She even had some doubts about whether he was alone, but she could make it clear that the rule that there was only one tasker in each world proved that it was not the case.

It's just that it's not impossible for other reborns, time-travelers, stowaways, people accidentally brought in by the turbulence of time and space, etc.

So she can actually wait and see about this matter. If it can help her, she won't be stingy about taking action...

Since she showed her extraordinary talent, the Xi family's cultivation resources have been tilted more towards her. However, with the support of the Pangyuan Sacred Tree, not only is there no shortage of cultivation resources, but there are many that cannot be used up.

But she didn't waste the resources given by her family. She used them for the more qualified children in the family. Of course she didn't have bad intentions.

This is a killing two birds with one stone. It can not only win people's hearts, but also cultivate a new generation for the family and accumulate strength.

This approach gave her an excellent reputation and high prestige in the family. At the same time, everyone loved her very much and thought she was too kind and sensible.

As she grows older, her right to speak becomes more and more important. She has the right to participate and give opinions on any major matters in the family. It only took her two years to achieve such results.

Now she is ten years old, which means that Xi Aileen should be fifteen years old, and the plot of the eldest niece should begin.

This made her a little excited. She wanted to secretly visit Jiang Lin first. After all, when she was seven years old, she received a reminder of the cheat hunting talent skill and detected the presence of cheats in the world.

However, she did not go to see it at that time. One was because she was still young at the time and was not allowed to leave the house. The other was that a protector was always following her.

That is a tradition shared by large families. Every child in the main branch will have a guardian, and only children with outstanding talents in other branches will have one.

Although her cultivation level was high at that time, because she had not been allowed to practice before, she could not show her abnormality, so she could only act honestly and not do any inappropriate behavior.

Therefore, this matter has been postponed again and again. Until now, she had a very normal excuse. She was curious about what the high school life of her eldest niece Xi Aileen was like in the key martial arts high school, so she secretly ran to see it.

She is very curious about what the plug-in hunting talent skill will be like after using it, and she is really looking forward to it.

So, when her eldest niece Xi Aileen went to the martial arts academy on the first day, she secretly followed her, along with the guardian of the Tribulation Realm she had just replaced.

Now that she is in the Cave Ruins Realm, she doesn't want to be discovered. Naturally, no one can discover her. Of course, those old monsters are another matter.

She appraised everyone in the classroom one by one, and basically no one had a qualification lower than 75. Her eldest niece was truly a proud daughter, with the highest qualification reaching 96.

Of course, there is one exception. He is Jiang Lin, the male protagonist of Time Travel. His qualifications are only 17 points, but his cultivation has reached the eighth level of Foundation Establishment. And the eldest niece Xi Aileen is only worthy of the fifth level of Foundation Establishment. She is already The genius among geniuses.

One can imagine how eye-catching he is, not to mention that he is still in the eyes of a group of peers, and people in this world are very jealous of others, especially when they are teenagers.

Therefore, Zhang Chengyuan witnessed with his own eyes in the next short period of time how Jiang Lin attracted the attention of his eldest niece.

After the teacher came in, he first introduced himself and then asked the classmates to introduce themselves one by one. Then the eldest niece successfully noticed Jiang Lin, the only one with a higher cultivation level than herself.

After class, his eldest niece Xi Aileen would stare at him from time to time, and then Jiang Lin noticed and took the initiative to strike up a conversation. The two soon chatted together, and they seemed to be having a good time. Then, Jiang Lin suggested that she could come to him if she had any questions. His higher cultivation level could help her solve many techniques that she didn’t understand yet and the confusions she encountered during her cultivation. Then, it was obvious to the naked eye that Xi Aileen began to admire him more and more. .

Zhang Chengyuan, who witnessed the whole process, had a look of disgust on her face. She was 100% convinced that there must be the power of the plot, age, and stronger cultivation than Xi Aileen, etc., to make this happen.

Otherwise, why doesn't she admire him like that? She is younger than her and her cultivation level is even higher. She also has advantages that he doesn't have. Isn't it easier for girls to communicate with each other?

The more I thought about it, the angrier it became. Zhang Chengyuan didn't bother to watch it. It was boring. She knew the plot well, so it didn't matter whether she watched it or not.

She came quietly and left quietly. When she got home, she locked herself in her room and prepared to think about how to carry out her first task naturally.

But she was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. She went to open the door and saw her mother, Xi Baozhu. She looked at her with a puzzled smile and said, "Mom, why are you here? Do you miss me?"

Xi Baozhu's stern face could not hide the doting in her eyes, because she had been very well-behaved since she was a child. She did not make any noise or make any noise. Except when she was hungry and peed, she was very worry-free at other times. He never made her angry, so much so that Xi Baozhu felt that she was a little angel who came to repay his kindness.

Xi Baozhu only had infinite love for her. It was the first time she didn't go to school to report something. She was still very novel and didn't feel angry.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, her power failed. She asked in a gentle voice: "Baby, can you tell mommy why you didn't go to school?"

Zhang Chengyuan was silent for a moment. Could she say that she had forgotten? She had only thought about going to see the male protagonist before. Moreover, because of her high cultivation level and good grades, the school's management of her was very loose. She could go or not at will, so that She often forgets that she still has to go to school.

Often she hasn't been there for a long time, and the teacher informs her to take an exam.

Today was the day of reporting. It was indeed her fault that she didn't go. She held Xi Baozhu's hand flatteringly and said, "Mom, I didn't mean to do it. Today I secretly went to see my eldest niece go to school."

Xi Baozhu was not angry, but asked: "Baby, are you interested in high school?"

At this moment, Zhang Chengyuan thought a lot and quickly pieced together a plan that could be successfully completed in her mind. She nodded without hesitation and said pleadingly: "Mom, I want to go to school with my eldest niece. I don't want to go to elementary school anymore. It’s not fun at all, okay, Mom~”

When Xi Baozhu saw her baby acting coquettishly and cutely, she was instantly captured, and she agreed without even thinking.

Originally, the baby didn't need to go to school and just had a name. However, she allowed the baby to have more contact with friends of the same age and let her have a complete childhood, so that she could go to school like a normal child.

Now that the baby wants to go to school with Irene, she is naturally satisfied. It is good to have Irene with her. Irene has liked to play with her little aunt since she was a child. She feels relieved when the two children are together.

Xi Baozhu touched Zhang Chengyuan's head and said gently: "Okay, mom will make arrangements for you when she gets back, but you have to promise mom that you will go to school well in the future."

Zhang Chengyuan naturally expressed his stance immediately: "Mom, I promise."

(End of this chapter)

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