Chapter 130 Spiritual Jiao
"Okay, but I prefer the original form."

Okay, although she was very curious about its human form, she couldn't force it if it had such a habit. Looking at the spiritual dragon, Zhang Chengyuan suddenly asked: "Do you have a name?"

The spirit dragon earthworm shook his head and said no. Zhang Chengyuan answered quickly: "How about I get it for you?"


Zhang Chengyuan pondered for a long time, and finally decided: "What do you think of the spiritual dragon?"

The spirit dragon earthworm didn't have any questions and said in a calm tone: "Okay."

Zhang Chengyuan herself was a little embarrassed, and even more so after hearing the calm words from the spiritual dragon earthworm.

She knew that she had no talent in naming it, and she was ready to be shunned, and she already regretted naming it after she said it.

But it didn't refuse, and she said all her words, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet.

As for the current situation, the name of the Spiritual Dragon Earthworm was decided so hastily.

When she was distressed, the spirit fish earthworm jumped in and shouted: "Master, is it time to eat? The fish are all hungry."

The spirit dragon earthworm lazily exuded a trace of the coercion of an eighth-level spirit beast, reminding the spirit fish earthworm of the existence of its boss.

With just this slight pressure, the spirit fish earthworm was thrown to the ground with a look of confusion, unable to move.

The spirit fish earthworm subconsciously called for help: "Master~Master, save me, wow~it's so scary, the fish is going to die."

Zhang Chengyuan didn't feel anything, but he heard the spirit fish earthworm, which was so happy just now, suddenly fell to the ground and began to scream.

She quickly picked it up, asked worriedly, and checked it carefully: "What's wrong? Isn't this good?"

As Zhang Chengyuan approached, the spirit dragon quickly restrained the leaked pressure, and the spirit fish earthworm was fine.

It patrolled around vigilantly and whispered to its master: "Master, just now a beast used coercion to oppress the fish, which scared the fish to death."

The spirit fish earthworm also has a name, and it was also named by Zhang Chengyuan. The difference is that the spirit fish earthworm pestered Zhang Chengyuan to get it from her.

The Lingyu Earthworm also took the first two characters as its name, and called it Lingyu. However, it thought it was very suitable because Zhang Chengyuan called it Yuyu. Then it kept calling itself Yuyu, and even asked Zhang Chengyuan to call it Yuyu.

But Zhang Chengyuan was not used to it, so she just called it fish or small fish.

After hearing Lingyu's words, Zhang Chengyuan immediately thought of the Lingyu, but she felt that it was a bit unlike what it could do. After all, the voice was so steady, so it wouldn't be too powerful for Lingyu.

But her experience tells her that some people don't take things at face value, so she plans to ask.

She raised the wrist wrapped around the spiritual dragon, put it in front of her and said, "Lingjiao, was it you who did it just now?"

Ling Jiao did not deny it, but nodded in recognition, looking taciturn.

When the spirit fish saw the newcomer, it not only threatened him, but also ignored the owner. The most important thing is that it actually coiled around the owner's wrist and got close to the owner.

It was not even that close to its owner. The owner even disliked it for spitting on her, but did not allow it to cross its wrists. It was very unhappy.

The spirit fish didn't know what tolerance meant, so it immediately complained to Zhang Chengyuan angrily: "Master, look at it bullying Yuyu."

Zhang Chengyuan touched it comfortingly and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Our Yuyu masters don't care about the small people's lives. We don't care about it. Isn't Yuyu hungry? Whatever you want to eat, the master will cook it for you." The spirit fish is here. Zhang Chengyuan is like a child in his heart, and he can't help but be more inclined to it.

The first impression she had from the spirit dragon's voice was that of an older, steady man, completely ignoring the fact that it had just broken out of its shell.

So unnoticed that the spirit dragon lowered his head in despair, holding her wrist motionless.

In addition to making her favorite food for the spirit fish, she also didn't forget to ask the spirit dragon what it liked to eat, but it just said whatever it wanted, so she prepared it casually, without noticing that its mood was wrong.

It wasn't until the rice was cooked that the spirit dragon kept silent throughout the whole process, while the spirit fish kept chattering. Only then did he notice something.

When the spirit fish was full and ran away to continue transforming the land, Zhang Chengyuan found an opportunity to ask it: "What's wrong with you, spirit dragon?"

The spiritual dragon slowly swam up to Zhang Chengyuan, raised his upper body and asked her, "Master, do you dislike me?"

Zhang Chengyuan asked doubtfully: "No, why do you think I don't like you?"

Ling Jiao asked in confusion: "Then why do you treat me differently than you treat that fish?"

Zhang Chengyuan suddenly realized a problem, and it broke out of its shell. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be this voice. You must know that except for ancient cultivators, other incarnations of the consciousness of heaven are also young people.

She asked tentatively: "Lingjiao, did your voice always sound like this when you were born?"

The spirit dragon shook his head and said: "No, I have only heard the voices of you, the master, the fish, and another person, so I simulated such a voice."

"Then what does your real voice sound like? Can you let me hear it?"

Zhang Chengyuan had already realized the problem. She estimated that the voice of Taoist Changqing that the spirit dragon heard was a newborn beast with a childish voice.

As expected, the voice of the spirit dragon itself is a very neutral child's voice. Even if you look carefully, you can't tell whether it is a boy or a girl, but it is very childish.

Zhang Chengyuan smiled and nodded his head and said: "Just use your own voice to speak from now on. I have always treated you as an adult before, and you are an equal being to me. That's why I will treat you differently from the spirit fish. I won't do that anymore." "

After the explanation, Lingjiao felt a lot better, but it was really aggrieved to be wronged.

Seeing this, Zhang Chengyuan coaxed: "Don't feel wronged, okay? I'll take you out to play, okay? I'm preparing to plant spiritual plants and feed them to you when they are mature."

The spirit dragon heard this and said, "Master, I can transform ordinary land into a spiritual field."

Zhang Chengyuan smiled and said, "Thank you for your help."

She took the spirit dragon out of the disciple building, and the spirit dragon saw the spirit fish walking happily in the soil, and without hesitation, he jumped and landed next to it.

Zhang Chengyuan was watching from the side, but in his mind was the painting and layout of the small spirit gathering array and the large spirit gathering array.

At a certain moment, her inspiration suddenly burst out. The areas that she thought were problematic before seemed to be no problem at all. She even had a feeling in her heart that she could successfully arrange large and small spirit gathering arrays.

Zhang Chengyuan did not hesitate, took out the materials and began to arrange the land reclaimed by the spirit fish. As the spirit beads were buried one after another, the large spirit gathering array gradually took shape.

As the only spiritual power in her body was extracted, she put down the eye of the Spirit Gathering Array. The transparent light curtain formed an inverted semicircle in the next breath, and then disappeared invisible, and the Great Spirit Gathering Array was completed.

Zhang Chengyuan looked at it with satisfaction and patted the dirt on her hands. Since she could succeed once, she could succeed a second time and a third time. She had learned this formation.

She confessed to the two beasts and hurried back to strike while the iron was hot and arrange a few to consolidate her memory.

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