Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

第259章 1生平淡,何尝甘心(1)【2合1】

Chapter 259 A Life of Ordinariness, Why Would I Be Content? (1) [Two in One]

After entering the new world and new body, Bai Sheng's first reaction was to quickly use the Turtle Breathing Technique to stabilize his remaining vitality and immediately sort out his memories.

The original body's life was quite simple.

When she was young, she was the eldest daughter in the family. When she was a little older, she helped take care of her younger brothers and sisters and did some housework within her ability. After she became an adult, she obeyed the orders of her parents and the matchmaker, got married, and lived with her husband and had children.

When the children grow up, we start to worry about their marriages. When grandchildren are born, we help them raise them.

When the grandchildren go to school, they won't be needed anymore.

They returned to their hometown and lived on their pension and a few acres of land. They lived an ordinary life.

I haven't encountered any particularly good opportunities or particularly good things, but I haven't encountered anything particularly bad either.

Until twenty years ago.

That year, my wife was 69 years old. She had a physical examination at the local hospital at the beginning of the year and everything was fine. However, three months later, her liver felt a little uncomfortable. After taking medicine for a month without any improvement, she went to a big city for a check-up at the advice of her second son to find out what the disease was.

The examination showed that there was a problem with the gallbladder.

At that time, the original person and her husband were kept in the dark. It was said that it was the second son who had the problem with his gallbladder, but in fact it was suspected pancreatic cancer, which might have spread. The discomfort in the liver was actually the spread of cancer cells there. The reason why it was only said to be suspected was mainly because no puncture biopsy was performed.

It's not 100% certain yet.

But those who know the business know that it is almost correct.

They have a relative who is a doctor, and most of them said that chemotherapy was unnecessary, and that he only had three months left. After discussing with the children, they decided not to do a biopsy, because the old man was not that stupid. If they didn't do a biopsy and treated conservatively, they might be able to hide it for a month or two. But once the puncture was done, how could they hide it?

At first, the original person and her husband thought it was nothing, but after a month, even if no one said anything, they knew that it was probably not an easily treatable disease.

Especially the sick themselves.

The feeling about this is very clear.

But they all tacitly agreed not to expose each other.

Two and a half months later, the original body's spouse was completely bedridden. He was in so much pain that he couldn't sleep for nights and could only eat liquid food. He passed away a little over three months later.

In fact, if they wanted to extend his life, one or two years would be difficult, but one or two months would not be a big problem. But after the cancer spread to the late stage, the patient was in too much pain, and they couldn't bear it. If euthanasia was not prohibited, they would even want to send him off as soon as possible.

Let him suffer less for a month.

After the funeral, the two children and one daughter in the family were obviously worried. The original owner lived alone in his hometown, and the couple used to be there. In case something happened to one of them, there was another one who could help call the hospital.

But now there is only one left, to put it bluntly.

If anything happens, I'll die at home.

They may not know in time.

It is definitely impossible for me to go to my daughter's home. How can I live there in my daughter's home when my two sons are there? My eldest son opened a restaurant in the city, but the business is not big. It is a husband-and-wife business. Whether it is the rest area above the restaurant or the house in the city, the area is not big.

She also didn't like the unfamiliar environment in the city.

So in the end, the original body chose to live with the second son's family. Although the second son and second daughter-in-law bought a house in the city, their roots are still in the village. The main purpose of buying a house is investment and for the convenience of their children's schooling, so it is a school district house.

The second son opened a clinic in the village.

The second daughter-in-law opened a small convenience store.

Business is pretty good and the house is large, with the upper and lower floors totaling nearly 400 square meters. Including the kitchen and other ancillary buildings, it exceeds 500 square meters.

The following are mainly clinics and designated village clinics.

Up there is where the family lives.

After the original body moved to the second son's house, it has not been idle. It has helped to prepare three meals a day, wash clothes, etc., and also reclaimed a piece of land in front of the house to grow vegetables.

Life is quite harmonious.

There are no conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

The biggest conflict between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is that the second daughter-in-law wants her to do less work, or no work at all, and watch TV when she has nothing to do, or chat with people of the same age nearby.

The original body had a serious illness when she was fifty years old, and had some sequelae. Her legs and feet were not very flexible, and she needed intravenous drips at regular times every year for maintenance. Seeing her busying around with her weak legs and feet, her second daughter-in-law was really worried.

But the original body didn't listen and insisted on doing it.

Plus, as she's getting older, if she really doesn't move, it would be bad for her health, so later on I just advised her to take it slow, not to be anxious, to rest when she's tired, and not to force herself.

Nineteen years passed like this.

At the beginning of last year, some wooden furniture in the house needed to be moved. Because solid wood furniture was a bit heavy, her second daughter-in-law specifically told her not to do this heavy work, and to wait until she was done and then come over to move it.

But the original body didn't believe it and insisted on helping!

Eighty-nine still thinks he is twenty-nine.

As a result, he fell and was sent directly to the hospital, where he underwent orthopedic surgery and had his femoral head replaced.

Even though she didn't have many old age diseases and the surgery went smoothly, she was still seriously injured after the surgery, and her health started to deteriorate rapidly. If she hadn't considered that if she didn't stand up and move around and do some rehabilitation, her second daughter-in-law would have wanted to tie her to the bed.

After the original body got into trouble, her eldest son, daughter-in-law, and daughter were all somewhat dissatisfied. They felt that the second son's family had not taken good care of the original body and had made her work hard.

That's when this happened.

Fortunately, the original person was sensible and not yet senile. She knew very well that it was not her second daughter-in-law's fault, so she said something to help, otherwise her second daughter-in-law would be really angry to death.

A group of people who only come to visit during the holidays.

He actually accused her of raising an old man for twenty years.

Who can not be angry?

During the recovery period, the original body was mainly taken care of by the nurse hired by the second daughter-in-law and her daughter. The second daughter-in-law's store was not busy, but the key point was that she also had to act as a nurse in the clinic, doing tasks such as hanging water and dispensing medicine, and also served as the village women's director.

There are many messy things like family planning propaganda, epidemic prevention and control propaganda, family population, one or two children, etc.

Such a large residential plot is not so easy to come by.

I wouldn't say that they are extremely busy every day, but they certainly have no time to rest. Sometimes when they are having a meal, someone comes over to buy medicine or see a doctor. Both husband and wife can barely be considered doctors, but neither of them has a good stomach.

So I can only hire a caregiver to help take care of the original body.

As for my daughter, she mainly comes to wipe my body and bring me some nourishing soup. On the contrary, my eldest son and his family are a bit invisible. They are too busy and only come to visit occasionally.

After all, it’s a husband-and-wife shop and they rent the house.

Every day when you open the door, you have to bear a debt. The original body can also understand.

After her injury healed, the second daughter-in-law of the original body was even more afraid to let her work anymore. The original body could still control it at the beginning, but after a long time, she couldn't stand it anymore. She always felt like she couldn't do any work and her whole body was uncomfortable.

The result was that he fell again.

This time it wasn't that serious, just a minor bone fracture.

A quarrel broke out in the family that day, about whether to hire a caregiver, or whether to send the person to a nursing home, and even whether the eldest son's family, who had acquired the ownership of the old house, should bear part of the responsibility for the care of the person.

A rather violent quarrel broke out.

The original second daughter-in-law was really tired, and she was even more afraid that her mother-in-law would die in her own home. It was not that she was afraid that someone would die in the house, causing the house to depreciate. She had a house in the city and another house in a second-tier city outside the province.

The house in the countryside doesn't matter.

She was afraid that someone would say that she did not take good care of her mother-in-law, or that someone would accuse her of making her mother-in-law work hard.

But it was she who asked her mother-in-law not to do that job.

Is the mother-in-law going to quit?
Later, after some consultation, the original person's two sons decided to let the original person live in one family for a month. That is, this month he would live in the eldest son's house, and next month he would live in the second son's house, changing every month. Anyway, they had a car and were in the same county, so the round-trip distance was not far.

But I stayed at my old house for half a month.

The original body was not happy.

She lived in her parents' home and could only live in a small attic above the restaurant. Apart from staying in the room and watching TV, she basically had no other activities and no one talked to her. At most, when there was no one in the restaurant downstairs, she would come down and sit for a while to get some fresh air.

It’s not that she is not allowed to live in the old people’s house.

The key point is that the old family has only one son who is studying in another city. In order to do business, the couple goes out early every morning to buy groceries and prepare dishes for their own restaurant to prepare for opening for business. It is normal for them to be busy until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening. It may be one o'clock when they finish cleaning up. They spend no more than eight hours at home every day.

I'm basically sleeping!

In this situation, letting their old mother live in their house would be no different from letting her live alone as there would be no one to take care of her, so they could only let her stay in the restaurant attic.

At least ten hours a day.

After finishing my work at night, I went to bed early. I couldn’t wake me up again and take me home to sleep.

So after the original body moved to the old house.

The boss simply didn't go home at night. After finishing his work and closing the shop, he went straight to the attic and slept with the original body.

The original body couldn't stand this kind of life, because she had almost no one to talk to, her range of activities was very narrow, and she didn't know anyone around. At the second brother's house, she could not only stroll around, but there were also patients in the clinic every day, so there was no shortage of people to chat with, and they were all familiar people.

At least we are from the same village, so we don’t seem so strange.

At her age, the original person didn't want to suffer such a hardship, so at her strong request, she only stayed at her eldest son's house for less than a month before moving back to her second son's house, and everything returned to normal.

The second son and his wife could only give numerous warnings and instructions.

Let the original body stay idle and don't work.

Maybe because she didn't want to live in her eldest son's house anymore, the original body was more obedient this time. At most, she helped to get the dishes and open the refrigerator. She didn't do any heavy work. Her second daughter-in-law was quite pleased to see this.

However, when people die, many elderly people will gradually break down after a fall, not to mention a major surgery. After the original body fell and underwent a major surgery, it was injured again. Now it is considered good to live for more than a year in good health before passing away.

At least she is much happier than her husband.

The original body's last wish is hard to describe.

But there are many regrets.

I regretted not having studied when I was young, regretted that I just lived with my husband and never had a heart-throb, regretted that I never traveled far in my life and never got to see the beautiful mountains and rivers in those videos. I also regretted that I had bad legs and feet at a young age, and I couldn't even dance square dance with others when I was older.

There are too many similar regrets.

Especially after she learned how to watch short videos.

It's an alternative way to see the world.

Of course, these can only be regarded as regrets, not last wishes, which can be completed or not, and some cannot be completed. For example, it is a pity that she has never had a heart-beating feeling with her husband. Could it be that Bai Sheng has to have another twilight love at this age?

But after reading the original body's last wish, Bai Sheng would rather the regret just mentioned serve as a last wish.

Because the original body's last wish was -

It is a glorious death, a great death, a death that shocks the world and makes ghosts weep, a death that will go down in history and will be remembered forever.

Maybe she felt that her life was too ordinary and boring. She only got four likes for a short video, and they were all from her relatives. When she dies and her children die too, it is estimated that few of her grandchildren will remember her, let alone her great-grandchildren.

Super emo before death...

I don’t know who taught her to watch short videos.

Isn't it good to watch TV on weekdays? You envy others for having more fans, especially those of your age!
Hence this bizarre last wish.

In order to fulfill this last wish, only one thought popped into Bai Sheng's mind at the first moment, that is, did he want her to sink Fuso Island directly?

Die together with Fuso Island!

Apart from this, she really couldn't think of anything for a moment.

What else could make her die gloriously, die magnificently, die in a way that shakes the heavens and earth and makes the gods weep, die in a way that goes down in history and is remembered forever? Only this perfect match!
But is this reasonable?
As an ordinary citizen, what do you want to do with such a big will? What's the difference between this and wishing for world peace?

She began to doubt the department's task screening system.

I don’t think I’ve offended anyone recently!

After roaring in his mind for a while, Bai Sheng calmed himself down and decided to put his original body's last wish behind him for the time being. He took out some nourishing pills from the plane he carried with him and swallowed them. He used the Turtle Breathing and Nourishing Essence Technique to digest the pills and nourish his already exhausted essence.

Only nourishes the internal organs of the body.

There is no need to change the appearance.

She didn't want to make some big news about rejuvenation. Although the big news of rejuvenation might be sensational enough, the result would most likely be that she would be secretly captured for research, or protected for research. It would be difficult for her to die in a shocking way, so it would be more normal for her to die quietly.

So it’s better to keep a low profile for now.

As his body had basically recovered, Bai Sheng was no longer sleepy, so he simply picked up his original mobile phone that was charging next to him and started watching short videos with great interest.

Hey, it’s really good, there are male Bodhisattvas too.

Although the original body is old.

But don’t treat your eyes badly at all!

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