Chapter 190 University
Su Cian was admitted to China University of Political Science and Law without any accident, and would report to the school soon.

Gu Xue chose botany, which studies the genetics and development of plants. It is one of the two best universities in the capital.

As a person with wood-type abilities, this profession is definitely of great benefit to him as he can go to all kinds of places.

In the next month, many people in Gujiacun received admission notices, including colleges, universities, and technical secondary schools. People in the village didn't understand the difference between these, but they just felt that they were all very good if they passed the exam.

Which school everyone has been admitted to is basically known in the village.

Gu Xue did the best in the exam among everyone, and Su Cian was the most envied among everyone in the village.

The two of them were still a couple, and everyone in the village suddenly murmured to themselves.

No wonder these two people haven't had children for so long. It turns out that Wenquxing from the sky came down to earth. How could the gods in the sky give birth to children in the room?

As the rumors in the village became more and more exaggerated, when the people in the Gu family heard the rumors, they were a little bit dumbfounded.

What is this all about, why did it turn into Wen Quxing descending to the earth? People were stunned for a moment.

So many people in the village have been admitted to the school, and as long as they graduate, they will have an iron rice bowl. Such a good thing, coupled with the fact that so many people in the village have been admitted, gives most people in the village a glimmer of hope.

People who originally had no plans to send their children to primary school are now asking about the admission requirements.

The originally small primary school was filled with people from several surrounding villages. Those villages that had betrayed their faith before had no time to regret it now.

I specially asked a connection to send my children to school, but I found that the tuition fees were exactly the same as those in the town, and they didn't even accept them.

When this was started, we had already said that several surrounding villages would join forces and give priority to the villages that contributed to the students. Those who had originally agreed but failed to do so could only be pushed to the back.

When the people in the village found out, they held their chests in regret.

At that time, I thought it would take a lot of money and effort to run this primary school, but I didn’t expect that now that the college entrance examination has resumed, everyone has started studying again.

Think about the salary you get from working in an office, and then think about the fact that you can't earn as much as others in a month after working in the countryside for a year. After graduating from college, you eat meat every day, and you feel jealous just thinking about it.

But it was just a thought that caused them to fall behind those villages now.

In the end, many people cursed and paid full tuition.

They all hope to have a child in their family who can go to college and get a job.

As more and more people came to school, some problems began to arise. Others were fine. The biggest problem was that there were not enough teachers in the village.

Most of the teachers at Fantou Primary School are educated youths, and these people are working hard to prepare for the college entrance examination. They have either passed the exam or are still preparing for it.

If you don't pass the exam this year, you will prepare to continue next year, and these people are destined not to teach their children seriously.

The dilemma we face now is that the school has students and money, but not enough teachers.

Thanks to Gu Guofu's foresight at the time, most of the educated youths in Gujia Village had a collection of mathematics, physics and chemistry books that were the magic book for college entrance examinations, and the worst ones were even admitted to technical secondary schools. Naturally, they would not continue to be teachers, so in the next half month, the remaining people quickly selected new teachers to replace them.

At the same time, we also seek help from the higher authorities, otherwise the primary school will not be able to operate after the college entrance examination is resumed.

After the vigorous college entrance examination, junior high schools and high schools in many places had to be rebuilt and reopened to recruit students.

As long as you survive the first year, it will be easier to find a teacher in the following years.

There has been a lot of excitement behind the Gu family for a while, and there is an endless stream of people coming to see the excitement, all coming to see what it is like when Wen Quxing descends to earth.

Some people even came over to ask how they were studying. Many people in the village decided to continue taking the college entrance examination next year, and they even came over to ask about their study materials and notes.

Gu Qianshan and Zhang Jianguo were so happy that they came over to congratulate them and entertained them well.

Of course, there are some who are thick-skinned and ask two people to help their children with tutoring, saying that they will also have to take exams next year.

Gu Qianshan's face suddenly darkened and he drove him out without any courtesy.

What the hell?
If you come over and talk nicely, they can also refuse nicely. For such a shameless person, they will treat you as their own home as soon as you come here, and they will kick you out directly.

Aunt Gu brought a lot of good things from home, and specially congratulated the two of them for passing the university, with a hint of embarrassment on her face.

Seeing him like this, Gu Qianshan thought that the relationship between the two families had always been good, so he took the initiative to ask.

Aunt Gu didn't hesitate for too long and said directly: "It's not like the clothes at home will have to take the college entrance examination next year. I wanted to ask the young couple's notes if I could borrow them and copy them. Then we can review them carefully. ”

Gu Xue and Su Cian were sitting nearby, and they agreed immediately after hearing this.

Before Aunt Gu could react, someone had come over to ask them for notes before, but they were politely rejected by the two of them. She didn't expect that she would get them so easily as soon as she asked.

Seeing Aunt Gu's confused expression, Gu Xue revealed the reason.

"The main thing is that we promised the captain that when we go to school, we will sort out our notes and put them in our elementary school."

Aunt Gu was a little confused: "There is no need to take the college entrance examination in elementary school. It will take five or six years for those little bastards in elementary school to take the college entrance examination. What's the use of these notes?"

"It's not that we still want educated youths to be teachers in our village. What the team leader means is to treat our notes as rewards. If the grades in the class are good, we can lend them as rewards. This will prevent those people from failing to teach for the college entrance examination." serious."

After hearing this, Aunt Gu was full of admiration and clapped her hands.

"Tsk, tsk, this is really a good idea. I was thinking that if the new teachers didn't teach well, this school would be full of students from the villages around us, and it would be bad if there would be trouble. "

Gu Xue smiled. She came up with this idea on her own initiative, mainly for the children in the village.

"You can take this note back first and send it to the captain when we leave. Then let Yiyi make a copy for you to look at, but don't pass it around casually."

Aunt Gu nodded her head repeatedly and praised the young couple to their fullest.

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