Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 260: Beacon Smoke


Although Jincheng is fighting, the merchants are still coming and going. The profits of soap make the family merchants want to stop. Although Geng Bi is arrogant and domineering in Liangzhou, he dare not go against these dark forces. They turned a blind eye, but the merchants naturally didn't want Jincheng to be captured by Geng Bi's army, and Cheng Qiu, who led the army, became a huge threat in their eyes.

The merchants spontaneously sold weapons, armor, food and grass to the Jincheng prefect's mansion.

The war has entered a downturn, and Geng Bi's temporary army began to show its shortcomings. If Geng Bi chooses to storm the city, no one is willing to risk his life, and these soldiers are not willing to stay quietly in the city, causing troubles constantly, making Geng Bi I'm so busy.

In the counties where Geng Bi, the official army in name, went, the people who chose to stay were basically old and weak women and children. The style of Geng Bi's army made countless people change their colors.

The officials under his command kept admonishing him, and Geng Bi, who was stunned by Lian Shengli, angrily killed several officials who spoke badly, and did not restrain the soldiers under his command, which aroused the anger of many insightful people, especially Geng Bi killed the officials who gave advice, and the courtesy received by the scholars was extremely generous. Even if the power of the state shepherd is great now, it would be very troublesome to openly kill the scholars.

Nearly half a year after the army started, Geng Bi's army only captured six counties. Jincheng's soldiers retreated in Warrior City, confronting Cheng Qiu's army, while Han Sui confronted Geng Bi in Hanyang.

It was late autumn, and Geng Bi's central army suddenly yelled loudly. Dozens of soldiers rushed out of the camp with knives in their hands, and one of them was holding a bloody head.

Seeing this, the surrounding soldiers all changed their colors. Someone yelled "Master Zhou Mu is dead", and the whole barracks completely boiled.

Geng Bi's death was too strange, as for the fact that this general led his troops to kill Geng Bi, it was also puzzling to everyone.

The phrase "the tree falls and the monkeys scatter" is perfect to describe Geng Bi's army. Hearing the news of Geng Bi's death, the soldiers didn't want to avenge Geng Bi, but rushed towards the warehouse, crazily grabbing the warehouse The grain, grass, weapons and armor in many episodes even fought violently because of this.

"Geng Bi has no way, why don't we join General Han Sui!" The general holding Geng Cong's head shouted loudly.

The soldiers under his command suddenly agreed, and followed the general to the city where Han Sui was located. The camp tents and other things on the road were also lit by the soldiers, and billowing smoke floated high into the sky.

A cold arrow whizzed towards the general who was holding Geng's head in the crowd.

With a sound of "Puff", the arrow shot straight into the general's neck, and the tail of the arrow was still trembling slightly.

The general held his neck unwillingly, fell to the ground with a "plop", struggled a few times in vain, and left with a face of reluctance, his eyes wide open, as if he wanted to know who shot the arrow.

Not far away, a general of the Han army put away his longbow and cursed angrily: "The seller has no shame in seeking glory!"

A person dressed as a general beside him stepped forward and asked, "General Liang, what should we do?" "

The general surnamed Liang said: "Get your lord's body first."

"Han Sui is here!" Less than an hour after Geng Bi's death, Han Sui led his army to kill, and Geng Bi's army was in chaos without their commander.

The entire barracks was in chaos, and many Gengbi generals took the opportunity to win over the soldiers, intending to escape.

After Han Sui led his army into Gengbi's army, he shouted "Whoever surrenders will not be killed" all the way. Wherever he passed, the soldiers surrendered watching the wind, and the army of hundreds of thousands collapsed in an instant.

News of Geng Bi's death quickly spread throughout Liangzhou.

After hearing the news, Cheng Qiu, who was attacking Jincheng, led the army towards Wuwei.

Geng Bi's death directly eased the situation in Jincheng and Hanyang. After gathering Geng Bi's remnants, Han Sui took the opportunity to occupy the three counties of Ayangcheng, Jiping and Xiangyang. big boost.

Let's say that Cheng Qiu led the soldiers to Wuwei, the news of Geng Bi's death was known to the whole army, and many generals in the army had already set their sights on Cheng Qiu.

Cheng Qiu was also aware of everyone's attitude, and asked Cheng Yin to lead the soldiers to guard him day and night, even when sleeping.

Three days later, Cheng Qiu was killed in the army, and the team he led was declared disbanded. Jincheng sent Zhang Xiu, Wu Lan, Mi Wei and other generals to march forward triumphantly and captured tens of thousands of enemy troops.

At the beginning, the hundreds of thousands of troops were huge, but I didn't expect that it would turn into this result after only a few months.

At this time, the news that Jia Rong was still alive had already spread throughout the big man, and the forces peeping at Jincheng refrained from thinking carefully.

At this time, there is no doubt that Zhang Li of Jincheng and Han Sui of Hanyang are strong, especially Jincheng, which has strong financial support, and it is extremely easy to expand. Heavy soldiers guard the warriors.

After Dong Zhuo led the army back to Longxi, relying on his prestige in Longxi, he took the opportunity to recruit troops. With the help of Li Ru, the whole Longxi gradually fell under his control, and the prefect of Longxi on the surface became Dong Zhuo's puppet.

After the defeat of Geng Bi in Liangzhou, various forces gradually emerged.

The sun and the moon flew by, and it was the fourth year of Zhongping in the blink of an eye.

In February, the Xingyang peasant uprising army captured Zhongmu and killed the county magistrate Zhu Bo, but was soon wiped out by the Han army.

"Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun allied with Wuhuanqiu Liju to rebel, killed the captain guarding Wuhuan, and the rebels captured Yuyang County. Zhang Ju even claimed the title of emperor." The news shocked the world, and Jia Rong also passed Xianlian Pavilion quickly obtained relevant information.

Although Zhang Jiao rebelled in the past, he used the banner of General Tiangong and dared not proclaim himself emperor openly. The 400-year-old Han Dynasty, even though it was very old, was still supreme in the hearts of the people. The majesty of the Han Dynasty was damaged, but without the stimulation of proclaiming the emperor, it was tantamount to slapping Emperor Han in front of the people of the world.

Emperor Han could tolerate rebellion and would never allow anyone to proclaim himself emperor.

After the Wuhuan rebellion occupied Yuyang County, they continued to plunder the surrounding counties and counties. Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun took advantage of the situation and took advantage of the situation. In Lianke County, wherever the rebels went, it was like locusts passing through. In the beginning, Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun strictly restrained them. , which attracted opposition from many soldiers, and in the end, the two chose to compromise, allowing the soldiers to burn, kill and loot, and the people suffered unspeakably.

A few months later, Zhang Ju's rebel army had reached [-] people, and they attacked all the way to Zhuojun to confront the Han army.

Zhang Ju claimed to be the Son of Heaven, and Zhang Chun called himself General Mitian and King Anding. The two moved to the prefectures and counties, claiming that Zhang Ju would replace Han as emperor, and asked the Han Emperor to abdicate, and the ministers welcomed Zhang Ju.

Zhang Ju's open rebellion has explained the decline of the royal family to a great extent.

The rebels had plundered most counties and counties in Youzhou and Jizhou in a few months, and Qiu Liju of Wuhuan occupied Yuyang, echoing Zhang Ju and Zhang Chunyao.

The Emperor Han was furious when he heard the words, and ordered the Southern Huns to lead an army to attack Zhang Chun and Zhang Ju. At the same time, he issued an edict for Gongsun Zan to lead an army to destroy Wuhuan quickly.

Unexpectedly, the southern Huns also led their troops to rebel and refused to obey the imperial court's orders.

For a while, the big man had no soldiers to use.

Gongsun Zan led Baima Yicong to fight Wuhuan in Shimen. At the beginning, he had a great advantage. With the arrival of more and more Wuhuan people, Gongsun Zan was alone and trapped in the city. He asked Liu Yu for help to no avail. He led his army to flee from Peiping, fought and retreated.

There was another rebellion in Changsha, but it was suppressed by Sun Jian, the prefect of Changsha.

In the fourth year of Zhongping, the entire Han Dynasty fell into the silt of war, but the intrigue of the court never stopped.

Now Emperor Han's body is getting weaker and weaker, and he drags his sick body to court every day.

But regarding the matter of the crown prince, it has been too late to make a decision. The crown prince Liu Bian is older than the crown prince association, but he has lived in the private sector since he was a child, and his behavior was a bit frivolous after entering the palace.

Ordinarily, Liu Bian's status as the crown prince was assured, but it was unbelievable that Emperor Han loved the prince Xie very much at this time, and he wanted to make Liu Xie the crown prince in his words.

That's why the officials in the court were divided into two factions. One faction held high the banner to support the prince's argument. The leader was General He Jin. The reason was very good. The prince was older. According to the rules set by his ancestors, he did not establish a heir but not an elder. , should be established as the prince, not to mention that the prince Bian was born by Empress He himself, so it should be a matter of course to become the prince.

Emperor Han tended to the Prince's Association, so naturally the ministers followed him, and no one wanted to stand on the wrong team at such a critical moment.

The court is divided into two factions, arguing endlessly all day long, but there are very few people who really want to destroy the thieves.

Jia Rong was in Guangyang County at this time, Zhang Chun rebelled, and people were in panic. Youzhou, like Liangzhou, belonged to the border, and wars continued in recent years. They have always pursued the policy of Huairou, as long as they can be appeased, they will be appeased. After a few years, Xianbei and Wuhuan are not only not grateful, but think that big men are easy to bully, and Liu Yu is also very cooperative in sending comfort items.

If things go on like this, it will further fuel the arrogance of these foreigners, and his general Gongsun Zan is a militant faction. Whenever he hears that the Wuhuan people or Xianbei are coming, he will definitely fight. Every cowardly behavior of Liu Yu makes the generals under his command lose their fighting spirit. .

Gongsun Zan studied under Lu Zhi, and was considered the No. [-] figure in Youzhou. He directly expressed his dissatisfaction with Liu Yu, and led his troops to plunder Liu Yu's comfort supplies many times. It can be said that the relationship between him and Liu Yu The misunderstanding is deep.

After Baimayi's last battle with Xianbei, the number of his original 3000 has increased to 6000. Every time he attacked Wuhuan and Xianbei, Gongsun Zan took the lead. He fought from noon to dusk without feeling tired and surrendered. Kill them all, the hatred for the aliens goes to the bone.

Gongsun Zan's prestige deterred the Wuhuan people to a certain extent, but this time Wuhuan invaded on a large scale, Gongsun Zan was short of troops and retreated steadily.

Efforts to update, everyone reading, bookmarking or giving a red ticket will move Yaya, whether you spray it or like it, Yaya likes it all!

Call again, Brother Guangmingzang!

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