Han Yici comes back to pay New Year's greetings every year, and Zhang Chengyuan also goes to Qi's family to pay New Year's greetings every year, walking around each other.

Time seemed to pass extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, it was Zhang Chengyuan's sixtieth birthday, and Han Yici was also sixty.

She and Han Yici celebrated their sixtieth birthday together, but after the new year, Han Yici's health began to deteriorate, and she fell ill from time to time, lingering on her bed.

It seems that it was because of the poor living conditions when she was a child that her health deteriorated quickly in her later years.

Han Yici passed away when they were seventy-five years old. Since then, the relationship between the Qi family and Zhang Chengyuan has faded, and she doesn't care.

She continued her life for several decades, and she died when she was one hundred and fifty years old.

She saw the settlement immediately after she died:
Survive to age 60 to earn: 42 points
Survive to age 70 to earn: 20 points
Survive to age 80 to earn: 40 points
Survive to age 90 to earn: 60 points
Survive to age 100 to earn: 80 points
Survive to age 150 to earn: 500 points
Total points earned: 742
Do you want to spend points to take away small world items?
Zhang Chengyuan skillfully chose "No", and then heard a familiar return question:

Coming back soon, please prepare, Master
Return immediately
Delayed Return (Free 3 times)
She chose to return immediately, and when she opened her eyes, she had returned to the main world. She sat up and moved her body, waiting.

Zhinao's voice sounded as expected: "Welcome back, master. Congratulations on your successful completion of the mission. Do you want to check the personal interface?"


Name: Zhang Chengyuan
Home: OHQ8-49 plane 76 planet (has been naturally destroyed)


Props: [Only] Collection Illustrated Book, [Only] Coiled Sacred Tree, [Only] Production Illustrated Book, Animal Illustrated Book (50000 points can unlock the next prop column)

Points: 104340 (114340-10000)

Mission points: 3368 (2626+742)

Luck: 12 (11+1)

Zhang Chengyuan's eyes fell on the general points. There were already two world points that had not increased. If this continues, she will not be able to rest on her laurels. It is really worrying. It seems that she has to think about how to get extra income.

There are also more than 3,000 mission points. The more I think about it, the more worried I become. I can’t afford anything with that amount, hey~
But what happened to this luck?
Add a little to each world? No, the first world was not added. Could it be that for each additional attached world, a little was added.

Zhang Chengyuan silently confirmed this conjecture in her heart. She stood up and prepared to cook, but she heard Zhinao continue to say: "Master, you have news that you have not checked."

information? Who sent her the message, someone she didn’t even know, etc., someone she knew…

Zhang Chengyuan thought about it carefully for a long time before remembering a person. In her memory, they seemed to have met once. The reason why she was so impressed was because she had always been thinking about the Lord of Heaven.

As long as there are more than five affiliated worlds, she will have to pay taxes. She already has three affiliated worlds, and they are not far away. She will think of them from time to time in the previous world.

She opened the message to check, and when she saw the name, she realized that the person's name was Qiao Qianyue. She had forgotten it.

The news is this: Have you come out yet? My mission is completed, let's get together.

Zhang Chengyuan sent a message back to someone: When I first came out, I wanted to try to become the Lord of Heaven. As soon as the message was sent, they responded.

[You want to roll too~]

Zhang Chengyuan passed with an embarrassed expression.

The next second, the news of Qianqianyue came again [then you must come to play with me when you are free]

After Zhang Chengyuan replied to the message, he closed the chat interface and went to cook.

After eating and drinking, she lay down on the bed without stopping, and went to a random world.

After waiting for a moment, the result came out, it was the era world.

She still likes to go to the talent skills page first. There seems to be nothing needed. Suddenly she saw two special talent skills on the last page, [Passive Defense: Any form of damage has a 1% chance of gaining all-round defense, 0.1% chance of obtaining mysterious items] and [luck superposition: 1% chance of getting lucky double, 0.1% chance of getting mysterious items].

She was very interested in both of these, and she chose to buy them without hesitation. However, after buying Passive Defense, she wanted to buy Lucky Double but found that it was unavailable for purchase.

She asked Zhinao strangely: "Is it still available for purchase just now? Why is it suddenly no longer possible?"

"The master has tested that each person's soul can only hold up to ten talents and skills. Your soul has reached the limit, so naturally you can no longer purchase it."

It turned out that Zhang Chengyuan was a little regretful, but she had no intention of changing her talent skills. Not to mention the difficulty of upgrading these talent skills, she was very satisfied with them.

Then I thought of the exercise method and wondered if it had any restrictions: "Are there any restrictions on the exercise method?"

"Master, it has been tested that the technique does not have any restrictions, but please be careful, master. If you practice the technique too complicatedly, you can easily go crazy."

"Okay, thank you for reminding me."

She turned around and asked Zhinao to open the page of exercises to choose from. It was not that she was rebellious, but that she had discovered that her skills were lacking in the previous world.

"Eternal Life" increases lifespan, "Juli" increases strength, "Rejuvenation" increases recovery, "Shakes the Mountain Moon" increases attack power, and "Hardness and Softness" increases defense. They are basically physical, but there is no soul and spiritual.

So this time she planned to purchase these two skills to arm herself and increase her survivability.

In addition, she is also preparing for other types of tasks in the future. Living like this from one life to the next, she sometimes gets a little bored, and she wants the excitement of a different life.

There were too many exercises and it was obviously impossible to read them page by page, so she asked Zhinao to help her sort through them before showing them to her.

From the selected exercises, she quickly selected two exercises, "Refining God" and "Holy Soul". Soul power.

Zhang Chengyuan then closed his eyes with satisfaction and chose to enter the mission world. After arriving at the mission world, he saw a thatched roof as soon as he opened his eyes.

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