Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 247 The buried Hunan noble concubine [2 in 1]

Chapter 247 The buried Hunan noble concubine (5) [-in-]

Not long after Zhang Tianshi finished speaking, they heard several screams coming from outside. Then he and his three fellow apprentices all turned pale, because the voices of Empress Zhang and several monks were clearly heard in the screams.

Empress Zhang's voice may still sound a little unfamiliar.

But those monks are their sworn enemies. As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is not your friend, but your sworn enemy. Don't be too familiar with each other.

The voice is so familiar that it makes me feel sick just by hearing it.

"It seems that things are not going well!"

"Master, what should we do? Should we go over and take a look? This matter may be quite tricky. Although we are not on good terms with those four bald donkeys, they undoubtedly have some tricks. If they fail too completely.

I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do.”

The two real people looked at Zhang Tianshi worriedly at this time.

Wait for him to make up his mind.

"Don't move yet. Just pretend you didn't hear any noise outside. Stay here quietly. If no one calls you, just pretend you didn't hear anything. If someone calls you, don't say anything. Just follow my instructions and act accordingly."

Zhang Tianshi was very clear at this time that this matter might be troublesome. The situation now was no longer about whether their Taoist sect could suppress the Buddhist sect and gain benefits from this matter.

But whether you can get away with it safely without being blamed.

After saying that, he quickly pulled out a small red sandalwood box from his sleeve, opened the box, took out three pills sealed with gold foil and beeswax, and handed them to the three real people:

"This is a poison pill that can cause vomiting blood and fainting. If you find that something is wrong later, I will signal you to do something immediately. Then, in the process, secretly eat this poison pill and pretend that you are no match for the ghost of Concubine Xiang. Then, vomit blood and faint. Do you understand?"

Compared to being discovered to have no magic skills and only pretending to be a ghost, it is undoubtedly better to be found that the magic skills or cultivation are not enough and cannot be a match for the ghost of Concubine Xiang.

Because at best this can only be considered as inadequate effort.

Rather than pure deception.

Master Zhang's meaning was very clear, that is, if ghosts really existed, he would rather admit that he was not as skilled as others than let anyone know that he, the Taoist master, and the three Taoist masters, did not know any magic at all.

As soon as he said this, the other three real people present understood instantly, and immediately took the pills and began to wait.

At the same time, the back hall was in a mess.

Not long after Zhang Tianshi and others left, the four eminent monks present split into two groups. Two went to the place where Concubine Xiang's body was placed to pray for her soul to be reborn, while the other two stayed in the back hall to exorcise evil spirits and pray for Empress Zhang.

Although Bai Shengneng pretended not to see it, after all, those two monks could not cause any harm to her.

But she was worried that the incident wasn't big enough.

How could I just let it go?

So as soon as the two monks recited two verses of the sutra, Queen Zhang's soul was once again pulled into the infinite loop dream by Bai Sheng. At the same time, her body was once again controlled by Bai Sheng. She suddenly exploded and started biting the two monks.

A great monk is not a martial monk, but a literary monk.

Although she is not too weak, she is obviously not too strong either. Although Empress Zhang is just a woman, under Bai Sheng's control, she can burst out with great power, as if she has activated a small universe.

The subconscious mind and one's own potential can be fully released.

So the two monks were quickly thrown down by Empress Zhang with terrified faces. They were torn apart by clothes and torn apart by arms. For a while, the back hall was in chaos and blood. The chaos was that the monks' robes had been completely scrapped, and only the loincloth was barely saved. The bloody thing was that a lot of flesh and blood had been lost from their bodies, which was quite like the Buddha cutting off his flesh to feed the eagle.

Absolutely good, ah good! ! !

The prince did not dare to stop it himself, but quickly ordered the eunuchs and palace maids who had been guarding outside to come forward. He was a little more polite to the palace maid Bai Sheng and did not let them lose everything. At least he kept some dignity. The eunuchs did not matter, but anyone who tried to control Queen Zhang ended up badly.

Bai Sheng was merciful not to take their lives.

Later, Bai Sheng felt that he couldn't just let the prince go and let him escape unscathed without any injuries. So he quickly mobilized Empress Zhang's potential again and pounced on the prince. In a short while, he tore the prince's clothes to pieces and tore off several pieces of flesh from him. At this time, because Empress Zhang's body had reached its limit, Bai Sheng could only regretfully stop controlling her and release her soul.

Sleep and recover, waiting for the next madness.

But it’s true, after such a crazy outburst, Bai Sheng was in a very happy mood. All the negative emotions that had accumulated in his heart for many years were vented out.

It's a bit like going to a house to vent and smash things!
It turns out that going crazy in moderation is good for your physical and mental health.

The result of Bai Sheng controlling Empress Zhang's body and going crazy was that the floor of the back hall was full of people with disheveled clothes, bloodstains, and wailing in pain, and the crown prince was no exception. The person with the neatest clothes was Empress Zhang, who had suddenly lost control and gone crazy. At this moment, she had just woken up and was at a loss as to what had happened.

At the same time, I just felt pain all over my body.

I felt totally exhausted and couldn't move.

This is normal. A mother who suddenly bursts out her potential and rushes hundreds of meters in just a few seconds to save her child will also be exhausted afterwards. Bai Sheng has been controlling Empress Zhang's body and going crazy for so long, it would be strange if he didn't collapse at this time!

At this point, the prince was really scared!

The two miserable monks truly believed that Empress Zhang had indeed encountered the ghost of Concubine Xiang, which could possess people and had extremely terrifying abilities. Their three views were reshaped.

Now I'm a little scared.

Not mentally normal!
What followed, of course, was the imperial physician entering the scene again to bandage all the injured, and the prince angrily rebuked the two monks as useless people, and sent someone to call the two monks who were going to the place where Concubine Xiang's body was placed to pray for the soul of heaven.

I want to ask what's going on over there.

What do they say?

In addition, the prince also hurriedly sent people to the side hall to invite Zhang Tianshi and others over.

Everyone has arrived.

The prince said helplessly with mixed feelings: "You should all be quite clear about the current situation. I can tell you clearly that this is the second time my mother has lost control. The first time was less than an hour ago. At that time, she only tortured herself and did not hurt others. In the end, she bit her finger and wrote a blood letter. Just now, my mother lost control for the second time, and you should all be able to see the damage she caused with your naked eyes.

These two monks who were responsible for exorcising evil spirits had no ability to resist.

Or perhaps their exorcism scriptures were completely useless, and might even have had a counterproductive effect, stimulating the ghost of Concubine Xiang and causing it to erupt again.

The other two who had just gone to pray for the soul to be reborn were obviously useless and could not stop the ghost of Concubine Xiang at all.

So, Master Zhang, what about you?
Do you have any way to resolve this matter? Even if it means the death of the dead, or even if it means going too far, it doesn't matter. I understand, and I believe all the officials can understand too."

The prince's meaning was quite clear, that is, even if the means were a little dirty, not very presentable, or might be said to be vicious, it didn't matter, as long as it could solve the problem, he would accept it.

The implication is undoubtedly that even if it is a melodramatic story or something as tragic as the scattering of bones and ashes, you can boldly mention it!
However, his saying this does not mean that Zhang Tianshi and the others really dare to say so, especially after seeing the miserable looks of everyone present.

According to the records of his ancestors, Zhang Tianshi had seen madmen before, and he was even very clear that when some madmen went crazy, their power was indeed far greater than that of others, and they were even comparable to those who were willing to die. Because they had no reason, they were naturally no different from those who were willing to die. But no matter how crazy they were, they were undoubtedly ordinary mortals, and their power was limited after all.

He had never seen or heard of a woman like Empress Zhang causing such great destruction after going crazy, and he seriously suspected that she might not be crazy.

But there really is a ghost haunting the place.

Otherwise it cannot be explained at all, at least according to his understanding, it cannot be explained in a reasonable way.

So after thinking about it, Zhang Tianshi immediately bowed and said:
"I am willing to give it a try!"

Not only did he not dare to make a guarantee, but when he said this, he also used his eyes to signal the people around him to act according to the plan.

The next second, the prince spoke to Empress Zhang in a tactful tone, and after getting Empress Zhang's consent, he hurriedly sent people to control Empress Zhang's hands and feet to prevent her from going crazy again. Only then did he allow Zhang Tianshi to cast a spell to exorcise the evil spirit.

Next it was the turn of Zhang Tianshi and his three fellow apprentices to perform, using chanting and incantations to exorcise evil spirits. After a while, less than half an incense stick of time to be exact, Zhang Tianshi and his three fellow apprentices immediately turned pale, and they all spit out blood and fainted.

Now, no one needs to explain, everyone knows that they are not as skilled as others, and they failed and were injured.

For a moment, the back hall was very quiet.

The Crown Prince, Empress Zhang and others did not think that Zhang Tianshi and his men were playing tricks and had no ability to deal with ghosts. They just thought that the ghost transformed by Concubine Xiang was too powerful, and even Zhang Tianshi, who had a deep family background, was no match for it!
In this case, how can they not remain silent?
The silence is deafening!
The next second, the prince even secretly glanced at the blood letter, and then at his mother. It was easy to stop arranging people to be buried with his father who had just passed away. After all, it was a benevolent policy. There were many sentences in the Confucian scriptures that could be used to justify one's actions. It was believed that the ministers would not stop him, and might even praise him.

After all, his father's death was extremely sudden, and there was no clear statement that concubines would be buried with him, so even if no one was arranged to be buried with him, it could not be said that he was unfilial.

But the other point was very difficult to deal with. Concubine Xiang wanted his mother to retaliate, which undoubtedly meant she wanted his mother's life. However, as a son, he could not even mention such a thing unless his mother agreed.

It is wrong to think about it, and it is even more wrong to mention it.

Empress Zhang was of course aware of this. She could even guess that if her son did not have to worry about his reputation for filial piety, he would definitely be willing to sacrifice her and use her life in exchange for Concubine Xiang's rest in peace and to avoid disputes.

It can even prevent the harem from interfering in politics.

It’s simply killing multiple birds with one stone.

But Empress Zhang did not want to die. She had finally endured all these years and waited for Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty to die. She was about to become the empress dowager. She could be considered a daughter-in-law who had finally become a mother-in-law after many years of being a daughter-in-law.

Now she hasn’t even been officially crowned as the Empress Dowager.

How can you be willing to do so?
So the next second she glared at her son fiercely, then gnashed her teeth and said angrily:
"Burn her, burn her for me, use the best wood, the wood that can most ward off evil spirits. I will grind her bones to dust, leaving her without a burial place. If her ghost cannot be extinguished, build a soul-suppressing tower and immediately summon all the capable people in the capital to destroy her.

Whoever kills her will be made a marquis! A marquis!"

"Where are the relics? Doesn't the White Horse Temple have relics? Ask them to quickly send the relics to the palace. Does the Taoist sect have any similar treasures? Ask them to quickly send them to the palace as well and lend them to me temporarily for protection."

"Also, arrest the three of Prince Teng and keep them under control. Send people to surround the entire Guo family. If she comes back to haunt you, kill her. Kill her until she stops. Do you hear me..."

In the last sentence, Empress Zhang was obviously yelling at her son. She knew very well that her actions were not appropriate, especially the later arrest of Prince Teng and the other three princes, and the surrounding of the Guo family to kill them. Therefore, if these actions were to be truly implemented, she must have the support and help of her son.

As a future queen mother, she does not have that much power.

Even if her son wanted to do so, there would probably be many people who would oppose it, unless they told the civil and military officials everything that had just happened.

Maybe you can get some support!
It can be said that at this time, Queen Zhang was almost driven crazy by Bai Sheng, and her expression was full of madness.

"But what if it doesn't work? What if the ghost of Concubine Xiang has lost her mind, or has become even crazier in revenge because of these stimuli? Have you ever thought about this, mother?"

Of course the prince was a little hesitant.

It's not that he was soft-hearted and felt that those people should not be killed. He was afraid that killing them would be useless and that the already powerful Concubine Xiang would be provoked and become even more powerful.

I am even more afraid that I will issue an order to cooperate.

Later, the ghost of Concubine Xiang took her anger out on him.

"It can't be useless. You don't want to do that because you think I deserve to die? Or do you think I deserve to suffer all this?"

If Empress Zhang had not tried hard to restrain herself, she would have scolded the prince for being unfilial. At this point, the prince instantly understood that there was no room for maneuver in the matter. If he was really directly questioned by his mother about being unfilial, his ascension to the throne, which had already encountered many twists and turns, would only become more difficult.

The accusation of being unfilial was extremely hurtful even to the emperor, let alone the crown prince who was about to ascend the throne.

So the prince had no choice but to compromise and cooperate with the order.

At the same time, because of the large commotion, many monks and Taoists needed to be summoned, so the relevant situation was difficult to keep secret. The news that Concubine Xiang turned into a ghost to haunt Empress Zhang after her death quickly spread.

While the people were discussing this, the palace was also making intensive preparations, or rather, perfectly executing Empress Zhang's orders.

Not long after, Concubine Xiang was carried out.

Placed on peach wood, about to be burned.

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