Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 270 I Want to Overturn the Heavens [2 in 1]

Chapter 270 I'm going to overturn the sky (4) [Two in one]

"Didn't they have nothing two days ago? How come everything is ready in just two days? Could it be that they were throwing smoke bombs before?"

Bai Sheng was also quite surprised by the news.

It was agreed that there was not enough money, the actors had not been decided, and there was no script yet, but how come everything was suddenly available, and it was almost ready. Was this to catch her off guard, or was there something wrong with the intelligence agency?
“I’m not too sure about the details, but I only know that those aristocratic families have suddenly become more talkative for some reason, and it seems that they have provided their own food and fodder for their private soldiers.

It is also possible that they provided some food and fodder.

Anyway, the spies who sent pigeons saw that the major aristocratic families moved a lot of food and grass to the military camp. On the contrary, the granary next to the county governor's mansion didn't seem to have much stuff shipped out. Although the specific reason is unknown, and it is unknown whether there is any conspiracy, the number of 30,000 troops is true, and they have already set off.

My Lord, we must prepare early."

After all, they had just rebelled for less than three years, so they did not have many available manpower. It was good enough to know the general situation in time. The deeper reasons were not so easy to dig out. Therefore, Fu Heng could only make some appropriate inferences based on the known information.

"Those powerful families are probably the ones who will not do anything without profit. Even if we eliminate all the powerful families in the area we occupy,

They probably wouldn't be willing to invest so much money.

And if they really hated us so much, they should have taken action a year ago when we wiped out those powerful families.

There's no need to drag it out for so long."

"It seems that the county governor has made some promises to those noble families that are hard to refuse. And it is probably just a promise, and we have to wait until this campaign is successful before we can get it."

Bai Sheng was not stupid. After learning about the moral character of most of the powerful families in the world through his original body's memories, he quickly figured out the cause and effect of the incident. Then, of course, he quickly thought about how to deal with this crisis:

"I know, don't worry, let me think about it."

“Right now, we have less than 8,000 elite soldiers who have seen blood. Although the remaining 10,000 or so have been trained for a year, they have never seen blood. At best, they are well-trained recruits. I’m afraid they can’t be compared with those private soldiers of aristocratic families who have been trained since childhood!
Even if we recruit soldiers immediately, we can gather 100,000 soldiers.

At most, they can just serve as cannon fodder.

It seems that we cannot defeat them by force this time, we can only defeat them by wits. "

After a brief analysis of the situation, Bai Sheng knew that with his current strength, there was basically no hope of success in a head-on confrontation with the 30,000 private soldiers of the aristocratic families, and it would only result in a large number of casualties.

I'm afraid we can only resort to some shady means.

"Outsmart? My Lord, how do we outsmart them?"

Fu Heng had not left yet, so he naturally heard Bai Sheng's muttering just now. He immediately asked anxiously.

If it fails, it will be a disaster.

He couldn't help being anxious and nervous.

"There are many ways to outwit, but most of them are somewhat harmful to nature or fail to distinguish between friend and foe. Let me think about it carefully. First, dispatch some personnel and have them do some emergency training. It is better to sharpen your weapons before the battle.

I'll think about it more carefully.

Come to the meeting tomorrow morning."

After quickly sending Fu Heng away, Bai Sheng began to think deeply about how to outsmart those enemies.

It's not that she has no way to make things difficult.

But there are too many options.

In her personal dimension, she can easily produce large amounts of poisons like hydrogen cyanide at any time. Even chemical poisons that are more toxic than hydrogen cyanide can be prepared. She can just find a flying device, fly over the enemy and spray them, and they will be sent to heaven in minutes!
Otherwise, you could use the Black Death virus, or other viruses that infect quickly, break out quickly, and kill quickly.

A similar effect can also be achieved.

In addition, some poisons in the world of martial arts and immortals can have effects that are no less effective than chemical poisons and various viruses as long as you prepare more of them, making it difficult to survive.

It may even cause an area to become a toxic area.

The kind where not a blade of grass grows.

These can all be classified as biochemical. In addition to biochemical classification, Bai Sheng also has many ways to directly kill people physically. Even if we don't mention the various high-tech weapons in her portable dimension, even if she makes them on the spot now, she can easily make some extremely powerful gunpowder.

There is nothing wrong with rubbing nitroglycerin on your hands.

It's just that the efficiency is a bit low.

But Bai Sheng had two concerns.

First, they were worried that doing so would likely result in none of the 30,000 enemy troops surviving, which would ultimately have a terrifying impact. Who would not be afraid and daunted by a force of 30,000 private soldiers composed of wealthy and powerful families that could be easily destroyed!

Even if the leader of their force is not named Liu.

The Han court would certainly regard them as a major threat.

At the same time, the aristocratic families will certainly regard them as thorns in their eyes and bones in their flesh, and they will never stop fighting until one of them dies.

At the same time, there is a high probability that she will not be given the opportunity to develop.

But this is not what Bai Sheng is most worried about. In fact, this is just a side issue.

What she was really worried about was.

There are hidden forces behind this world. If she behaves too unconventionally, will it attract the hidden forces behind this world and target her?

Although there is no evidence to show that there is any terrifying hidden force behind this world, Bai Sheng sincerely feels that the development of this world is very strange. It would be fine if Liu Xiu, the great mage, defeated Wang Mang and successfully extended the life of the Han Dynasty for two hundred years, but three similar guys appeared later and swept across the world.

At the same time, they are basically the kind that are blessed by heaven.

How can this be normal?

For example, Liu Zhan, the son of Liu Chan, the founder of the Third Han Empire, was once defeated and had only 10,000 soldiers left. He was facing a pursuit of 300,000 troops. When the 300,000 troops were about to catch up with him, an earthquake suddenly occurred. Then a mountain not far to the left and a mountain not far to the right of the 300,000 troops suddenly closed together due to the earthquake, burying the entire army.

What's even more outrageous is that the earthquake mainly affected that area, and there were not many casualties in other places.

Also, at the moment of the final decisive battle, when the army led by Liu Zhan was about to be defeated, another earthquake struck, which also occurred only on the enemy's side. The ground cracked into hundreds of holes, and magma continued to gush out from underneath.

And then he won out of nowhere.

At the same time, no one dared to go against him anymore.

Liu Yu, the founder of the Fourth Han Empire, had a very similar experience. However, his enemies faced not earthquakes, but various epidemics. Whenever he was weak and unable to defeat them, epidemics would break out among the enemy soldiers.

Even throwing the bodies of the sick into Liu Yu's barracks was useless, as his soldiers seemed to be free from all diseases.

Within a few years, he successfully unified the world.

At the same time, half of the population died from the epidemic.

Liu Ming, the founder of the Fifth Han Empire, was even more outrageous. At the end of the Fourth Han Empire, the entire Han territory was riddled with natural disasters and the people were living in dire straits. The magical thing was that only the small county ruled by Liu Ming had good weather and no natural disasters.

If there are no natural disasters, the weather is good, and taxes are paid truthfully, then the evaluation will naturally be excellent.

Especially among a large number of officials who reported disasters but not only failed to collect taxes but also had to provide disaster relief, he stood out and his promotion was natural.

But as time goes by.

As Liu Ming's official position became higher and higher.

Everyone discovered something particularly outrageous, that is, when he was a county magistrate, the county he managed had good weather and good harvests, when he was the mayor of a prefecture, the prefecture he managed had good weather and good harvests, and when he became a county governor, the county he managed also had good weather and good harvests.

All the natural disasters that had plagued us for so many years suddenly disappeared.

Then the major powerful families naturally believed that the former Han emperor had lost his mandate from heaven and was no longer qualified to rule the world. He was the new emperor, and it was precisely because of his fate as an emperor that he could bring peace and prosperity to the world.

Immediately afterwards, surrounded by the crowds of people all over the world, he accepted the abdication of the last emperor of the Fourth Han Empire, successfully ascended the throne and became the new emperor.

The day he ascended the throne, all natural disasters disappeared, and from then on, they remained so until his death.

The Han people maintained good weather and good harvests.

Which of these things, including Liu Xiu's previous meteorite technique, was normal? Nothing was normal. Bai Sheng seriously suspected that there was some force behind it.

There might even be some gods.

In completely shameless way he helped the Liu family.

Therefore, what Bai Sheng urgently needs now is time, time to develop and expand her own power, time to work hard to improve her own strength, and time to deal with unexpected situations.

She was afraid that she would make too much trouble this time.

Don't attract any more big meteorites or anything like that.

Who can withstand this operation?
After much deliberation, in order to keep a low profile, Bai Sheng finally decided to make them lose, but not too badly, and at the same time, prevent them from continuing to send troops in a short period of time.

So at the meeting the next day, Bai Sheng took out a treasure that he had carefully selected and handed it to Fu Heng:

"I thought about it all night last night, and finally I decided that this is the most appropriate thing to use. You will send someone to find a way to deliver this thing to the 30,000-strong army.

There is nothing to do.

Just open the bottle when you get there."

Last night Bai Sheng thought of two plans. One was to use the extraordinary seeds to make them all lose their combat effectiveness.

Just add some to water or food.

Try to get them to eat it.

Their pineal gland will begin to transform after absorbing the extraordinary seeds, transforming from an ordinary organ to an extraordinary organ. Once the transformation is successful, they will have superpowers, and the pineal gland will also transform into a crystal core.

Sounds like a good thing.

But energy is conserved. In this world without spiritual energy, the pineal gland can only absorb their energy and blood to transform into an extraordinary organ. However, even with the energy and blood of ten mammoths, it would be difficult for it to transform successfully.

The transformation process is irreversible.

As long as the transformation is not successful, the pineal gland will continue to absorb qi and blood, but there will be a safety threshold, which means that at least it will not directly absorb people to death.

After all, this is a safe and reliable thing, not a zombie virus that will turn into zombies if it fails to evolve.

We have to make sure people can survive first.

Only then can you slowly accumulate qi and blood and achieve successful transformation.

Therefore, once these extraordinary seeds are released, it will cause a situation where the 30,000-strong army will quickly turn into starving ghosts who seem to never have enough food. Even if they eat continuously every day, they will quickly become thinner and eventually become almost the same as the civilians who are often hungry.

Even your physical fitness will become weak at the same time.

The situation will not be reversed unless their pineal gland completely transforms into a super organ one day. The newly born super organ will not only bring them super powers.

It will also give back and transform them into supermen.

However, if ordinary food is used alone to replenish the energy for transformation, at least 100,000 tons of grain or 10,000 tons of meat will be needed. No one would be willing to spend such a huge amount of money just to see if they can feed one of the 30,000 people. So the final result is likely to be that all 30,000 private soldiers will be useless, and it is estimated that no one will be able to successfully transform into a superpower.

However, this plan has hidden dangers after all.

It's quite difficult just to let everyone eat the extraordinary seeds.

But Bai Sheng sincerely felt that this method of making them lose their combat effectiveness was quite good, so he later began to wonder if there was any more convenient operation.

It would be best if they could achieve the same goal.

Then a second plan was proposed.

This is the plan that Bai Sheng finally decided on.

That is the Qi and Blood Gu, a special Gu from the southern border of a certain martial arts world. Its function, as the name suggests, is to enter other people's bodies, absorb the Qi and blood in that person to grow, and store the excess Qi and blood. There are two specific ways to use it.

One is to take it slow and steady, recall the Qi and Blood Gu every once in a while, and absorb the Qi and Blood stored in the Qi and Blood Gu into your own body. Qi and Blood Power is not like Internal Power, and there are many risks in absorbing it rashly. Qi and Blood Power is much more versatile than Internal Power, and it can increase both Internal Power and Physical Fitness, and has a good effect on physical training.

Another method is to drain the pond to catch all the fish, which is to directly control the Qi and blood Gu, suck all the Qi and blood of the host and bring it back.

The reason why this thing is more convenient than the extraordinary seed is that it is alive and can be controlled by mental power. There is no need to find ways to get others to eat it. Once it is spread somewhere, Bai Sheng can use his mental power to control the insects to host them.

At that time, let these poisonous insects absorb the blood and energy of the soldiers' bodies desperately, but not suck them to death.

Naturally, they will quickly lose their combat effectiveness.

At the same time, letting the poisonous insects use qi and blood to stimulate their stomach digestion function can also turn them into big eaters. But this is not for their own good, but for the purpose of absorbing more qi and blood. After all, eating more and digesting better can convert more qi and blood, and qi and blood do not come for no reason, but are converted through food.

In this way, the overall performance would be almost the same as that of the extraordinary seed, and there would be no need to worry about someone really eating enough and eventually successfully evolving superpowers.

No matter how much you eat after being parasitized by the Qi and Blood Gu.

That also increases the Qi and blood in the body of the Qi and Blood Gu.

Moreover, those soldiers are still four or five days away from them. If Fu Heng sends someone to deliver the things over there as quickly as possible, Bai Sheng will definitely be able to make those guys hundreds of miles away from her.

They lost their fighting capacity and were unable to come over.

In this case, although there will definitely be smart people who suspect that the matter may be related to Bai Sheng and others, there is no direct evidence after all, so overall the impact should not be too bad.

It is definitely much less powerful than destroying them head-on.

There is no way. The obvious power of this world is not that strong, but there are meteorites, earthquakes, epidemics, and even natural disasters in the whole world. The operation is really scary. We must be cautious!

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