Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 140: Special Forces

Half an hour was a very painful and long time for this group of soldiers who had just learned to stand in a military posture, especially when Jia Rong came to the team from time to time to find some minor problems and increase the time; finally, Said half an hour's military posture dragged on into an hour.

When Jia Rong gave the order to rest, most of the soldiers immediately collapsed on the ground. The reason why they persevere until now is because of Jia Rong's words that they could not persist and return to the original team. They just enjoyed it in front of their comrades yesterday. The honor of training under Jia Rong's leadership, they were kicked back in despair today, how would Paoze treat them? Even though their arms were sore and their legs had lost all feeling, they still persisted.

"All stand up, two people join each other, one pinches the other's feet and shoulders." Jia Rong's tone also changed from the previous seriousness to gentleness.

Zhang Xiu looked at the figure in the distance full of puzzlement. He didn't understand why Jia Rong chose to train like this. In Zhang Xiu's view, the set of plans that Jia Rong implemented in the soldier training was very good. It can improve soldiers' ability to respond to wars, and can cope with various emergencies on the battlefield. This is Zhang Xiu's self-proclaimed inferiority, but Zhang Xiu has never heard of standing in one place without moving for an hour, but Jia Rong's Trust let him do it without hesitation.

What Zhang Xiu envied most was Jia Rong's arm strength. The phrase "doing push-ups can improve arm strength" was firmly in Zhang Xiu's mind. In his opinion, this was an opportunity to improve his strength. To be honest, Zhang Xiu admired it very much. Jia Rong, as the commander-in-chief of an army, unreservedly told the soldiers under his command what he had learned. What kind of courage is required for this. If Zhang Xiu was in charge, he would definitely not be able to do this.

This day, what Jia Rong taught them was to let them learn how to stand in a military posture and stand in a queue. Any military training method has its significance. The military posture can improve a person's perseverance, and the queue can improve the cooperation between soldiers. .

"When you hear the sound of war drums, come out and gather immediately and disband!"

The two hundred soldiers let out bursts of cheerful roars. For them, this day was too boring and boring, but they were very tired, but they dared not bring it up. mind, more importantly, they never thought of questioning Jia Rong's order. . .

At three o'clock, when two hundred soldiers were immersed in sleep, the war drum suddenly sounded, and the steady and heavy beating sound immediately pulled the soldiers from their deep sleep. After a short pause, there was the sound of rustling clothes.

At this time, Jia Rong was counting the time in front of the hourglass.

After a quarter of an hour passed, there were still twelve soldiers who had not arrived.

Jia Rong looked at a disheveled soldier and smiled, "Are you in such a panic? If the enemy comes, do you think you can save your life?"

The soldier lowered his head with a flushed face.

Jia Rong scolded angrily: "I will ask you again in the future. I just need to answer yes or no. You are soldiers or soldiers. Whether you do right or wrong, you must face it calmly. No matter how high and powerful the other party is, always To be mighty and unyielding is to test the integrity of our soldiers."

The soldier raised his head and said loudly, "Yes!"

Jia Rong nodded in satisfaction, "Why do some soldiers arrive so quickly and their clothes are neat, think about it."

"You are soldiers, not ordinary people. You must keep a clear head at all times. Even in the city or in the barracks, you must remain vigilant and be ready for the coming battle. The battle will start at any time. Could it be that the enemy will attack you? Did I tell you in advance?"

Twelve soldiers rushed over and stood outside the team, with shame on their faces, quietly waiting for the storm to come. Yijiarong's training trend during the day will definitely not let them go so easily, at least It is also push-ups to climb down.

To everyone's surprise, Jia Rong walked up to a soldier, helped him tidy up his clothes, and said meaningfully: "Take up your weapon and be ready for the battle!"

The soldier nodded shyly.

"Go back to your original team." After Jia Rong finished speaking, he turned and returned to the remaining 180 seven soldiers, continuing to talk about military theories that he thought were useful. During this month's training, he What needs to be done is not only to improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers, but more importantly, to cultivate their military thinking.

Jia Rong gave a vivid lesson to the twelve soldiers, especially the soldier whose clothes were sorted by Jia Rong himself. His name is Wu Fan, and he became one of Jia Rong's generals in the future. What the soldiers said was "Take up your weapon and always be ready for the coming battle!" Whenever he said this sentence, his face always showed a deep look of nostalgia.

"In war, speed is all about speed. You will win the war by taking the first step. You all know the truth that soldiers are precious and fast. Like you were slowing down just now, I am afraid that the enemy will come to you. Guess, put on your clothes and wear them. If you don’t fight, the outcome is already decided. As a qualified soldier, you must never leave your weapon, no matter where you are, be ready for battle at any time!”

All the soldiers stared at Jia Rong with their eyes wide open, their ears pricked up (a bit exaggerated), for fear of missing a sentence. These words are not taught to them at all, and what they learn is only battlefield fighting skills; What he said was clearly what the generals should know. At this moment, they understood Jia Rong's good intentions, and the dissatisfaction in their hearts before disappeared.

The twelve soldiers who were eliminated shed tears of remorse. Even on the way, they had already thought about the reasons for being late. Unexpectedly, Jia Rong didn't punish them, but turned them away directly. He didn't even ask them why they were late. No, Jia Rong's expulsion was like a heavy hammer hitting their hearts.

"The serial number remains the same, remember each of your code names, keeping your code names is your greatest honor!"

Jia Rong said with a smile: "Since you wake up so slowly, you don't need to sleep. Just stand here overnight and think about how to be a good soldier!"

Although Jia Rong left, the 180 seven soldiers still stood upright in a military posture, and they kept reminiscing about what Jia Rong just said in their minds. If soldiers remain vigilant at all times, even if an enemy strikes, they can respond quickly, which will reduce much loss.

This night was destined to be an unsettled night. Jia Rong came to spot checks from time to time, and kicked back all those who were found to be unqualified in military posture.

Overnight, the number of soldiers was reduced to 180.

The next night, even if the drums sounded in the middle of the night, the soldiers could still deal with it calmly. The time for gathering slowly changed from the previous quarter of an hour to 10 minutes, 5 minutes, and even the last 3 minutes. Rong roughly estimated that there were no watches in the Han Dynasty, so it was impossible to make a detailed statistics, but Jia Rong could clearly feel that the time for soldiers to gather became less and less, and they were all neatly dressed. And sleep.

Jia Rong didn't ask these soldiers what kind of means they used, all he wanted was the result.

180 soldiers stood neatly under the sun and waited for Jia Rong's instructions. The neat team and tall and straight military posture make people feel the extraordinary of this team at a glance, but Jia Rong is not pursuing these Showcase.

Go over there and put on your new battle armor, take your weapons, and gather here in 5 minutes. Jia Rong once explained to them what 5 minutes is, that is, a quarter of an hour is divided into three parts, one of which is 5 minutes ; These big soldiers don't know the concept of 5 minutes, but the only thing they can be sure of is that the time is short, and they need to be fast to complete.

The drums were beating in the middle of the night, and the soldiers did not rest all night the night before. These soldiers all became panda-eyed, but this did not stop today's training. If you want to become a special soldier, last night was just a pediatrician. Although Jia Rong is not a special soldier , but he is a soldier in the future world. As long as he is a soldier, why would he be interested in special forces? He still knows a thing or two about the training methods of special forces.

But the soldiers in front of them have to start from the military posture, because they have no foundation.

Jia Rong gave these soldiers about [-] kilograms of armor plus weapons. Their task was to run ten laps around a large grass field, the whole journey was about five kilometers.

"Run ten laps within a time limit of two quarters of an hour, and those who can't finish will go back and forth." Jia Rong's tone became more and more stern, the purpose was to stimulate the self-motivation of the soldiers in front of him, Jia Rong didn't mind being this bad guy, he I believe that these soldiers will only be grateful to themselves after a few years.

Jia Rong didn't dare to go too far. The ancients valued dignity more than anything else. Don't accidentally kill one or two soldiers. The loss will be great. Compared with the open-mindedness of later generations, it is enough to do it properly.

When Jia Rong also put on his armor and took up a weapon and appeared in the ranks of soldiers, the soldiers boiled up.

Jia Rong ran to the front of the line and said lightly, "Catch up with me, there will be meat for breakfast today!"

The hormones of the 180 soldiers were completely stimulated, especially those Qiang soldiers, who chased Jia Rong screaming. It was not a question of whether to eat meat or not. All he wanted was the thrill of revenge after catching up with Jia Rong.

Jia Rong in front of him snickered, he is wailing so badly now, it will make you breathless after a while; Jia Rong's current physique is many times stronger than that of later generations, this is not only related to time travel, but also related to his usual unremitting exercise , running with a weight of [-] kilograms and running five kilometers is completely pediatrics.

In contrast, this is just the beginning. Seven days later, they will be greeted with five kilometers, ten kilometers, and twenty kilometers of cross-country with a load of [-] kilograms. Now it is just a period of adaptation for these soldiers.

For the honor of cavalry, let's work together!

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