Chapter 145 Plot
In the end, she had no choice but to choose a taller one among the short ones, and chose the vicious female supporting role branch of the cannon fodder mission, and went to various worlds to play the role of a vicious female supporting role.

In order to be able to live relatively freely and still be alive at the end of the plot, she chose a branch within the branch, which was dedicated to the tasks of the vicious female supporting characters No. 2 and 3.

The task is relatively easy, a little more difficult than the wasteland reclamation task, but it has more points than the wasteland reclamation task.

After selecting the mission type, it was time to choose a world. She had seen such worlds, and they were basically all worlds that required plot. There were worlds at all levels, and the highest level world actually had a thousand worlds.

There are some reasons why she chose to change tasks. It is easy to contract with small worlds, but her own strength does not match. If something happens, she will not be able to protect these worlds at all.

Her current idea is to use other worlds, whether they are high-potential or high-level worlds, so that she can complete tasks and improve her strength.

But the best thing is that she hopes to have the opportunity to go to the big world. She hopes that the harvest from one visit will be enough for her to develop in the five big worlds.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chengyuan remembered that the living species in the Xuanqing World had not been gathered yet, so she had to take the time to go there. She didn't know if it was possible to leave and go back casually in these high-level worlds, but to be on the safe side, she decided to go and get it done in a while. this matter.

Now it's important to rush to the random mission world. It's not that you can't specify the mission world, but specifying requires points, which is quite expensive.

100 points for the Micro World, 1000 points for the Small World, 10000 points for the Medium World, 10 points for the Big World, and 50 points for the Big World. But not only is it free if you go random, you also have the chance to randomly go to the Big World. Isn’t it obvious which one is more cost-effective?

Anyway, she would never spend points on this. It would be more cost-effective for her to exchange the points for resources directly.

Soon the random result came out, it was a fantasy world.

She felt a little uneasy. She hadn't experienced the fantasy world yet, so it was going to be very difficult. She really didn't know what to do.

But she still had to do what she had to do. She quickly used the world's authority to contact Xuan Qing, and soon Xuan Qing's cold voice sounded: "Is something wrong?"

"Give me a pair of all the animals and plants in your world except humans. I can use them."

Xuan Qing didn't ask any questions and sent it directly to her. Zhang Chengyuan thanked her after receiving it. She didn't care if she didn't get a response from Xuan Qing. She placed the animals and plants properly and chose to enter the mission world.

Unexpectedly, the difference in this task is not only the type, but also the difference in physical age.

In the past, they appeared at an age where they could survive alone, but now they actually develop from embryos.

As soon as she came, she appeared in the woman's belly. If her soul hadn't been different from before, allowing her to peek outside, she almost thought there was an error in time travel.

It took a lot of effort to calm down, but after a few days of stable life, something unexpected happened again. The mother couldn't eat well or sleep well, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Moreover, she has not accepted the plot yet and has no idea what the situation is and what actions she should take.

What if there are too many changes and the plot collapses? This world is not ownerless.

Fortunately, the talent appraisal skill can still be used, which gives her some comfort. From the people who appeared one after another, she could identify a lot of inner thoughts, and she could roughly piece together the current situation.

The mother's name is Xi Baozhu. She has a child with someone who doesn't know who she is. Regarding her father, she has not been able to detect him even if she tests her mother all the time. Her mother is too tight-lipped. Even if she thinks in her heart, she always thinks " He" instead.

All Zhang Chengyuan can know is that his father has an extraordinary status and is unusually handsome, and his mother is probably a beauty addict.

According to her guess, the Xi family should be a big family. Originally, her mother lived in a small farmhouse. Suddenly, someone who claimed to be the second young master of the Xi family brought someone over and helped Xi Baozhu take him back.

After returning to the Xi Mansion, many people came one after another. The head of the Xi family is Xi Baozhu's father. The mistress of the Xi family is Xi Baozhu's mother. In addition, there are three brothers and four sisters. She is the youngest. .

What shocked Zhang Chengyuan was that they were all brothers and sisters from the same mother, but she was relieved after knowing their ages.

After that, many other members of the family came, and she was asked to identify one of the heroines.

Yes, she was one of the female protagonists. That was what was written on the identification panel. This reminded her of the stallion and harem stories in male videos.

Then she suddenly thought, she was playing the role of a vicious female supporting character. Does that mean she still had to love this kind of male protagonist? This made her instantly feel like she had eaten a fly.

With the appearance of one of the heroines, the belated plot was finally triggered. A simple summary is:
Young Jiang Lin died unexpectedly in modern times. When he woke up, he had traveled through the soul of an eight-year-old Jiang Lin with the same name and merged with the memory of Xiao Jiang Lin.

Although he didn't know why this happened, he didn't want to die if he could live. He restored his nature subtly and lived in this strange world for four years.

When he was twelve years old, he was found to have extremely poor aptitude during the aptitude test. But at that moment, he discovered the golden finger proficiency panel, and from then on he started his daily life of liver proficiency.

During this process, Qingmei, whom he had grown up with since childhood, never left him, and he gained the favor of the school belle in school, making him very popular with girls.

When he entered a key martial arts high school at the age of fifteen, he attracted the attention of the most beautiful girls in the world with his grades far exceeding those of his peers. Soon after, beautiful ladies from all walks of life appeared one after another.

Surrounded by beauties, Jiang Lin did not relax. He was as proficient as ever. With the support of the proficiency panel, his strength improved by leaps and bounds. After only one year in a key martial arts high school, he entered the martial arts university in advance and joined the front line to participate in hunting. Kill, control the beast tide to invade on a large scale, and leave a legend that belongs to him.

All the beauties in the past have become his confidante, living a very free and wanton life.

She also found her own role in it. That proud daughter was Xi Aileen, the only daughter of the eldest son of the Xi family. Now five years old, she was the vicious little aunt who would never allow Xi Aileen to turn against Jiang Lin.

Wait, that's wrong. She doesn't allow her to cheat on a wealthy lady. Why is she so vicious? There are still so many confidante boys.

Isn't this normal operation?

The confused Zhang Chengyuan immediately saw the plot of her leaving:

1. When he learned that his eldest niece Xi Aileen had a crush on Jiang Lin, who was extremely poor in talent but seemed to have other opportunities unexpectedly, he used strong methods to kidnap her home and punish her in isolation to reflect on her past mistakes. (undone)
2. When Xi Aileen escapes, be on guard. (undone)
3. When Jiang Lin came to visit, he was very difficult. (undone)
4. Lead the family to escape danger and persuade the eldest brother and Xi Aileen to sever the father-daughter relationship. (undone)
5. In order to save the family, he voluntarily severed ties with his family, took revenge alone, and lived incognito. (undone)
Zhang Chengyuan felt that she had a complete story line here, and the scenes were quite heavy, but she was very satisfied with the final ending.

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