Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 58 The Queen Mother is immortal

Chapter 58 The Queen Mother is immortal (58)

What happened after that basically developed as Bai Sheng expected. Although there was still some discussion, it did not become an uproar. Most people felt that what the Empress Dowager did was too overbearing. The Mo family's Juzi and others resisted and Breaking up is natural.

After all, he was attached to the Empress Dowager and helped her with things.

and merged the entire school into the Huang-Lao School.

It is completely two concepts.

The former is equivalent to working, and all civil and military officials are working for the emperor's family, but the latter is equivalent to selling oneself, and is even more outrageous than ordinary selling oneself. Ordinary selling oneself is just selling oneself, while merging the entire school is equivalent to selling oneself. Yu sold the eighteenth generation of his ancestors together.

But anyone who wants to save face cannot do this.

Therefore, this reason is definitely enough to win the trust of most people in the world, making them believe that the Huang Lao faction represented by the Queen Mother has truly broken away from the Mo family and the Nong family. The fake break would not be such a ruthless reason, and the Queen Mother should also You don't care about face so much.

At least, that's what Emperor Jianyuan thought.

Of course, even if he thought so, he did not reuse the Mo family and the Nong family immediately. Instead, he carefully observed them for nearly half a year and determined that they had been kicked out and had no contact with each other for half a year. The original acquaintances could still quarrel when they met. Jixia School The relationship between the three schools of thought within the palace was also very tense, so he finally let go of his inner worries.

The representative who officially launched the Mohist and Nongjia families.

He was promoted to one of the nine ministers respectively.

One is responsible for craftsmanship at the national level, and the other is responsible for agricultural taxation, and encouraging farmers and mulberry trees.

At this time, it was the system of three ministers and nine ministers. The status of the nine ministers was basically equivalent to that of the six ministers in the future six-ministry system of three provinces. In addition, most of the three ministers were either relatives or princes, so generally speaking, the nine ministers were already very important. The highest position that Lieutenant can climb to.

The Shaofu is actually the emperor's personal butler.

Huang Lao's faction occupied two positions, and the clan members occupied one position. Suddenly, there were only three Confucian positions left among the nine ministers. Among them, there was one who was responsible for sacrificial rituals, and only two held real power.

At this time, Bai Sheng also knew that things could not be done. The situation was already good, and with the support of Emperor Jianyuan, it was basically impossible to completely exclude Confucianists from the court unless she completely broke up with Emperor Jianyuan.

Now it's almost the limit.

So next, of course, she would continue to contact and cooperate with the remaining hundreds of families, and at the same time promised that they would never ask them to merge into Huang Lao's faction, which not only dispelled the concerns of the remaining hundreds of families, but also dispelled the few remaining concerns of Emperor Jianyuan. Doubt can further promote the unity of all schools of thought and help other schools of thought find their own way.

For example, it helps doctors build medical schools, subsidizes poor people to study for free, and also promises to provide employment.

For example, we can help Zajia integrate merchants, form chambers of commerce to share information channels, or unite for joint foreign trade, in order to increase their ability to resist risks.

For example, Bai Sheng provided funds to encourage novelists to create and helped serialize novels with retouching fees. At the same time, he also developed many other entertainment projects, including comic book storytelling, stage plays and other advanced entertainment types.

As printing became more sophisticated.

No problem doing this.

It can be said that Bai Sheng basically cooperates with all the hundreds of schools that can develop. As for why he doesn't cooperate with people outside the hundreds of schools, the cultural people these days are basically disciples of the hundreds of schools. Even if he doesn't admit it, What I learned was also the content of hundreds of schools of thought.

If you don’t cooperate with them, who can you cooperate with?

Those who are literate and capable are easier to cooperate with than those who are illiterate and have no ability. There are also conditions for cooperation!

In this regard, Emperor Jianyuan also paid close attention to the situation of the doctors, because in his opinion, among the remaining hundreds of schools, only the doctors could produce some sensational results. After all, medical skills are indeed closely related to the people's livelihood. At the same time, Shennong is also famous for growing grains and tasting herbs. If doctors come up with some effective panacea, it can save lives and heal the wounded.

The impact should not be much worse than that of high-yielding grain varieties. As for the remaining hundreds of people, such as novelists and miscellaneous writers, he did not pay attention to them at all. A group of storytellers and businessmen who also engaged in academic hodgepodge had little potential. It was a waste of time to pay attention to them.

And famous people who only know how to talk.

Even less looked down upon by him.

Unfortunately, the penicillin that Bai Sheng asked doctors to develop has been difficult to overcome the problems of mass production and purity, so Emperor Jianyuan will not gain anything in the short term. If he wants to cut off the beard in advance, he must have something that can cut off the beard.


Compared with the weak hundreds of schools of thought that are in full swing or want to find new ways to revive their own schools, Confucianism is really anxious now.

They even feel it at the moment.

The Empress Dowager is simply their nemesis.

When Emperor Jianyuan first came to the throne, they thought that their Confucianism had a chance to turn around. After all, not only did Emperor Jianyuan recognize their Confucianism at that time, but the natal nephews of the Empress Dowager and the emperor's uncle were also disciples of their Confucianism. No one could say anything about it. In one sentence, the overall situation has been decided.

But he never thought that once the Empress Dowager took action, his nephew would disown him, and his grandson would also want to teach him a lesson. He directly announced the abolition of the New Deal, extinguishing the flames of their Confucianism that was about to flourish.

Later, they had no choice but to survive.

I want to torture the Empress Dowager to death before talking about it.

As a result, she became seriously ill and did not die.

In recent years, the Empress Dowager has not been very involved in affairs and has not been involved in government affairs. With the support of Emperor Jianyuan, their Confucianism seems to be flourishing again.

And it almost occupies half of the country.

Then the Empress Dowager, that damn old woman, took action again. This time, although she was more tactful, secretly supporting, oh no, openly supporting the Mohist farmers and the other hundreds of families to compete with them, but the impact was not the same as the impact on their Confucianism. The destruction of the good situation was almost as bad as the previous one. In addition, Jixia Academy ostracized their Confucianism, and the printing workshop, bookstore and other properties of the Empress Dowager also ostracized them.

These undoubtedly make Confucian people feel aggrieved.

He was even more angry and resentful inside.

If their secret curse was effective, Bai Sheng would have been cursed to death countless times.

It can be said that the other hundreds of schools are getting more and more prosperous.

Confucians become more anxious and anxious in their hearts.

In particular, the Mohist family and peasant families had established a firm foothold in the imperial court. Many Mohist peasant children gradually became officials and entered the government system. The reality that they were even valued by Emperor Jianyuan for important positions made them even more vulnerable.

According to the original plan, they should continue to survive.

Wait until the Empress Dowager is killed.

But now that the Queen Mother is over eighty years old, there are still no problems, and it is much more difficult for the Confucian school to recruit new disciples than in the past. Some people in the Confucian school feel that they can no longer suffer like this.

Some other measures must be taken.

(End of this chapter)

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