Chapter 251 Choosing the Captain
Soon, Gu Guofu's place was confirmed, and there were three people in total.

Daniu, the former militia captain, and Gu Guofu's own eldest son, and the other one is the accountant in the village.

There were three people in total, and these people were all well-known people in the village. Gu Guofu felt that these three people were qualified for the job.

In fact, Gu Guofu's eldest son did not want to be the captain. The main reason was that the captain was too tired. Not only did he have many things to do, but he also had to be responsible for the entire village.

However, most people in the village said that Gu Guofu's son should also participate in the election.

Everyone has seen what Gu Guofu has done over the years, and he has worked very hard to live a good life in the village.

Now everyone in the village has enough to eat, and life is getting better and better, many of which are the result of Gu Guofu's coming here.

Nowadays, after Gu Guofu falls ill, he will naturally remember his kindness.

Gu Guofu's eldest son thought about it for many days and finally gave up running for captain.

If Gu Guofu's eldest son goes to participate, there is a high probability that he will be the captain in the future. After all, he has the foundation laid by his father. It's a pity that Gu Guofu's eldest son is not here.

So now only the militia captain Daniu and the accountant Gu Tianjin are left.

Gu Guofu finally decided that the whole village would vote together. Excluding the people from Daniu and Gu Tianjin's families, there were a total of 65 households in this place.

According to the voting, one person will definitely win.

Daniel has been the militia captain in the village for many years and has solved many problems for the village. His prestige in the village is still sufficient.

Gu Tianjin is the accountant in the village. He is always busy with the distribution of food every year. He will also be involved in whatever happens in the village.

If two people become captains, they will be able to do the job.

Gu Guofu was satisfied with both of them, it just depended on which one of them had more votes at the conference he held in a few days.

In order to select the captain this time, Gu Guofu specially invited the secretary to their village.

Choosing a brigade leader is a big deal, as it involves gaining a reputation as a secretary. The brigade leader is also the village chief, and he has to communicate with the secretary face to face.

Gu Xue originally thought that this matter had nothing to do with what they had at home, but just when they were living their own little life, an unexpected person came to their door.

The person who came to the door was Gu Tianjin's daughter-in-law. She had several eggs in her hand. She said she came to chat with Gu Xue and she was holding the child.

In fact, I wanted to use these eggs as a favor to give to their family, hoping that they would vote for their family when the captain voted.

Gu Xue refused directly.

The next day, Gu Tianjin and his wife came again. This time, it could not be said that it was a hint, but it was stated openly.

Not surprisingly, Gu Xue refused again. When Gu Tianjin and his wife left, their faces were dark and they spoke dirty words.

Gu Qianshan sighed helplessly after knowing this.

"What is all this? When I was working as an accountant, I thought he did a pretty good job. Why are the people in his family so confused?"

In order to prevent such a situation, Gu Guofu specifically told them after the candidates were confirmed that they could not use any means to get closer to the people in the village.

We can't do any canvassing actions, we can't make promises, we can't give anyone any benefits, and we can't give them anything.

Gu Guofu's approach was to prevent such things from happening in Gu Tianjin's family.

But I didn't expect that their family would come directly to the door with eggs.

This time Gu Tianjin is probably in danger.

Although the captain of the village's communication brigade is not a high-ranking official, he is still responsible for the food, drink, and diarrhea of ​​the hundreds of people in the village. People who sit in this position cannot have any selfish motives.

The captains and cadres in the village are all paid, or in other words, cents. Now Gu Tianjin's practice has touched Gu Guofu's back.

Gu Guofu must have known about this kind of thing happening in Gu Tianjin's family with such a big fanfare.

Sure enough, on the day of the election, Gu Tianjin's quota was directly denied.

Gu Guofu explained the reason and saw Gu Tianjin's face was dark.

Later I found out that his wife and mother had done this without telling Gu Tianjin, but there was no regret.

As a candidate, he failed to restrain his family members and let them bribe people in the village.

Daniel became the new captain in the village, and he would have to learn from Gu Guofu for a long time.

After this incident was over, Gu Xue's winter vacation was almost over.

I sent the packed things to the capital in advance and took the two old people on the train to the capital.

Their household registrations have not been moved, and their food certificates are still in the village. There is no need to distribute food to them in the village, they only need to register their names.

After two days and one night of train travel, when the two people got off the train, they saw the sign Su Cian held high, and his eldest brother was also beside him.

Two brothers each carried an old man's luggage.

The two old people were sent to the courtyard. During the summer vacation, Lou Lan had already decorated the courtyard.

Gu Xue received a call from Lou Lan before, saying that the house was almost finished and that it would be habitable after tidying up.

When the two old men saw the courtyard of Nuo University, they were stunned as soon as they entered.

Loulan has been restored very retro, and many of the landscapes inside are not damaged. You can see a small garden when you enter.

Although it looks a bit desolate inside, the things on display are indeed beautiful.

A room was prepared for each of the two old people, and it was next door.

Originally, Gu Xue wanted to let the two old people live in the main house, but the two old people immediately rejected the proposal.

"Axue girl, you are the head of the house now, and we two old people live in such a big house. It is really uncomfortable to see it empty. I think the house next to it is quite big, just big enough for the two of us. "

What else could Gu Xue say? She tidied up the main room. The furniture inside was made of wood and looked antique.

There is also a small vase made of wood on the table. There are some artificial flowers in the bottle, which looks pretty good.

Gu Qianshan usually likes to write calligraphy. After all, it is a habit developed since childhood.

Later, because he was in the village, this small interest was slowly put aside, and Gu Qianshan was ready to pick it up later.

Zhang Jianguo started learning to read in elementary school.

There are no serious health problems now. When he has time and is fresh, he likes to pester Gu Qianshan to read.

The two old people lived a happy life, and they liked it when they saw such a big yard.

Su Cian packed up her things and moved to live in the courtyard. She discussed with the two old people that she would have time to have a meal with her parents.

After all, two people are getting married and their in-laws have not met yet, so they have to meet for a meal to bond and bond.

(End of this chapter)

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