Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 150: Resurrection of the Beacon 【Seeking Red】

"The boat has no way, the water will cover it!" has also become the slogan of many thieves, and the Yellow Turban, which has been silent for a long time, also broke out. 6, all the way to attack the city and pull out the village, the momentum is like a broken bamboo, and officials in many places do not resist at all, just abandon the city and flee. In this way, the strength of the Yellow Turban is growing like a snowball.

At this moment, the Qiang people Li Wenhou, Beigong Boyu, Han Suibianzhang and Xianling Qiang rebelled again, and the momentum was stronger than before. Advance to Sansuke.

Emperor Han panicked again, Xidu is where the ancestors' mausoleums are located, if everything in the west is lost, it will cause such a panic, and Emperor Han also asked himself that he would have no face to face his ancestors after death.

General He Jin advised: "Now the situation of the Han Dynasty is worrisome. On the occasion of the siege, we should employ talents in an eclectic manner. Huailihou Huangfusong put down the Yellow Turban Rebellion and suppressed the Qiang people in Beidi County for many years. Use him to deal with the Qiang people. People rub more than enough."

After glancing at the ministers, Emperor Han asked, "I wonder if you have any objections to what the general said?"

Faced with such a situation, eunuchs and aristocratic families became quiet. Now is not the time to make trouble. In peacetime, those famous generals should be suppressed. In times of war, it is time to use them.

"Finish Huangfusong as General Zuo, leading [-] troops, and Dong Zhuo, the right Zhonglang, will send troops to assist and guard the Western Capital. We will set off on this day, don't neglect!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" He Jin bowed.

Emperor Han said with a worried face: "Now that the yellow scarves have started to wreak havoc again, I wonder if you have any suggestions?"

After a moment of discussion among the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, Taiwei Zhang Wenyue worshiped: "My lord, the treasury of the Han Dynasty is now empty. It is time for loyal ministers and righteous men to serve the country. Although the Yellow Turban rebellion in various places is huge, it is not a concern. Now there are heavy troops in every state and county. Guards, yellow turbans, a group of common people, as long as you stick to the city, your majesty does not have to worry about how the yellow turbans can break into the city."

Emperor Han was overjoyed when he heard the words, and now it seems that the treasury can save a lot of money; but in this way, the state herdsmen of each state will surely support themselves, and the influence of the royal family will be affected to the minimum. There will be scenes in the last years of the Zhou Dynasty. Thinking of this, Emperor Han frowned.

"From now on, an order will be issued to all states and counties, and the state pastors of each state will lead the soldiers to wipe out the local rebels!"

"Liu Jingsheng, I have named you the governor of Jingzhou, and I will go to Jingzhou to quell the rebellion immediately!" At the critical moment, the Han Emperor still trusted the surname Liu.

Liu Biao knelt down and said, "Thank you, Lord Long En, I will do my best to defend Jingzhou!"

Next, the Emperor Han appointed basically all members of the royal family. Liu Yan and Liu Yu were both appointed as state shepherds. The influence of the royal family rose instantly because of the will of the Emperor Han. Any strength appeared so in front of the imperial power. Small.

At this moment, Emperor Han felt very happy. This is what it's like to be an emperor. What I'm talking about is the destiny, who dares to stop it.

"From now on, Sangong will organize food and grass, and there must be no mistakes!" Emperor Han said firmly.

Sangong felt very depressed. How could the preparation of food and grass fall on their heads? Judging by Emperor Han's posture, it was clear that he was buying and selling by force. Wang Yun was about to argue, but was stopped by Yuan Kai behind him, and he whispered a few words of persuasion.

Seeing the civil and military officials who were usually disobedient, they stopped talking, and Emperor Han became more energetic, and even a little bit of elation, the feeling that the world is in his hands filled every cell in Emperor Han's body.

"What's the matter, dear dear ones?" Emperor Han's tone was also full of joy after he passed by.

Grand Tutor Yuan Kui said: "The former Beidi County prefect Jia Rong didn't follow the imperial edict, and even brought the army of Beidi County to Lingzhou. Please ask the emperor to judge."

Hearing this, Emperor Han narrowed his eyes. He seemed to have seen the situation where many officials in the frontier held their own troops and disrespected the orders of the imperial court. He had to do this, because the national power could not afford to support such an army. It was ridiculous to think about it. The big man couldn't even afford the military expenses.

His disciple was impeached, and Cai Yong couldn't sit still. No matter what Jia Rong did is right or not, judging from the current posture of the Emperor Han, there is a strong intention to draw his sword to face him. Qi Zou, Jia Rong, the former prefect of Beidi County, has made contributions to the community, and I hope the Holy Lord will find out!"

Emperor Han smiled and said, "Master Cai, please tell me, what is Jia Rong's contribution?" Emperor Han always heard Jia Rong's name recently, and he remembered it inadvertently.

"During Jia Rong's tenure in Beidi County, he opened up more than [-] acres of fertile land to reduce the burden on the big man. How many big men are there like Jia Rong?" Speaking of this, Cai Yong's tone couldn't hide his anger. , now in Cai Yong's eyes, the most important thing is to contribute to the common people, unknowingly, Cai Yong has become farther and farther away from the aristocratic family.

Zhang Rang also took advantage of the situation and said: "Now is the time for employing people, and Jia Rong made outstanding achievements in the Yellow Turban Rebellion and repeatedly defeated the Qiang people in the Qiang rebellion. Mingchao."

Emperor Han stroked his beard under his chin and said with a smile: "Aiqing's words are justified. Jiarong was appointed as the captain of the Qiang guard, and he will lead his troops to resist the Qiang people immediately. There must be no mistakes!"

Since it is said that Jia Rong is a fierce general on the battlefield, then I will designate him as the captain of the Qiang guard, and the captain of the Qiang guard. If the Qiang people rebelled, he would naturally suppress it; Jia Rong disobeyed the imperial order and completely angered him Emperor Han, who let Emperor Han hear Jia Rong's bad words when he was flustered? It can only be said that Yuan Wei is too eye-catching, and it depends on the time to suppress the enemy.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty found that the Emperor Han in their eyes had changed, and it was so unfathomable. Jiarong was appointed as the captain of the Qiang Guard. On the surface, he was promoted, but in fact he used Jiarong's army to consume the Qiang people. The military strength is now guarded by Huangfusong and Dong Zhuo's assistance. Even if Jia Rong wants to defend, he can't do anything. He can only lead the soldiers to the front line. In this way, it is unknown if Jia Rong died in battle. Even if Cai Yong learned of this In this situation, I can only sigh deeply. As a military commander, his duty is naturally to protect the family and the country. How could the former Emperor Han have such means.

In the eyes of the officials, Emperor Han has become as recorded in the book, and most officials also deeply felt the unfathomable power of the emperor.

The official looked at Emperor Handi with awe in his eyes, and this move was really beautiful.

Emperor Han was very satisfied with the appointment. Today's court is the most exciting ever, and he has never closed his mouth since the next court. Generally speaking, Emperor Han is not a qualified emperor, a real enemy, the most basic It is also necessary to keep emotions invisible, so that outsiders cannot guess what is in their hearts.

Ascended to the throne at a young age, Emperor Han's achievements today are due to his own groping step by step. Compared with those emperors who were taught by their fathers when they were young, they started off much weaker.

When the appointment was passed to Lingzhou, Jia Rong was busy making soap. After nearly a month of research, Jia Rong successfully made soap. After washing, there is a faint fragrance left on the body. The craftsman workshop in Lingzhou City It is also about to be perfected. This time the builder's workshop took a shorter time than before, but the scale is larger. It seems to have become the largest and tallest building in Lingzhou City. All the money is temporarily paid by Su Shuangdian.

The procurement of materials by Su Shuanglai is obviously much more efficient than Jia Rong's. It only needs Su Shuang to pass through the heart to the business leaders of the Su family in several counties, and the required raw materials are continuously transported. Now Lingzhou The warehouses in the city are full of boxes of soap.

That night, Jia Rong was sitting by the bed, looked at Su Shuang and Zhang Li, and sighed deeply: "The Holy Majesty appointed me as the captain of the Qiang Guard, and immediately led the troops of the headquarters to Pingxiang to resist the enemy. It was the flames of war, and the Qiang people rebelled again, united with Xianling Qiang, killed the captain of Hu Qiang and the prefect of Jincheng successively, and the soldiers pointed directly at the land of Sanfu!"

After Zhang Li and Su Shuang heard it, their expressions changed. At this time of war, he appointed Jia Rong as the captain of the Qiang guard. Here, it is clear that this trip is to die, and the rebel army is so powerful that it is not something Jia Rong's thousands of troops can resist.

"Huangfu Song has already led [-] soldiers to guard the Western Capital, and Dong Zhuo has led his troops to station at Longguan." Jia Rong continued.

Zhang Li may be an expert in internal affairs, but he is relatively shallow in terms of conspiracy strategy, but such a simple truth can still be seen.

Seeing the ugly faces of the two, Jia Rong got up and laughed loudly: "They are just small Qiang people. It is the duty of a general to protect the family and the country. For the sake of tens of millions of Li people, it doesn't matter if they die in battle. The horse leather shrouds the body." Exactly what I was after!"

Zhang Li and Su Shuang were infected by Jia Rong's arrogance. Facing such a predicament, few of them could laugh.

Lifting them up, Jia Rong said solemnly: "After I leave, Zhang Li will be in charge of the internal affairs of Lingzhou City, and Su Shuang will be in charge of business. You two must manage Lingzhou well!"

The two bowed and agreed.

"Perhaps I will not come back this time. If unfortunately I die on the battlefield, I hope that you two can find a wise master to assist you. With the ability of the two of you, you should be able to make a name for yourself in troubled times!" Jia Rong His tone was a bit sad, and this was also the time when Jia Rong tested the loyalty of the two.

Su Shuang knelt down on the ground, and said in tears: "Since Su Shuang has chosen the lord, he will follow the lord forever!"

"If the lord leaves early, Li Ye will definitely follow!" Zhang Li's tone could not tolerate the slightest doubt, not only from the end, but also from Jia Rong's usual trust in him.

Although Su Shuang joined Jia Rong's camp for a short time, he could still feel Jia Rong's sincerity. Su Shuang often heard people in Lingzhou City praise Jia Rong, and Jia Rong had no doubts about it. The formula was handed over to him without reservation, and Su Shuan already had the same belief as Zhang Li.

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