Chapter 176 The Heavenly Lord of the Thousand Worlds

Zheng Boyu seemed to be really just asking in good faith. After being rejected, he didn't bother too much, and instead asked if he could exchange for some food. They had consumed all the food and water along the way.

Zhang Chengyuan seemed to be a girl from the mountains who had little contact with people. Although she was wary, she was not very wary. She hesitated for a moment, and there was already compassion in her eyes. She hesitated and asked tentatively: "What are you going to exchange for it?"

"We have gold, silver and gems. If the price is reasonable, we will exchange more."

Zhang Chengyuan was not interested in these, but seeing how tall each of them were, he gritted his teeth and forced himself not to be afraid: "Are there any others?"

Zheng Boyu seemed to be thinking about what else he could exchange for it, but Zhang Chengyuan noticed a strange energy fluctuation, which came and went away as quickly as it came.

Zhang Chengyuan estimated that the person hiding in the dark had used some special talent. The energy fluctuations were somewhat similar to the energy fluctuations when she used her planting talent.

She saw Zheng Boyu making a move while he was thinking. He reached into his bag and dug again and again, and finally took out a few packets of seeds: "Do you want the seeds?"

Zhang Chengyuan's eyes lit up, but he still tried hard to make his intentions less obvious: "What kind of seeds are they?"

"Cherry, strawberry and watermelon, plus cabbage, corn and radish."

Zhang Chengyuan showed that she wanted it very much, but in order to pay less, she restrained herself very much: "Food is very precious now. I can only give you some potatoes here. I can exchange them with you if you want."

Zheng Boyu nodded repeatedly and said yes. After some bargaining, Zhang Chengyuan exchanged fifteen fist-sized pollution-free potatoes for all the seeds he took out.

After making the deal, Zheng Boyu and the others left directly. Zhang Chengyuan looked at their backs until they disappeared from his sight, then closed the door.

She happily planted the newly obtained seeds one by one, watered and fertilized them.

After finishing her work, Zhang Chengyuan stretched, sat down slowly, relaxed and slumped on the chair. As for the two people who were watching in the dark, they had already left when she was laying her seed.

Zhang Chengyuan looked up at the sky and began to review his every move after meeting with Zheng Boyu and his group today. After repeatedly confirming that there were no mistakes, he felt relieved.

It seemed that she was safe for the time being, but just in case, she continued to live a step-by-step life, no longer as casual as before.

She has never seen the Heavenly Dao Master in the chaotic world. Who knows what skills he has. She still needs to be honest and be an inconspicuous member of all living beings, so that she can survive to the end.

But then again, how did Wentang know about her? She lived a peaceful life on her own and never interacted with anyone. How did he find her here?

She was puzzled. She could only guess that this person really hit him by mistake. However, if she had doubts, she did not hide them. She turned around and used her talent selection skills to find the correct answer.

The picture she saw was actually when she went out to search for iron, and when she was overlooking the base on a mountain top, she was seen by Wen Tang, who was looking around with a telescope at the time, and that was how the scene just happened.

After understanding the situation, Zhang Chengyuan could only sigh that something was wrong, and then she stopped worrying about it.

As the domestic animal grew up day by day, she became busier and busier every day. She tried to reduce the frequency of using the space. Gradually, she adapted to a life without space and lived like an ordinary person. After living in this world for four or five months, she discovered a terrible thing. There were no four seasons in this world. The weather was the same every day. It was cold in the morning, very hot at noon when the sun was shining directly, and in the evening the temperature became colder again. It is very pleasant, but it can be extremely cold at night, and you even need to cover yourself with a thick quilt, otherwise you will easily wake up from the cold.

She felt more and more that the annihilation of this world was an inevitable result, and she began to count the days, day after day. When she was on the 391st day of this world, the world suddenly began to experience frequent large-scale natural disasters.

The first natural disaster she encountered was a tide of beasts. Large numbers of beasts jumped out of nowhere, running wild and moving westward.

Her house was damaged because of this, and it was completely destroyed. How long did it take her to live in it after she finally built it? It really made her heartbroken.

At the same time, she also lost some furniture and food, which she had no time to put away when the incident occurred.

After the beast tide passed, when she was cleaning up the mess, the sky suddenly roared loudly. Before she could find a place to hide from the rain, raindrops like soybean grains fell rapidly, falling on the plants on the ground, making a loud sound. A crackling sound.

It hurt when she heard the sound, but fortunately she had the passive defense skill, so she didn't feel any pain from the raindrops hitting her body one after another.

In this situation, the place is no longer habitable, and she needs to think about how to escape the heavy rain.

But the bad premonition in her heart became stronger and stronger, and she even thought about how many natural disasters would follow if the wild beasts moved westward on a large scale.

There were so many thoughts in her mind, but she had to solve the immediate problem first before she could think about the future. After all, the body she was using now was just a mortal body, and she would get sick if she kept being exposed to such heavy rain.

She held the large iron basin she had rescued earlier on her head to block the rain, and quickly chased after the beast in the direction where it had disappeared.

Animals' intuition is more accurate than that of humans, and following them can at least guarantee survival.

Zhang Chengyuan followed the traces left by the beast tide. After crossing two mountains, the traces left by the beast tide were washed away by the heavy rain. Her talent of decision-making once again helped her find the direction, but she could not walk at this time. Now, she needs to rest and regain her strength.

Just when she stopped to rest, there was a sound in the distance. She turned her head and squinted to look, but she could only see a few blurry figures.

The rain was too loud and the raindrops were too dense, which seriously hindered her hearing and sight. She was too lazy to hide and had no strength to hide.

She squinted her eyes and stared at the figures slowly approaching. Gradually, she could vaguely hear their voices, which were quite familiar. She must have heard them there.

After thinking about it carefully, she remembered that the voice belonged to the Tiandao Lord Wen Tang. She definitely heard it right. She had a deep impression on several people.

When the figures were five or six meters away from her, she was finally able to see clearly the appearance of several people. Sure enough, they were Wen Tang and others who came to test her in the first place.

This time they appeared as a neat group of five people. She quickly checked on the other two people she had never seen before. After confirming that they were ordinary people, she felt a little relieved. She was still confident that she could handle the Taoist Master of the Great Thousand Worlds.

However, she still didn't want to fight him desperately if there was no conflict. He was not a big threat. The threat was those heavenly masters in the chaotic world.

On the way to escape, it was not a pleasant thing to meet other Heavenly Dao Masters, but at this point she had no good way to get rid of them.

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