Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 20: Battle of the Qiang People

"At the third watch, we are going to go to the place where the Qiang people are stationed to hide. We must remember that there is no noise on the way of marching, and those who violate it will be killed. Do you understand?" Jia Rong said in a serious tone.

"Understood!" The soldiers replied in a low voice.

Jia Rong gathered the leading soldiers from various counties together, emphasizing the issue of discipline during the march.

After all the leaders explained all the things to pay attention to, each soldier set off after receiving three meals of dry food, and took more than 9000 soldiers to leave the not-so-majestic city of Gaoping City. Jia Rong couldn't help sighing in his heart: Can I come back? How many of the more than 9000 soldiers can come back?

Just over ten miles away from the place where the Qiang people were stationed, Jia Rong motioned for the troops to stop; this was the prerogative given to Jia Rong by Guo Si, to lead the soldiers to the hidden place safely, and the right along the way was given to Jia Rong , This is also a test of Jia Rong's ability to adapt to the battlefield.

Jia Rong asked Zhang Wei to remind the leaders to hide and keep quiet, and then walked forward with Li Hu, Zhang Wei, and Xu Qiang; Jia Rong, there may be Qiang sentries ten miles away from the Qiang camp, so Jia Rong should be careful.

Without Guo Bang’s reminder, Jia Rong could feel the unusualness ahead. If the Qiang people were stationed ten miles away, there would be no sentries. same as monitoring.

After walking about two miles, Jia Rong vaguely heard voices in front of him, and a group of people approached slowly.

The two soldiers chattered a lot, but Jia Rong didn't understand a word, but Jia Rong was sure that the two soldiers were definitely Qiang people.

Jia Rong turned his head and signaled the people following behind to start fighting, and then gently approached the soldier who was talking, Xu Qiang also moved gently towards the other soldier; the moonlight tonight is very good, and the moonlight hits Jia Rong's body stretched his figure very, very long.

After a while, Jia Rong and Xu Qiang slowly groped behind the two Qiang soldiers, but the two Qiang soldiers didn't know it; directly twisted his neck, the Qiang soldier whimpered a few times and then lay down on the ground without breath.

Xu Qiang used Jia Rongjiao's military boxing, and he punched the Qiang soldier's temple directly. His punch was powerful and he also dealt with the Qiang soldier.

Seeing Xu Qiang's clean and agile skills, Jia Rong nodded approvingly. General Xu Qiang practiced boxing very well. It seems that Zhang Wei told him well at the beginning, and Xu Qiang's martial arts is indeed not inferior to Zhang Wei.

On the next road, Jia Rong and his team dealt with three waves of Qiang scouts before arriving at the designated place without any danger.

When they arrived at the designated place, it was almost five o'clock, so the soldiers were asked to hide and eat the dry food they brought when they set off at three o'clock.

Jia Rong went to a slightly higher place to observe the terrain. Jia Rong's ambush was the closest to the Qiang camp. Jia Rong could clearly see the Qiang soldiers coming out of the tent, stretching and yawning; The rolling Qiang tents create a great visual impact.

The more than 9000 soldiers led by Jia Rong were divided when they were five miles away from the Qiang camp. The soldiers in each county had different ambush locations. This was to create a scene of ambushes everywhere for the Qiang people and to better guide them The strength of the Qiang soldiers, and Jia Rong's position is the most critical.

At the third watch today, the task of Guo Si marching to the designated place was entrusted to him, and he had full authority to handle it, so there was no trace; Jia Rong estimated that Guo Si was also hiding, and was going to send troops to attack the Qiang people by surprise at a critical moment.

After the soldiers hid and ate their breakfast, all Jia Rong had to do was wait for news from Dong Zhuo.

About two hours later, Jia Rong heard the sound of war drums, the sound of horseshoes, and the shouts of the Qiang people from a distance...

Listening to the situation, Jia Rong deduced that Dong Zhuo's army had started to engage the Qiang people head-on. Sure enough, at this moment, a messenger sent an order to Jia Rong to immediately attack the Qiang people's flanks. Cover Dong Zhuo's frontal battle.

After Jia Rong got the order, he immediately asked Zhang Wei to send the order, and the three armies immediately attacked the Qiang team.

There was no charge, no battle drums, only the hysterical shouts from the soldiers' throats.

Hearing the shocking killing cries from behind, the Qiang soldiers were also stunned for a moment, and they never expected that there was a group of ambushes behind them.

The leader of the Qiang people immediately dispatched some soldiers to attack the ambush behind him. The leader of the Qiang people was not overwhelmed by the ambush soldiers who suddenly rushed out from behind. With years of experience in the battlefield, how could he be frightened by this.

A Qiang cavalry team was the first to attack the soldiers led by Jia Rong, followed by the Qiang infantry.

At the same time, several groups of Qiang people came out from around the Qiang camp, their shouts were loud and powerful.

When the cavalry of the Qiang people were about 150 steps away from the soldiers led by Jia Rong, they put up their bows and arrows;

The soldiers led by Jia Rong are all infantry. Although Jia Rong also has a horse, due to the special situation of the march, there is no horse.

A shower of arrows came, and the soldiers were unable to dodge in time, and more than 100 people were knocked down immediately. Looking at this situation, Jia Rong was also helpless, and lost more than 100 people before the enemy even approached.

After the Qiang cavalry shot another arrow, they discarded the bow and arrow in their hands and used broadswords, long spears, and maces instead, and there were all kinds of weapons.

In the ensuing battle, Jia Rong saw how powerful the Qiang cavalry was. The last time it was a city defense battle, he couldn't see how powerful the Qiang cavalry was, but when it came to field battles, the cavalry was the real king.

When the soldiers led by Jia Rong met the Qiang cavalry, the soldiers were often not killed by the Qiang people, but were trampled to death and injured by the Qiang horses. , bruised, wailing everywhere.

Looking at the cavalry who harvested the lives of soldiers like wheat, Jia Rong felt helpless and frightened towards the cavalry. The cavalry was really terrible, and it was a nightmare for infantry.

Jia Rong hurriedly asked Zhang Wei beside him to send an order to let the spearmen in Hechi County form an array to meet the enemy.

Facing death, no one is not afraid. The cowardly soldier turned around and ran away in fright; but before he could run a few steps, he was knocked down by the arrow that flew from behind him.

Long before he came, Guo Si had considered that the soldiers might shirk before the battle, so every team that came to ambush was followed by a team of 50 people, who were responsible for supervising the army and shooting those who did not stop.

Jia Rong shouted: "Going forward is death, retreating is also death, and death is also death on the way forward. Facing the enemy, what we have to do is to go forward bravely; for our homeland not to be trampled by the enemy, for our relatives to be able to fight." Live a safe life, go ahead."

After Jia Rong finished speaking, he rushed forward first, took out the big knife in his hand, and slashed at the horse of a charging cavalry. The horse neighed and then fell down. owl head.

Even though Jia Rong was the commander of a soldier, the soldiers no longer spared their lives and stopped trying to retreat. Retreating must be death, but advancing might be able to survive. After thinking about this, the soldiers resolutely turned to the Qiang people. The cavalry charged away.

The soldiers who were timid and timid just a moment ago suddenly burst out with strong fighting power. This is the different effect brought about by the change of concept; but the infantry is no match for the cavalry after all, even if the soldiers are willing to fight forward with their lives.

Often two or three soldiers died before the impact speed of a Qiang cavalry was blocked. The most terrifying thing about cavalry was its powerful impact force. When a cavalry lost its speed, it was just an infantry on horseback.

Seeing the continuous death of Paoze in the past, the primitive ferocity of human beings was completely aroused, and they all roared and killed the Qiang cavalry; in this area, death became everywhere.

At the cost of several soldiers' lives, the speed of a Qiang cavalryman's attack was blocked, and then several soldiers swarmed up and killed the Qiang cavalryman, often at the cost of five soldiers, or even Only at the cost of six or seven spearmen can a Qiang cavalryman be killed.

Jia Rong had already killed five Qiang cavalry in a row, and the continuous high-load exercise made Jia Rong very unbearable, panting continuously; Li Li, Li Hu, and Li Shun also rushed to Jia Rong's side, Formed a team of four, Li Hu was so strong that he could kill a cavalry head-on; Li Shun, who was silent on weekdays, killed the Qiang soldiers without mercy, and the battlefield was the test of his usual training results Best occasion.

Jia Rong directly used the military boxing of the general against the horses of the Qiang soldiers. After coming to the Eastern Han Dynasty for more than a year, Jia Rong found that strength was his strong point. Perhaps his body was strengthened when he traveled through time. For more than a year, I have not forgotten the hard training.

Jia Rong discovered that as long as the method is right, the horses of the Qiang people can be knocked down and injured just like humans, but the premise is not to be trampled by the horses.

A Qiang cavalryman saw Jia Rong continuously killing his own soldiers, and rode his horse towards Jia Rong; when the horse was about to intersect with Jia Rong, Jia Rong quickly turned sideways, jumped up and directly charged the Qiang soldiers' The head was chopped off, and the blood gushed to the sky like a fountain.

The bloody scene stimulated more soldiers to kill the Qiang people.

Such a four-man team is easy to attract attention on the battlefield, because many cavalry are folded here. Seeing the situation here, the morale has improved a lot.

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