Chapter 190 Heartwarming
Zhang Chengyuan readily agreed to let someone wait in the yard for a while while she went to prepare medicine for him.

In just one stick of incense, Zhang Chengyuan came out with the medicine bag: "Six hundred coins."

Liu Hanshu put the copper plate on the stool, took the medicine bag and left. When he reached the door, he stopped and turned back: "Xiao Yuan, can we really not be together? I will definitely treat you well and never let you down. "

Zhang Chengyuan's eyes were calm and unwavering, and he refused simply and decisively: "No."

Liu Hanshu's eyes darkened, and his heart was full of bitterness. He took one last look at her, and then suppressed the urge to turn around and question her and left.

Zhang Chengyuan watched him go further and further away and sighed helplessly. In fact, she didn't like Liu Hanshu at all.

She still liked his bookishness and face, but the world was destined to be destroyed, and she didn't want to give in her feelings.

Although she loves herself the most, she will also have mood swings, just like having a pet. She will be sad for a while when the pet dies, let alone someone who has to live with and share joys and sorrows.

She is not a person who has long relationships, but she still remembers her first husband Chen Anliang. Even if there is no love between them, they have lived together for so long, and they must remember it deeply.

When she thought of Chen Anliang, she thought of her only child, but now she didn't know how many lives she had been reincarnated...

She suddenly wasn't in the mood to go out. She wanted to show off for a while and was in a bad mood.

Seeing that the master's attention had been attracted, the spirit fish immediately notified the spirit dragon and silkworm baby. They also jumped out to cooperate with the performance. Zhang Chengyuan found it quite novel.

Zhang Chengyuan closed his eyes and pulled himself away from the memories. Although she was already the master of heaven in the world, her former daughter was no longer her daughter, and she could do nothing to find her.

Zhang Chengyuan's butt that had just been raised fell back down steadily. She didn't need to speak now, they would solve it themselves.

So, Zhang Chengyuan accidentally saw the spirit fish jumping out of the water tank and playing juggling on the lotus.

Among the three pets, the spirit fish is the most careless. It spends all day playing silly and silly things. The silkworm baby is gentler in temperament, but it is also very carefree, but it will not take the initiative to deceive people.

As more and more jars were added to the pile, its pelvic fins began to tremble faintly. It quickly gave a hint to the silkworm baby and the spiritual dragon not to add more, as it could not hold on any longer.

The spirit dragon is different. It is usually the calmest, but the most arrogant. It doesn't know why it always bullies the spirit fish.

The spirit fish flipped and jumped holding a small jar as big as a palm on its head, while the silkworm baby and the spirit dragon kept conjuring small jars and throwing them to it. It also kept increasing the difficulty and refused to accept anyone who came.

The spirit dragons noticed that their master was in a bad mood and immediately tried to find ways to make him happy.

Zhang Chengyuan also asked, but the spirit dragon didn't even know it, but it just loved to bully the spirit fish, but no one else was allowed to bully it, it could only bully it itself.

They were all stacked up and held on top, as if this was not enough to frustrate it. It jumped and lifted all the jars it was carrying into the air. It then quickly flipped its position, using its pelvic fins to support the ground and its tail to steadily catch the falling jars.

But the silkworm baby and the spirit dragon were happily throwing it away, and they didn't want to pay attention to it. Zhang Chengyuan read their thoughts over and over, and was about to save the silly boy Lingyu, when it completely couldn't hold on and fell down, and the small jar was even worse. It was smashed down on the head and face.

She has seen various animal performances, but she has never seen a koi performing acrobatics, or a combination of butterflies, red snakes, and koi.

If it weren't for the fact that both the spirit fish and spirit dragon were still young and genderless, she would have thought it was the spirit dragon's unrequited love.

Her somewhat bad mood was interrupted by them, but she felt much better. She stared at the spirit fish and them playing around, and slowly fell asleep.

When I woke up, the sky was getting dark, and the spirit fish were all staying in their daily resting places. Zhang Chengyuan got up and stretched his muscles before going to cook.

After eating, she stayed under the tree to admire the moon.

About six or seven days later, Su Su suddenly came again, this time in a dejected state.

As soon as he entered the door, he looked at her pitifully with tears in his eyes. Zhang Chengyuan examined her and then understood what was wrong with her.

It turns out that the male protagonist Dongfang Chen has left. What a big deal. He just left. It’s not like he won’t come back.

Although she was thinking this in her heart, she still asked with a concerned look on her face: "What's going on?"

After hearing her question, Su Su felt aggrieved, and she couldn't control her voice and said in a crying tone, "A hug."

Zhang Chengyuan looked a little like laughing at her aggrieved and pitiful look, but looking at her open arms for comfort, she still held it back.

She reached out and hugged her, gently patted her back and comforted her: "Don't cry, don't cry, we are not wronged."

Su Su hugged her and rubbed her, smearing her tears and nose all over her body. Zhang Chengyuan pulled his clothes in disgust and looked at her helplessly: "You can talk now."

Su Su pursed her lips, and tears were about to well up again. She choked and said, "I have lost both my life and my wealth."

Zhang Chengyuan's mouth twitched, and before she could speak, Su Su angrily complained: "Xiao Yuan, I'm so angry. That bastard promised to give me tens of millions of dollars, and he also asked me to be the master of his family. From now on, he will do anything. listen to me.

Is this the result? He ran away secretly without leaving anything for me. I not only lost time and energy, but also several taels of silver. I feel heartbroken just thinking about it now. "

Zhang Chengyuan was speechless for a moment after hearing this, so she didn't just leave without saying goodbye, but she herself suffered a loss?
She asked Su Su in disbelief: "The point is that you lost? Are you unwilling?"

Su Su nodded pitifully and continued to accuse: "That bastard held hands and kissed me, but in the end he took advantage and disappeared. Can I not be angry?"

Zhang Chengyuan blinked, not knowing what to say, because Su Su's inner thought was that it was a good thing she didn't come yet and she quickly fell asleep, otherwise she would have suffered a big loss.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaoyuan was silent, Su Su couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Yuan, why don't you speak?"

Zhang Chengyuan scratched his head and said dryly: "Well, that is indeed a bit of a loss."

Su Su glared at Zhang Chengyuan and said angrily: "What do you mean it's a bit of a loss? I'm at a loss, okay?"

Zhang Chengyuan quickly nodded in agreement: "Yes, he took advantage of you and left nothing behind. You are at a huge disadvantage."

Su Su agreed, and her desire to complain became even greater, and she started talking nonstop. Zhang Chengyuan was fine anyway, so he could just listen to her talk and chime in from time to time to pass the time.

After Su Su had finished complaining, she noticed the change in the sky and apologized a little apologetically. Naturally, Zhang Chengyuan couldn't let her go back hungry, so he invited her to stay and have a meal together.

Su Su resisted several times and found that Zhang Chengyuan's invitation was sincere, so she stayed.

While cooking, she didn't just wait around, she also helped. She kept chatting with Zhang Chengyuan during the cooking process. The whole cooking process was quite enjoyable.

After eating, she helped clean up the kitchen before leaving.

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