Chapter 136 Spiritual Root
As soon as he got home, he quickly called someone to entertain Zhang Chengyuan and the others. He was also busy and took the opportunity to arrange for his son and grandson to call the villagers.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the whole village came, and it became noisy and lively. Taoist Changqing had enough people to see, so he stood up and looked at the crowd outside the courtyard.

The crowd that was noisy just now was as quiet as a chicken in an instant, without making any sound.

Taoist Changqing nodded with satisfaction and said loudly: "Children between the ages of eight and twelve, regardless of gender, can come here. Those with spiritual roots can follow me to practice."

After the words fell, the crowd responded enthusiastically and became noisy in an instant, and then one child after another was pushed out.

Although there were only eight households, there were quite a lot of children. Zhang Chengyuan counted thirty-eight children.

There are basically no older girls among them, they are all thin and frail and look like they are five or six years old.

There are boys from childhood to adulthood, and they are all stronger than girls.

Taoist Changqing waited for a moment, and after seeing that no more children were pushed out, he said, "Come in line one by one."

Zhang Chengyuan got up and went to maintain the line and let the children line up.

Taoist Changqing didn't ask any questions from the children. He reached out and touched the child's head and asked him to leave. It was obvious that he had no spiritual roots.

It’s just that for children, they don’t know what it means or how to do it.

At this time, the old man came into play. He dragged the child away and whispered: "Go back, you have no spiritual roots."

After hearing this, the child subconsciously wanted to cry, but the old man slapped his back and held it back.

The second child was still a boy. Taoist Changqing touched his head, frowned slightly but finally just sighed and said: "Go and wait."

Under this procedure, the thirty-eight children were passed through one by one, leaving three people behind.

The boy and two girls had two girls. Zhang Chengyuan didn't know what spiritual roots they had, but that didn't stop her from identifying and getting to know these future disciples of the Evergreen Sect.

Identification successful!

Character: Wu Xiaoer
Sex: Male
Age: 10 years old

HP: 100/100
Attack: 5~10
Skills: Hunting, Farming

Skills: None
Realm: mortal

Spiritual Roots: Five Elements Spiritual Roots

Lifespan: 10/62
Occupation: Farmer

Personality: Inarticulate, boring

Characteristics: Although he doesn’t like to talk and has a dull temper, he has a plan in mind.

Luck: 2
Fate: End of life/Unknown (changed)
Introduction: The second son of the Wu family, one of the eight families in Shanxi Village, is not valued by his parents because he is the second eldest, but he has a plan in mind and will never let his family think that he is honest and easy to bully, causing him to suffer...

Psycho: Who is she? Should I listen to her in the future...

Identification successful!

Character: Hua Xiaocao
Gender: Female
Age: 10 years old

HP: 78/100
Attack: 1~6
Skills: Cooking, Clothing, Farming

Skills: None
Realm: mortal

Spiritual Roots: Four Spiritual Roots (Metal, Wood, Water, and Earth)
Lifespan: 10/49
Occupation: Farmer

Personality: well-behaved, timid and cowardly

Characteristics: He has no independent opinion and is timid and cowardly, but he is better than being obedient.

Luck: 3
Destiny: A bumpy fate/unknown (changed)
Introduction: The eighth daughter of the Hua family, one of the eight families in Shanxi Village, is quite popular with her family as the youngest, but as a girl, she has been compared to boys since she was a child, so she needs to work and obey...

Psychological: Can I be like my beautiful sister in the future... Appraisal successful!

Character: Yu Douzi
Gender: Female
Age: 9
HP: 64/100
Attack: 1~4
Skills: Cooking, Clothing, Farming, Breeding

Skills: None
Realm: mortal

Spiritual Roots: Double Spiritual Roots (Water and Wood)
Lifespan: 9/18
Occupation: Farmer

Personality: Perseverance, sensible

Characteristics: eager to survive but also sensible

Luck: 1
Fate: Died in childbirth/Unknown (changed)
Introduction: The seventh daughter of the Yu family, one of the eight families in Shanxi Village, began to help the family at the age of three. At the age of six, she took on the responsibility of taking care of her younger siblings, doing laundry, cooking and raising poultry...

Psychology: My spiritual roots should be good, he even smiled at me...

Zhang Chengyuan couldn't help but marvel at the flexibility of the identification skills. Just now he thought he didn't know their spiritual roots, but now he identified them.

However, she noticed that the blood volume of both girls was not full. Does this mean that they were both injured?

Zhang Chengyuan immediately thought to himself: It would be great if their current status could be identified.

After waiting for a while, she randomly identified it, and sure enough, there was a new addition, and the new one was the status.

Yu Douzi's condition shows that years of overload and overwork have caused damage to the body's foundation, which has hindered his lifespan.

This made Zhang Chengyuan feel something in his heart, and he decided to treat the two girls better in the future.

Taoist Changqing patted his apprentice to remind her to come to her senses, then took out three gold coins and handed them to the three children respectively: "Give these to your family, say goodbye properly, and leave with me tomorrow."

Then, he looked at the old man and said, "Arrange two rooms for us, so we don't need to prepare meals."

Although the old man was disappointed that his child was not left behind, he still cheered up and entertained him warmly after hearing the immortal master's words.

For immortal cultivators, mortals would never dare to offend them. As soon as the immortal master wanted to rest, the crowd quickly dispersed.

The old man asked his wife and daughters-in-law to quickly vacate the two best rooms in their house, and then asked Taoist Changqing and Zhang Chengyuan to rest.

But Zhang Chengyuan just went to check the room and then came out and asked to borrow the kitchen. She was on the second floor of Qi training and could use some small spells.

Cooking is naturally much easier. For example, to make a fire, she can use the fireball technique to ignite the firewood.

As for why she doesn't just use the fireball technique to cook rice, that's because the fireballs she can use now are only as big as a baby's fist, and their duration is short. Any longer may exhaust her spiritual energy.

When she went out, she didn't make a big meal, just meat and vegetables and rice.

She brought the food to Taoist Changqing's room, and the two of them finished eating quickly and went to practice separately.

The whole night was silent. The next day, at dawn, she heard some movement and got up to check.

The three children stood in the yard, waiting quietly, while their families were waiting outside the yard.

In a strange place, since she woke up, Zhang Chengyuan had no intention of going back to sleep. Considering the journey back, she went to the kitchen to get some dry food.

As soon as the door was opened, the door of the next room also opened. Taoist Changqing said: "Now that you're awake, let's set off to go home."

Zhang Chengyuan raised his head and glanced at him, followed his pace without retorting.

When passing by the three of them, Zhang Chengyuan greeted them: "Follow me quickly and go back to the Taoist Temple."

The three people immediately took steps and trotted to follow. People outside the courtyard saw that the immortal master was about to come out, so they immediately made a way and watched the five people leave.

After walking for nearly an hour, Zhang Chengyuan walked a few steps quickly and came to Taoist Changqing to walk side by side with him: "Master, I'm hungry. Let's find a place to rest and cook a meal."

Taoist Changqing agreed and found a suitable place to rest. Zhang Chengyuan quickly took out the pots and pans.

Taoist Changqing ran to get firewood very consciously without anyone having to tell him. In his heart, this apprentice seemed to be no longer a simple apprentice, but a junior to his family.

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