Chapter 150 Family Meeting
Jiang Lin was surprised. He really didn't expect his little aunt to make this request. Isn't this a simple matter?

It's not that he would never fight back when bullied, it was just that his life would not be harmed, and he agreed happily.

Zhang Chengyuan glanced at him lightly and said, "I will give you an answer on Monday. I need to go back and talk to my grandpa."

Jiang Lin could completely understand that although his little aunt was senior, she was still a child. In the past two days, he found out that she was only ten years old. It was normal to discuss things with her parents.

When he saw that the matter was done, he stopped disturbing her. He could tell that this little aunt had something to say to Xi Aileen.

Zhang Chengyuan then looked at Xi Aileen seriously and said: "Aileen, I don't know whether you came to me because of friendship with him or something else. I hope you can tell the difference clearly.

This time, for your sake, I can accept him as my disciple, but I don’t want you to have any other involvement with him. You are destined to be the eldest daughter of the eldest family, and you are burdened with responsibilities that you should bear.

The family will need you in the future, and I don’t want you to drag down the family because of your personal petty love. "

Xi Aileen was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Little aunt, do I need to get married?"

Zhang Chengyuan frowned slightly: "I just said that you have responsibilities that you should bear. I didn't say that you must marry. With me here, no girl in our Xi family will have to choose to marry at the expense of her own happiness for the sake of the family. ”

Xi Aileen was also a little confused at this time: "So, little aunt, what did you mean just now?"

Zhang Chengyuan relaxed his brows and said: "I know the art of fortune-telling. Jiang Lin can make friends and be his apprentice, but he can't be his partner. He already has a lot of confidantes around him at the moment. I don't want to be with him in the future." I can see you next to me.”

When Xi Aileen heard this, she actually believed it in her heart. Her little aunt never told lies, but she still couldn't believe that the person she liked had so many confidantes.

If she wanted to successfully complete the mission, she shouldn't have said this, but she wanted to try to see if she could lead to the way of heaven in this big world. She also wanted to test how powerful the plot would be after arriving in the big world.

In the past, her two worlds were promoted through plot, and they all followed the rules. Even she never thought about whether the plot would repair itself.

During this time, she suddenly remembered that she had occasionally read a novel, which said that the power of the plot would forcefully repair the deviated plot. Some plot powers would give rise to self-awareness, so she decided to give it a try.

As for her other selfish motives, she is reluctant to try her own world. If something goes wrong, she will be heartbroken, but other people's world is different. I can guarantee that I will definitely help with the aftermath.

If the owner found her, it didn't matter who asked her to rely on the quick-travel bureau. Even if she had to pay compensation, she would admit it. Anyway, it wouldn't be a big problem.

So, she said this directly, which was regarded as a vaccination for the two of them and a way to pave the way.

If the plot is repaired, it will be more legitimate for her to start the mission. If it is not repaired, she estimates that she will have to be interviewed by the heaven in this world. As for the future, it doesn't matter. Her points are enough for her to fail the mission several times. No big impact.

The two days of vacation passed in the blink of an eye, but this was just for Zhang Chengyuan, but it was a bit painful for Xi Aileen. On the one hand, I felt that he was still young and should not understand the relationship between men and women. It is not said that boys mature earlier than girls. Is it late?

Maybe those girls, like her, thought he was excellent and had a crush on him. Moreover, he had a very pleasant conversation with me, so he probably also had a good impression of me.

But on the other hand, she thought about her aunt's words, which were absolutely correct. Now that he has so many confidantes by his side, what happens when he grows up? There are so many beauties, can she really compare to them all? ?

It is true that I am the beloved daughter of heaven, but how can I say that there is another beloved child of heaven like my little aunt?

After arriving at school, Zhang Chengyuan looked at Xi Ailin who was still struggling in boredom while waiting for Jiang Lin to appear.

During the vacation, she had taken the time to talk to the grandfather about this matter. At first, the grandfather did not agree. The pharmacy controlled all the inheritance of medicine refining. It was not easy for their family to have a child with such an extraordinary talent as Xi Xinyue. She figured it out by herself. How can you take advantage of outsiders if you become an alchemist?

But Zhang Chengyuan explained that this was not only because of Irene's plea, but also because this person was a soul from another world, a son of destiny, who could help the world to upgrade.

In addition, it was because she needed to hand over her medicine refining skills to him. Of course, this reason was made up by Zhang Chengyuan. After all, she had another mission and needed to get in touch with the male protagonist.

The head of the Xi family was very torn. Both Xi Xinyue and Xi Aileen could be regarded as the most promising children. Both of them were involved with the destined son of this otherworldly soul. He repeatedly confirmed it unwillingly, and finally he could only sigh and agree.

As for whether what she said will be believed, the head of the Xi family naturally believes in her words, not only because it is the result of Zhang Chengyuan's years of management, but also because after reaching a certain level of cultivation, they all have certain ideas about the upgrading of the world. He had some sensations seven years ago, until the upgrading of the world was about to begin, but the specific time was not clear.

Now that Xi Xinyue said it, it was right. He had no reason not to believe it.

And he has always been concerned about the appearance of the Destined People, just because the protection mechanism of the Destined People is not to the extent that the Destined People can protect themselves, it will be like a pearl covered with dust, hidden among all living beings, making people Unable to find it, there has been no news.

Within two days after that, the head of the Xi family secretly held a family meeting, and Zhang Chengyuan also participated.

After the family meeting started, she slowly realized that they knew the plot. To be precise, it couldn't be said that they knew the plot.

They just know that whenever they feel that the world is about to be upgraded and the destined person of the soul of another world appears, it means that they will experience a bloody reshuffle.

If we successfully survive this major reshuffle, the world will expand in scope and scope, those who have been unable to break through will be able to break through one after another, and everyone will be blessed by heaven.

If we don't get through this big reshuffle, the families involved will become victims and disappear completely.

Although everyone can benefit every time the world is upgraded, the families, geniuses, etc. sacrificed in the process are truly sacrificed and can never come back.

I don’t know which family’s turn it will be to sacrifice for this this time, but before it is clear, it is possible for all families, and they have to prepare in advance.

The purpose of this family meeting is to leave a spark for the family and avoid being implicated by the Xi family. If they don't prepare in advance, they will really be exterminated.

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