Chapter 217 Ten years pass by in a hurry
Liu Song changed to an emperor, Liu Yilong.

As soon as he came to power, he clamored for the Northern Expedition to recover the territory of the Song Dynasty occupied during the Tuoba Si period. This man had a clear attitude, which was in sharp contrast to the previous emperor of the Liu Song Dynasty, Liu Yifu.

Since then, history has truly entered the period of confrontation between the Northern and Southern Dynasties, with constant friction and dozens of wars, but everyone's territory is still so large and there are no major changes.

Liu Yilong took this opportunity to secure his position as emperor of the Southern Dynasties.

As a result, Tuoba Tao, the emperor of Wei, began to officially enter the attention of southerners.

Time came to Pingcheng ten years later. In this year, Tuoba Tao changed his reign name to Taiping Zhenjun.

This is a controversial era name. Throughout ancient and modern times, there are many people who use four-character era names, but they all died very quickly.

Only Tuoba Tao began to carry out reforms in the year of Taiping Zhenjun, and the sinicization was further strengthened. The younger generation of Xianbei and people of other ethnic groups are now indistinguishable from the Han people, and they are only one name away from the sinicization. .

Ten years have passed, and Ye Nan's face is still so young, so tender that you can pinch water.

Hua Mulan laughed and said that Ye Nan had a baby face and would never grow up, which made Ye Nan very sad.

In the third year of Sweet Potato Tudou, Ye Nan had already handed it over to the Wei court. After Tuoba Tao heard about the effects of these two artifacts, he slapped his thigh and rewarded Ye Nan with ten thousand gold coins, granting her permission to meet the emperor without having to salute, and she could also take it with her. Weapons are brought to court.

For a time, Tuoba Tao's enthusiasm frightened Ye Nan so much that he hid in Yelan Gourmet Tea House and spent time with a group of diners.

After Beiliang, Beiyan also surrendered to Wei and gave Tuoba Tao his favorite thing, the princess...

Ye Nan sometimes suspected that Tuoba Tao had a collecting habit. Looking at his harem, he already had several princesses!
The prince Tuoba Huang has grown up to ten years old, and he has also shown the temperament of a wise king. He is diligent and studious. In addition, he has a handsome face inherited from his mother He's family. For a time, he was favored by Tuoba Tao. , the scenery is infinite.

On this day, the four members of the Zodiac sign, who had nothing to do, came to Ye Nan's teahouse to fish.

I heard Chen Long smile with great relief: "Yinhu, you said that Tuoba Huang is an actor. I will criticize you on this point. He is still a ten-year-old child. What does he know? How could he be what you said? Sex embryo?"

Yin Hu chuckled and said, "He's only ten years old. Why are you so anxious? When you hold your great-grandson in your arms in two years, I'll see if you can still smile."

Who is this Tuoba Huang? Yin Humen Qing, many people have been deceived by movies and TV shows, saying that he was forced to death by Tuoba Tao, but in fact, it was him who caused his own death!

Despite his young age, he reads Han Chinese books, writes Han Chinese characters, and wears Han Chinese clothes, but this guy is indeed a conservative!
Although he was still young at this time, his belief was not Taoism, but Buddhism, which had been suppressed by Tuoba Tao!

Moreover, this kid secretly did not deal with Cui Hao, the prime minister of the dynasty. On the surface, he seemed to be well-behaved and docile, but in fact he was a supporter of conservative ideas.

At this time, Tuoba Huang had been established as the prince by Tuoba Tao, and he was accompanied by a group of conservative nobles and courtiers.

I can't imagine what the state of Wei will be like after such a weirdo ascends to the throne of emperor.

Chenlong is skeptical about what Yinhu said will happen in the future. It concerns his descendants, and he is also concerned about it.

Seeing this, Yin Hu had no choice but to bring out evidence to convince Chen Long.

I saw Yin Hu taking out a small gadget from his arms, and then said: "Start the holographic playback of the history of the Northern Wei Dynasty."

"The holographic playback has been started, and the history of the Northern Wei Dynasty is starting to play."

Yin Hu said again: "Turn down the volume." "The volume has been turned down, start playing."

Chou Niu and Chen Long looked at the pictures and sounds that appeared on the gadgets, and were shocked and speechless for a moment.

Is this a product called technology that comes from thousands of years later?

The holographic image began to play, and a strong male voice appeared.

"Speaking of the Northern Wei Dynasty, it left a profound mark on China's history. It was a magical country. The three founding generations of monarchs were determined to forge ahead and advocated sinicization reforms, laying an unbreakable foundation for the future prosperity."

"Since we talked about the Northern Wei Dynasty, we have to talk about its predecessor, Daiguo..."

The more Chen Long watched, the more fascinated they became. Isn't this the history of his Tuoba family's fortune?
It's so clear and correct, as if someone specially recorded it.

When he heard that Emperor Ming Yuan was Tuoba Si, Chenlong quickly tightened his spirits, because this was him...

"Sad and lamentable, Tuoba Si, a wise king, fell ill among the army due to overwork during the southern expedition, and finally died of illness in the East Palace."

Chen Long exclaimed: "That's not right! I died after beating the Rouran master and returning to the court. Why can't you fight against me?"

Yin Hu scolded: "Didn't I disturb history? Stop talking and continue to read the original history!"


I forgot about this one...

The hologram continues to play.

"After the death of Emperor Tuoba Si of Ming Yuan Dynasty, the famous Taiwu Emperor Tuoba Tao took the throne. He ascended to the throne of emperor at the age of sixteen. This young emperor faced the crisis of Rouran cavalry attacking the old capital Shengle City. The young emperor was furious and led four thousand light cavalry to attack him..."

There was no Ye Nan in the original history. It was Tuoba Tao who conquered the northern kingdoms with sparks and lightning, completely ending the dark age of Wuhu and chaos in China, and ushering in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Even the Southern Dynasties trembled under his hooves.

Chen Long was so relieved that he was so unlucky. He never expected that he could carry the banner and completely unify the north in the era without Ye Nan.

Among them, Kou Qianzhi and Cui Hao appeared very frequently. The male voice was slightly biased and slightly exaggerated the achievements of these two people, which made Chen Long also twitch the corner of his mouth.

But the next content was not so beautiful, Chen Long stared at it!
"This year, the prince Tuoba Huang was born. Emperor Taiwu was very happy and made him the prince. He even asked him to supervise the country during the expedition to Liang Kingdom."

"The description of Tuoba Huang in history books is still biased, and coupled with the descriptions in movies and TV shows, most of us complain about him, saying that he was forced to death by Emperor Taiwu and Zong Ai, but the truth is this ?"

"First of all, this Tuoba Huang is a believer in Buddhism, and he has a natural conflict with the national preceptor Kou Qianzhi. Moreover, he also had a conflict with Cui Hao, who advocates sinicization. Can such a conservative prince inherit the throne of emperor?"

"And this boy created the little man Tuoba Jun at the tender age of twelve. From this, it can be seen that this man is lustful. Moreover, a strange thing happened during Emperor Taiwu's southern campaign against the Liu Song Dynasty. , has always been a doubtful point in history

On the first day, Tuoba Tao and his troops drank the oath-taking wine and prepared to attack Guaput City. However, they hurriedly withdrew their troops the next day, leaving Liu Song, the other side of the war, the Southern Dynasty, confused. "

"The editor checked all the information and found out from all the information the reason why Emperor Taiwu Tuoba Tao gave up the opportunity to dominate the world and withdrew his troops. According to historical records, there was a change in Pingcheng. What change?"

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