I joined the army for my father, and I took Hua Mulan to build infrastructure.

Chapter 227: The traitor is as loyal as Tuoba Tao’s class teacher Zhang Chao

Chapter 227: A traitor is like a loyal person, Tuoba Tao’s squadron returns to the court
Tuoba Huang didn't expect that Zong Ai still had some backbone and was not loyal to him, so he yelled angrily: "You can't leave the East Palace today, I said so!"

Zong Ai smiled slightly and said: "The whole palace, Zong Ai, is walking on flat ground. Your Highness, don't force me, otherwise, Zong Ai will not be able to explain to Your Majesty, Four Swordsmen, clear the way!"


The head of the Xianbei general who took the lead in blocking Zong Ai fell to the ground in an instant. With four swords guarding Zong Ai, he walked outside.

Tuoba Huang watched Zong Ai leave in shock and anger. This gelding actually controlled such terrifying power. Where did he come from with such a powerful internal guard?
Wait, Han Chinese, Han Chinese faces!

Only then did he remember the appearance of the four inner guards. Zong Ai actually absorbed people from the Southern Dynasties to become his influence. For a moment, Tuoba Huang was helpless towards Zong Ai. He could only look at Zong Ai's back and shout: "Zong Ai! Who do you support? What will happen to you if I take over?”

Zong Ai paused for a moment, then turned around and said: "Zong Ai only cares about the affairs of the imperial city. Your Highness, when you take that seat, you will naturally gain Zong Ai's allegiance. I am a eunuch and I will not take sides!"

Tuoba Huang's face softened a little, and then he said: "In that case, let the Chief of the Imperial City Department go out. Remember what you said today, otherwise when the prince's army enters the city, you will have to be knifed and sacrificed to the flag."

Zong Ai smiled slightly and then left the East Palace. This prince seemed to think highly of himself.

Is my Zongai Wei Chen?
I'm not!

"Come here! Bring all the internal guards guarding the Imperial City Division back to the headquarters. The prince is going to take the stage. Naturally, we have to cooperate with him, right?"

"Ali, ask someone to inform Tuoba Tao, who is at war with Liu Song, and tell him that there are changes in Pingcheng and that Prince Tuoba Huang intends to usurp the throne. He naturally knows what he will do."

Ali smiled and said: "Master, is it really okay for us to do this?"

Zong Ai smiled and said: "I just like to see Tuoba clan killing each other and bleeding like rivers in order to fight for the throne of the emperor. Let Tuoba Tao kill his son with his own hands. Just think about it, it is the most beautiful thing in the world."


On the border between Wei and Song, Tuoba Tao and Liu Yilong looked across the river. This was Guabu, not far from Jiankang City, the capital of Song Dynasty.

For a moment, both sides wanted to kill each other.

The Emperor Liu Song across from him was extremely annoying. He organized three Northern Expeditions and disturbed the Wei State.

Relying on the correct political attitude of the Northern Expedition, Liu Yilong successfully secured his position as emperor of the Southern Dynasties, and this prevented the Song Dynasty from falling apart.

But in the battle with the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Southern Dynasty was the same as Rouran, losing more and winning less. Then Tuoba Tao led the Chinese army's heavy-armored infantry to fight all the way to the Song Dynasty, approaching Jiankang, the capital of Liu Song Dynasty!
At this point, Tuoba Tao had already secured victory. He would attack Guabu first, and then his health. It would be difficult for the Southern Dynasty to survive!

But the current Wei army was also an army that had been fighting for a long time, and was extremely tired. As a last resort, Tuoba Tao could only use his status as emperor to hold a mighty swearing-in meeting outside Guabu City. The wine of the Southern Dynasties was jar after jar. Send it to the army, so that everyone can have a bowl.

The scorching sun was in the sky, thousands of troops gathered together, and the river wind blew Tuoba Tao's imperial robes. Tuoba Tao looked at the soldiers with eyes wide open, and he shouted: "The great Wei Dynasty will be victorious!"

What greeted Tuoba Tao was a tsunami like a mountain!
Tuoba Tao personally conquered the country for many years and unified the northern land. The Southern Dynasties abandoned their helmets and armor and looked north in fear. The power of the Emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty had reached its peak!
The soldiers looked at their emperor and shouted wildly: "Great Wei Wansheng! Great Wei Wansheng! Great Wei Wansheng!"

Tuoba Tao was very satisfied with the high morale of the soldiers, so he turned around, pointed at Guabu City behind him and said: "That's Guabu City, very close to Jiankang, the capital of Song Dynasty. As long as we capture Guabu City, the Southern Dynasties The country will be destroyed, and the Wei Dynasty will also dominate the world. Soldiers, tell me, can we stop the attack at this time? "


"No!" "No!"

The opportunity to unify the world is right in front of him. Not only Tuoba Tao is anxious, but even the soldiers understand the meaning. From now on, there will be no more wars in the world!

Taking advantage of the crowd's excitement, Tuoba Tao shouted angrily: "Capture Guabu City and besiege Jiankang, the capital of Song Dynasty. Please drink up this cup. In this battle, I will take the lead and capture Guabu City! Let's do it!"

Wei Jun raised his bowl and drank it all in one gulp. Although Tuoba Tao was a good talker, he really dared to lead his people forward when there was a war. How could the soldiers not go crazy when the emperor charged?

This crazy energy directly defeated Liu Yilong's army, and many people abandoned the city and fled to surrender to the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Now, all that's left is this last tremor, which has ended the world's affairs.

In fact, Tuoba Tao had only led the army outside Guabu City for less than an hour. Naturally, it was impossible to order the army that had been marching for several days to fight. So he shouted: "Tonight, the soldiers have a rest. Tomorrow, we will capture Guabu City." Go back to the camp and rest, I will personally guard you."

The soldiers returned to the camp with great gratitude, fell on the carpet and fell asleep.

If there are no surprises, Tuoba Tao will really rule the world and dominate the country this time.

It wasn't until a man who claimed to be the commander of the imperial city's internal guards came to the place where the army was stationed and asked to meet Emperor Wei that Tuoba Tao suddenly woke up.

In the big tent, Tuoba Tao looked at the commander of the Imperial City Division who was kneeling on one knee in front of him. His face was very ugly, as black as the bottom of a pot.

"You said that Prince Tuoba Huang intends to rebel and plot to gain power? What evidence do you have?"

The commander of the inner guard cupped his fists and said: "Your Majesty, I am from Xianbei, how can I deceive your Majesty? The prince has been colluding with the important officials of the court all day long, and has already transferred the troops stationed outside to take over Pingcheng. Before coming, the prince even threatened our emperor. Chief of the City Division, ask him to withdraw the internal guards guarding the palace and switch defenses with the prince's army. Your Majesty, the prince is going to rebel!"

Tuoba Tao overturned the low table in front of him, and then shouted with great anger: "Tuoba Huang! Tuoba Huang! I am blind, so I allowed him to ascend to the position of prince. The opportunity to rule the world is now. In front of me, because of such dirty things, I, Da Wei, have been disrupted, and I want to kill him! "

The rapid breathing caused Tuoba Tao to cough again and again. Throughout his life, he had suffered several non-fatal arrow injuries. At this time, he was stunned by the prince Tuoba Tao, and a wisp of red was already flowing from the corner of his mouth, but he covered it up very well. passed.

When he sat down again, Tuoba Tao said calmly: "If the prince has any evidence of his guilt, please submit it."

The commander of the inner guard then handed the letter in his arms to Tuoba Tao, and then said: "The chief of staff asked me to hand this to your majesty personally. Please check it."

When Tuoba Tao opened the letter and looked at it, his face instantly turned black again.

Tuoba Huang did one ridiculous thing after another, disobeying Tuoba Tao's orders to let go of Buddhism and mobilize troops into Pingcheng. Is this something that a prince who oversees the country can do?

This bitch is going to rebel and become the emperor of Wei!

"Send an order to the whole army. There are changes in Pingcheng. We will return to the court early tomorrow morning!"

This is a real historical event. Although the Northern Wei Dynasty concealed and revised this period of history, many historical truths can still be inferred from the details.

Why did Emperor Taiwu Tuoba Tao, who could have ruled the world, hold a swearing-in meeting on the first day and then return to the court on the second day?
Leaving just because he had the chance to dominate the world was definitely not Tuoba Tao's style. History books say that Pingcheng has changed. What changes?
Naturally, Tuoba Huang, a stupid dog, wants to rebel.

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