Chapter 229 Scoundrel
A woman stood directly in front of them and said it as a matter of course.

The young man's eyes widened immediately after hearing this.

"You...why are you such a rogue!"

Luo Youzhai didn't have many emotional ups and downs. He had seen too many top-notch people over the years, so he was no longer surprised by this kind of thing.

"Sister, I'm really sorry. I'll take her to deal with things here first. I'll tell you about the rest later."

It was late at night, and Luo Youzhai avoided the woman's obstruction and ran out with the two of them.

The young man was obviously in poor health. He was out of breath halfway through the run, and the people behind him were chasing after him closely.

It was quite scary to see that situation at night. Well, the police station is not far from here.

Luo Youzhai took the two young men to the police station and immediately told them what happened at home.

This was not the first time that the police encountered this kind of thing. They found two people and went over with their belongings.

"You are sure it is your own home, the one with the title deed."

The young man nodded and took out the land deed given to them by the superiors after they came back. It had the seal of the previous agency on it.

The policeman was stunned when he saw this stamp.

This was really the home of a young man. He quickly led a few people with electric batons in their hands and went directly to the door of that family.

The original door was locked from the inside, and the door of the other wall that was smashed open was also locked tightly.

The lights inside had dimmed. Looking at the situation, Luo Youzhai knew that the family was obviously in the wrong, but they didn't want to move out.

"Well, just kick the door open." The young man said directly, his whole body on the verge of exploding.

After the police confirmed again and again, they kicked the door open forcefully.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw someone hurried in.

At first glance, it was the woman who blocked them just now.

When the police came, the whole family was trembling with fear.

"Comrade police, what are you doing? We didn't commit any crime. You just broke into a house."

The male owner of the house said directly, looking confident.

The police almost laughed at him.

"This is obviously someone else's home. You have been living in someone else's home for a long time without their consent. Move out immediately."

Luo Youzhai asked them to move away while watching the police. How could it be solved so easily?

"Move away? Everything here belongs to us, why should we let them move away? This is our little brother's home. This family came to live here when the little brother was in school. I don't know how long they have lived here."

In fact, from the beginning of the school year to now, I should have lived there for three or four months.

This used to be the office of a government agency, and no one came in without their permission. Since the government agency moved out, the old professor has been rehabilitated.

It probably only took about four months for the old professor's son to get the compensation and the title deed to the house.

It is estimated that the family thought that the old professor would never come back, so they thought that no one lived in the house, so they tore down the wall and moved in directly.

When the two old men heard what Luo Youzhai said, their faces turned dark.

"What's his? It's obviously ours. What's moving it? Why does our family want us to move it away? With this piece of paper, who knows if it's fake." As he said this, he sat down on the ground and rolled around. .

Comrade police officers have met many people like this, especially since so many people came back during this period. There are often people occupying other people's houses and not leaving.

"It's useless even if you cry. If you continue to live here, then all of you will go to jail. This kind of trespassing is in other people's homes. If something is broken in someone else's house, if you can't afford it, just pay it. Go in."

After the police said these words, the young man's eyes lit up.

"I want to sue them. The things in my house are all good, but they broke them because they live here. I want them to pay compensation. If they can't afford the compensation, I will let them go to jail."

Luo Youzhai also quickly agreed: "The things in here are valuable. They are all old items left over from the past. They are all priceless and have no market. Let them pay for it."

After hearing what they said and what the police said, the faces of the four adults at home suddenly changed and they became nervous.

The two old men sat directly on the ground.

"You have lost your conscience. When we moved in, the inside was bare. These are the things we have in our own homes. What do we call yours?"

"That's right, there was nothing in it when we moved in, and we were asked to pay for it."


The police really didn't want to have any more trouble with them, so they just picked them up and threw them all outside.

All six members of the family were sent outside. The family wanted to take action with the police, but the police directly said: "If you do it, then let's go to the police station and have a good chat."

Suddenly, the family didn't dare to move, and the old man just sat on the ground and cried.

People living nearby heard the commotion and quickly came out to watch the excitement.

Seeing that it was this family, some people had mocking smiles on their faces.

"Comrade police, this family lives next door, in an old dilapidated house next door, and they quarrel every day."

Next door to this courtyard house is an old dilapidated house that was built before. Several families live in this old house, and none of them have real estate certificates.

They all just stayed there. When the owner came back, he directly drove them out.

Others chose to live in other places. As far as this family saw, there was no one in the courtyard, so they split it from the wall and moved in as a family.

After the police figured out what was going on, they looked at the family a little differently.

"You are still young and middle-aged. It's not like you can't do some work when you return to the countryside. How shameless is it to stay at someone else's house?"

There was no trace of shame on the man's face when he was told this, he just looked at the house with resentment.

The young man looked around the house. Except for some damage on the wall and the dirty renovation of the kitchen, there was no damage elsewhere.

There are also some daily necessities inside, basically everything is available, which is really annoying to look at.

"Brother, what do you say about these things? Let them take them away or lose them."

The little brother looked at these things and felt angry in his heart. The family was still shouting at the door.

People who came to watch the excitement knew what was going on at their house and did not take what they said seriously.

The police took their family to the police station and made a record. It was already dawn.

When the family returned to the courtyard, the locks on the house had been changed and the doors had been repaired.

After Gu Xue finished her day of classes, she received news from Luo Youzhai.

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