Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 138: Special Forces

The officials of the counties in Beidi County were forced to stay in various places by Jia Rong. If the officials leave, it will inevitably cause local turmoil. Since they are under the banner of serving the people, they should put themselves in the shoes of the people. The officials of all counties are without exception All of them are underprivileged scholars. Although there are very few underprivileged scholars nowadays, only generals are selected from among the crippled, and those with a little talent will be reused. In this way, county-level officials are produced one by one under Jia Rong's hands.

According to the words of later generations, experience is the most important thing. As long as they are given enough time, I believe that these county magistrates will become experienced people, and at the same time they have left troops of varying numbers in each county.

80.00% of the soldiers from all counties have assembled in Beidi County, but the soldiers in each county are not practicing the phalanx of Beidi County, and their county magistrates are not leaving, unlike the county towns, it is the arrival of the new prefect, Jia Rong had nowhere to put them, so he took all the soldiers away.

The other counties in Beidi County remained unchanged, but Jia Rong asked the generals to take most of the soldiers to Lingzhou, so that there would be no problem of choice. At this time, Lingzhou had become the new county of Beidi County. Lingzhou's military strength has reached an unprecedented peak situation, 800 people, including 3000 cavalry, 800 people trapped in the camp, and the rest of the soldiers were left to the counties, and the soldiers who could be brought to Lingzhou were Jia. The elite under Rong's command.

There is no need for Jia Rong to worry about food, Mi Zhu will bring in a steady stream of food, and war horses are rare items in the Central Plains, and Jia Rong can only choose to cooperate with him for the time being.

Since the school grounds in Lingzhou are very small, Jia Rong took all the soldiers to the field for training. Jia Rong’s way of training soldiers is not limited to holding weapons and waving them. It can only be called polishing strength. Jia Rong requires soldiers to learn to cooperate, two fists are difficult to defeat four hands, how many fierce generals like Lu Zhao Ma Guanzhang are there on the battlefield, 90.00% of them are normal people.

Jia Rong often trains their actual combat capabilities, just like the drills of later generations of troops. Often one side plays the role of the red side, and the other side plays the role of the blue side. Victory, no matter what method is used; the chief generals of the two sides are also changed from time to time, to cultivate the ability of each general to lead the army, and now the Xiliang army is taking the route of elite soldiers and strong generals.

After a period of training, Jia Rong felt that the soldiers lacked something, and Jia Rong couldn't tell the specifics.

Jia Rong, the new prefect of Beidi County, has also learned about it, and Yuan Pang personally wrote a book asking Jia Rong to go to the county to gather. Jia Rong naturally understood Yuan Pang's intention, which was nothing more than the idea of ​​attacking the army, so he chose to ignore it.

Lingzhou County is small, and there are not so many affairs. The craftsman workshop in Lingzhou is also much smaller, and it is enough for use. The guards of the craftsman workshop are still very strict, and no one is allowed to approach. At the same time, Jia Rong also started to attack the soldiers. All management and internal affairs issues were handed over to Zhang Li, Li Shang and others.

According to the strength of the troops, Jia Rong strictly divided the army into three classes, the upper class soldiers, the middle class soldiers and the lower class soldiers. Shou, similar to the police, the middle-ranking soldiers are responsible for defending the city, and the upper-ranking soldiers are responsible for field battles. The strength of soldiers is strictly divided. In terms of military pay, there is no too harsh division. Wait for more soldiers.

If you want to become a first-class soldier in the Xiliang Army, you have to go through many tests. If you fail, even a hundred generals will be ruthlessly given the title of a second-class soldier. The title of general of a hundred men, when this set of plans was passed on repeatedly and reached the ears of the soldiers at the bottom, it once again triggered a training craze among the soldiers.

As soldiers, no one wants to be inferior to others in daily life. The military salary is less than others, even if it is a little less, let alone become a low-level soldier who can only patrol the city. Jia Rong’s sentence of not wanting to be a general The fact that soldiers are not good soldiers is deeply imprinted in their minds, always motivating them.

As a modern soldier, he understands the role of special forces in war better. Jia Rong also put the training of special forces on the table. He has never been in special forces, but he has heard about the training methods of special forces. This half-assed instructor is enough to make the selected soldiers become ancient special forces.

All the things in Lingzhou are running normally. The government area is small, but it is easier to manage. Even if the people have a little trivial matter, they can be resolved quickly. For a while, the law and order in Lingzhou was quiet. , mainly because Jia Rong was in Lingzhou, and Jia Rong calmed down the thieves in the surrounding area, and made a statement that it can be said that as long as there is Jia Rong in Beidi County, there will be no horse thieves to come to make trouble, and those thieves and rats will not dare to be in Lingzhou. The state city took root, and if one day Jia Rong came to Chao and led the soldiers to sweep them up, they would be unlucky. The people in Lingzhou City can be described as not closing their doors at night. I believe that the road will not be picked up in the near future.

Three days later, Lingzhou carried out a mighty military selection. The so-called military selection is to classify soldiers into ranks. Whether they are high-ranking soldiers or low-ranking soldiers will be known after a few days.

All the soldiers are naturally working hard towards the upper ranks. The upper ranks represent a kind of honor. Except for the commanding generals, the rest of the soldiers need to participate.

The upper class soldiers are the most elite soldiers in the Xiliang Army. They not only need to have superb martial arts skills, but also have the ability to cooperate between soldiers. Jia Rong's assessment of the ability of soldiers to cooperate is very simple, that is, relay competitions and climbing high walls. As for the cooperation on the battlefield, they usually practiced a lot. What Jia Rong wanted was that kind of quick cooperation, even if it was a combination of several unfamiliar soldiers.

There are many assessment items. Jia Rong's purpose is to let every soldier find his own strengths, and then work hard to develop his strengths. Not only the soldiers are assessed, but also the generals of the army. The generals who perform well are directly promoted. The rule is to tie Leading the troops of the headquarters and the troops of the order to conduct drills, the most surviving soldiers in the end is the victory. Jia Rong does not require the generals in the army to be able to speak eloquently about a war, but the generals must master the response and control of the battlefield. It's practical experience.

The selection of soldiers was carried out completely according to the system. After [-] soldiers were selected for five days, more than [-] soldiers became the first-class soldiers of the Xiliang Army, more than [-] middle-class soldiers, and more than [-] soldiers. As a junior soldier, the general situation of the army is still very good.

All the upper class soldiers, middle class soldiers, and lower class soldiers are all registered in the register. At the same time, the clothes of the soldiers will also be different. The marks on the clothes will allow the soldiers to easily recognize their respective ranks. After the selection, all the soldiers will return to the original team.

Those first-class soldiers could clearly feel the envious eyes from others, and the marks on their clothes were the honors they had won and the affirmation of their generals.

After the selection, Jia Rong announced that there will be a selection every month in the future. Even if he was selected as an upper class soldier last time, he may be rated as a lower class soldier next time. What is needed is for the soldiers to train continuously.

At the same time, the selection of special forces began, and more than a thousand senior soldiers were all notified and ran to the hillside five miles outside the city to gather.

Jia Rong, who had been waiting here, looked at the panting soldiers and said with a smile, "Didn't you take part in the usual morning run?"

The soldiers' faces turned red immediately. I heard that Jia Rong ordered to go to the hillside five miles outside the city. Naturally, these soldiers ran forward with all their might. This rhythm was completely different from the usual training, but the soldiers It is more uncomfortable to attribute all the reasons to oneself, and to be criticized by Jia Rong than to let them go without food for three days.

By the time more than a thousand soldiers had arrived, Father Sun had slowly risen from the east, lazily sending warmth to every inch of the land.

"Now your goal is the third hill ahead, start!" Jia Rong said loudly.

As soon as the words fell, all the soldiers, regardless of their panting just now, ran towards the direction Jia Rong pointed like arrows from the string.

After the 800th soldier boarded the hillside, the soldiers who had been waiting on the hillside stopped counting, and the special forces would be generated from the [-] soldiers. For the remaining [-] soldiers, Jia Rong could not say that they had no The ability to enter the special forces, but temporarily unable, at least they did not pass Jia Rong's first assessment, even if they are excellent, they can only be rejected.

This is only the first round of special forces selection. According to the needs of the army, there will be more and more special forces.

The 200 soldiers selected can only be said to be temporary candidates for special forces. Special forces should be short rather than excessive. Even if there are only ten of the [-] soldiers left, they will not recruit a single incompetent person.

Hearing the panting sound from time to time among the [-] soldiers, Jia Rong said dissatisfiedly: "Shut your mouths, from now on, if I hear any panting sound among you again, turn all of you back and let us go again." Run again."

The scene has changed so much that it can be heard that there are not only soldiers among the 200 people, but also Shichang and hundreds of generals. Zhang Xiu, Mi Wei, Li Li and Li Hu are also among them. What surprised Jia Rong the most was Liu Si He was actually in there too. Jia Rong remembered that his physique was not very good. How could he be among the ranks of a thousand first-class soldiers?

All the generals who commanded the army did not participate in this training. The soldiers at the bottom were selected this time. Their departure will not affect the normal operation of the army.

"First of all, congratulations to you, you have stood out from 1000 people and become one of 200 people, you are proud; and the game has just begun, welcome to enter this game, maybe some of you have an element of luck, this does not It doesn't matter, many of you will be eliminated one by one."

The special forces are here, everyone, give it your best. Don't hesitate to collect and reward the red tickets. Your support is the driving force for the continuous improvement of the iron cavalry.

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