Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 120: Luo Yang【For collection】

"Is it the king's land under the whole world, and the king's ministers on the shore of the land? Doesn't the prefect Jia know the meaning of this sentence? The whole world belongs to the sage. Doesn't this sentence explain everything?" Yuan Shu said complacently .

The eyes of everyone looking at Jia Rong were also full of pity, as if Jia Rong would end up fleeing because he could not refute Yuan Shu in the next moment.

To everyone's surprise, Jia Rong remained as calm as ever.

Cai Yong also looked puzzled. Even in terms of Cai Yong, it is difficult to refute Yuan Shu. Jia Rong's calm performance shows that he has strong self-confidence. Could it be that Jia Rong will refute successfully? Cai Yong finds himself increasingly confused Jia Rong is gone; Wang Yun on the other side looked at Jia Rong with surprise, no matter how you say it, Jia Rong's attitude of not changing his face is worthy of Wang Yun's admiration.

"Young Master Yuan seems to have not answered my question. What I asked was where the money and food for the current Majesty come from." Jia Rong glanced around, taking everyone's reactions into his eyes, and then said slowly.

Yuan Shu looked at Jia Rong contemptuously, and said with a smile, "Isn't what I just said clear enough?"

"The money and food of the Holy Majesty today come from the taxes of the states and counties of the Han Dynasty. Can the prefect Jia understand this?" At the beginning, he urged Yuan Shu, a member of the aristocratic family, to stand up and explain.

Jia Rong sized him up and said with a light smile, "May I ask who this brother is?"

The disciples of the family turned their gazes elsewhere, and said solemnly: "A humble person dare not call the prefect Jia a brother. I, Yuan Shao, is an unknown junior of the Yuan family. I am here to answer the question. I hope the prefect Jia will forgive me."

Compared with Yuan Shu's arrogance and domineering, Yuan Shao appeared more calm and sophisticated, and his tone and words were even more unmatched by Yuan Shu. Yuan Shao belittled his own status to elevate Jia Rong's status. Once Jia Rong lost, his face would undoubtedly be even more ugly. An old man behind Yuan Shao nodded slightly, with a smile of approval on his face.

In the eyes of everyone present, Jia Rong was a vulgar martial artist, and this identity could better cover up Jia Rong. Even if he uttered shocking words, it was justifiable. The key was how he used it. (.

Jia Rong clapped his hands and praised: "Brother Yuan's explanation is really clearer than this Mr. Yuan Shu's. Mr. Yuan Shu hesitated for a long time, and I still don't understand what it means. If I said this earlier, I would understand."

Yuan Shu said angrily, "Child Jia Rong, you are bullying me too much."

Yuan Shao on the side hastily shouted: "Now that things have come to an end, you still dare to speak out to separate my two brothers. What is your intention?" At the critical moment, Yuan Shao didn't want to see Yuan Shu turn his spear and attack him. , he still understands something.

Yuan Shufan came to his senses, and looked at Jia Rong with even more resentment. It's okay to be angry because of Jia Rong's words. The key is that Yuan Shao, a concubine, saw through Jia Rong's tricks. This is what Yuan Shu annoyed the most. ; On the surface, he and Yuan Shao are two close brothers, but it is not a matter of a day and a night for the two to fight.

And Jia Rong took a fancy to this point, so he tested it lightly. The two brothers of the Yuan family were indeed at odds as described in history. Yuan Shao was the eldest son of the Yuan family but he was a concubine. , but he is younger than Yuan Shao. According to the ancient eldest son taking over the position of patriarch, Yuan Shu's future status will undoubtedly be lower than Yuan Shao. For a long time, Yuan Shu hated Yuan Shao very much because of this problem, and publicized Yuan Shao as a bastard everywhere; Calm and calm, he never quarreled with Yuan Shu because of this matter, so his behavior was appreciated by the older generation of the Yuan family, which directly deepened Yuan Shu's resentment towards Yuan Shao.

Jia Rong said with a smile: "How come the theory of separation? Everything I just said is true."

Yuan Shao held Yuan Shu who was about to explode, looked at Jia Rong and said, "Is there any problem with Prefect Jia?"

Jia Rong continued: "Just now, Mr. Yuan Shao said that the money and food of the Holy Majesty today come from the taxes of the states and counties. Dare I ask Mr. Yuan Shao, where do the taxes of the states and counties come from?"

Yuan Shu also woke up from the anger just now, looked at the old man behind him fearfully, and stood quietly aside.

Yuan Shao looked at Jia Rong in confusion, not understanding what Jia Rong meant by asking these questions, but he answered truthfully: "The taxes and taxes of the states and counties of the Han Dynasty are naturally paid by the people of the Han Dynasty, and the food and clothing of the people are the responsibility of the current emperor. Gifts and taxes are justified.”

The people at the banquet also showed their natural expressions. In their minds, the imperial power is supreme, which is exactly in response to the saying that the land of the world is not the king's land, and the shore of the land is not the king's minister.

Jia Rong sneered and said, "So, can't an ordinary citizen have a drink with you?"

A single stone stirs up a thousand waves, and everyone buzzes. Drinking with an ordinary person is like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. Scholar-bureaucrats have always regarded themselves as noble, and drinking with ordinary people will only make people happy. They feel that their status is lowered. In order to maintain their dignity, they believe that most of the people here will not agree even if they die, and the voices accusing Jia Rong are endless.

Jia Rong made a quiet gesture, and the noisy crowd stopped talking, and cast their resentful eyes on the figure in the field. If eyes could kill, Jia Rong might have been killed countless times.

In an instant, Jia Rong returned to the aura of commanding the three armies on the battlefield. In his eyes, everyone in front of him became an enemy who was about to be wiped out. His sharp eyes scanned the circle.

Everyone in the field couldn't help but shuddered, as if they would turn into a cold corpse after looking at Jia Rong one more time.

The corners of Jia Rong's mouth rose slightly, and he said with a smile: "Qin Wudao, the world chased him together, and Gao Zu stood out and established the Han Dynasty. Could it be said that the whole world belonged to the Qin Dynasty before that? If it really belonged to the Qin Dynasty, why did it happen? If you become a big man, can everyone here guarantee that the world will always be a big man in the future?"

Two consecutive questions made everyone in the field quiet again, quietly recalling the meaning of Jia Rong's words.

Jia Rong was very satisfied with such a scene, and continued: "If a common man is a drop of water, then the whole world is a river and a lake formed by a collection of drops of water, and today the Holy One is a big ship on a river and a lake." Since his remarks were considered shocking by the literati of the Han Dynasty, he might as well increase his weight and surprise them all at once, or he would pat his ass and leave. Thinking of this, Jia Rong no longer had the timidity he had before.

Even Cai Yong, Wang Yun and other erudite people kept frowning and thinking, Jia Rong's metaphor is too vivid, the people in the world are water, and the Holy One is a big boat on the rivers and lakes, above all living beings at dawn, the image And appropriate, so that it is difficult for everyone to find faults.

Seeing that everyone was attracted by Jia Rong's words, Yuan Shu yelled in dissatisfaction: "What water or lake, Jia Rong, if you can't explain why today, I will coax you out of here." Room."

Jia Rong glanced at Yuan Shu with disdain. After a while, Jia Rong also found that Yuan Shu was also a second-generation ancestor with a good family background. Cowardly.

After directly filtering Yuan Shu, Jia Rong continued: "Everyone in the world is at the feet of the current Holy Majesty, but everyone here should not overlook one point, that is the relationship between water and boats!"

"The reason why Tyranny Qin died in the second generation is that he ignored the water, that is, the people in the world; water can carry a boat and overturn it, and the boat can stand on the water because it wins the hearts of the people!" Speaking of this, Jia Rong raised the decibel to the maximum, and once again turned his attention to everyone in the field.

Jia Rong's words shocked everyone again. These people can be said to be the upper class and mainstay of the big man. They instantly understood the meaning of Jia Rong's words. Water can carry a boat and capsize it. This is something they have never heard of before. Words, only "scholars, farmers, businessmen" in their minds, and the "scholars" among them are high above them. Those ordinary people are like ants, how can they be compared with them, let alone what to drink at the same table? However, Jia Rong's analysis of the relationship between the king and the people made them convinced, which also gave them a new understanding of the people.

Cai Yong, Wang Yun and other veteran figures looked at Jia Rong with countless meanings in their eyes.

Yuan Shao was shocked when he heard Jia Rong's words. Unlike Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao was familiar with poetry and books since he was a child, so he could naturally understand the meaning of Jia Rong's words, and looked at Jia Rong with a touch of respect.

Yuan Shu once again brought into play his dandyism, and shouted loudly: "What water, boat, come here, throw Jia Rong, an ignorant bastard, out of here!" The more Jia Rong gets everyone's attention, the more This made Yuan Shu angry.

The old man behind Yuan Shu scolded: "Don't be rude on the highway!"

Seeing Yuan Shu being scolded by the old man, Yuan Shao showed a faint smile.

Wang Yun still looked calm and calm, "I don't know where the prefect Jia's theory of water and boats came from?"

Seeing Wang Yun's question, Jia Rong didn't dare to take it too seriously, and replied respectfully: "Report to Wang Situ, I accidentally heard my mentor mention it in my humble position, so I wrote it down!" Jia Rong again pushed everything to that illusory teacher.

Wang Yun nodded, as if he was savoring the meaning of that sentence carefully, the expression on his face kept changing, and finally he sighed: "This statement can be called a famous saying for governing the world!"

Wang Yun, who is a big Han Situ, no one dares to question the authority of his words. As a result, Yuan Shu's face became even more difficult. Naturally, Yuan Shu couldn't refute Wang Yun's words, so he could only secretly think about how to get Jia Rong into trouble. There is no place to die.

Yuan Shao said solemnly: "Shao admires what Jia Taishou said, but what does all this have to do with us sharing a table with ordinary people?"

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