Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 272 I Want to Overturn the Heavens [2 in 1]

Chapter 272 I'm going to overturn the sky (6) [Two in one]

After Liu Xiu joined forces with the aristocratic families and successfully founded the Second Han Empire, the power of the aristocratic families became difficult to control. Although Liu Zhan, the founder of the Third Han Empire, killed many aristocratic families, his meritorious officials soon became new aristocratic families. Only the surnames of the aristocratic families changed, and this group was never weakened.

At the same time, the further you go, the more this is true.

By the time the Fifth Han Empire came to power, when Liu Ming, who was revered as the Divine Ancestor, came to power, the aristocratic families had basically figured out the rules. They were too lazy to fight with Liu Ming, who had the Mandate of Heaven, and directly sent him to the throne.

The result is that the status of the Divine Ancestor Liu Ming is very high.

But in reality it's just a puppet.

He is the spokesperson promoted by many powerful families.

He could enjoy the treatment of the emperor, but for everything else, he had to follow the interests of those aristocratic families.

The royal family has actually tried hard to seize power over the years.

The effect is just average.

Those who are willing to compromise can live a few more years, while those who are unwilling to compromise or who take too big actions are likely to die in an accident.

If Bai Sheng is also willing to be a puppet, then she can indeed forge the Mandate of Heaven and make the vast majority of the powerful families believe that the Liu family has lost the Mandate of Heaven and that a new Mandate of Heaven has fallen upon her. It is not impossible for her to abdicate again.

But firstly, the original body had already done the thing of exterminating the powerful families, so it was not easy to ease the relationship.

Secondly, Bai Sheng is also unwilling to be a puppet.

She wants to overturn the current world even more.

Completely destroy the powerful families in the world.

These powerful aristocratic families have long since developed to the point where they are like a country within a country. They have their own land, their own servants and serfs, and their own private soldiers. The weak ones at least control a small amount of industry, while the strong ones even have complete basic industries.

At this time, the Fifth Han Empire was more of a loose federation composed of many powerful families than an empire. The decrees and policies issued by the emperor would be useful and implemented only if they were recognized by the powerful families and in line with their interests.

Otherwise it is just a piece of empty paper.

They did not overthrow the Liu royal family, nor did they let the Liu royal family become a joke like the Zhou emperor, and they still allowed them to maintain their superficial dignity and decency.

The main reason is that he is afraid of Liu's destiny.

The Liu royal family is too weird. There are meteorites, earthquakes, magma, and then there are nationwide epidemics and natural disasters. Who wouldn't feel uneasy?

But the lives of ordinary people.

It becomes really difficult.

If the Han Empire had not been expanding its territory over the years and using various means to force some people to rebel every few decades and reduce the population by slaughtering them, the Han Empire would have collapsed long ago.

Don't think that those aristocratic families are stupid. The smart ones among them have already understood some rules long ago.

Every time the Han Dynasty completed the reform of the tripod.

There will be prosperity.

On the surface, it seemed that a wise and powerful emperor had been replaced, but the fundamental reason was that a large number of people died during the period of change of the dynasty, and a large number of powerful families were destroyed. The problems of insufficient resources and uneven distribution were alleviated, which led to the prosperous era.

But in the end it is only relief, not eradication.

So the same mistakes will happen again in two or three hundred years.

During the last change of empire, which was the transition between the Fourth Han Empire and the Fifth Han Empire, although many people died in natural disasters, the abdication of the throne was completed quickly because the aristocratic families reacted so quickly.

The result is that the level of mitigation of the root cause is too low.

In less than a hundred years, the world began to show signs of collapse again.

At this time, the great-grandson of the divine ancestor Liu Ming, Yujiang King Liu Hongyin, submitted a memorial on the theory of destiny, which analyzed in detail the major events of the past thousand years.

Finally, I summarized my understanding of destiny.

In short, Liu Hongyin believed that when the level of people's grievances reached a threshold, it would trigger a transfer of the Mandate of Heaven. The Mandate of Heaven would be transferred from the current emperor to a descendant of the Liu family who was favored by heaven, who would overthrow the throne and thus quell the people's grievances.

If you want to ease the transfer of the Mandate of Heaven, or prevent it from happening, you must ensure that the people’s grievances do not exceed the limit.

It does sound mysterious, but it is actually very scientific. If the people have enough food and drink, there will be no public resentment. Without public resentment, there will naturally be no such thing as the revolution.

At this time, both the royal family and the wealthy families had actually realized that the root of the problem lay in two points. One was that these wealthy families ate and took more, and the other was that the population was too large and there were not enough resources to distribute.

They certainly can't kill themselves.

So the only solution is the problem of overpopulation.

There are two main solutions. One is to expand the territory and reduce the population by attacking other countries through conscription. The other is to reduce the population in places with large populations and poor resources through some human operations, whether it is spreading plague or inducing some people to rebel, and then slaughtering the rebels, anyway, as long as the goal can be achieved.

Once we succeed in reducing the population of a certain place by half, that place will at least be relatively stable for two generations.

The premise is that there are no long-term continuous natural disasters.

Liu Xiu fought for several years and destroyed many aristocratic families, but eventually he joined forces with some of them.

This barely extended his life for two hundred years.

Hardly anybody died in the process of changing the throne, and no aristocratic families were exterminated. The Fifth Han Empire founded by Liu Ming was able to successfully continue for 250 years by relying on these two methods. It can be said that they extended their life for many years purely by harming the lives and interests of the people.

Based on the above.

Bai Sheng’s conscience has been eaten by a dog.

Only then will they compromise with those aristocratic families!
"Don't say that anymore. I don't want to be a puppet of those aristocratic families. The biggest threat in the world is the aristocratic families, followed by the royal family. What I inherit is not the so-called destiny, but the hearts of the people.

My son’s revenge has been taken, but I also want to ensure that a tragedy like my son’s will never happen again.

What do you think if I accept the abdication and ascend the throne?

Will there be any fundamental changes in this world?
All the previous changes in the throne have never been thorough enough, far from thorough enough. It is necessary to thoroughly clean up the place and eradicate all the aristocratic families from top to bottom.

Only then can the world undergo some fundamental changes.”

Bai Sheng's words were extremely clear, and couldn't be clearer. She would only fight to the death with the powerful families instead of compromising or going along with them.

After hearing these words, the joy on Fu Heng's face instantly disappeared and turned pale. Then he looked up at Bai Sheng in disbelief, as if he had met her for the first time, or as if he had recognized her for the first time.

After a long time, he asked in a hoarse voice:
"My Lord, are you going to make an enemy of the world?" If Fu Heng didn't have a deep understanding of the noble families a few years ago, he had destroyed several lower third-grade noble families, and he undoubtedly had a new understanding of the noble families, and clearly knew how terrifying they were. The lower third-grade noble families were so terrifying, let alone the middle third-grade, upper third-grade, and super-grade thousand-year-old noble families? How could they be shaken by human power?

So many emperors couldn't shake it.

"It's not me who is against the world, it's those powerful families who are against us common people. The core population of the powerful families is less than one percent of ours.

How can I be the enemy of the whole world!
It is clear that they are the enemies of the world.

I know what you are worried about, but you have to believe me. Even if you don’t believe me, you have to believe that my son has the ability to help me.

Besides, there is nothing in this world that will never change.

Didn’t the aristocratic system that had been passed down for thousands of years completely collapse after two thousand years? Even the last rays of the aristocratic system completely disappeared under the hands of our dynasty’s founder.

The aristocratic families are monsters bred by the Han Dynasty.

I want to destroy the Han Dynasty and overturn the heavens, so I must also completely eliminate the monsters it bred."

Seeing that Fu Heng was still pale, Bai Sheng knew that no matter how much she said, it would be useless. The other party could not be shaken by her shouting a few slogans, so she could only say:

"Forget it. It's too early to say these things. It even seems a bit wishful thinking and daydreaming. Don't take it too seriously. What I said is definitely impossible to publicize or do directly at the moment. I still have to accumulate strength slowly. Just pretend you don't know and continue to follow my instructions as usual."

“Didn’t we have a number of infrastructure projects that had to be put on hold because of insufficient funds and because we exempted the labor service for three years?
Those projects can be brought up.

With this latest batch of 30,000 elite soldiers and nearly 90,000 young and strong prisoners, there is no need to conscript labor!
Just let them do it without spending any money.

Just make sure they don’t starve to death.”

It is definitely not a good idea to talk about grand goals anymore, so let’s talk about reality and what we are about to do.

Thirty thousand troops and nearly ninety thousand followers are about to arrive, which also means that a large number of strong laborers will be in place. Of course, preparations must begin for various projects that were originally difficult to implement due to the lack of strong laborers.

Although Fu Heng felt that the jump was a bit abrupt.

But at least it's not as heart-wrenching as what we talked about before.

So after taking a break, he quickly recovered and quickly said he obeyed the order. Then he immediately followed Bai Sheng's instructions to prepare to capture prisoners, place them, and use them to do work.

After all, the imperial army had lost its combat effectiveness.

It has already been confirmed beyond a doubt.

Previously, I was a little worried that those imperial troops would bring the plague here, but now I am sure that those imperial troops are not infected with the plague. All this is due to the operation of my lord, so of course I have to listen to my lord's orders.

Be honest and make preparations for the follow-up plans.

Bai Sheng had nothing to do after that. Everything went on as planned. The imperial army, which should have arrived in three days at normal speed, took nine days to arrive because of their weak bodies.

After arriving, they saw that the enemy did not kill them indiscriminately, but only captured them, and kept saying that they would not be killed if they surrendered. The already few remaining resistance consciousnesses instantly became even scarcer, and some simply surrendered directly, anyway, their goal had been achieved.

As long as there is contact with each other.

Naturally, the plague can be spread.

This situation was also beneficial to Fu Heng and his men. The great battle that was supposed to take place disappeared, and it seemed as if they had come specifically to receive prisoners. Moreover, these prisoners were very cooperative and were soon stripped of their armor and taken away.

They were escorted in batches to different places to work.

After two days, some knowledgeable and cultured generals among the prisoners suddenly realized that none of the enemy soldiers who were watching over them or supervising them to work were infected and were all alive and well.

Even their strength has recovered a little. Although not fully recovered, they can work normally.

Then of course there is the breakdown and regret.

And overwhelmed.

As for uniting to resist, they had already been completely dispersed. Some were mining, some were mining coal, some were washing coal, some were making coke, some were repairing bridges, and some were repairing roads. In short, they were doing all the work that required strong labor, as well as all the work that Bai Sheng needed to do to climb the technology tree.

The number of people ranged from a few dozen to a few hundred, and they did not even have any weapons or armor.

Even if they want to unite, it is difficult for them to do so.

Not to mention that all the generals at the leadership level were put together by Fuheng and given supervisors who were more in number than their total number.

There is really more supervision than work.

How to cause trouble? What can you do?

Even if there are some individuals causing trouble, they can be suppressed quickly. If they really cannot be suppressed, Bai Sheng can also know the relevant situation in time through the Qi and Blood Gu worms, and instantly activate the Gu worms in those people's bodies to suck out some of the Qi and blood that have been specially reserved in order to make them work.

Then of course there will be no problem.

Those guys whose blood and energy were drained in an instant found it difficult to even stand up, so how could they possibly resist successfully?

So it wasn't long before they were in despair.

Or at least there is not much trouble and people work seriously, and a series of infrastructure projects are progressing in an orderly manner.


At the same time, the county magistrate's office was going crazy.

The heads of the major aristocratic families, as well as local officials, including the county magistrate, all gathered together at the county magistrate's mansion and excitedly discussed with each other.

"How is this possible? How is this possible?"

"The entire army of 30,000 was annihilated!"

"Even if there were 30,000 pigs, it's impossible to catch them all in such a short time. What happened in the meantime? What is there that we don't know?"

"County Magistrate, did you do something?"

"What on earth happened? Those we sent out were all elite soldiers. They all had more than ten years of training experience. It would be easy for them to fight ten people at once."

"Even if they failed, it's impossible that no one escaped. Could they have been killed? Were they killed in a trap?"

Because not all the people sent out by the noble families could report the details truthfully via carrier pigeons, so the information many families received was relatively incomplete and incomplete. Some even only knew about the defeat, but no more specific information. That's why they gathered together to find out the truth!

It's just that I'm so emotionally agitated that it's hard to accept.

So it's inevitable that there's some noise.

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