Chapter 183

She asked Mrs. Wang to find some dustpans for her, and she went to prepare the medicinal materials and dry them.

After finishing the work, it was time to eat. Mrs. Wang brought it to her attentively and brought it to the room. Zhang Chengyuan thanked her and started eating. Halfway through the meal, she found that Mrs. Wang had nestled two poached eggs at the bottom of the bowl for her.

She was a little surprised and felt that this was a reasonable thing. After the surprise, she continued to eat without taking it to heart.

After dinner, Zhang Chengyuan called to Mrs. Wang, who was sitting in the yard picking up shoe soles, and carefully taught her how to massage Liu Hanshu.

After being taught three times in a row, Mrs. Wang managed to learn it reluctantly. However, her old body was damaged by years of hard work. After just pressing it a few times, her wrist failed and she couldn't use any strength.

Seeing this, Zhang Chengyuan just reminded: "This is a strenuous job, and it requires young people to do it. You have learned how to massage it, and you have a lot of people in your family, so you can take turns."

When Mrs. Wang heard that it meant that she could teach it to others, she immediately decided to teach everyone in the family. This is a craft, and it will never hurt to learn more. You never know when you will be able to use it.

Zhang Chengyuan walked away after reminding her. The bubble balls she harvested today haven't been opened yet.

Returning to his temporary house, Zhang Chengyuan locked the doors and started opening them one after another. There were all kinds of items, useful and useless...

The silver needle I was thinking about before has also been found. Maybe there are too many bubble balls for it to pile up.

Now that silver needles are available, acupuncture can begin.

After playing bubble ball, Zhang Chengyuan went to the unowned land in the back mountain to dig soil and make bricks. Although she was going to build a house, she was not going to hire anyone. She planned to build the house by herself brick by brick.

As for the homestead, she is not planning to buy it right away. She plans to get the bricks and tiles out first, then buy the homestead and start building it.

The process of making mud bricks is very simple. It is just like playing with mud when you were a child. Mix the mud and water thoroughly, then make a rectangular mold, then fill the mold with mud, fill the mold up and scrape off the excess. Finally, just remove the mold and dry it.

She was very fast, and one square brick after another was neatly stacked under the sun.

The sky gradually darkened, and Zhang Chengyuan finally went back. When passing by the river, she washed her hands and face carefully. When she went back, her whole family came back. She was pulled by Mrs. Wang and sat down together with everyone. We had a meal together.

After the meal, she boiled water and scrubbed her body, then washed her head before going to bed.

After sleeping so peacefully all night, she got up refreshed. After washing, she knocked on Liu Hanshu's door. After entering, she carefully inspected his legs again.

She took out the silver needle and gave him some acupuncture. Her hand was still fine. She nodded with satisfaction and said, "Have a good rest and don't stop massaging."

She went out and continued making adobe bricks. What she had done yesterday was not enough, so it was time to eat while she was busy. She went back and had a quick meal before continuing to make adobe bricks.

She continued this daily routine for five days before gathering enough adobe bricks.

Now that the bricks and wood are available, she just needs to get the wood back in a while.

It's just that this matter is not urgent. She has to solve the issue of the sale contract first. Her original father and stepmother sold her.

She took out the little silver and copper coins that she had offered before and went to talk to Mrs. Wang about it.

I don't know what Liu Hanshu told his parents before. Anyway, his parents didn't blame her at all. When they heard that she wanted to redeem the deed, they didn't hesitate to return the deed to her.

When people were polite to her, she was naturally polite to them too. When she gave eight taels of silver to someone, she took it with her deed of betrayal and took it away into the space. Feeling much better both physically and mentally, she ran to the village chief and asked to buy a homestead.

At first the village chief was unwilling, but Zhang Chengyuan gave him half more, and then the village chief hesitantly agreed, but he also put forward conditions:

The land is only sold to her and cannot be passed on to the next generation. In addition, if she marries to another village, the land will belong to Taohua Village.

Zhang Chengyuan naturally agreed wholeheartedly. She would only live here for a few years, so how could she possibly get married? By then the world would be destroyed, and it would no longer matter if the land was not there.

After buying the homestead, she worked hard to lay the foundation, which was quickly completed.

Except for giving Liu Hanshu acupuncture every day, she spent the rest of her time building the house. The house almost looked the same every day. In a little more than half a month, the house was finally built.

She decorated the house carefully, because she was not planning to hold a housewarming party, so she was not worried about the house being damaged or seen by others.

In more than half a month, Liu Hanshu's body was almost healed and he could proceed with the next step of treatment.

The massage during this period of time has largely restored some of the muscle atrophy in Liu Hanshu's legs.

Zhang Chengyuan mixed the medicine he had concocted before, told them how to use it, and then left with the money handed over by Liu Hanshu.

Liu Hanshu was a pretty good man. Ever since he knew that his paralysis could be cured, he had been copying books desperately.

Although he also copied books before, it was just to maintain basic expenses. Now he copies all kinds of books, including romance books that he had never picked up before.

This type of book is more popular among ladies in the boudoir, and the price of the book is naturally relatively high. However, ordinary readers cherish feathers very much. If someone finds out that they copy this kind of book, they will be ridiculed for their lack of character.

But now he doesn't care about his situation. How can he be severely paralyzed if his reputation is bad?

In order to make money, he is already thinking about writing storybooks to achieve the purpose of making money quickly.

Zhang Chengyuan came here every day and knew it clearly. She saw that he knew clearly and didn't rush him. When people have money, they will give it to them.

She returned to her own house and looked over the room layout with satisfaction, feeling full of accomplishment.

All the furniture was sold out, and the variety was very complete. She took out a deck chair from the house and just lay down under the tree to rest.

She seemed to have nothing to do. Even the recliner she was lying on seemed to have thorns, which made her unable to lie down comfortably.

I simply started doing it and felt in a daze of depression.

Finally, she stood up with a sigh, took out her hoe and planned to go out to open up wasteland. If she had bought land, she would definitely be able to buy it, but she paid double the price, which made her very unhappy.

Besides, she went to open up wasteland just because she wanted to find something to do for herself, so that she would not lose her life goals and become bored.

Why did she need to suffer from that birdiness? She didn't want to change this unfair treatment, mainly because it wasn't worth it.

What's the use of changing a world that has less than ten years of life for her? Perhaps the world has been destroyed before she can achieve anything. This is a thankless task now.

If the lifespan of this world was longer and she could live here for a lifetime, then she would definitely try to change it gradually, but unfortunately it is not the case now, there is no need at all.

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