Chapter 269 Reading Club

Gu Xue lives a normal life here, and takes the two old people to wander around the capital during weekend breaks.

As long as she has time, she is willing to take the two elders to play and see anything interesting or beautiful.

When Gu Xue was in school, the two old people were not idle. They met many old people and would chat together and watch the flag-raising, which made them not feel lonely.

Their community is recently holding a school for the elderly. I heard that it is an old professor and his wife who are over eighty years old. They usually have nothing to do at home. At the beginning, they just taught some elderly people to learn some new knowledge.

For example, literacy, tea art, and playing Go or chess.

Many of the elderly, especially the older ones, are illiterate. They have been working in the fields since childhood. When they get old, they have no strength and cannot do many things well.

Usually I can only hang out around, or spend time chatting in a place with a group of people.

These things become boring after a long time.

It happened that the two old professors had nothing to do, so they organized people to study together. At first, not many people came.

After all, most people have never read a book and don't know a few Chinese characters. They always feel like they will be laughed at if they follow along.

After the book club had been held for half a month, people slowly came over.

At first it was out of curiosity, but later I discovered that if we read together, we don’t need to know them. We can just read along with everyone. As time went by, we found that we actually knew those words.

I can also read ancient poems, and there are some grandpas and old ladies who have a strong desire to show off and show off around me.

In front of a lot of friends who were as illiterate as I was before, I was like a victorious rooster. His proud and proud look made those friends' teeth itch.

As an old man in his sixties or seventies, can this grievance be tolerated?
That was definitely not possible, so I started to follow the two old professors, and the number of people in the reading group became more and more.

Their original activity area was a bit insufficient, so they later changed to a larger venue.

That is to say, when those old people were most motivated, Zhang Jianguo from Gu Qianshan was dragged to a reading club by an old man from his neighbor.

I didn’t take it too seriously at first, but later I found out that it was indeed a good place to hang out.

Most of the people who come here are retired old people who have a sum of money in their hands every month and usually have nothing important to do at home.

Old people who have money and leisure love to play, and are more patient than many people with people like Zhang Jianguo who have inconvenient legs and feet.

According to what those people said, we are all so old and have never seen anything before. Why should we be so anxious about some things?

Everyone's mentality is very good, and life is much happier.

Just this month, the number of people in the book club has exceeded 150 people.

You don't know it, but before you know it, so many people have gathered together.

With more people, things are not as good as they were at the beginning.

As they get older, most people will not wrong themselves. There are often some old people who will quarrel even though they are doing well.

After asking carefully, I found out that it was just some unnecessary trivial matters.

There were too many such things, and the two old professors became a little unhappy.

At the beginning, it was just good intentions, wanting everyone to live a happier life, but if it was based on my own unhappiness, I would naturally not be happy with it.

So I came up with the idea of ​​disbanding the book club.

This thought became stronger and stronger, and finally the two old men made up their minds and prepared to announce the dissolution of the reading club the next day. At this time, the youngest sons of two old professors came over with a girl who looked very embarrassed.

The girl was wearing good clothes, but her face was sallow and her skin was dark, and she looked like she had suffered a lot.

It's just that the girl's face is firm and looks unusual.

"Mom and Dad, this is Lian'er. She went to the countryside to work as an educated youth a few years ago. Now she finally comes back. However, due to work reasons, the place we have to go to is very difficult. I just wanted to ask you to help look after her for a while."

The two of them were also very sad. They originally thought that their daughter would finally come back and they would be able to make up for it.

But I didn't expect that I had to leave again due to work. Only then did I think of the two old people they had with my eldest brother.

The two old professors live with their boss, and usually have their own pensions to support themselves.

They were also among the few people who were not affected during those years, and they never suffered much in their lives.

It's just that I haven't heard much from my younger son in recent years. From time to time, my younger son sends some money back. I thought it was nothing, but I didn't expect that my granddaughter also went to the countryside.

"Since it's because of your work, I won't say anything. It's good for our little granddaughter to be here."

The old lady looked at the girl who was only a handful of bones, with distress in her eyes.

I thought I was staying with my parents, but I didn't expect to suffer so much.

Bai Lian'er smiled sweetly at her grandparents, without any hatred on her face.

The two parents of the Bai family left their children with their parents and hurried to their place of work.

"Lian'er, come here quickly. You've suffered a lot these years. If your grandparents like to eat anything, go buy them and cook them for you."

Bai Lian'er generously stated what she wanted to eat. The smile on her face was clean and gentle, and she didn't look like she was experiencing pain at all.

The old lady felt distressed again and took Bai Lian'er to choose her own room.

Both old professors have retired at old age and have their own place to live. It is a two-story small house. The house is not big, but it is not small either.

There are vegetables and some roses grown in a small yard, which are very beautifully arranged.

There are three rooms upstairs in the house, two of which are occupied by two old people, and there is one empty room.

The old lady brought Bai Lian'er into the room: "We originally wanted to use this room as a study. If you come, we will decorate it now. You can sleep with me for the next two days."

With that said, he took Bai Lian'er to get familiar with the whole family.

The old lady spoke slowly, with a unique gentleness.

Bai Lian'er also looked very relaxed.

At this time, I saw two old professors writing about disbanding the book club.

I took a few more curious glances.

The old lady saw that her granddaughter was curious, and she was also a little reluctant, so she unconsciously said it.

"This is not a reading club for us lonely old men and women to have fun together. But we didn't expect that this small thing was too much. It always felt that it had deviated from our expectations. The old man and I thought it had affected ourselves. I just want to end my life.”

Bai Lian'er asked curiously: "Who are the people in the reading club?"

(End of this chapter)

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