Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 154: Battle of Pingxiang

This hasty uprising is inseparable from Han Sui's best efforts to match up and cruel methods. Yin murdered Qiang Xiaowei to death, and Han Sui's spies were in ambush in Jincheng County, and then the rebels easily After capturing Jincheng, within two months, Jincheng County was completely occupied.

Over the years, although the Qiang people have been at war with the big Han, they have never torn off the last layer of shame. They are in the kind of fighting if they don’t communicate well. In the end, the Qiang people also got a lot of benefits.

However, Han Sui's move forced all the Qiang people to raise troops. Naturally, Li Wenhou did not tell his generals about taking refuge under the command of a Han general. Only the trustworthy Beigong Boyu Knowing this, otherwise it will inevitably cause chaos among the Qiang people. The Qiang people are an army formed by various ethnic groups, different from the Han army.

Ever since Jia Rong told Li Wenhou to be careful of Han Sui, he had [-] thoughts, but he was murdered by Han Sui to protect Qiang Xiaowei. From then on, Li Wenhou became more wary of Han Sui I am also deeply terrified of Jia Rong's unpredictable prophet.

"I agree with Lou Shan's words. The Han army in the city is brave. Could it be that my [-] army can't take down a small Pingxiang City? According to the spies, the Han army in the city is at most [-]. It will definitely break within a few days." Li Wenhou was also a hero for a while, and he did a good job on the surface, and no one could find any faults in his words.

Han Sui squinted his eyes and looked at Li Wenhou for a moment, then smiled and said, "Brother Wenhou fought against the Han army last year. Wasn't Jia Rong the one who defeated the Qiang cavalry several times? I don't know what brother Wenhou thinks of Jia Rong." What do you think?" Han Sui thought that Li Wenhou didn't want to tell the other generals present what he knew about Jia Rong.

Li Wenhou smiled and said: "Wen Yue is really well-informed, that is for Jia Rong to take advantage of the opportunity, otherwise, how could he defeat our Qiang army so easily, all of our Qiang soldiers are warriors, come to Japan on the battlefield It is necessary to compete with Jia Rong."

Li Wenhou's words were strongly supported by the generals of the Qiang people.

After thinking for a long time, Bian Zhang said slowly: "The Han army in the city is no more than [-], and the city wall of Pingxiang City is low. As long as the army surrounds it, Pingxiang City can be breached within a few days. At that time, our three families will attack in turn. The Han army in the city cannot rest."

Bian Zhang's words won the support of most of the generals in the tent, and the corners of Han Sui's mouth twitched, but he never said anything more.

The failure of the vanguard made the rebels vigilant a lot. Along the way, the scouts kept reporting the situation ahead. On the battlefield, everything changed rapidly, and any situation could happen, especially Jia Rong, the defender of Pingxiang City. Can a general who eats up his vanguard army in front of an army of [-] be treated with common sense?

In the evening, the Qiang people came to Pingxiang City, surrounded Pingxiang City heavily, walked around Pingxiang City a few times like a demonstration, and then stationed in the direction of the north gate of Pingxiang City.

The total number of rebels this time was more than 2. Xianling Qianglou Mountain led more than 8 soldiers, Li Wenhou led [-] soldiers, and Han Sui and Bian Zhang's combined army numbered about [-]. The counties captured above were also resettled with varying numbers of troops. Before the subtraction, more than [-] vanguard troops were lost. At this time, the army had about [-] people.

With a population of over 2000 and boundless, Jia Rong stood on the city wall and looked at the densely packed enemies outside the city. The visual conflict he received was self-evident, and the temporarily formed Han army team tightened their weapons even more. After all, the previous vanguard army had only 8 people, but now it is [-].

Seeing everyone's reaction, Jia Rong laughed loudly and said, "Brothers, don't be afraid. No matter how powerful the rebels are, what can they do? It's not the same as being beaten to death. I have already asked for help from General Dong Zhonglang of Longguan. There are about 10 Han troops stationed in Chang'an. Defeating these rebels is nothing more than a piece of cake. The time for our meritorious service has come. As long as we firmly occupy Pingxiang, it will be a great achievement; A rebel, the reward is consistent, and you can get it after the battle. . . ”

One spread to ten, ten to hundreds, Jia Rong's words quickly spread throughout Pingxiang City, and the morale that had been lowered due to the large army outside the city was instantly lifted.

What is quite different from before is that the eyes of the soldiers looking at the rebels outside the city revealed a little eagerness. Money is the most practical thing. Jia Rong's words, "Killing a rebel is always money!" On this eloquent agitation soldiers all afternoon.

Compared with the soldiers formed temporarily, the soldiers of the Xiliang Army behaved very calmly. Even if there was no reward, they would fight to the death, because Jia Rong was the commander of this army.

This night, the defenders in Pingxiang City were very restless, especially the sergeants on patrol at night, their eyes were wide open watching the movement outside the city, and the gavels in their hands were ready to strike the gong at any time.

Jia Rong basically didn't sleep much that night. It was the first time that he was the main guard of the city, and there were [-] rebels staring at the city. It's strange if he wasn't excited. He wondered why he, a scholar in the future world, started a murderous business in the Han Dynasty. In one night, Jia Rong came to the city wall five or six times.

The next day, after the rebels buried their pots and made a living, they launched a tentative attack on Pingxiang City.

The first to attack was Xianling Qiang's army. This time there were about 2 troops invested. Although Pingxiang City is not big, it is divided into four gates: east, west, south, north.

Jia Rong guarded the most important north gate, Li Shun led the soldiers trapped in the camp at the east gate and [-] Han soldiers guarded it, and Jiang Yu led more than [-] cavalrymen and more than [-] Han soldiers temporarily formed at the west gate. The defense of the south gate was guarded by Zhang Wei, with more than [-] cavalry and [-] temporarily formed Han troops. Li Shun's defense force at the east gate was the strongest.

The remaining [-] cavalry and [-] Han soldiers traveled between the four gates to deal with emergencies, and those militiamen were used to carry consumables such as stones, wooden arrows, etc. Some dissatisfied with not being able to participate in the war, but the enthusiasm of these soldiers is still very high, and their wages have also been raised to [-] yuan per day by Jia Rong;

Jia Rong came to Pingxiang City for a relatively short time, and before that, there was no guarantee that there were Han Sui's spies in the city.

An impregnable city is rarely broken by storm, and the hidden dangers often come from within the group. We are not afraid of powerful opponents, but we are afraid of spies in the army.

The law of war says "ten rules surround it!", and the rebel army just met such conditions.

The soldiers of Xianling Qiang launched a fierce attack on the north gate of Pingxiang City with the sound of drums, and more than a thousand defenders immediately joined Jia Rong's team.

The first battle was very crucial, Jia Rong could not lose, and realized that the troops below were not Li Wenhou's soldiers, so Jia Rong stopped being polite, and made a ruthless move as soon as he went up, and all the pots collected were transported to the north gate , set up a pot to light a fire, and a jar of oil was poured into the pot, but after a while, the oil had already boiled, and baskets of feces were lifted up and poured into the pot, the smell of oil mixed with the smell of feces The smell reverberates in Pingxiang city.

Arrows were densely packed up and down the city, and the Xiliang army occupied the basic geographical advantage, condescending, and a famous Qiang was shot by the arrows, making a miserable cry. In comparison, the loss of the Han army on the city Smaller, under Jia Rong's order, all the infantry hid behind the parapet.

Xianling Qiang deserved the name of toughness, a Qiang soldier was shot down by an arrow, and the Qiang soldiers behind stepped on the corpse of their companions and rushed towards the city gate.

A rain of arrows hit the city, suppressing the Han army on the city, unable to raise their heads, and then a ladder was erected on the city wall, and the rushing cars were constantly rushing towards the city gate. Fortunately, the north gate had already passed through heavy traffic Reinforced, even if it is a car for a while, it is impossible to break it.

Several soldiers worked together to continuously overturn the ladder on the city wall. Only the shouts of the Qiang soldiers were heard, followed by a thumping sound.

Although the city wall of Pingxiang City is not high, it is still three feet long. If you fall under the city wall, you will not die, but you can easily injure a soldier. This will not only increase the food and grass burden of the rebels outside the city, but also reduce other forces. Combat value, and the howling of soldiers in pain is also a blow to the morale of the enemy.

There were about 2 Qiang soldiers attacking, densely scattered all over the city.

Looking at the enemy army rushing towards the city wall shouting under the city, Jia Rong was yelling, if there were a few boxes of grenades, and a dozen of them were brought down to the city, he would definitely achieve great results. The idea of ​​developing grenades was also on Jia Rong's mind. Roots were born in my mind.

Different from the pictures in TV series and movies, these soldiers are desperately climbing to the city, and death is also real death, life becomes worthless here.

With a wave of his hand, the feces juice that had already been boiled was brought up. The feces had already been rolled in the oil, leaving only dregs, and strings of air bubbles were constantly rushing up from the bottom of the pot.

The soldier suppressed his nausea, scooped up a ladle of dung juice and poured it on the soldiers in the city.

Oil dung juice can be called a great weapon for defending the city here. Naturally, there was no such method of defending the city in the Han Dynasty. The hot dung juice not only has a large attack range, but also is very damaging. Gradual erosion.

A soldier who was climbing up the ladder was doused with a ladle of feces. The Qiang soldier yelled, his vision went dark, and he fell down. The unexpected feces achieved impressive results. With just one drop, the Qiang soldiers would howl like ghosts and wolves, and the effect of dung juice was obviously more powerful than that of arrows and weapons.

Hearing the continuous cries of the Qiang soldiers below the city, the Han army guarding the city became even more excited, and poured scoops of dung juice towards the base of the city at an accelerated pace.

I’m begging to collect the red ticket. The cliff’s ability to ask for tickets is not very good, so I can only shout like this. I hope that friends who have read this book will collect it by the way. Those who have the red ticket are naturally grateful!

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