I joined the army for my father, and I took Hua Mulan to build infrastructure.

Chapter 98 The king and his ministers join forces to bomb the ministers

At this time, the sky was getting slightly brighter, and officials were already crowded outside the gate of Pingcheng Palace.

The foreign officials who came to attend the imperial meeting lined up neatly and registered one by one to enter the imperial city of Wei.

Then, while waiting to go to court outside the Yong'an Hall, some familiar officials gathered together in small groups to chat, bragging about the achievements of their rule, while some officials were fearful and had mixed feelings.

At 3 o'clock in the morning, the emperor's personal guards opened the door of Yong'an Palace, and Eunuch Huang sang loudly: "Go to court!"

A group of officials entered Yong'an Hall in an orderly manner this time, and stood in strict hierarchical positions according to their official positions.

Standing in the first row are Sikong, Situ, Taiwei, and the Prime Minister is temporarily vacant, followed by Taifu, Taibao, and Taishi.

The civil and military officials are arranged in order from left to right. In the second row are the generals, Grand Sima, Zhongshu Sheng, Menxia Sheng, Yushitai and other six official officials. In the last row are the various officials and local officials in charge.

Ye Nan stood in the second row and looked around, looking back and forth at the number of people attending the Wei Dynasty meeting.

The territory of Wei at this time was actually not very large, equivalent to only a few provinces, but there were still many officials. Looking from front to back, they were all densely packed heads wearing official hats!

Although there are many people, they are not noisy at all. Ye Nan likes this very much. Just with this small amount, the ancients can throw today's people off the earth!

At this time, the courtiers who entered the hall discovered that it was extremely warm in Yong'an Hall. It was not an exaggeration to say it was summer!

They looked curiously at the nine stoves placed on both sides. What was this?

It looks like it is made of iron, and the terrifying temperature comes from inside. What kind of charcoal is it burning?

Even iron can burn red, hot, so hot!

The ministers gradually began to sweat profusely, and some people kept wiping the sweat from their foreheads, as if it was a hot summer day.

At this time, Emperor Tuoba Tao made his debut in the high-pitched voice of Eunuch Huang.

"When the emperor arrives, hundreds of officials will welcome him!"

The ministers immediately prostrated themselves in large numbers and shouted: "Greetings to the Emperor!"

Tuoba Tao walked quickly to the throne of Emperor Tomorrow, then turned around and sat down.

Tuoba Tao was very excited. This was the first time he saw so many officials, almost filling Yong'an Hall!

He raised his hand and said, "Your Majesty, this is my first time to hold a large court meeting. Are you ready?"

The ministers hurriedly shouted: "I have prepared everything. The emperor has invited me to take the exam."

Following the Han Dynasty's Dachaohui system, the first item is the system for assessing the performance of officials from various places.

Just like an annual meeting in a company, each department reports its financial revenue and various situations for this year, and the boss, Emperor Tuoba Tao, comments on them one by one.

This is a big project. There are more than 100 officials from other places who came to attend the meeting, and together with their deputies, there are more than 300 people!

Comment, check and record one by one, why not wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?

As Ye Nan listened, the early sleepiness attacked her unknowingly, causing her to fall asleep uncontrollably.

[You dared to fish during the Wei Dynasty meeting. You ignored the emperor and the ministers by dozing off on the spot. You will be rewarded with 66 fishing points. Keep sleeping, don't stop, it's still early. 】

Ye Nan smiled slightly in his dream. This guy in the system is trying his best to please me. 66, does it mean ?

Why is six missing?

System, come out and explain!

It's a pity that the system is destined to be unexplainable. If it had a soul, it would be time to scold Ye Nan for being shameless and greedy. Tuoba Tao was still very qualified as the emperor. While listening to the reports from the officials, he checked the records they sent over one by one, and then the officials who received the grain utensils in Pingcheng nodded. This was considered a complete review. .

If the number you played does not match, then congratulations, you will be spanked by the emperor. If the difference in number is too large, the palace guards will naturally pull you out and chop you down.

This was the situation during the Tuoba Tao period. The military and political emperors would grab hold of them, and most of the land in Wei was the property of the emperor's family. If you stole a sweet potato from him, he would find out for you. Anyone who dares to tamper with the bookkeeping is not seeking death. ?

This also caused the officials under Tuoba Tao to be under a lot of pressure. Without any real talent and learning, they were waiting to be dismissed and replaced.

Tuoba Tao, the emperor, doesn't care whether you are from the Xianbei tribe or what tribe you belong to. He is not suitable for direct replacement. He has no human feelings to speak of. Even the princes in the clan are very afraid of him.

But it is precisely because of this reason that Tuoba Tao rarely engaged in corruption and bribery. Unlike some later Northern Wei emperors who dispersed the emperor's power, the empress dowager Feng's corruption and bribery were even worse. Thousands of people were copied!

This was still the northern territory during the Northern Dynasties. You can imagine how serious the corruption situation was.

But now is the early Northern Wei Dynasty. With Ye Nan, Dou Nichang and Hua Mulan here, history will definitely be rewritten.

Today, Ye Nan has unknowingly bent the wheel of history, and he doesn't know where it is heading.

During this sleep, Ye Nan really slept until he woke up naturally. Without him, his stomach growled and he was woken up by hunger...

At this time, the reports from officials from various places were coming to an end, and the sun was already approaching the afternoon.

Unknowingly, Ye Nan slept for two and a half hours, five hours!

Tuoba Tao was in high spirits at this time. After reviewing the last official, he gave Cui Hao an imperceptible wink.

Cui Hao knew in his heart that the emperor was about to start pretending. As the emperor's first adviser, Cui Hao, the great talent, must take the lead!

Therefore, Cui Hao exaggeratedly said: "I don't know why your Majesty's Yong'an Hall is so warm today? I mistakenly thought it was summer. I wonder if your Majesty can clear up my doubts for us?"

One sentence instantly attracted the attention of all the officials of the day, and they also wanted to know why he was so warm.

So, he reconsidered loudly: "Your Majesty, please clarify my doubts."

The main event finally came. Tuoba Tao pretended to be very relaxed and said: "Oh, the Cui Qing family is talking about this stove. It is a rare thing that was tinkered by Zhongyong Hou. Zhongyong Hou, tell me what you tinkered with. What is this thing and what effect does it have?”

Ye Nan coughed and said loudly: "Your Majesty, this is exactly the stove that General Mo spent eighteen years researching. It has the functions of heating and cooking!"

Tuoba Tao was almost not amused by Ye Nan. You seem to be only eighteen years old, and you actually said that you developed this furnace in eighteen years. Are you going to laugh to death?

But Tuoba Tao still asked: "It turns out to be a stove, so what kind of charcoal is burning in your stove? How can the fire be so powerful and emit such a terrifying high temperature?"

This question was exactly on point. Ye Nan said cooperatively: "Your Majesty, the one who will be burned is the black stone."

"What? Black Stone! That's a highly poisonous thing. Hurry! Protect His Majesty. Marquis Zhongyong wants to plot a rebellion!"

"Bold Ye Man, you actually dare to poison the emperor in broad daylight, and you don't even have to hold back, let me catch him!"

There was chaos, and the entire Yong'an Hall turned into a mess. They were scared to death of this black stone!

The second update is coming, asking for monthly votes and rewards. The author has been waiting for this day for a long time, and just wants to touch the red envelopes received by the treasures to see how much money is in them. Really, I will take a look.

Finally, I wish everyone a happy new year and good night.

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