Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 274 I Want to Overturn the Heavens [2 in 1]

Chapter 274 I'm going to overturn the sky (8) [Two in one]

Training ground, inside the grain warehouse.

"My Lord, are these all borrowed by you?"

Looking at the people in front of him with their eyes closed, and the many steel machines whose uses he had no idea but which were obviously worth a lot of money, Fu Heng felt numb.

There's no one up there!

It must have come from above.

"Ahem, my son has a fairly wide network of contacts. He has friends both above and below him, so I can benefit from this. These people are not actually living people. You can think of them as heavenly soldiers or as soldiers that appear when beans are scattered. Don't you feel that your work has been very difficult recently and you are in urgent need of help?
These people are only slightly lacking in human nature and worldly wisdom.

I know everything else.

These gods know how to use the machines over there. Next, I will let them fully assist you in completing the project I asked you to complete earlier.

No matter where you are short of manpower.

You can ask them to help.

Moreover, they can work without eating or drinking and are tireless. They can work non-stop for twelve hours a day. One person can do the work of two, or even three or four people if it is just some work like calculations and statistics.

One person can even do the work of 1,800 people.

You will know the details when you use it later."

Although many plans can be implemented after having 100,000 free young and strong laborers, sometimes some things cannot be accomplished with labor alone, such as universal education, climbing the technology tree, and building basic industries.

If they want to completely master all of these, it is basically impossible without twenty years of stable development. At the same time, Bai Sheng must provide them with knowledge to learn, rather than creating from scratch.

But it's easy to tell that she definitely doesn't have twenty years to develop steadily. Plus, there's an unknown destined enemy who may take action at any time. So Bai Sheng can only try her best to cheat herself and work hard to improve her overall strength.

These bionic robots and various machines.

Bai Sheng was the one who cheated for himself.

Build first, then lay the foundation.

How to describe it? Normal people build a house by laying the foundation first. Only when the foundation is solid can the house be high and stable, otherwise it will be a loft in the air. But Bai Sheng wanted to do the opposite. He built a loft in the air first, made all the things he wanted, and then popularized education, built schools, and taught them how to make these things.

And the specific principles of making these things.

The reason is very simple. Time is tight and we cannot make it ourselves, so we just buy it first. If we can successfully establish ourselves later, we will naturally have plenty of time to slowly make up for the missing foundation and change from buying to making it ourselves.

If we fail, or even be destroyed.

Everything is over, so why bother considering anything else!

"Okay, I obey your command..."

Having witnessed meteorite plagues, magma disasters and other destinies, there shouldn't be anything wrong with the destiny of having multiple divine sons. In any case, Fu Heng quickly accepted this matter and quickly began to come into contact with those bionic robots and learn how to use them.

With the addition of those bionic robots.

Many projects that had been stalled due to lack of technical personnel were restarted. Specifically, the areas under Bai Sheng's rule were undergoing construction and development. Wasteland was turned into farmland, dirt roads were turned into asphalt roads and cement roads, messy towns were all demolished and rebuilt, various types of factories were rapidly built, literacy work was rapidly promoted, and compulsory education colleges were continuously built.

Evening school was never suspended for a single day.

Everyone is busy, busy working, busy studying, busy improving themselves and building a better home.

But this kind of busyness is fulfilling and full of hope.

It is definitely not like the past where people just lived in misery and just tried not to starve to death!

And what is Bai Sheng doing?

She was practicing hard, not daring to stop for a moment, and practicing hard to improve her strength as much as possible.

Although she would be able to launch space-based weapons and weather satellites that could influence the weather into space in a short while, thus having a certain degree of self-protection capability, that did not mean she was 100% safe.

So Bai Sheng quickly decided to add some other insurance measures in addition to technological means.

There is no need to become an immortal. As long as you can reach the ultimate in the human world and reach the Mahayana realm, you can deal with most crises. After all, this is a world without spiritual energy. Theoretically, it is impossible for a great man like an immortal to exist. For a cultivator at the Mahayana realm who has enough mana, it is not difficult to achieve the miracles of destiny recorded in history books.

Technological means are the first layer of insurance.

One's own cultivation strength is the second layer of insurance.

Compared with the terrifying unknown risks hidden behind the destiny, Bai Sheng didn't take the noble families seriously at all. What would happen if they were not there to help govern the country? In the early stage, there were not enough people, so robots could be used to govern the country. In the later stage, when there were enough talents, they could be replaced.

Not to mention just the wealthy and powerful families, even if the entire group of scholars were replaced, it wouldn't matter.

Although Bai Sheng has been practicing hard and not really in charge of things, she has already informed Fu Heng of her goal, as well as the bionic robot leader.

They will proceed step by step according to the plan.

Until they achieve the goals set by Bai Sheng for them.


At the same time, after some trouble, the wealthy and powerful families that suffered heavy losses this time finally figured out the general situation of Lu's ancestors. It turned out that there was no one with the surname Liu, at least based on the information they found.

There is no one with the surname Liu.

The Wang family was discussing this matter in the ancestral hall.

"Why did you only check back three generations?"

"That Lu's grandfather was just an ordinary traveling merchant, and before that he was a farmer, and he was a refugee from other places. It was not until her father's generation that he was able to make a fortune and own his own shop.

No need to go from door to door selling things.

Before she rebelled, she was at most a female merchant with a little money. Her three generations would not be qualified to be officials and could only be minor clerks at best.

How can I check? There is no way to check it! "

“But if that’s the case, then we can only trace back less than a hundred years. How can we be sure that his family has Liu’s bloodline? If we count from the generation of the great-grandfather, the Liu family has been passed down for 1,300 to 1,400 years. Even if we count from the generation of the divine ancestor, it has been passed down for more than 200 years.

We are not sure whether she is the destined one, how can we decide whether to go against her or try to get on her side? "

"In my opinion, we should wait and see what happens. If the Lu family is really the man of destiny, then the most anxious ones are the royal family, not us. No one who sits on that position is willing to give it up voluntarily. More than two hundred years ago, the God Ancestor was assassinated many times in the years before he revealed that he was the man of destiny and accepted the abdication.

Is Lu's destiny true or false?

Just wait for a while and it will become clear.”

“But since ancient times, it has always been easier to win favor by giving timely assistance than by adding icing on the cake. Back then, those noble families were the first to surrender to the Divine Ancestor Liu Ming and serve him at his beck and call.

Now they are all top-notch first-class families.

Their foundation is only slightly inferior to those super-class thousand-year-old families, but their strength is not weak at all. More than two hundred years ago, they were just eighth or ninth-class families!
Those noble families followed and provided help.

It was just some soup.”

"If that Lu's surname was Liu, I might not be so hesitant, but her surname is not Liu. The risk is too great. I must not lose my composure because of this."

“You only saw the wolf eating meat, but you didn’t see the wolf being beaten. The first few families who followed the God Ancestor do have extraordinary status now, but don’t forget how many people sacrificed their lives in the beginning. Seventeen of the eighteen branches of the Xie family have died out. If it weren’t for the last branch having some luck, the family might have been wiped out!”

“I was also deceived by the destiny before, and even became greedy. Our family has been able to pass on safely for more than 600 years because we didn’t get involved in any trouble and didn’t take any risks. You can’t think that just because you saw that the last time the destiny changed, not many families suffered heavy losses, it would be the same this time.

In my opinion, it is most important to seek stability.”

"I'm afraid people will laugh at me if I tell others that we are a seventh-grade family that has been passed down for more than 600 years. At this rate, if we want to become a first-grade family, we may have to pass on for 6,000 to 7,000 years. If we want to become a super-grade family, we may have to survive for thousands of years, maybe even 10,000 years."

"My advice is that you should not get involved. Even if you want to get involved, wait a bit and don't be too hasty."

“I agree, safety is more important!”

"Why don't you separate me? I think that Lu is very likely to be the new destiny person. I want to give it a try. I don't want my children to be like us now, no matter how capable they are, they can't hold a high position just because they belong to a seventh-rank family."

“Alas, although our family belongs to the seventh rank family, the highest rank among the lower three rank families, we still cannot compare with the middle three rank and upper three rank families. The positions of high officials above the third rank are basically monopolized by the upper three rank families.

Zhu Huaijin, the county governor from a middle-third-rank family, was able to become a second-rank county governor by working as a dog for the current emperor. It's a pity for people like us who are from a lower-third-rank family.

I don't even have the chance to be your Majesty's dog!"

"Yes, they only have a little more sense of superiority than the poor families. Clan leader, why don't we take a gamble? Except for the opportunity to transform into a dragon during the Tianxia Ge Ding period, it is not so easy to improve the rating of the noble families in normal times!"

"If it doesn't work, separate us."

"That's right. Didn't the three brothers of the Zhuge family join different forces? If we don't join together as a family and support them, but send some young people to join, there will naturally be many benefits if we succeed, even if we are unlucky and fail.

The loss should be affordable.”

Similar discussions took place among many wealthy and powerful families. The only problem was that they never thought about whether Bai Sheng wanted them or not. They seemed to think that as long as they were willing to join him, Bai Sheng would accept them.

Even have to reuse them.

As for the result, perhaps because their surname was not Liu, most of the aristocratic families were relatively conservative. They were either prepared to wait a little longer, or at most they would pick out a few people from the family and let them remain anonymous for the time being.

Go to Bai Sheng and see what the situation is.

Those who want to bring their entire clan to join them have not shown up yet.


On the fourth day after Zhu Huaijin hanged himself, his memorial was finally sent to the capital at full speed and had to be discussed in the court.

There was no way. He had already pointed it out clearly in the memorial, and the local wealthy families were already aware of it.

It's hard to hide it even if you want to.

So it’s better to discuss it openly.

Of course, the fact that Lu's surname is not Liu is also the core reason why the current Emperor Huai'an dared to bring this matter to the court for open discussion. Since the other party's surname is not Liu, the so-called destiny is naturally unlikely to be true. Maybe it's just Zhu Huaijin's excuse for his defeat.

Then the officials in the court discussed.

This was basically what Emperor Huai'an expected.

That is, among all the civil and military officials in the court, no one thought that the so-called Lu was the real man of destiny.

"Your Majesty, please punish Zhu Huaijin for his nonsense!"

"The noble families in the remote counties are so ignorant and stupid that they were fooled by the Lu family's tricks. They even dared to talk about the man of destiny. Your Majesty, please send troops to quickly wipe out these traitors.

To set the record straight and demonstrate your majesty's royal mandate."

"Your Majesty, if the contents of the memorial are not too exaggerated, it means that the traitor Lu still has some means. We must not continue to indulge him, otherwise he may become a big trouble in the future.

We should also use thunderous means to quickly wipe them out. "

"Why are you so nervous about a female thief? It must be that Zhu Huaijin made some big mistake that led to the defeat of this battle. We just need to replace him with a capable county governor. A mere female thief is no problem. I recommend Qi Qiang from the Qi family in Hedong. He is capable of replacing Zhu Huaijin and becoming the new county governor to help Your Majesty easily wipe out the traitor Lu family."

"The Qi family is only a fourth-rank family, no!"

"Zhu Huaijin is also from a fourth-rank family!"

"Yes, it is precisely because he is only from a fourth-rank family and is not qualified to be a county governor that this mistake occurred. Now we must send someone who is both virtuous and talented to clean up this mess!"

"I recommend Zhang Dehuai from the Zhang family of Beijun."

"As the eldest son of a first-rank family, why would you bother to fight for a second-rank county governor position? It's not too shabby at all!"

"But what's so shameful about serving you?"

All the civil and military officials in the court did not take Bai Sheng seriously at all. The fact that he did not have the surname Liu made them decisively exclude Bai Sheng from the ranks of the man of destiny. They also regarded his horrific record as a story made up by the man with the surname Zhu.

Just to cover up their own incompetence.

What they were more concerned about at this time was how to find a way to get the position of county governor that was vacant after Zhu committed suicide. Compared with some official positions with high ranks but no real power, the position of county governor of the thirty-six counties was the one that held real power.

If the imperial court had relaxed its military power a little.

Those are the thirty-six warlords.

Emperor Huai'an, like the other ministers, did not take Bai Sheng seriously at all. He now secretly hated Zhu Huaijin for being too incompetent. He had spent a lot of effort to push him to the position of county governor, but now he was given this answer.

It even became difficult for him to nominate his confidant to take over the position of county magistrate, so he could only let the civil and military officials in the court fight for it.

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