about internal strength. It had become very popular in recent years. To be precise, it had some influence many years ago. There were even special internal strength sanatoriums.

Let some retired seniors and heroes recuperate.

But he really didn't think that such a high-end and classy thing could be learned by a semi-literate old lady who couldn't recognize a single word. This was not just nonsense and playing the piano randomly.

Why did you fool Huang Juan into being lame?

That's right, at this moment Liu Aimin felt that he had understood what was going on. It was Bai Sheng, a bad old woman, who pretended that she was successful in practicing internal skills, and then used smooth words to deceive Huang Juan's trust, and asked Huang Juan to contribute money and worship her. Become a teacher and gain benefits from this.

So soon, Liu Aimin said seriously:
"Daughter-in-law Da Fei, as the saying goes, if you don't have diamonds, you shouldn't take the porcelain job. You can't fake it if it's true, and you can't be true if it's false. Do you think you have a culture that you can't even recognize with two thousand common words? How can she understand the internal skills secrets she bought without anyone teaching her? If you teach her, that’s not nonsense.

You are simply misleading people!
What's the difference between what you're doing and cheating? Tomorrow or today, you go to Huang Juan immediately and make it clear to her. Don't look back and wait for others to react on their own before reporting to the Public Security Department and arresting you and educating us. Then we will be harmed. The reputation of the entire village has been ruined by you.

Is it nice to say that there is a liar in our village? "

Nowadays, when people get married, they basically just look for in-laws in nearby villages. If the distance between the two families is more than ten or twenty kilometers, then they are considered to be marrying far away. Therefore, each village still relatively protects the reputation of its own village. No one wants a mouse droppings. If a pot of porridge is ruined, the reputation of the whole village will be deteriorated, which will indirectly affect future marriage plans for the children. Bai Sheng was speechless, but he also knew that if he couldn't convince the village chief, he would definitely have other options.

So after thinking about it, he used the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique to strengthen his own strength, then stretched out his left hand, grabbed the village chief's back collar, and with a little force, he lifted his feet off the ground, then quickly raised his head and tilted it forty degrees. Look up at the sky five times.

To put it simply, it was pulling him by the back collar.

Lifted him up directly.

Liu Aimin was so frightened that he didn't react for a while. He waited for several seconds before hurriedly struggling, and was gently put down by Bai Sheng: "Village Chief, do you believe it now?
Although we who do farm work have considerable strength, we should not be so strong that we can lift you up with just one hand. We can carry you on our backs with a pole or on our backs, etc. But with one hand raised, I believe not many people in the whole village can do it.

This can prove that I have succeeded in cultivating internal strength! "

"Besides, Huang Juan's family has been a household worth ten thousand yuan for many years. If it is so easy to be deceived, how did the couple earn their fortune if they don't have any real skills.

Can she believe it and be so positive? "

It wasn't until his feet came into contact with the earth again that Liu Aimin's heart, which had just been hanging, finally fell to the ground. Then he looked at Bai Sheng again as if he had seen a ghost, especially the hand she had just raised him, and she couldn't help but mutter:

"How could this happen, you really"

"It's so unreasonable. There are so many people trying to practice internal energy. I even bought several master's annotated secret books. How can I let you succeed in the practice..."

Yes, Liu Aimin also practiced internal strength.

However, after practicing for a long time, except for a little back pain, there was no effect, so I gave up about half a year ago, feeling that I didn't have the talent.

But even so, when he found out that Bai Sheng, who was inferior to him in everything, actually seemed to have mastered internal skills.

I still feel sour in my heart.

I didn't scold God for being blind, which was quite restrained.

"Village Chief, please don't be upset. Didn't you read in the martial arts novels that someone is gifted with martial arts that no one else can master? Did he master it at a glance? Maybe I am that peerless internal skill that is rare to see in a thousand years. Wizard.

There is also the Taixuan Jing in this martial arts novel. No one can practice it, and the last one who is illiterate can practice it.

Where are you going to explain this kind of thing? "

Bai Sheng said a few words of relief and praised herself, and then stood up to see off the guests. After all, she had already explained the village chief's problem, so what else did she want to do?

Stay with her for dinner?
Then, the village chief left Bai Sheng's house in a daze and loss. He probably had to wait a while before he could accept the difference. In addition, the matter of Bai Sheng's internal skills can't be kept secret for long. Although the village chief is not a big talker, he is also not a person who strictly keeps secrets. It is estimated that within a few days, everyone in their village will know this. thing.

I'm afraid some of them will be busy by then.


On the third and fourth days, Huang Juan came as usual and fulfilled her contract. At the same time, the news that Bai Sheng had started to learn internal skills had basically spread throughout their village. After all, someone had instigated the village chief to come over to ask questions. After the village chief returned, The person who is provoking will naturally try to find out the news.

As soon as the village chief explained it, the news spread.

As a result, Bai Sheng's house seemed to have become a vegetable market for a while, extremely lively, both close and distant, as long as there was a relationship and everything was fine at home.

I've been here almost all the time these two days to observe.

They also wanted Bai Sheng to let them feel their inner strength.

He even brought his children to become a disciple.

It made Bai Sheng very annoyed, and this was something that Bai Sheng had been worried about before. With the current popularity of internal energy, whoever has time would not be curious if he heard someone practicing internal energy somewhere. Inquire.

They were strangers to each other, so it didn't matter. It was okay to refuse, but they were all from the countryside, and most of them hadn't even finished their fifth server yet. How could Bai Sheng refuse?

The younger generation can refuse, but how can the elders refuse?

Her family is not very senior.

As for her two daughters-in-law, grandson and granddaughter, it was obvious that they could not hold up the scene and could not stop the enthusiastic people.

In the end, Bai Sheng was forced to move directly to Huang Juan's house. His family still had a certain status in Dawang Village. With their husband and wife helping to block it, Bai Sheng could save a lot of worry. The price was to agree to come to Wang Laohu. It also treats chronic physical diseases, hidden injuries, etc.

They are both over sixty years old. They cannot be in good health and have no illnesses at all. They just have different degrees of severity and different levels of tolerance.

Wang Laohu's health is no better than Huang Juan's.

To put it bluntly, if Bai Sheng doesn't care about them now, there is a high probability that Wang Lao Lao will go first in the end, because Wang Lao Lao just looks healthy, but his physical fitness is relatively good, and many old and hidden diseases have been suppressed. There is no outbreak, but once it does, it will definitely be overwhelming, and it will be out of control.

Some people have constant ailments and seem to be dying soon, but they often live for a long time. On the contrary, their bodies look very healthy. Once they become ill, they are terminally ill.

This is probably the case with Tiger King.

So they didn't lose at all on this deal.

From then on, Bai Sheng temporarily moved into Wang Laohu's house in Dawang Village. At the same time, the number of people who came to visit did not actually decrease, but they were blocked by Wang Laohu and his wife. Unless he had status and status, or was willing to scold Ju Ju, Only by asking Bai Sheng for help can he see her.

How to describe it, it is slowly moving this way.

Development in the direction of conventional internal strength masters.

Many of the more famous internal energy masters here generally follow this process. Most people are not qualified to meet them, nor are they qualified to ask the masters to help teach and treat them.

The "yuan" points have been obtained, or the power is in place.

In his spare time, Bai Sheng began to work hard to practice the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique, as well as martial arts secrets that can be practiced in the age of the end of the law, to increase his strength and foundation.

We cannot rely on everyone to abide by the rules.

You have to have some ability to protect yourself.

At the same time, she also mailed two letters to her two sons, asking them to come back quickly. After all, Huang Juan and Wang Laohu were outsiders. Compared with nurturing them to help, of course it was better to train her two sons.

But is it specifically worth cultivating?

We have to wait until they come back and think about it again.

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