Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 224: Wuwei Cavalry vs Xiliang Cavalry

At the critical moment, Jia Rong will not take care of what these soldiers think. Xiliang cavalry has prepared dry food for ten days before departure, and will not worry about food. As for these infantry, in Jia Rong's view, they are just a burden , The combat power is not enough, the speed is not good, and the loyalty is not enough, what is the use of it.

The cavalry troops in Wuwei City were the first to catch up, and the "Geng" flag was erected high and fluttered in the wind, attracting attention.

Jiang Yu looked at the five hundred cavalrymen who were chasing him, and shook his head imperceptibly. The equipment of these soldiers was not bad. From their expressions, it could be judged that they lacked training. He was full of vigor, without the indomitable aura that cavalry should have. After serving in the Xiliang army for a long time, Jiang Yu's vision gradually became higher.

The Xiliang cavalry stood quietly behind Jiang Yu, only occasionally hearing a neigh. Jiang Yu was confident that only a hundred cavalry could defeat the 500 in front of him.

Seeing that the Xiliang army was waiting in full force, the cavalry general panicked for no reason. The cavalry of the Xiliang army were all high-quality war horses. Their weapons and armor were not comparable to those of the cavalry in Wuwei City. The two hundred cavalry stood there motionless, giving a strong impression. The oppressive feeling is like a sharp knife about to be unsheathed.

The five hundred cavalry in Wuwei City were different in Ma Teng's eyes. Ma Teng had only been in Gengbi's army for a short time, and he knew little about cavalry. For a while, the cavalry has always been the natural enemy of the infantry.

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "General Ma, do you know which army in Wuwei City this is?"

Ma Teng explained: "This is the most elite soldier in Geng Bi's hands."

Jiang Yu sarcastically said: "However, 100 people are enough to break it!"

Ma Teng persuaded: "General, don't be reckless."

Jiang Yu laughed and said, "General Ma is here to watch how I defeated Geng Bi's most elite troops!"

Hearing Jiang Yu's confident tone, Ma Teng blushed for no reason. No matter what he said, Geng Bi was his former boss, and he also had the kindness to know him.

After Jiang Yu finished speaking, before Ma Teng could react, he led a hundred cavalrymen to attack the five hundred cavalrymen brazenly.

The cavalry has stirrups to help them like a tiger with wings, and the cavalry of the Xiliang Army is a generation with excellent equestrian skills.

When he was about a hundred paces away from the five hundred cavalry, Jiang Yu shouted, "Up arrow!"

I saw a group of cavalry clamp their legs tightly to the horse's belly, take off the bow and arrow on the left side of the horse, put the bow on the bow, and aim at the five hundred cavalry. During the whole process, all the cavalry did it in one go, extremely coherent. They have already done these actions in their usual training. They have been trained countless times, and the high-intensity training on weekdays has made them act as if they were commanded by their arms, and their speed is not inferior to that of infantry.

Eighty steps, seventy steps, sixty steps, Jiang Yu shouted, "Fire the arrows!"

A hundred arrows whizzed towards the cavalry on the opposite side, but the cavalry on the other side looked stunned. They were cavalry, and Jiang Yu was also leading cavalry. Compared with the two, the general of Wuwei cavalry was deeply hit On weekdays, they accepted the flattery of all the soldiers in the city, but they didn't expect to become lambs to be slaughtered in front of the Xiliang army.

Looking at the skillful movements of others on the horse, there is no pause in drawing the bow and arrow, their equipment is better than themselves, and the armor is even more sophisticated. In comparison, the generals of the Wuwei cavalry feel like a group of beggar cavalry.

Before the cavalry general gave a warning, a hundred arrows roared in, and the sound of the bow and arrow shooting into the body was endless. In just one round, the Wuwei cavalry lost three or forty people, and the formation was in chaos.

Jiang Yu yelled loudly, and the cavalry behind them put away their longbows, drew out the weapons on their right, and urged their horses to charge towards the Wuwei cavalry.

On the other hand, the Wuwei cavalry had been terrified by the rain of arrows from the Xiliang cavalry. When they saw the opponent rushing with their weapons held high, many soldiers' expressions changed drastically.

"Brothers, don't be afraid, the opponent only has more than 100 people, what are you afraid of?" The general shouted: "Killing an enemy will reward you with two coins, and killing an enemy general will give you ten coins."

After the general yelled, many cavalry came back to their senses and looked at the hundred cavalry led by Jiang Yu with longing in their eyes. In their eyes, these cavalry who rushed to kill were consistent money.

Xiliang cavalry don't know what to be afraid of, even if the opponent's number is several times larger than their own.

As soon as they fought, the five hundred cavalrymen in Wuwei were thrown into chaos under the impact of Xiliang cavalry, and the sound of "Puff" could be heard endlessly. Most of the attacks of Wuwei cavalry were flexibly dodged by the well-trained Xiliang cavalry .

Seeing Xiliang cavalry doing all kinds of dodging movements on horseback, General Wuwei felt bitter.

In this battle, Ma Teng saw what is called cavalry and what is a hundred-fighting elite soldier. The five hundred cavalry in Wuwei were scattered by Jiang Yu's one hundred cavalry in less than half an hour. , even Ma Teng thought so, as if the defeat of Wuwei's five hundred cavalry was a matter of course.

Shocked, Ma Teng led the remaining [-] cavalry to cover up, and the [-] cavalry declared defeat. It was this battle between Xiliang cavalry and Wuwei cavalry that touched Ma Teng's warlike heart. How could Ma Teng, a descendant of the general, be willing to live under others? Restoring his ancestors has always been Ma Teng's dream. This also contributed to Jia Rong's addition of a cavalry general in the future.

However, the Xiliang cavalry gave Ma Teng hope. With such cavalry, he would be invincible in battle, and his ancestors would be humiliated. It will only be a matter of time before the glory of the ancestors is restored.

Ma Teng made up his mind to follow Jia Rong wholeheartedly. He believed in his intuition. Jia Rong survived this catastrophe and survived.

Looking at the Wuwei cavalry who fled, Jiang Yu laughed and said, "You dare to call yourself a cavalry."

Ma Teng echoed, "The Xiliang cavalry is unparalleled in the world, how can the Wuwei cavalry be their opponents?"

Jiang Yu glanced at Ma Teng in surprise. He clearly remembered that Ma Teng had an unnatural expression when he mentioned that the Wuwei cavalry was not worth mentioning just now. Do not forget to attack the Wuwei army, what is the situation.

After changing his mentality, Ma Teng felt no guilt at all, cupped his hands and said, "General Jiang, the top priority is, we should hurry up and clean up the battlefield, and then catch up with the general."

Jiang Yu responded: "What General Ma said is to clean up the battlefield quickly and take away everything that can be taken away. The enemy does not need to keep alive."

"General Ma, the former Wuwei City misunderstood, please forgive me, General Ma!" After speaking, Jiang Yu said sincerely.

Ma Teng was also moved. Through brief contact, Ma Teng learned that Jiang Yu's status in the Xiliang Army was definitely not low, and that Jiang Yu's personal ability was very strong. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yu apologized in person.

Ma Teng returned to worship and said: "The general speaks seriously, and I can't blame the general for this matter. It's because the humble officer didn't make preparations in advance."

Jiang Yu said with a smile: "General Ma is indeed a straightforward person, what kind of lowly position is not lowly, from now on, how about you and I being called brothers?"

Ma Teng was overjoyed, and replied, "So do what you want!"

"I see that General Ma is older than me, so I will call him brother from now on." Jiang Yu cupped his hands and said, "Brother Ma!"

Ma Teng returned the courtesy and said: "My dear brother, don't use too much courtesy, you and I are both under the general's command, so we should support each other and work together!"

Jiang Yu said: "Brother Ma's words are very true."

Jia Rong was very puzzled from the frowning and staring at the beginning to the deep affection and righteousness at the time of the return. It was Jiang Yu who explained the matter before and after.

After Jia Rong heard this, he kept nodding and looked at Jiang Yu with admiration. Jiang Yu was able to let go of his identity and reconcile with Ma Teng. Ma Teng's worries.

Jia Rong smiled and said, "It's really a blessing for our army to have such a general as General Ma this time. The contribution of the two of you in defeating the enemy has been recorded."

Jiang Yu was very indifferent to Jia Rong's meritorious service, while Ma Teng was extremely excited. Generals risked their lives on the battlefield in order to keep climbing and for credit.

"General, this time we killed more than 150 enemy cavalry, captured 110 horses, and our army lost 20 people." Jiang Yu clasped his fists and said.

Jia Rong nodded and said, "Write down the name of the brother who died, and pay three times the pension of the Xiliang Army!"

"No!" Jiang Yu replied in a deep voice, mentioning the dead brother, Jiang Yu also woke up from the joy of victory.

Cheng Qiu frowned after listening to the details of the cavalry who fled back in defeat. There has been no news of Cheng Qiu helping Ma Teng to guard the east gate. I have already seen it before, and it was really forced to come to chase. Jia Rong escaped, and Cheng Qiu was the biggest responsibility.

Although the most important of these is the fault of Geng Bi's ignorance, no one dared to mention it. The army in the city occupies a favorable location and people, but they can't defeat the Xiliang cavalry with hundreds of people in the area. This news made Geng Bi's generals feel nervous Starting from Xiao Jiujiu, this is still the case in a narrow city, but in a city with a wide battlefield, how terrifying the cavalry's combat effectiveness will be.

Geng Bi's cavalry, who was usually regarded as a treasure, was defeated by 200 Xiliang troops. I don't know what kind of expression Geng Bi will have when he hears the news.

Cheng Qiu bit the bullet and took over the task of chasing Jia Rong again. Cheng Qiu was not of Gou'an's generation. Although his popularity in the army was not high, he embraced the big tree of Geng Bi, and relied on his tactful behavior to defeat Geng Bi. Under his account, he is like a fish in water.

Geng Bi resolutely took action against Jia Rong, this matter has nothing to do with Cheng Qiu, Jia Rong is not only a nail in the eyes of the family, but also a thorn in Geng Bi's flesh, in the past the most affluent place in Liangzhou was Wuwei, Ever since Jia Rong became the prefect of Jincheng, everything has changed, especially when Jia Rong's attack on Han Sui revealed a strong army, which shocked Geng Bi.

In Cheng Qiu's view, without Jia Rong, Jincheng will be in chaos. When Geng Bi leads the army to occupy Jincheng in the name of countering the rebellion, his strength will rise to a new level.

Ask for red, a new week has begun, I wish you all a good mood!

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