Chapter 132 Worry
Master knows that you are pure in mind and have no intention of harming others, but it is because Master is too simple that I worry about you.

There is nothing I can teach you here as a teacher. It is inevitable that I will not be able to keep you here...

You still have a long way to go in the future. If you have any problems, you can come back to the master. The master will help you even if he risks his life..."

Zhang Chengyuan finally understood. Changqing Taoist thought that he had nothing to teach him, and he was afraid that he would be bullied when he went out to explore, so he gave her instructions in advance.

She took advantage of Taoist Changqing to stop drinking tea and interrupted with a smile: "Master, you are overthinking. I don't have any big ambitions as your disciple, as long as I have a family."

Changqing Taoist looked at Zhang Chengyuan with a complicated expression. With such a good talent and great luck, would he really be willing not to go out and try his luck?

Taoist Changqing asked himself, if it were him, he would definitely not be reconciled, but seeing that although his apprentice was smiling on the surface, his eyes were full of seriousness, and after a thousand words, he finally said one sentence: "I don't regret it." ?”

Zhang Chengyuan nodded seriously: "I don't regret it. Master, don't worry, I know what I want, and I won't blame you in the future.

Life is short, just a few decades. Some people pursue fame and fortune, while others enjoy comfort. Your apprentice and I are the latter.

For me, practicing Falun Gong, cooking, and farming are lifelong things. At other times, I would rather just lie down and waste my time doing nothing. "

Although Taoist Changqing didn't understand why she wanted to live the life of an elderly person at such a young age, since she was serious, he would not persuade her.

Everyone's life is their own. If others interfere too much, it won't change anything, and they may even become bored.

Moreover, the disciple's talent is strong, and his lifespan will definitely be long in the future. If he wants to be comfortable now, he may not be able to in the future.

However, if nothing unexpected happens, hiding here will be really comfortable.

Taoist Changqing stopped continuing this topic, and instead asked about the two spiritual beasts. They had rushed out after eating, and he saw them burrowing into the soil.

"What species are the two spiritual beasts you cultivated? Why have you never seen them before?"

Zhang Chengyuan just pretended not to know about this, looked up at Taoist Changqing, and said innocently: "I don't know, they said they are spiritual dragon earthworms and spiritual fish earthworms, I have never seen them."

Taoist Changqing frowned. He had never heard of these two types of spiritual beasts. Seeing his apprentice's indifferent expression, he became more and more worried. He didn't even know their weaknesses. What should he do if they kill their masters? ?
Taoist Changqing was extremely worried. He could only continue to ask: "Can you tell Master what species it was cultivated from?"

Zhang Chengyuan continued without any scheming, and explained honestly: "Just earthworm, I was thinking, Master, don't you want to start a sect here?

I read the "Low-level Beast Breeding Technique" you gave me at that time. It said that using earthworms to cultivate spiritual beasts can transform ordinary land into spiritual fields.

Why don't we quickly cultivate it with earthworms, thinking about transforming some spiritual fields first, so that we can be self-sufficient in the future, otherwise the spiritual rice alone will be a huge expense.

It's not an option if we keep sitting on nothing. The supplies in that storage ring will eventually run out. "

After hearing what Zhang Chengyuan said, Taoist Changqing fell into guilt. He did not expect that his apprentice would silently pay so much for his words, but he himself was still thinking that he could not keep his apprentice.

In the hearts of Taoist Changqing, Zhang Chengyuan's status has risen again and again. He said warmly: "You don't have to think too much. Now you still focus on cultivation. To establish a sect, you just have to be a teacher."

After saying that, he was afraid that she would think too much, so he quickly added: "Master doesn't mean to dislike you, he just thinks that the higher your cultivation level, the longer your life will be.

The only life-enhancing pill has been used by the master. Who knows if there will be a chance to get another one in the future. You are talented and young. If you seize the time to practice, you may be able to build a foundation soon, so you don't have to worry about lifespan. "

Zhang Chengyuan stood up and stood behind Taoist Changqing, pressed his shoulders and said: "Master, I understand everything you said, but I like to practice and live step by step. I feel that cultivation is the fastest in this state. If you don't believe me, Master, look at it. I have already reached the second level of Qi training.”

Taoist Changqing noticed it when they first met, but time was tight at the time. He was surprised and rushed to take her to escape. Later, he found out that it was a mistake, and he relaxed and forgot about it.

Now that she reminded me, I remembered it, but since she said so, let's take a look first. If it is true as she said, he will follow her.

Changqing Taoist reached out and patted her hand that was squeezing his shoulder and said: "Okay, just know what you have in mind. Master will plan the sect as soon as possible, and then recruit disciples to strengthen Changqing Temple."

Zhang Chengyuan answered with a smile: "Master, I've taken over the planting-related matters."

"it is good."

With that said, Taoist Changqing stood up and prepared to leave: "Go and have a rest, I'm going back to my master."

"Well, master, go slowly. Master, don't forget to come for dinner tomorrow morning."

Taoist Changqing nodded to show that he understood: "Well, there is no need to send it away."

Zhang Chengyuan watched Taoist Changqing enter Changqing Residence, and then he lay down on the bed to practice.

I don’t know whether it’s because the method doesn’t require meditating or it’s because of her own reasons, but she feels that practicing while lying down is the same as practicing while sitting.

So she was used to lying down to practice, and would fall asleep while practicing. The result was that even if she fell asleep, the technique was still running.

Early the next morning, Zhang Chengyuan was woken up by the rumbling sound. She rubbed her eyes and opened the window to check. She found that Changqing Taoist was carrying out extensive construction work to renovate the mountain. The martial arts training ground, medicine garden, spiritual field, etc. had begun to take shape. .

Seeing that she couldn't sleep in, she stretched herself and turned around to wash up and tidy up.

After she woke up completely, she began to prepare ingredients for cooking.

She was thinking about what dish to pair with it, but then she realized that she hadn't collected it yet, so she decided to collect it first to see if she could get any ingredients:
One hundred catties of spiritual wheat flour, two hundred spiritual animal eggs, one hundred catties of spiritual bird meat, one hundred catties of spiritual vegetables, one hundred catties of spiritual bamboo shoots, one spiritual pig, 10 spiritual chicken cubs (one male and nine females), spiritual There are 10 pig cubs (one male and nine females), 10 spiritual sheep cubs (one male and nine females), and 10 spiritual cow cubs (one male and nine females).

Oh, this is encouraging me to start breeding.

Zhang Chengyuan immediately added breeding to the plan. Who knew this was a reminder from his "real mother" that he had to do it.

As for what to eat today, I still have to think about it. After thinking for a while, I decided to eat steamed buns and porridge, with scrambled eggs and fried bird meat.

Although it doesn't look like much, it can't support the huge appetites of each person. The meals have to be packed in pots, which is quite tiring to cook.

The four pots were used together, and soon the smell of rice could be heard. Before she could call out, one person and two beasts came over one after another.

It saved her a lot of trouble. She directly invited everyone to eat. When they saw what was to be eaten, no one was unhappy at all. They started to eat over each other and no one was reserved.

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