Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 230: Entering the Desert 【Seeking Red】

Wei Fu lowered her head and kept fiddling with the corners of her clothes without saying a word. Jia Rong was also silent, and the atmosphere was strangely quiet.

After a long time, Wei Fu whispered like a mosquito: "Brother, am I pretty?"

Jia Rong felt like his heart was about to jump out of his mouth. The lethality of these words was too great. Under the stimulation of the words, he was already a towering building. Wei Fu's words were faster than the most powerful medicine. The direct hit made Jia Rong's eyes blurred.

"Nice, beautiful." Jia Rong felt a little knotted at the back of his tongue.

After Wei Fu finished speaking, she lowered her head and revealed that her pretty face and ears were burning red.

Jia Rong plucked up his courage and went to Wei Fu's side, and suddenly stretched out his hand to embrace Wei Fu into his arms, causing Wei Fu to groan, and lay in Jia Rong's arms. Wei Fu felt unprecedentedly satisfied and fulfilled, she hoped Time can be frozen here, and the dream that has been dreamed of is finally realized today.

Looking at Wei Fu's delicate red lips, Jia Rong suppressed the excitement in his heart and slowly leaned towards him.

Knowing Jia Rong's intentions, Wei Fu felt that she could not resist at all. Her mother's strict teachings in the past were all forgotten, and her ethics and morals were instantly defeated by her deep love for Jia Rong.

However, Wei Fu's fluttering eyes showed her inner anxiety. It was the first time she had such intimate contact with a man since she was a child. The blood flow rate and heart rate were not inferior to Jia Rong's. He could clearly hear the heartbeats of the two touching each other.

The moment Jia Rong's lips were about to touch Wei Fu, footsteps sounded suddenly. At this time, the two were at the most sensitive moment, both their bodies and nerves were in a tense state. At the first sound of footsteps, Wei Fu flickered His eyes opened quickly, and he pushed Jia Rong aside.

"Will..." Zhang Zhi's words reached his lips and he swallowed them abruptly. He was stunned for a while, then turned his head and ran to the door.

Wei Fu kept beating Jia Rong's chest, complaining, "I blame you, I blame you!"

Jia Rong seemed to enjoy Wei Fu's acting like a baby, he laughed and said, "Okay, just blame me, see if I don't kill Zhang Zhi when I go out, and dare to ruin the good things of this general."

Wei Fu muttered dissatisfied: "I blame others for not closing the door."

Jia Rong slapped his head fiercely, and shouted: "Oh, I forgot, next time the door must be closed, must be closed."

Wei Fu's face turned red in an instant, and she said shyly, "Whoever wants to be with you next time, hurry up, hurry up, I don't know how to be shy."

Jia Rong said frivolously: "Little lady, wait a moment, I will go back as soon as I go."

Wei Fu pushed Jia Rong away with a coquettish sound, remembering what happened just now, a blush climbed up her cheeks again, and in just a moment, the blush was replaced by a sweet smile.

Walking outside the house, Jia Rong coughed lightly and said, "Can I get everything ready?"

Zhang Zhi wiped off his cold sweat, and replied cautiously: "It's done."

"Then what are you doing here?" Jia Rong asked in a bad tone. Anyone who was called out at a critical moment would not feel happy.

Zhang Zhi was startled, his face immediately turned a little pale, just now he heard Jia Rong yelling outside the door that he would not let him go, Zhang Zhi went straight, disturbing the general's good affairs, thinking about it, he felt scared.

Looking at Zhang Zhi's reaction, Jia Rong realized that his tone was a little too harsh, and said in a neutral tone: "It's nothing, you go back, remember to knock on the door when you enter the house."

Zhang Zhi clasped his fists in his promise, and fled in despair. The story of Jia Rong and Wei Fu was also publicized by Zhang Zhi, a gossip in the army, which added some fun to the boring march.

After collecting all the supplies, Jia Rong led his army away that night, heading towards the desert.

After three days, the city gate of Pujiao County opened slowly, and Cheng Qiu led the army into the city with a serious face. Jia Rong has been playing him like a monkey since the pursuit, and the anger in his heart can be imagined.

It turned out that before Jia Rong left, no one was allowed to go out, but anyone who violated it was immediately killed. After killing a few people who went out without authorization, the people in the city were shocked.

The resolute style of the Xiliang Army carefully put away those who had thoughts about Geng Yan, and the noisy market fell silent. Three days later, a bold soldier went out and found that there was no Xiliang Army in the city. The yamen was also empty, and the city gate was opened to welcome Cheng Qiu under the instigation of many soldiers.

"My lord, Jia Rong will lead the army to the desert. Everyone knows that there is a dead end, so you don't have to worry about Jia Rong anymore. You just need to order the counties along the Great Wall to guard the pass. Whenever Jia Rong appears, report it immediately. That's it." Geng Yu bowed to the crowd.

After calming down, Cheng Qiu also wanted to understand the key point, nodded and said: "The words of the county magistrate Geng are reasonable, pass on the order."

Thinking of Jia Rong's death in the desert, a cold smile flashed on Cheng Qiu's face, but thinking of Jia Rong's strong rise in Liangzhou, Cheng Qiu couldn't help but feel worried. It was inevitable for Rong to go to Pingxiang, but Jia Rong escaped from the crisis, occupied Jincheng, and became the prefect of Jincheng.

"There is no team that can walk out of the vast desert yet." Thinking of this, Cheng Qiu smiled again, thinking of the famous Jia Rong being forced to the vast desert by himself, Cheng Qiu felt very accomplished feel.

Perhaps the cavalry is king and invincible in the plains, but it will only become a burden for the army in the desert. As the governor of Liangzhou, Cheng Qiu knows a little about the dangers of the desert.

The goal was achieved, and Cheng Qiu also lost his desire to stay in Pujie. The main reason is that the weather here is unsatisfactory, and there is such a puff of dust from time to time, which is unbearable. The gaze he looks at Geng Yan also contains With a little respect, Geng Yu and Geng Yan are two brothers, and they are of the same family as Geng Bi. They could have found a better county to work, but they chose this kind of place.

What's more, Cheng Qiu still has a very important thing to do when he goes back. The planning for more than half a month is completely paving the way for that matter. This matter is related to the changes in Liangzhou's pattern in the next few years or even decades.

The endless desert makes Jia Rong's good mood of escaping Cheng Qiu's pursuit disappear. Looking around, it is all pure sand, no footprints, no pedestrians, only an occasional cactus in the desert, lonely and lonely. Standing on the vast sandy beach.

In the desert, the most important thing is the water problem. Jia Rong only keeps the water that people need. As for the war horses, they are left to fend for themselves. Along the way, there are not many war horses left. All the meat in the house is dried into jerky.

Just three days after Jia Rong and others entered the desert, they encountered the first sandstorm. The sand covering the sky filled the sky, and the sky and the earth were darkened.

"General, we are finished." The guide said tremblingly.

Jia Rong said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, all get off the horse, get together, climb to the ground, cover your head with your hands, no one is allowed to raise their heads without my order."

"Protect your water!" Jia Rong added.

In the desert, a drop of water is as expensive as oil.

The soldiers suddenly agreed, and quickly formed a group according to Jia Rong's order, with Jia Rong, Ma Teng, Jiang Yu and other generals in the middle.

The sandstorm came whistling, Jia Rong felt the pain from the sand hitting his body, but he didn't dare to move an inch, because Wei Fu was by his side, and Wei Fu's injury was not completely healed, Jia Rong would never allow any mistakes It is too late to know that it is the best when you lose it. Having lost Xiuer, Jia Rong does not want to be without Wei Fu again.

The sandstorm was getting bigger and bigger, and it didn't calm down until a quarter of an hour later. Looking around, there were only sand dunes one by one, and there was no shadow of Jia Rong and his party. The footprints had been swept away by the wind and sand.

A sandbag bulged up slowly, and Jia Rong struggled to poke his head out, breathing in the fresh air greedily. Then one sandbag after another bulged up, and heads stuck out one by one. Without exception, they were all faces. It was red and purple, panting heavily.

Seeing Wei Fu's mouth opening and closing, Jia Rong smiled knowingly. The desert is not terrible, as long as there is a suitable way to avoid it, and the sandstorm is not too big.

Even after avoiding the sandstorm, sixteen soldiers still left this time. Where can we find them on the endless sandy beach? There are only a dozen or so horses left. The joy he should have for the rest of his life, watching the robes of the past leave him one by one, and even the war horses who depended on each other had to give up.

The guide excitedly walked to Jia Rong's side and said: "The general is really blessed and lucky, and he was able to survive the strong wind and sand safely."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Yu and the others showed fierce expressions. If they hadn't been concerned about Jia Rong's presence, they would have drawn their swords to face each other. The guide's words were tantamount to cursing Jia Rong.

The guide was also aware of the inappropriateness of the words, and kept apologizing.

"Hmph, I am the one whose destiny belongs to me. I can't be hurt by a small sandstorm. Crossing this desert is just around the corner." Jia Rong snorted and said disdainfully.

"The man whose destiny belongs to." If these words are spread outside, it will definitely set off another storm.

Jiang Yu and other generals were surprised, and they all bowed: "Follow the general to the death!" As long as they are in the army, everyone from the general to the soldier calls Jia Rong the general. In the hearts of the soldiers, the most admired will always be their general.

Wei Fu looked at Jia Rong with blurred eyes, she could clearly feel that after this escape, Jia Rong became more mature and steady, and more importantly, that kind of self-confidence can influence other people silently , Driven the confidence of the soldiers under his command, even though they knew it was a place of death, they had high fighting spirit, and restored the indomitable momentum of rushing to the battlefield in the past.

"Have you really crossed this desert before?" Jia Rong couldn't help asking again because the lives of hundreds of soldiers were at stake.

The guide did not dare to neglect, and said: "Yes, General, the villain once walked out of the desert."

Begging to be popular, let's work together to push the cavalry to new heights!Can the wind and cloud list and the potential list be on the list?

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