Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

第262章 1生平淡,何尝甘心(4)【2合1】

Chapter 262 A Life of Ordinariness, Why Would I Be Content? (4) [Two in One]

Bai Sheng had no objection, and her daughter had no objection either, so the matter was naturally settled. As for the opinions of Su Lifeng and Qian Ya, Bai Sheng decided to ignore them for the time being.

There should be no problem if we act first and ask for permission later:
"After we leave the bathhouse, take me directly back to your house. No need to go back to the second brother's house, just go directly to your house."

"Ah? But you didn't bring any clothes.

My clothes are not suitable for you, right? I wear size S, and you wear size XL. You can't wear your son-in-law's or your grandson's clothes. Why don't you go back and get some spare clothes?
And at least tell Li Feng and the others."

Although Su Lihua didn't mind her mother staying at her house for a few days, it wouldn't be a good idea to not say a word, as if she had secretly kidnapped her mother. She would have to notify her and bring her underwear with her.

They have no shortage of rooms, beds and beddings.

But there were really no clothes that would fit her mother.

"Oh, it's the same if I go to your house and notify them. Also, it's okay to change clothes. There are a lot of stores near your house. I haven't bought clothes myself in several years. You guys bought them for me. I'm tired of wearing them now, so I'll go to the store and pick them out myself.

If there is really nothing suitable, you can just call the second son’s wife and ask her to bring it over. It’s only a few minutes away anyway.”

Bai Sheng still insisted on executing first and reporting later.

"Okay then. I hope Lifeng won't blame me."

Having said that, Su Lihua couldn't continue to refuse, so she could only nod and agree, and then of course she got dressed and left the bathhouse. In the past, her original body needed Su Lihua's help to put on her clothes, and it took more effort and time to put on her clothes by herself.

After all, she is really old, and her body is not very healthy at all. It is good enough that she can move and dress herself, but it just takes a little more effort and time.

However, Su Lihua looked anxious and insisted on helping.

Bai Sheng obviously didn't need her help. He put on his clothes quickly and neatly and stood up.

This operation surprised Su Lihua:
"Mom, are you feeling better? You seem to be more energetic than before. It seems that you have recovered quite well during this period. But are you sure you want to go back with me? Li Feng is a doctor after all.

We are not as professional as him.”

The three siblings let the original body live in the second son's house, in addition to the original body herself not being able to adapt to life outside and wanting to live in the village. Another important factor was that the second son was a doctor after all. His medical skills were not particularly good, but they were better than ordinary people. If the original body really had an accident, she had a doctor son to help.

The probability of rescue is much higher.

In fact, it is equivalent to equipping the original body with a family doctor whose medical skills are not particularly good. Where can such conditions be found? At the same time, it is also impossible for the eldest son's family to do so.

At this time, Su Lihua even felt that her mother was able to recover so well probably because her brother Su Lifeng had put a lot of effort into conditioning and rehabilitation. Some time ago, an old man in their community also had a femoral head surgery, but he died less than three months after the surgery.

It is said that the postoperative recovery was not good.

"It's okay. I'm already this old. I just live one day at a time. Why should I be so particular about it? Just stop worrying about this and that. Why are you more fussy than me?

Why, do you want me to sign a waiver?"

After Bai Sheng said this impatiently, Su Lihua had nothing more to say.

The next step, of course, is to leave the bathhouse together.

Bring Bai Sheng home.

The distance was not particularly far. Less than ten minutes later, they successfully arrived downstairs of the residential complex, a residential complex that Bai Sheng was very unfamiliar with and had never seen before.

"Where is this? Isn't this your home?"

"Yes, I bought it a few years ago and it has been renovated for less than two years. Don't worry, the house has been ventilated for more than a year, so there should be no formaldehyde. Don't worry about it being toxic."

"My original house was in an old neighborhood, and there was no elevator on the fifth floor. Your legs are not very convenient, so it is very inconvenient to go up and down the fifth floor. This is an elevator apartment. Although you bought a house on the fifth floor, it is much easier to go up and down.

And this place is not far from the park you mentioned.

It’s only 300 meters further than the old house.”

Su Lihua, who had already brought Bai Sheng into the building and was pressing the elevator button, immediately began to explain carefully.

And Bai Sheng immediately recalled this:
"Oh, I remember now, it's the wedding house you bought for Xiaohao a few years ago, right? I heard you talk about it before.

But then you didn’t mention it for several years, and you didn’t invite anyone to a housewarming party, so you forgot about it. It turns out that the renovation has been completed for nearly two years. But is the new house you bought so close to the old house? Only 300 meters?"

Since the new house is only 300 meters farther from the park than the old house is, the distance between the new house and the old house should naturally be about 300 meters.

That would be equivalent to buying the neighborhood next door.

I really can't bear to let my children go too far away from home.

"We didn't want him to be too far away from home, but we didn't expect that he would be more of a homebody than we thought. The new house has been renovated for nearly two years, but he still refuses to move and stays in the old house, saying that he feels used to living in the old house.

They also let us move into a new house.

Originally, we bought this house to use as his wedding house, but he refused to get married and refused to go on blind dates. We were too lazy to bother with it and just let him be.

Anyway, he will suffer when he gets older.

We would have died long ago.”

After explaining and complaining for a while, Su Lihua continued: "Originally, we hadn't made up our minds so easily, but your coming here made me make up my mind, which is to move in with the child's father.

Let that little bastard Xiaohao live alone in the old house and see if he can survive."

"I'll temporarily bring my parents-in-law over to accompany you. When the child's father and I are at work, my parents-in-law can still chat with you. If you want to eat anything, just tell me directly. I have to pass by several supermarkets after get off work, and they sell most things there.

By then we will all move into the new house.

Let him stay in the old house alone, with no one to wash his clothes, cook for him, or clean the house for him. I want to see how he can live his life."

The one Su Lihua was talking about.

It was undoubtedly her son.

She had never made up her mind to do this before. This time her mother came to live with her, and because of her inconvenient legs and feet, she definitely couldn't let her live in the old house, so she could only live in the apartment with an elevator. But she couldn't let her mother live alone in the new house, so she and her husband had to move in with her.

In this way, the ideas that had popped up in my mind several times in the past undoubtedly had the opportunity to be put into practice.

She felt that when her son's life became a mess, he would then think about finding a wife. Now she was the one doing all the housework, leaving her son with no pressure at all.

“Are you feeling a bit stressed?”

It must be said that Bai Sheng was a little worried. His desire to change his living environment seemed to have brought earth-shaking changes to his daughter's life. Originally, they lived together as a family of three, but now he had to leave his son aside and live with his parents-in-law and biological mother.

Are you sure there won't be any conflicts?
"No pressure. My parents-in-law are old but in good health. I don't need to worry about them moving in. They can take care of themselves. They can also take care of you at the same time.

Don't have any psychological burden.

Now that you are here, let’s stay here first.”

As they were talking, they had already reached the fifth floor via the elevator, and after a while they opened the door and went in.

That's so refreshing and concise.

"We haven't moved here before, so we don't have much stuff here. The refrigerator hasn't been powered on for more than a year. But don't worry, we can find a moving company and it will be done in an afternoon."

"You take a rest first, I'll contact the moving company."

After all, Bai Sheng suddenly said that he wanted to move to his daughter's house, and Su Lihua had not previously planned to move to the new house, so it was normal for this situation to occur.

But after all, the two sides are very close.

Moving only takes a short while.

Now that he was here, he couldn't just go back because he felt that he had caused a lot of trouble to his daughter. At worst, he could find a way to get some subsidies for his daughter. So Bai Sheng didn't reject his daughter's kindness, but just said:
"Then I won't be polite with you and take a rest.

Call your parents-in-law to come over tonight. I'll treat you to a meal at the restaurant downstairs. It's close and convenient. I won't be polite to you, and you don't have to be polite to me and refuse. I'll only treat you this once."

"That's fine, I'll be busy now.

The WiFi here has not been installed yet. Please use your data plan first. If it doesn't install today, it will be installed tomorrow. It shouldn't affect your TV watching or anything like that."

Bai Shengdu said so, so Su Lihua naturally stopped being polite. She gave a few instructions and then went on with her work. However, since she had to go to work in the afternoon, she definitely didn't have time to keep an eye on the moving company, so it was natural for her to call her son, Xu Hao, and ask him to help keep an eye on it.

Anyway, he is a freelancer and has time.

Then she called her father-in-law and mother-in-law, asking them to come to the new house to accompany her mother, as she couldn't just let her mother sit at home and do nothing.

Only after she had explained, or done, everything she had thought of did Su Lihua feel at ease to go to work.

Not long after, Bai Sheng met her father-in-law and mother-in-law, and they chatted with each other. Then the mother-in-law invited Bai Sheng to worship in the nearby church. It is said that the mother-in-law used to believe in Buddhism, but the nearest temple was a bit far away. She was old and didn't want to go to the temple, so there happened to be a church built at the door of her house.

So I simply changed the letter.

After all, it doesn't matter who you believe in.

Fortunately, at this time, the moving company had already delivered the first batch of things to be moved to the door. Bai Shengcai used the excuse that he had to leave someone at home to look after them and politely refused his mother-in-law.

Then my mother-in-law didn't go either, she stayed to help.

Help put away the things that were moved.

Clothes were put in the closet, daily necessities were placed in their proper places, and bed sheets and quilts were also made. In short, they were quite diligent and did not let Bai Sheng do any work.

But Bai Sheng felt really embarrassed to do nothing.

So I just did some simple work.

As more and more things were moved in, the new house, which originally looked very clean and simple, seemed to become messy and full of life all of a sudden.

After a few hours, the move was completed.

However, Su Lihua, who went to the old house first after get off work and brought Xu Hao over, looked very unhappy.

Without Bai Sheng saying anything, his mother-in-law asked:

"What's wrong with you? You don't look well."

"I was mad at that little bastard because he threw away a lot of stuff in the house while moving. He also said that he had wanted to throw away stuff for a long time but I wouldn't let him. So I took this opportunity to throw away everything. Now the old house looks like it was emptied by thieves. Only his room still has some stuff, but the rest of the house is empty."

Su Lihua said unhappily.

The tone was angry and dissatisfied, with a bit of gnashing of teeth.

Her son Xu Hao, on the other hand, didn't care:
"There are too many things at home, and I can't bear to throw anything away. It looks messy all the time, and it makes me unhappy. When we moved this afternoon, didn't you say that the old house would be mine to live in? Then isn't it reasonable to throw away the things I don't want in it?"

"Lihua, just throw it away. If the old doesn't go away, the new won't come. What's the point of keeping it?

After your father passed away, most of the things he had collected were either thrown away or burned. I only kept a few photos and some letters.

When I die, it is highly likely that no one will be willing to collect these things. Xiaohao didn't want those things when you were alive, so how can you expect him to keep them when you die? Besides, haven't you moved all the commemorative things here? These books, clothes, etc., aren't they all here? Don't you feel like there's something missing?"

Bai Sheng had no idea what was thrown away during the moving process, but she was in charge of what was moved in.

She really didn't feel like there was anything missing.

The things we moved here are quite a lot and quite diverse.

"Oh, grandma, I threw away useless things, but my mother was always shocked. The pickle jars were from more than 30 years ago, and we haven't pickled pickles in more than ten years.

I don't know what it's doing in the utility room.

By the way, I also have a 20-year-old water dispenser that has been broken for ten years, but I have never thrown it away.

A sewing machine, an old-fashioned one that takes up a lot of space and hasn't been used for many years. Also, there is a moldy mahjong mat. Oh, and there are also foam boxes, ice bags and other things.

What's the point of keeping these things?
Things that have not been used for years should have been thrown away long ago! "

Xu Hao felt that he was quite sensible. For example, he did not throw away the large box of plastic bags that his mother had saved. He had moved them all here. The things he threw away were things that had not been touched or used for at least five years. Those things had not been used for five or six years.

Where else can I get the chance to use it?

The mobile phone manager will also remind you that a certain software has not been used for several months. Do you want to delete it?
"Then why don't you throw away the jacuzzi in the bathroom? The bathtub has been installed at home for more than ten years, and except for the first few times it was used, it has never been used since then."

"That thing is poured there, and we need to find someone."

"Do you really want to throw away the jacuzzi too?"

"Yeah, ever since that jacuzzi has been unused, you've turned the bathroom that was supposed to be used for bathing into a storage room. There's a bunch of stuff piled up in there that I don't know when it will see the light of day. Remove the bathtub, and there's a small room of about 10 square meters over there."

Seeing the mother and son arguing fiercely, Bai Sheng hurriedly said:

"It's getting late, stop arguing, it's my treat tonight, come downstairs and have dinner first."

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