Chapter 134 Formation
Taoist Changqing heard his disciple's words and shook his head with a smile: "Although my master is very powerful in my heart, in the entire world of cultivating immortals, he is just one of the many living beings. He has not been able to break through the golden elixir in his life, and finally went to Hexi with regrets. go.

As for that formation, it was just an unexpected gift from my master. "

Zhang Chengyuan was not answering. She could tell that Taoist Changqing missed his master very much. He must have been very good to him.

Taoist Changqing felt sad for a while, then adjusted his emotions. He turned to the right to build the Monster Garden, and also set up this formation.

Zhang Chengyuan really wanted to learn from it, so she decided to ask about it later.

Taoist Changqing wiped the dust off his hands, turned to look at his apprentice, smiled kindly and said in a friendly tone, "Do you have any other requests?"

Zhang Chengyuan shook his head and was about to speak when Taoist Changqing took the lead with a smile. He just said the words without making the hint in his tone too obvious: "Apprentice, master wants to take some good tonic this afternoon, do you think?"

Hearing this, Zhang Chengyuan couldn't help but feel funny: "Master, just tell me what you want to eat, no need to do this."

Taoist Changqing said disapprovingly: "You are my apprentice, not a cook. Master asks you to cook because of your greed. If you give me money, you will become unfamiliar. If you don't give me this, I can't live without my attitude."

Zhang Chengyuan felt more and more satisfied, and she said sincerely: "But it is the apprentice's duty to take care of the master."

Taoist Changqing was happy when he heard this, but he still said with a straight face: "There are so many things that should and should not be done. Treating you well is what you should do, and treating you badly is stupid."

"But Master, you are very kind to me. Master, just wait. I will make sure you eat well today."

After saying that, Zhang Chengyuan hurried back to move. After moving, she still had to cook, and there were a lot of things to do.

Taoist Changqing looked at his disciple's back, and the words "Master, you are very good to me" were all in his mind. He asked himself, and when he heard this sentence, he was ashamed.

He was very kind to her. He never taught her the exercises. She had all the food and drink for herself. He didn't even give her any training resources...

Even the training resources he used were hers...

The more Taoist Changqing thought about it, the more ashamed he became. He was so incompetent as a master.

Zhang Chengyuan had no idea about Taoist Changqing's reaction after she left. She was packing her things and moving.

There is a grid space, so it is not easy to move. You can put all your things into the space as soon as you think about it. When you come to the new place, choose a room, and then take out the things and put them away.

After that, she began to think about what to have for lunch, and after thinking for a long time, she decided on eight dishes: tiger skin eggs, scrambled eggs with pepper, egg custard, braised pork, stir-fried pork with spiritual vegetables, sliced ​​meat soup, fried spiritual vegetables, and sweet spiritual fruit soup.

As for rice, just dumplings and rice.

It's so tiring to do it on her own. She makes one person's share, and the others have to wait for the production talent and skills to be doubled.

It was done quickly, and she mixed her double with what she had made, and called them back to eat.

After the meal, before Zhang Chengyuan could clean up, Lingjiao used magic to clean up the mess. Zhang Chengyuan immediately started to boast: "Lingjiao, you are so awesome. You can use magic, and you can clean the dishes so cleanly. It's awesome. I 's baby.”

Ling Jiao was so happy to be praised that he decided to do this in the future.

The spirit fish was a little unhappy. It secretly decided that it would perform well tomorrow and let its owner praise it.

After the two spirit beasts were coaxed and left happily, Taoist Changqing said slowly: "Apprentice, tomorrow He Weishi will recruit disciples."

Zhang Chengyuan was nodding his head when he suddenly remembered, didn't Taoist Changqing say before that he was not qualified to establish a sect because of his insufficient cultivation?
She asked doubtfully: "Master, I remember you said that we are not qualified to establish a sect?" Taoist Changqing stroked his beard and nodded: "I did say that, but I am now in the middle stage of foundation building." With cultivation, you have this qualification.”

It turns out that you can start a sect at the fourth level of foundation building. Zhang Chengyuan thought so and nodded in agreement: "Okay, master, where are you going tomorrow? I'll prepare in advance."

Taoist Changqing said casually, "You can go out whenever you get up."

Zhang Chengyuan asked carefully: "Master, how many days are we going to be here? Let me see if we are preparing cooked food or ingredients."

Taoist Changqing stroked his beard and thought for a moment, "It should take at least half a month before and after."

"Okay, I understand, Master."

Zhang Chengyuan promised to go and prepare. She asked casually: "Shall we walk?"

Taoist Changqing also stood up. Hearing this, he nodded and said, "Well, let's go."

Zhang Chengyuan stopped and waited for Taoist Changqing to join him. He said with expectation: "Master, do you think the spirit dragon can become bigger and carry us there? It can talk, so it should be able to become bigger, right?"

Taoist Changqing remained silent. He didn't dare to think about the scene of being carried by the powerful Yuanying. He had become friends with the powerful Yuanying through his apprenticeship. If he knew that it was him who said he could carry them, he would But don't think about a good life.

Taoist Changqing pretended to be calm and tried to change the subject: "Apprentice, if you don't want to leave, I can also take you flying with my sword as a master."

Speaking of this, Zhang Chengyuan thought of something: "Master, can you fly with a sword after building the foundation? Why haven't I seen you use it before?"

Taoist Changqing explained: "Now that the spiritual energy is thin, it is natural to keep it as long as it can. Maybe I can save my life at some point."

After saying this, he realized some problems: "Apprentice, where did you get those spiritual vegetables and spiritual meat?"

Zhang Chengyuan said calmly: "The spiritual meat is brought by the spiritual dragon, and the spiritual vegetables are brought back by the spiritual fish."

Taoist Changqing looked as if he was like this, and then said: "Let's go, let the spirit dragon and spirit fish guard the house."

Zhang Chengyuan had already seen that Taoist Changqing didn't want to talk about the spiritual dragon. It was estimated that the eighth-level spiritual dragon was something he couldn't afford to offend. Since he wanted to ignore it, she just let him go and pretended that he didn't think about it at all. Bar.

"it is good."

Changqing Taoist breathed a sigh of relief quietly, summoned his flying sword to make it bigger, used his spiritual power to jump on the flying sword and said to Zhang Chengyuan: "Disciple, come up."

Zhang Chengyuan jumped up obediently and stepped on it, but it was still quite stable. Just when he thought about it, he heard Taoist Changqing's voice: "Don't use too much force. The master below is carrying it with spiritual power. Don't let me stomp away the spiritual energy." "

Zhang Chengyuan was instantly embarrassed and said sheepishly: "I'm sorry, Master, I don't know."

"It's okay, just hold on to me."

Zhang Chengyuan obeyed and did as he was told. The next moment, Taoist Changqing controlled the flying sword like an arrow and jumped far away with a "swish".

She almost lost her balance and fell. Fortunately, she had been obedient before and firmly grabbed Taoist Changqing's clothes the moment she felt her back fall, thus avoiding the tragedy.

But in the next moment, worse things happened one after another. Taoist Changqing's hair flying in the wind blurred her face.

She quickly squatted down slightly, lowered her head so that she could hide behind Taoist Changqing. When the wind was not so cold, she quickly spat out the hair from her mouth and shouted: "Master!"

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