Chapter 241 My big house

Lou Lan arrived at the door of the courtyard. After Gu Xue opened the door, Lou Lan went directly into work mode.

I was writing and drawing with the cardboard in my hand, and I simply drew the basic framework of the courtyard.

We were even pleasantly surprised to see where in each house there was damage that needed to be repaired.

When they arrived at the hall, Lou Lan frowned.

That family had lived in the hall before, and a lot of things had been damaged, and it looked very inconsistent with the whole thing.

Lou Lan stayed in the hall for a long time, then went to each main room until it got dark, and then he drew the details of the entire house.

After the painting was completed, Lou Lan already had a thick stack of manuscripts in his hand, which looked very spectacular.

Gu Xue followed him and went out to buy some food and drink on the way.

Once Lou Lan got into working mode, he simply didn't eat or drink. He didn't really listen to what Gu Xue said next to him.

It wasn't until all the manuscripts were finished that I realized that I was feeling tired and thirsty, and my stomach was still growling.

"Come here and eat your food first, and we'll talk about the remuneration then."

Lou Lan's face turned slightly red. He started working before he had determined his remuneration. It looked a bit strange, as if he had to be hired for the content.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself as soon as I came in, and I started unconsciously."

Gu Xue smiled and shook her head. No one would blame someone like this who is immersed in what he likes.

"Let's have something to eat first, and then we'll have a nice chat."

Lou Lan nodded. After eating something, he felt much better.

"According to your market situation, how much do you charge for the overall design and renovation this time, as well as helping to see how it works."

Lou Lan's face turned a little red. Thinking of what just happened, he subconsciously spoke in a lower tone.

"We usually charge 200 yuan a time. If it's the construction team and the lumber side, you don't have to worry. My teacher has long-term partners."

Gu Xue nodded: "Can you help me look after the timber and employees?"

She was busy a lot of the time, and Lou Lan was professional enough. She was very relieved to entrust the house to Lou Lan.

Lou Lan nodded.

According to the current situation, if people like them help people design houses, they will usually help with the construction, which is considered an additional service.

"In this case, I will give you 500 yuan for this design, but I want you to help oversee the construction team. The best materials will be used, and the quality will ensure that the entire courtyard will not be damaged. The overall structure will not be damaged, and the overall structure of the family will also be ensured. comfort level.”

The price Gu Xue gave was so high that Lou Lan was shocked.

Their normal price was about 300 yuan, but Gu Xue directly gave him such a high price, and Lou Lan was a little at a loss.

"It doesn't need to be that high."

Ashue waved her hand: "I have very high requirements. I want to ensure comfort, and secondly the overall structure. I also have an old man in a wheelchair at home. I hope you can design it."

Living with two elderly people is the most troublesome, comfort is the most important, followed by the overall structure of the courtyard.

I heard that Gu Qianshan also lived in a courtyard house when he was a child. If it weren't for some changes, Gu Qianshan's life would actually be very easy.

Gu Xue speculated based on what Gu Qianshan said before that Gu Qianshan's family must have been a wealthy businessman in the south. Later, due to the Anti-Japanese War, people in the family fled and died.

The family fell apart, leaving only Gu Qianshan and his grandmother.

Later, when Gu Qianshan grew up, he joined the army and donated all his family property. Gu Qianshan still keeps the donation certificate.

It's just that the name of Grandma Gu Qianshan was written on the donation at that time, so no one knows until now that such a large amount of funds came from Gu Qianshan's hands. Gu Qianshan must have experienced rich clothes and good food when he was a child, otherwise he would not have raised a granddaughter like Gu Xue, who is ignorant of the world, simple and innocent, and has a natural coquettishness.

Gu Xue thought that she could not be like her original self, and there were also big flaws in her performance.

She didn't know why Gu Qianshan didn't expose it, but Gu Xue still cared about this family very much and didn't take the initiative to say it out.

After Lou Lan listened to all the requests, he fell silent, and then flipped through his draft page by page.

After briefly explaining his design ideas, Gu Xue nodded.

"In another week, I will draw the design and confirm with you then."

Lou Lan gave the key inside his hand to Lou Lan: "This is the key to the house. If you have any questions, you can go in directly."

Lou Lan hesitated for a while: "This is not good."

"I didn't put anything in it, so you don't have to worry. Just design the house properly and meet my requirements."

Lou Lan nodded, trusting Gu Xue very much.

In the next week, Lou Lan forgot all about sleep and food. He bought several dozen pieces of draft paper and sketch paper, and began to design continuously.

While drawing the design drawings, I was also writing down the materials, trying to ensure that the overall design was harmonious with the courtyard house.

The most important thing is that Gu Xue also asked for water and electricity. This kind of design will be more troublesome.

If I encountered difficulties along the way, I would ask my teacher for help, and finally I drew all the designs within a week.

After seeing that everything was done, Lou Lan lay unconsciously in the dormitory and fell asleep.

Lou Lan also had a room by himself. It wasn't for any reason, he just spent his own money.

Lou Lan's family used to have several large pieces of mountainous land, and they used to do timber business.

Later, due to some domestic issues, I went abroad to develop for a long time.

We also do timber business abroad, and our business is very large, and we have a foothold abroad.

Even if they are living a good life abroad, the people in the Lou family feel that they cannot forget the motherland, so when Lou Lan said that he was going to study in China, he immediately arranged for people.

They even sent many people to invest in the country, just to ensure that Lou Lan would not be short of money to spend in the country.

When investing in China, I also engaged in the timber business. I opened several timber factories and cooperated with the state. The development was very smooth along the way.

After Gu Xue had been studying for a week, Teacher Liu called both of them.

It turns out there is news about the new plant discovered before.

After they finished their research, there were still many people conducting various analyses.

It is inconvenient for the two students to know about these things.

But this new plant gave them a big surprise. The medicinal value of this thing was very high, almost ridiculously high.

The above even gave a lot of bonuses. The two professors got a lot, and even the two students got them.

The purpose of calling them here this time was to get them to sign a confidentiality agreement, and also to give them both a bonus.
Each person has 1000 yuan, and a confidentiality agreement must also be signed.

Gu Xue and Yan Yan looked at each other and had a different understanding of this new plant.

It seems that the value of this new plant is much higher than they imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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