Chapter 43 News
  Zhang Chengyuan spoke to Wu Chuannan and quickly followed them.

After the things were delivered, they went back. Zhang Chengyuan immediately started to install the machine and try it out to get familiar with it.

Once she became familiar with it, she started to get busy.

In this world, since no one can leave their houses during the hours when the red sun rises at noon, most people will rest late at night and work overtime to find food and work. During the hours when the red sun rises, they To catch up on some sleep.

Zhang Chengyuan has almost adapted to this kind of life now, and he doesn't feel sleepy when working at night.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Zhang Chengyuan went to rest. He continued to be busy the next day, but the arrival of Wu Chuannan disrupted his plan.

When she opened the door and saw Wu Chuannan, Zhang Chengyuan thought he was here to get what she promised him yesterday, but it turned out that he was here to invite her to participate in the autumn hunting.

Wu Chuannan said to Zhang Chengyuan: "You are a person with super powers. Our boss really hopes that you can participate in the autumn hunting."

Zhang Chengyuan could probably guess the reason why they wanted her to participate in the autumn hunting. It was just to be safer.

Seeing that Zhang Chengyuan had no intention to participate, Wu Chuannan continued to persuade: "Autumn hunting is not all about food for the winter. It is more about consuming a wave of beasts first to prevent a tide of beasts in the near future."

Zhang Chengyuan was a little surprised that there was actually a tide of beasts in this world. She didn't know if it was what she thought, so she pretended to be confused and said, "A tide of beasts?"

Seeing her confusion, Wu Chuannan immediately explained: "In winter, not only we humans need to store food in advance, but also wild beasts. And because animals and plants have mutated now, they also have considerable intelligence, so the beast tide is formed."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded. This was not much different from what she thought. It seemed that she had to participate in the autumn hunting. Otherwise, it would be okay if the beast tide was small. But she was afraid that the beast tide would be too big and the hunting team would not be able to withstand it. At that time, it would really be a double fist. It's hard to beat four hands.

However, she had a doubt: "Brother Wu, can't we humans be able to deal with the beast tide? Can't thermal weapons also work?"

Hearing this, Wu Chuannan smiled bitterly and explained to Zhang Chengyuan: "There are thermal weapons, but they are not in large numbers and cannot have much impact on the beast tide."

Zhang Chengyuan asked again: "Why are there so few thermal weapons?"

Wu Chuannan continued to explain helplessly: "Only animals and plants have become huge, and more than half of other resources have disappeared, which has led to a shortage of thermal weapons."

Is this so?

Wu Chuannan, however, had already continued to speak: "It is also because of this that the tide of beasts now basically depends on human lives."

After hearing this, Zhang Chengyuan didn't need any more persuasion. She agreed to participate in the autumn hunt.

Wu Chuannan was satisfied. He smiled and told Zhang Chengyuan the time and place: "We will meet at Guangchang at seven o'clock tomorrow."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded. Seeing that Wu Chuannan was about to leave, she immediately stopped her: "Brother Wu, wait a minute. This is what I said before. Take a look at these, do you want anything?"

Zhang Chengyuan brought a wooden box and opened it for Wu Chuannan to choose. The things in it were not too expensive. They were all pollution-free food and nutrients obtained previously. There were also five raw stones and one edible raw stone. .

Wu Chuannan didn't take it seriously at first and picked it casually, but after seeing the edible raw stone, he lost his composure.

He was breathing heavily and grabbed the edible raw stone and refused to let go. He asked, "Can you sell this raw stone to me?"

Zhang Chengyuan looked at it and said, "Yes, but edible raw stones are very expensive."

"Don't worry, I can get it."

Zhang Chengyuan gave it to him because he wanted it so much, since he didn't need it anyway.

After Wu Chuannan transferred the points to Zhang Chengyuan, he left happily. Zhang Chengyuan was not happy, because she had to put aside her own affairs and prepare food for tomorrow's hunting.

The next day, Zhang Chengyuan arrived at the place on time. She got into a special car and headed to the restricted area with everyone.

When Zhang Chengyuan found out that she was going to a restricted area for autumn hunting, her mood was particularly complicated. The experience of that day was still fresh in her mind. Although she later heard that it was a wild boar and was dead, she really didn't know what to do.

But now that it was like this, she could only watch helplessly as they entered the restricted area and got off the car with everyone else. She was frightened and looking for food like everyone else.

However, when she saw the fully armed hunting team, she felt a little comforted. She persuaded herself that she couldn't just stick to it every time, because she might not encounter any powerful beasts this time.

Her luck was quickly shattered. The ground shook just like that day, but she was no longer as frightened as that day.

Although my calves are shaking a bit, I can still hold it back.

The expressions of everyone in the hunting team changed, but they were not too panicked. Someone was organizing ordinary people to evacuate quickly. People in other hunting teams were laying traps, assembling weapons, and assembling weapons...

Everything looked busy but orderly. Zhang Chengyuan didn't know what she was going to do for a while, couldn't get involved in anything, and she wasn't going to help blindly.

She doesn't understand anything, and she will only get in the way if she goes there, so she might as well just stay here.

As time went by, the sound became louder and louder, and almost no one could stand still, but fortunately the hunting team was ready to join the battle at any time.

Zhang Chengyuan also prepared nervously and stared straight ahead.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down to the extreme, and every minute and second seemed extremely long.

Finally, a huge wild boar rushed into their field of vision. Everyone did not panic for a moment, and immediately launched the strongest fire coverage. However, it did not actually cause much harm to the wild boar, but they also annoyed the wild boar. .

The wild boar rushed towards them, a murderous glint in its eyes.

The wild boar is very large, like a moving mountain.

The fire coverage was over, and what was left was the collision between cold weapons and human lives. The members of the hunting team rushed forward with their weapons in hand without fear of death.

Zhang Chengyuan didn't hesitate when she saw this, and rushed forward with her. She punched the wild boar with all her strength, and each blow made the wild boar shake.

But the wild boar is not stupid. How could it be beaten honestly? The wild boar, hurt by the hit, charged wildly and ferociously, leaving everyone helpless.

Seeing this, Zhang Chengyuan immediately retreated to avoid being hurt. She climbed up the giant tree and stared at the crazy wild boar, thinking about how to kill it.

Her fists alone cannot break through the wild boar's defense. Now she can think of only three weak points: the eyes, mouth, and back yard.

Zhang Chengyuan made a decision in the blink of an eye. She climbed and pranced like a monkey, picked up the weapon of a fallen member of the hunting team, returned to the tree again, and waited for the opportunity.

At a certain moment, the opportunity that Zhang Chengyuan was waiting for came. The wild boar raised its head and neighed. Zhang Chengyuan saw the opportunity, jumped down with his long sword, and swooped down to stab the wild boar in the eye.

In the flash of lightning, Zhang Chengyuan thrust all the sword into the wild boar's eyes before they closed, and she also violently stirred it twice.

After that, Zhang Chengyuan quickly let go and fell to the ground, rolling and crawling away. The pain of having her eyes poked out would definitely make the wild boar go crazy. She didn't want to die at the feet of the wild boar.

(End of this chapter)

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