Han Yici nodded and was about to ask her if she wanted to eat anything, but Zhang Chengyuan had already stood up and put down the apple, preparing to go to the kitchen to cook for her.

Han Yici quickly stood up and followed. Seeing this, Zhang Chengyuan stopped and looked at her, joking: "Why are you afraid that I will poison you?"

Han Yici shook her head and said, "No."

Zhang Chengyuan rolled his eyes at her and continued to the kitchen, leaving behind a sentence: "Why don't you go and rest quickly? Are you tired from working all day? I'll cook dinner for you."

Han Yici paused. Seeing a familiar scene, she suddenly smiled with relief. What exactly was she being cautious about? She had already made it clear that their relationship was as good as before, hadn't she?
After figuring it out, Han Yici returned to the sofa briskly, and lay on the sofa to send a message to Qi Baiyi, sharing her current happy mood.

Zhang Chengyuan glanced at her, opened the refrigerator to check what vegetables were available, and silently thought about what to cook.

There was only some cabbage and pumpkin in the refrigerator. She sighed helplessly and went to get her luggage. At the same time, she said to Han Yici: "I don't know what kind of life you live every day, but there is only that little thing in the refrigerator. "

Han Yici held her head with both hands and looked at her with a smile. Her little daughter swayed her feet: "I usually just eat some bread and make do. I also want to buy a house. It's not like you don't know."

Zhang Chengyuan took out the food from his bag and glanced at her blankly: "You can't rely on your mouth. Your body still needs it. It's high-intensity work all day long. If you don't eat better, your body won't be able to bear it. .”

When Han Yici said this, she was very unhappy. She lay down and childishly turned her head away from looking at her, but her tone was aggrieved and heart-wrenching: "You don't even want to come see me, how can I eat well?" You don’t feel bad at all.”

Zhang Chengyuan was helpless: "I'm here, aren't I?"

Han Yici turned around and stared at her angrily and asked, "Then why didn't you come before? I called you several times to ask you to come, but you didn't come?"

Zhang Chengyuan entered the kitchen with something. When Han Yici saw that she didn't answer, she followed him barefoot, as if she wouldn't give up until she gave her a reason.

Looking back at her helplessly, her eyes fell on her bare feet. She sighed and said: "You two are in love, why do I have to squeeze in between you? I am not allowed to leave space for you two.

Besides, do you think it’s appropriate for you to show off your affection in front of me, a single guy, every day? "

Han Yici never thought that this was the reason. She even thought about the possibility that she was neglected when they were in love, but she never thought about this reason.

"Are you satisfied? Now go put on your shoes and your feet won't feel cold."

Although her tone was disgusting, Han Yici could feel that she cared about her.

Han Yici lowered her head and looked at her feet. She didn't feel how cold it was, as it was only autumn, but she didn't say anything and just put it on.

He came back again to pick up the door frame and peeked in: "Yuanyuan, what have you brought? What are you going to make?"

"Just some dried tofu, pork sausage, bacon, noodles and so on. There isn't much food today, so I'll give you some cabbage noodles to make do. I'll make something delicious for you tomorrow."

Han Yici frowned and said, "Why are there so many? Stop giving me things all the time. So many things every year are worth a lot of money."

"I grow and cook it myself. I'll give it to you for whatever money I spent, so you can eat it with peace of mind. Why are you so polite to me?

By the way, have you finished eating all the things I sent you? Why do you think your home has nothing at all? "

Han Yici was a little embarrassed to look at her, so she whispered: "I sent half to Qi Baiyi's house, and the other half has been eaten long ago."

Zhang Chengyuan frowned: "That shouldn't be the case. According to the amount I gave you, it's enough for two people."

Han Yici couldn't hide it, so she had to tell the truth: "His grandparents also thought it was good after eating it, so I asked him to send some to his grandparents' house."

Zhang Chengyuan looked at her with dangerous eyes, and said in a strange tone: "I really didn't expect you to use the same feelings I feel for you to feel sorry for a man. What kind of top-notch love brain is this? If you still eat bread yourself, you are really wronging you." Yes."

Han Yici knew that she was really angry, so she quickly admitted her mistake: "Yuanyuan, I know I was wrong, but I just can't save my face, and we are getting married soon, so I don't want to cause any unpleasantness during this period."

"So you just wronged yourself, right? Are you stupid? Just give it to others if they want it. Even if you want to give it, why don't you know how to compensate yourself?

I am also really convinced that I can make myself feel wronged to the point of chewing bread.

Did I also say that you are all about to get married, where is your partner? Why doesn't he know how to care about you? "

"I didn't tell him."

Zhang Chengyuan hated the iron and said: "If you didn't tell him, he really didn't know, so he wouldn't think about it for himself. He is also an adult and has his own thinking. He can do his job well, but he doesn't think about you. , this shows that he has no intention of you..."

She paused suddenly because she realized what she was saying, gritted her teeth and said no more, suppressed her dissatisfaction and continued cooking.

Seeing this, Han Yici was no longer silent. She looked blankly and said quietly: "Yuanyuan, although I have never been in love, I can't feel whether he loves me or not, and I don't have a love brain. I know it clearly. Know what you want.”

Zhang Chengyuan was surprised for a moment, but she quickly came to her senses. She said how could someone so clear-headed and rational suddenly become a love brain? In this case, she would not be so worried: "Since you know what you know, I won't say anything more." ."

Soon the smell of rice came, and Han Yici sniffed hard: "It smells so good. I feel even hungrier."

Zhang Chengyuan filled a bowl for her and handed it to her to eat.

She sat next to Han Yici and watched her eat while asking: "Did you take wedding photos?"

"It was filmed. Do you want to see it? It's on the computer table in my bedroom."

Hearing this, Zhang Chengyuan got up and looked for it. After finding it, she came out holding two photo albums and said, "Just these two?"

Han Yici took the time to take a look and confirmed: "Yes."

Then he lowered his head and continued to eat hard. Zhang Chengyuan sat on the sofa and read carefully.

Fengguan Xiapei's photo shoot is very impressive, and the combination of handsome man and beautiful woman is very eye-catching.

This photo of two people wearing wedding dresses gives them the feeling of a prince and a princess, which is eye-catching and romantic.

Xiuhe's set feels a bit like Xiaojiabiyu's, less dignified and grand.

There is also a set of red cheongsam and black gown, which is very charming and beautiful.

After Han Yici finished her meal, seeing that Zhang Chengyuan was still admiring it, she went to clean up the kitchen.

Zhang Chengyuan closed the photo album and followed her to the kitchen to watch her work and chat with her. This has been the habit of the two of them for many years.

After cleaning up the kitchen, the two of them went to take a shower and clean up before going to rest.

The two of them slept on the same bed and chatted casually. They felt unsatisfied all the time, but when they looked at the time, it was already past eleven o'clock.

Tomorrow, Han Yici will continue to go to work, but she can't be late. She can only say good night to each other and go to bed with lingering thoughts.

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