Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 103: A lot of harvest [seeking harvest and red]

Li Xiaomu was trembling all over, knelt on the ground with a "bang", and kept praying: "General, Liu Si, a villain, is thirty-two this year, and lives in Liujia Village, Pengyang County. {."

"Oh, aren't you Li Xiaomu?" Jia Rong asked indifferently.

Li Xiaomu wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said: "General, the villain was originally a citizen of Liujia Village, Pengyang County. As the deputy commander of the Yellow Turban soldiers, he committed murder and arson. However, the villain has never done anything to offend his conscience. The villain has also repeatedly advised Li Damu to abandon evil and do good. Li Damu not only refused to listen, but also punished him. Villain; I only hate that villain does not have the peerless martial arts like a general, otherwise Li Damu would have been killed on the spot and handed over to the government, and the yellow scarf rebels next to the villain are all monitored by Li Damu." Li Damu remained silent. He flattered Jia Rong in disgrace.

The yellow scarf soldiers who had been drinking with Li Xiaomu just now changed their expressions after hearing these words. They all said that Li Xiaomu was good at flattering and flattering. He became a good person after cleansing himself up, but bit them instead; it was obviously Li Xiaomu who flattered them, but when he heard that the leader of the Yellow Turban was called Li Damu, he immediately changed his name to Li Xiaomu, and he joined the Yellow Turban on his own initiative. Becoming a deputy commander, there is no such thing as forcing someone into prostitution, I have seen many shameless ones, but this is the first time such a shameless one.

Several people took turns to tell all the evil deeds of Li Xiaomu, how Li Xiaomu advised Li Damu again and again, and all the deeds of being gradually promoted to deputy commander were revealed, and the yellow scarf soldiers captured in battle with Li Damu There are also people who stand up and criticize Li Xiaomu.

Seeing Jia Rong's more serious expression, Li Xiaomu's face turned ashen, and he kowtowed like garlic, and kept saying, "General, please forgive me..."

Jia Rong was amused by Li Xiao's current performance. If this guy is definitely a movie king in the future world, his acting skills will be absolutely unparalleled, and it will make you flatter without knowing it. How can you learn it without hard work? If it weren't for the iron-like witnesses next to him, I am afraid that Jia Rong would have believed him. Jia Rong would not want to let any one of the top picks in 360 lines. Perhaps such a person is a moth in the eyes of others, but as long as Properly used, it is definitely useful. [ . ]

"Liu Si? As long as you can treat the crime and do meritorious service, it's okay to spare your life!" Jia Rong said.

"Thank you General, the villain must know everything and say everything."

Jia Rong stretched out his hand to lift Liu Si from the ground, looked into his eyes and said, "Tell me, where is Li Damu's property?"

Liu Si felt two huge forces coming down his armpits, making him unable to resist, and the sharp eyes like goshawks made his heart tremble involuntarily, and he stammered: "Little... villain... I don't know... ..."

Jia Rong let go of his hand, and Liu Si fell to the ground like a deflated ball, without the slick tongue and dull eyes just now.

Eyes are the window to the soul, and a person's eyes cannot lie. Jia Rong didn't make things difficult for Liu Si, and ordered: "Continue to search!" Hundreds of soldiers filed in, turning the inside out completely. , still didn't find anything.

Jia Rong walked over to Li Damu's usual seat and sat down. He frowned and thought deeply. It shouldn't be. Li Damu was an old man during the Zhangjiao uprising, and he had committed crimes in Anding County for so long. His wealth must be more than that. Jia Rong pointed Liu Si, curled into a ball because of the cold, asked, "How many commanders are there in the Yellow Turban Army?"

Liu Si stood up with difficulty, the water stains on his clothes turned into icicles, his lips were trembling, and he said, "General... General..."

Jia Rong interrupted Liu Si, and said to Mi Wei beside him, "Find him a padded jacket!"

After warming up for a while, Liu Si's condition improved a lot. He glanced at Jia Rong gratefully, and continued: "In the Yellow Turban Rebels, besides the villain who is the deputy commander, there is also a deputy commander, but a few days ago, he was sent by Li Damu. I went to contact the Yellow Turban Army in Montenegro, but I haven’t returned yet.”

Jia Rong nodded. It seems that this Li Damu wanted to seek refuge with the Yellow Turban of Heishan. If he remembered correctly, the Yellow Turban of Heishan should be led by Zhang Yan and Bai Feng. Excuse me.

Seeing that things were not progressing, Jia Rong stood up and said, "Si Liu, you will follow the Beidi Army from now on, and your family will also be taken to Beidi County to settle down."

Liu Si fell to his knees with a thud, and bowed at the other end: "Thank you, General, for your kindness and virtue. A villain will never be rewarded for his death. In the future, if the general has a mission, the villain will definitely do his best!"

"It's just that there is only one villain in the family." Liu Si's face turned red immediately, and the words he made up just now were self-defeating.

Jia Rong didn't delve into this either, and said, "The general wants useful people. If you can't show your value in Beidi County, you will only be a mediocre person. Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Liu Si kept saying that he was overjoyed to see a life, and now he was able to follow Jia Rong back to Beidi County. He reminded himself that he must do good things in the future, not only to repay his kindness, but also to avoid becoming the mediocre person Jia Rong said, who doesn't want to be a figure admired by thousands of people.

"In Beidi County, you must absolutely obey my orders, and I can take them back as much as I can!" Jia Rong said coldly.

Liu Si's heart trembled, and he hurriedly said: "The general has an order, even if there are mountains of swords and fire, the villain will never back down."

Jia Rong nodded. The Liu Si in front of him had no ability, but his role changed quite quickly. Seeing that Jia Rong was about to go away, Liu Si said: "General Qi, the villain has one more thing to do."

Jia Rong stopped in his tracks and looked at Liu Si fixedly.

"When Li Damu was around, no one was allowed to approach his seat. Once, a Yellow Turban soldier was ordered to be executed on the spot just because he touched his seat after being drunk," Liu Si said.

Jia Rong walked quickly to the upper seat, and knocked on the stone chair with his hand, "Boom, boom", it was empty; Jia Rong bent down, lifted the stone chair with both hands, and sure enough, the seat was lying quietly A wooden box.

The box in front of me was tattered and tattered, and there was nothing unusual about it. It belonged to the kind that makes people not want to look at it at the first glance. A big lock was tightly buckled on the nose of the lock. .

A broken box would definitely not be placed in such a secret place, it would not be worth the order, and it would not be ordered to be executed just because the soldier touched it. If something strange happens, there must be a demon. Jia Rong took a big knife and slashed at the lock's nose. Go, "Boom", the lock nose is not broken.

Jia Rong rubbed his forehead in embarrassment and said with a smile: "The quality of this lock is really not bad!" The sergeant behind him burst into laughter.

Liu Si stepped forward and said, "General, this kind of thing should be done by the young ones."

Seeing Jia Rong nodding in agreement, Liu Si took out a key out of nowhere, inserted it into the keyhole and fiddled with it for a while, and the lock opened with a snap.

Unexpectedly, this Liu Si is still a master lock picker, Jia Rong praised: "Not bad, not bad!"

Received Jia Rong's praise, Liu Si's face flushed with excitement, and he said: "It's a villain's blessing to be able to do things for the general!"

Opening the box, the brilliance inside was so dazzling that Jia Rong couldn't open his eyes. He casually flipped through the items inside. They were all treasure-level items. Jia Rong was overjoyed. Great protection; Poor Li Damu, the treasure that he had spent his whole life was in the hands of others.

Having harvested so many treasures, Jia Rong said happily: "Whoever sees it will have a share, and each will be rewarded with two coins! Liu Si has made great achievements in opening the box, and he will be rewarded with ten coins!"

The soldiers under his command showed excited expressions. The two pennies were enough to cover the expenses of a family of three for three months. The infantrymen in Anding County also gave Jia Rong a grateful look. When they were soldiers, they would only get a little compensation when they died in battle. These soldiers usually farmed the fields, and even some military expenses had to be paid by the soldiers themselves. That is, the standing army only had salaries. It can be said that the Han Dynasty Soldiers are extremely easy to feed, just give them food.

Liu Si didn't expect to get such a generous reward. Money came second, mainly because of Jia Rong's approval. Liu Si felt that he was no longer the former vice-commander of the Yellow Turban in front of everyone. Ren, full of expectations for following Jia Rong back to Beidi County, secretly told himself that he must do things well.

Everyone was happy, and a group of people took the captured weapons, food, grass, and prisoners to Anding County. The people who heard the news along the way watched and praised endlessly. All the soldiers obeyed their orders and straightened their chests; Liu Si did not Thinking of the yellow turban bandits that everyone shouted and beaten at the last moment, now they have become the heroes of the people. Looking at the yellow turban captives who were scolded by the people, Liu Si was even more grateful that he could join the Northern Army. Who gave it to him secretly clenched his fists.

Jia Rong led the army back to Anding County with great fanfare, and the prestige of the Beidi Army once again spread in nearby counties. Jia Rong became a hero in the mouths of ordinary people, which directly led to many people moving to Beidi County; In troubled times, what the people seek is someone who can give them safety.

The entire Anding County was full of joy, and a nursery rhyme also came out: "Northern Army, sweeping away bandits, everywhere, the people are at peace!"

This time, Jia Rong helped the prefect of Anding County, which also sent a friendly signal to the family.

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