She asked Yang Chengzhuo to lift Feng Ying's red hijab in front of everyone after Feng Ying entered Yang's house, and asked Yang Chengzhi to fetch a basin of water to put out the brazier when Feng Ying was about to cross it.

They asked the two brothers to catch a few toads and four-legged insects in the field and put them in the wedding bed to disgust the bride. They also said that when Xi Po asked the two brothers to roll on the wedding bed, the two brothers must ask the bride for money to please her. If you don't pay, or if you don't give enough, you'll call the bride poor in front of everyone.

But fortunately, both Yang Chengzhuo and Yang Chengzhi refused.

Reading can make people wise, and even the young Yang Chengzhi knew that it was wrong to do so.

Doing this will not only embarrass the Yang family, but also make grandma angry, and it is also disrespectful to the bride who has just entered the house.

Yang Chengzhuo and Yang Chengzhi both heard it that day, and the bride was also a pitiful person.

Yang Chengzhuo's stability was precipitated when Chen Nier went to him again and again, and then was rejected by him and started scolding him again.

Ancient weddings were very particular. The bride came in at an auspicious time and was then sent to her bridal chamber to wait. She had to wait until dusk before coming out to pay her respects.

Feng Ying has no family, so no one came to see her off today. Ke Muqing was busy entertaining relatives and friends in the Yang family. She was so busy that when she remembered that in ancient times, brides could not eat for a whole day after getting married, the lunch table was almost scattered. .

"My memory!" Ke Muqing slapped her thigh, hurriedly ran into the kitchen and took two large bowls with vegetables and soup, then took a plate with two steamed buns and went to the wedding room.

"Feng Ying~ I'm old. In the morning, I thought I'd give you something to eat before lunch, but when I get busy, I can't remember anything. Are you hungry? We're all from the countryside. People, our Yang family doesn’t pay attention to those rules. Mom brought you some food, so you should fill your belly while it’s hot.”

The door to the room was closed. Ke Muqing said something at the door before opening it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door opened, she saw Yang Shuangshuang smiling at her.

Feng Ying was already sitting at the table with a bowl and eating. When she saw Ke Muqing coming in with food, Feng Ying hurriedly put down her chopsticks and stood up.

Ke Muqing closed the door and walked in, smiling and saying, "It's good that you've already eaten. I'm afraid you'll be hungry."

Feng Ying's heart was hot, and her nose felt sour.

"Mom, Shuangshuang brought this child to me as soon as the table started. It's just that I was afraid of wasting my mouth fat, so I ate a little slower. I didn't expect that mother would remember me." Feng Ying said, "Thank you, mother."

"We are all a family, why are we thankful?" Ke Muqing saw that Feng Ying did not dare to take off the hijab. She only dared to lift a corner with one hand and took small bites with chopsticks in the other hand. Ke Muqing put the things in her hands on the table. As soon as he put it down, he folded Feng Ying's Xipa up by himself.

"It will be more pleasant to eat this way. You can wipe off the lip grease first, and then wipe it on after eating. I remember I bought a box when the fourth child got married, and I will borrow it for you for a day."

Feng Ying didn't know what else to say to express her happiness at this moment besides saying thank you, mother.

Feng Ying recalled what happened when she got married for the first time.

She was getting married in her boudoir, and several cousins ​​just came for a formality, said a few auspicious words, and then left. It was very busy outside that morning, but no one remembered to bring her a bite of food, even a glass of water. nothing.

She went out thirsty. When she arrived at her husband's house, she was sent to the house as soon as she entered. She sat there for the whole day. She could only endure being hungry and thirsty.

So Feng Ying knows that getting married may seem like a very happy event, but as a bride, the most difficult part of the day is actually the bride.

But when she arrived at the Yang family, Feng Ying realized that a woman could live such a happy day when she got married. As soon as she entered the house, her grandmother brought a pot of hot tea for her to drink if she was thirsty.

When the party was called outside, Yang Shuangshuang, a child, came in with hot food. She said that she had heard grandma murmur in the morning, saying that she had to remember to give Feng Ying something to eat when the party started, and that the bride could not be left alone. Hungry on the big day.

Yang Shuangshuang said that she saw her grandma being grabbed by a relative and was so busy that she couldn't remember anything, so Yang Shuangshuang went into the kitchen to find bowls and chopsticks, then scooped some food into the big kitchen basin and brought it to her first.

The Yang family had a sumptuous banquet, the dishes were fragrant, and the rice was delicious. The meal that Yang Shuangshuang carefully brought in was the most delicious and heartwarming meal in Feng Ying's memory when he was so old.

The child was just as she said that day, she liked her very much.

Feng Ying didn't expect that before she finished eating, her mother-in-law also came in with the food. Not only did she lift up a corner of her hijab without caring about her, but she also folded up the wedding scarf for her to make it easier for her to eat. I have to make excuses for her.

Feng Ying thought that after her parents passed away, she endured hardships in the years before getting married to the Yang family, probably in order to accumulate all the luck to marry into the Yang family, so that she would have a mother-in-law who was just like her own mother, and a person who would treat her affectionately. stepdaughter.

"Both of our family are really sensible. Grandma must praise you for doing a great job today!" Ke Muqing nodded Yang Shuangshuang's little nose.

"I heard grandma muttering to herself. I wanted to help grandma deliver food to the bride." Yang Shuangshuang felt a little embarrassed by the praise.

Ke Muqing hugged Yang Shuangshuang and laughed, and Feng Ying also covered her lips and laughed.

Ke Muqing had something to do outside, so he asked Yang Shuangshuang to accompany Feng Ying in the wedding room while he went out first.

The formal wedding banquet was held in the evening, and the lunch meal was only eaten by the Yang family members. Therefore, after lunch, the relatives who were closer to the Yang family did not leave, and they still stayed with the Yang family and were busy preparing for a richer meal in the evening. Dinner and banquet.

Everyone was quick on their feet and the afternoon was long, so they prepared all the things that needed to be prepared. After finishing the work, they were temporarily free. Those who lived nearby went home first.

Yang Shuangshuang came out in the middle and ran out with sisters Ke Xiuyu and Yang Chuxue. After a while, the four of them got into the wedding room again with a large bundle of dogtail grass in their hands.

Ke Muqing was curious and wanted to ask them what they were doing before raising his feet when Yang Lizheng called out to Ke Muqing.

Ask her, "Do you know what Ke Zhaodi did when we were busy here at noon?"

Ke Muqing shook his head and joked, "You can't beat the gong and say bad things about me, right?"

Yang Lizheng was amused by this answer, "She asked the Sun family and the family she gave birth to to go from door to door in the village, and asked people to meet at the grain drying ground in the village, saying that she, Ke Zhaodi, had something important to tell everyone, but The only person who didn’t call us Yang was.”

By leaving the Yang family behind, it was obvious that Ke Zhaodi had no good intentions.

"Guess what Ke Zhaodi said when he called people over?" Yang Lizheng looked much more serious.

"I can't guess that. Why don't we gather people here and let them hear her bad things about me?" Ke Muqing was half-testing and half-joking.

Ke Muqing couldn't guess that Yang Lizheng thought it was normal.

"Ke Zhaodi called people over. She said there that she was a goddess who came to the mortal world to save the world. From now on, anyone who wants to be protected by her must worship her, respect her, and join the Holy Lotus Sect. Stop calling her Zhaodi, call her the Holy Lotus Goddess." Yang Lizheng felt that Ke Zhaodi's broken hand was not her hand, but her brain.

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